Chapter 7

– From the beginning of time… the thread of fate… reconnect…

It’s not a voice I hear.

It’s a message delivered directly to my mind.

It’s not a complete sentence. Some words are cut off.

“Are you saying that you and I are connected by the thread of fate? And that thread will reconnect?”

– …to become complete… I will wait.

I waited for a long time, but after the message saying it would wait, no more messages came.

“What should I do now?”

I looked back, but the door I entered through was not visible.

It’s not about worrying about what to do, but about how to get out of here.

There is no fear in my heart.

Should I say it felt instinctive?

The mana swirling around me doesn’t seem to harm me.

And this place-.

“A place that helps me.”

My master said that just stepping inside for a moment brought significant achievement.

“What should I do?”

I ask the Philosopher’s Stone.

No answer comes.

In the end, it means I have to choose what to do.

It didn’t take long for me to remember what I needed to do.

“I need to create a mana circle.”

Creating a mana circle, the basic condition for activating magic, should be the first thing to do.

I approach the Philosopher’s Stone and sit down with a thud. If this space is created by the Philosopher’s Stone, the area near it should be the richest in mana.

I start the mana manipulation method taught by my master.

– Dragon Breath.

It is a training method that only the tower masters and elders among the wizards of the Magic Kingdom of Kraksha can learn.

Dragon Breath mimics the principle of a dragon inhaling the surrounding mana through its breath and accumulating it in its heart, called the Dragon Heart.

– Creating a circle is creating something from nothing. In the world of imagery, draw the image of a ring surrounding your heart.

The act of creating a circle is to materialize an imaginary ring without form.


I guide the mana that flows in with my breath according to the Dragon Breath method.

The final destination of the mana is my heart.

I can clearly feel the mana entering my body. Warm flame mana, cool wind mana, cold water mana, soft earth mana, electrifying lightning mana…

I can feel all the mana present in the Philosopher’s Room inside my body.


I almost screamed at the sudden change I felt while concentrating on creating the mana circle.

The mana that was entering my body through my breath started to rush in not only through my mouth but also through my nose, ears, and even eyes.

Mana is not only entering through the open holes. It is also entering through my skin.

The amount is incomparable to what was entering through my breath.

It was when I thought something was wrong and tried to stop the mana manipulation method.


Just like before, I instinctively realized it.

I naturally understood that this change, this mysterious event, would be beneficial rather than harmful to me.

Even though my eyes were closed, I could feel the mana swirling around me like a vortex.

In an instant, my entire body was filled with mana.

My master had instructed me to guide the mana around my heart, but I didn’t feel the need to do so.

It felt as if my body itself was becoming mana.

“I am mana, and mana is me, a state of unity. Mana infused with soul…”

As I let my body flow with the current of mana, I experienced another wondrous sensation.

Focusing on the mana, I felt as if my sensory realm was expanding. Even with my eyes closed, I could perceive my surroundings.

It felt as if a new pair of eyes had emerged, not the usual two.

It was as if I had become the center of this world, no, the universe.

Beyond ecstasy, I felt an extreme euphoria.

The change wasn’t limited to my body. The surrounding mana was also showing signs of transformation.

The previously chaotic yet harmoniously swirling flow of mana was now converging into one place.

The newly acquired sense also revealed the colors of the mana.

“Red is fire mana, green is wind, blue is water, ochre is earth-.”

In addition, light, darkness, and lightning mana were also distinguished by color. I hadn’t realized there were so many attributes of mana. There were also slightly different manas with similar properties.

A typical example was water and ice. Ice originated from water, but the color and feel of the mana were slightly different.

It felt as if the whole world was being painted in vibrant colors.

The influx of mana accelerated. The mana filling my entire body condensed, and new mana filled the empty spaces. I worried that my body might explode with a bang.

The external mana continued to gather in one place.

It was becoming a mass of mana with countless colors. It was slowly rotating on the Philosopher’s Stone, constantly changing its shape.

From a circle, it became a square, then a bizarre shape.

Eventually, it began to stabilize.

“An arrow? No, perhaps a giant spear?”

It took on the appearance of a long, sharp arrow or spear.

An immense energy emanated from the cluster of mana.

For some reason, I felt a strong desire to possess it.

It was then.

– Gooo.

As if piercing through the world of my consciousness, mana spewed forth an immense energy.

And then-.

‘No, it can’t be…’

Unconsciously, I opened my mouth and shouted.


Mana’s arrow, mana’s spear pierced my heart.


“If you have a mouth, speak. What on earth is going on?”

“Hasn’t it been four days? Why is the Sage’s Room…”


The Tower Master shouted sharply.

The Grand Elder and the Second Elder glared at the Tower Master.

“I don’t know. I really don’t. This has never happened in the history of the Magic Tower. Why the Sage’s Room has been isolated from the outside, what happened to Woon who went inside…”

The Tower Master raised his hand and rubbed his face roughly.

