The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 1 [1] Eye of Truth

A flock of white-feathered seagulls flew high into the sky, facing the ups and downs of the waves as the inky darkness approached.

Below, a huge semi-mechanical steam-powered ship broke through the turbulent waves and entered a deep and dark sea.

The backflow of seawater, accompanied by the flesh and blood of some crushed sea beasts, spread out.

More sea beasts flocked to devour this scarlet.

A black crow with flapping wings landed at the round window of the ship.

A pair of hands carried it in.

The cabin window was closed and the crow was placed on a hanger beside it.

The wooden walls were hung with some decorative color pictures.

"Next time you don't keep time like this, you will be locked up for three days."

The boy with black hair and black eyes had delicate features and raised eyebrows.

The crow is more than twice the size of its ordinary counterparts. If the feathers were a different color, it might be considered a special bird of prey, such as an eagle or falcon.

The strong and powerful claws were restrained, grabbing the clothes hanger pole, and with a little force, it could be cut in half.

Wang Ya looked at the crow's extremely human eyes looking up, and decided to be patient and serve it with good food and drink.

This was his first experimental material for witchcraft, which consumed most of his energy these days.

When the witchcraft is completed, this little guy should pay the price it deserves.

Wang Ya secretly gritted his teeth and fed it some fresh sea beast meat caught from the sea. The other end of his mind sensed a happy mood.

Only then did he wash his hands in the bathroom in the room.

The bookshelf was filled with neat books, with heavy covers and each page was a special parchment roll.

Sitting on the chair next to him, on the desk in front of him was a half-opened brown book, with a lot of notes written on the draft paper.

This was not the Chinese characters of the previous life.

After traveling to this wizard world for fourteen years, he has completely become a native.

The past memories were buried deep in his mind and became a distant memory.

His current identity is that of a new wizard on this wizard ship.

Among the eighty new students, he is not very noticeable.

Wizards have different qualifications, and he does not agree to gather around those with the top qualifications in order to seek help on the wizard path.

The choice of new wizardry is also [Iron Claw Steel Skin], a small branch of the extraordinary cultivation department.

Among the choices of new students in the elemental energy department, it is like a wolf pack mixed with a Husky.

The wizard experience exchange activities held by the freshmen in the restaurant, he is one of the people who are excluded every day.

However, the most expensive thing for wizards is time and knowledge, and no one will share knowledge for free.

This is one of the wizard essence theories announced by the recruiting wizard "Tuta Wizard" who lives at the bow of the wizard ship on the first day of boarding.

Wang Ya does not care about the so-called exchange activities, which are a waste of time, but is immersed in the complicated wizard knowledge.

The selected [Iron Claws and Steel Skin] to cultivate witchcraft was also understood clearly during the 7 days and nights of sailing on the sea.

After these three months of cultivation, it only takes a while to persist for the black-feathered crow named ‘Halak’, whose claws can tear steel and feathers can defend against sharp arrows.

[Iron Claws and Steel Skin] cultivation of witchcraft is completed.

The destination of this trip is the wizard force-the Dark Land.

If the freshmen on the ship want to truly join in and become wizard students of the Dark Wizard Academy, mastering a witchcraft is a prerequisite.

Wizard Tuta once said, ‘New wizards have six months to stay in the academy. If they cannot master a witchcraft of the lowest standard, they will be expelled to the nearby wild wizard camp. ’

This means being abandoned.

Wild wizards have no knowledge inheritance and no resource supply, and the wizard path is extremely dim.

Most of the results are death of old age, or transformation of themselves, and a lingering life.

Deep in Wang Ya’s black pupils, a fragmented blue light flashed.

[Target: Black Feather Crow]

[Extraordinary Cultivation Degree: 82%]

[Ability: Steel Claw]

[Cultivation Required: 5kg of high-protein supplements (daily), particle energy warming once (daily). ]

"Eye of Truth", has the ability to detect, collect, store information, and then analyze the results.

A certain bizarre and curious game, a passive skill under the wizard profession, the only gift Wang Ya brought to this world.

From a professional perspective, it also complements each other.

Relying on this pair of special eyes, the knowledge that stumped all the new wizards is no longer obscure to him.

Every new student is issued a basic meditation method to outline wizard runes in the sea of ​​​​spirituality... In terms of progress, he is the first wizard new student to successfully outline and give birth to particle energy in his body.

Unfortunately, the innate mental power is 6.1, and the level of qualifications is relatively low, so this advantage cannot be maintained all the time.

The top-level freshmen who came from behind can influence reality and absorb more natural particle energy with the powerful innate mental power.

By affecting the body through the fine particle energy radiation, the body can be strengthened and more particle energy can be accommodated.

Wang Ya has an advantage in this regard. The fine particle energy under the Eye of Truth can be accurate to the extreme.

Other new wizards cannot avoid excessive radiation and damage, so they are cautious and progress slowly.

Wang Ya's progress in mastering new wizardry is currently the highest.

Most of the freshmen have just been born with particle energy, and are in the state of understanding the content of freshman witchcraft, and have not started yet.

There is still plenty of time, isn't it? Six months.

How can tedious and boring knowledge compare to the restaurant exchange activities with handsome men and beautiful women.

The smell of mating hormones will grow wildly under the warm light.

However, for newcomers who don't know much about the wizard world, can they really learn wizard runes and master that witchcraft in six months?

The elemental energy series requires mental strength to meet the standard, and the particle energy in the body to meet the standard before it can be released.

Wang Ya thinks it is very difficult, unless you are a true genius with abundant resources.

Everyone's choice is different.

Wang Ya is like an outsider, quietly watching the freshmen turn the act of dining into a different kind of candlelight evening party.

In the shadow of the corner, chewing the bread with sauce, the slightly sweet taste still frowned.

The freshmen surrounded the people in the center, and their words were more of a foil.

With bright blond hair, a tall body that brought a sense of oppression, and a pair of bright eyes, Arthur spontaneously led the atmosphere of the whole audience, "Friends, today I will tell you about the radiation experience of elemental particle energy."

Only those with innate mental power of 7 are qualified to enter the circle around him.

There are only four people including him, and most of their eyes are on the only girl. Under the warm light, the long red hair seems to burn his heart, and the scarlet pupils facing him are cold.

It doesn't matter, no matter how proud a swan is, she will lower her white neck. Qualification represents the value of the future. His mental power is 7.5.

The probability of being promoted to a formal wizard is the highest.

Sooner or later, the other party will understand that only by relying on a stronger person can they embark on a broader wizard path.

"I'm so envious of you, Arthur, Anna, Rowena, Orson, I wish I had their qualifications."

Speaking with a smile, the man sat down opposite Wang Ya, picked up a piece of sea beast meat and started eating.

: Newcomer, new book, please protect me!

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