“I really don’t know.”

“How can you say such irresponsible things? Didn’t I tell you from the beginning that the Sage’s Room was too much for Woon?”

The Tower Master recalled the events of a few days ago.

The incident that occurred after his disciple, Woon, placed his hand on the door of the Sage’s Room.

With a song filled with a holiness he had never felt before, the stone door of the Sage’s Room opened, and an indescribable power, an energy, blew him away.

He didn’t fall to the bottom of the Magic Tower thanks to the Fly spell, but the shock he experienced then was still vividly imprinted in his mind.

‘An irresistible force.’

The Tower Master knew that the force was the energy of mana.

Worried about his disciple Woon, he tried to go back to the Sage’s Room, but unbelievably, the stone door that led to the Sage’s Room had disappeared.

His disciple Woon was nowhere to be seen either.

“Didn’t I suggest giving him good potions and artifacts?”

“We should have proceeded with the unprecedented talent cultivation project.”

Regardless of the Tower Master’s anguish and guilt, the Grand Elder and the Second Elder continued their harsh words.

“He was a talent that might come once in a thousand years.”

“He was a talent destined to restore the lost glory of the Magic Empire.”

There was no way the Tower Lord didn’t know that.

No, the Tower Lord was the one who felt it most desperately and earnestly.

That’s why he sent No-un to the Sage’s Room. He wanted him to walk a different path from the beginning. As the Great Elder said, No-un was a child with talent that could be seen once in a thousand years, a child who succeeded in manifesting mana without a circle, so he thought No-un could gain much from the Sage’s Room.

“And where has the Sage’s Room disappeared to? The Tower Lord must know what the Sage’s Room means to our Magic Tower, right?”

“Of course, I know.”

The Sage’s Room, the Sage’s Stone, is the beginning and end of the Magic Kingdom’s Kraksha Magic Tower, it is everything.

But the Sage’s Room disappeared along with No-un.

No, it didn’t disappear. To be precise, the space was isolated. Just by looking at the four elements swirling at the top of the tower, one could tell that the Sage’s Stone was there.

“If the other elders find out, it will be a big problem, won’t it? It’s something that can’t be hidden forever.”

Elder Lee spoke with concern.

The news about No-un had reached the ears of the other ten elders. They had already expressed their desire to meet No-un several times.


“What did you say? I thought I heard you say ‘please’ or something.”

“Just come back alive.”

The Tower Lord murmured earnestly. Tears flowed down his tightly closed eyes.

The two elders, who were about to say something, shook their heads sympathetically at the sight of the Tower Lord.

How could they not know that the Tower Lord was the most frustrated person?

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“Great Elder.”


The Tower Lord spoke without even thinking of wiping away his flowing tears.

“Convene the Elder Council.”

“Ta, Tower Lord.”

Elder Lee looked at the Tower Lord with surprised eyes.

The meaning behind the words to convene the Elder Council was too significant.

“Shouldn’t the other elders know as well?”

“Tower Lord, you could be impeached.”

“If I did wrong, I should be punished.”

“How about reconsidering it once more? No matter what, impeachment is too much, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s something that can’t be hidden forever.”

Until a moment ago, the two elders who had been harshly criticizing the Tower Master were now trying to dissuade him.

“We’re not saying to hide it. Let’s wait a little longer. Who is Woon? Isn’t he a genius, a prodigy with unprecedented talent? He will return soon.”

“Elder Lee is right. If it’s Woon, he will overcome any trial and surely return to us.”

The Tower Master turned his head to look at the arched window.

It was the window that led to the Sage’s Room.

With a look of strong determination, the Tower Master briefly spoke to the two elders.

“Convene the Elder Council.”

“Tower Master, please reconsider…”

“Let’s wait a little longer.”

The Tower Master growled at the two elders.

“It is the Tower Master’s command. Elder Jang and Elder Lee, convene the Elder Council immediately.”

Realizing the Tower Master’s resolve, the two elders sighed deeply and began to rise.

No, they tried to rise.

– Wooong.

A massive resonance.

It was not a tremor that shook the ground or the tower.

It was an indescribable, incredibly sweet and ecstatic energy that resonated, shaking the bodies of the three people.

“What is happening?”

“Be quiet.”

The Tower Master raised his hand to cut off Elder Jang’s words. The Tower Master, who had risen, ran to the window and went outside. The two elders, sensing something, followed the Tower Master.

And they saw it.

The stone door of the Sage’s Room, which had disappeared with Woon four days ago, had reappeared.

And in front of it stood Woon, smiling brightly, the one they had longed to see.



The Tower Master tried to say something but was choked with emotion and couldn’t speak.

As he tried to gather his emotions and speak, Woon spoke first.

“Are you crying?”

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