The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 12 【12】 Wizard Tuta was severely injured and new rules were implemented.

It was dawn.

Wang Ya could see the blue sky and the color of the early morning sun through the window. The circling seabirds occasionally dived into the sea water to find some small fish as food.

The nearby water surface finally showed the scene of sea beasts swallowing and spitting, which meant that the crisis was over.

Wang Ya pushed the door open and walked out. There were still traces of the killing of thorn sea beasts in the corridor, blood, nail scratches on the floor, everything could explain the thrilling last night.

There were definitely more than one wizard freshmen who survived, and they might still be hiding somewhere.

The most important thing was that the darkness had retreated. Wang Ya was not afraid of the thorn sea beasts, which were almost vomited by killing.

The air was filled with an unpleasant smell of sea water, mixed with the pungent smell of human blood.

He frowned slightly, and when he came to the deck, the salty and humid sea breeze rushed, and the smell slowly faded.

Harak on his shoulder curled up, and the light stimulated it to bury its head under its wings and continue to sleep for the day.

The gray robe was blown up by the sea breeze, so that Wang Ya had to reach out and press the hem of his clothes.

The wizard ship seemed to have sailed to another sea area of ​​the Endless Sea. The sea water was not as deep and turbid as before, but showed a sense of clarity. The scales of fish, shrimp, and some sea beasts could be seen clearly.

Wang Ya stared at the direction of the captain's room, and a fine blue light flashed by.

[Hint: Successfully collected the information of the wizard Tuta, and the analysis results are as follows: biological energy decreased by 80%, and particle energy decreased by 70%. ]

Every carbon-based life will have biological energy. If it corresponds to the game, it can also be said to be a red bar.

Particle energy is equivalent to a blue bar.

Of course, wizards cannot be measured by two data. There is also the most core powerful mental power, which is the medium that affects reality from illusion.

Previously, the Eye of Truth lacked corresponding data and could not determine which stage of wizard Tuta belonged to.

Wang Ya compared himself and boldly guessed that he was at least a third-level wizard apprentice.

What kind of opponent could make such a powerful wizard suffer such a heavy blow?

Is it the person behind the release of the dark and thorny sea beasts!

It is obvious that he is coming for the wizard ship with the purpose of leaving no one alive.

Wang Ya frowned slightly, unable to figure out the clues, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

The most important thing is that he survived. Wizard Tuta should have repelled the enemy, causing himself to be seriously injured.

The next few days may not be peaceful, after all, Wizard Tuta is in a seriously injured state.

He stroked the black feathers of Halak on his shoulders. When relaxed, they are soft, and the warm touch is transmitted to the skin of the palm prints.

After the benign alienation of the thorn heart, Halak's strength has increased extremely rapidly. His strength and flight load are not much different from his previous body size. Even if an accident happens again, he is somewhat sure to survive on the sea.

The iron must be hard, and personal strength is the most important. Only you can go on the wizard's road.

Some footsteps disrupted Wang Ya's thoughts. They were the new wizards who were still alive. Their faces and bodies were more or less covered with blood and some filth.

Anna, who was proud of the wizard exchange meeting, was no exception. Her red hair that could burn the air was sticky and the filth on it exuded a foul smell.

"Oh my God, I'm still alive. Those damn monsters should go to hell and endure thousands of tortures."

"Look at this beautiful sky, what a fragrant sea breeze, everything is so beautiful. It's a pity that my good friends and several old buddies died in the hands of those monsters. It's so sad."

"It's great to be able to survive. Why did such a monster appear on the wizard ship? Where did Wizard Tuta go and what was he doing!!"

A group of new wizards vented their inner pressure without caring about their image.

Some shouted loudly.

Some took off their smelly clothes, stretched their arms, and ran on the deck.

Some cried and even complained about Wizard Tuta and everything they could complain about.

Wang Ya thought about it for a moment and knew how these new wizards survived.

He subconsciously walked towards the edge of the deck, and the stronger sea breeze blew away the smell that made people frown.

Compared with these new wizards, the almost spotless gray robe was undoubtedly too eye-catching.

Many new students also saw Wang Ya and asked, "How did he survive? His clothes are so clean. Is there some way we don't know to avoid the thorny sea beast?"

Anna was also a little surprised, but she didn't think too much, just thinking that this guy was lucky.

The stench on her body made her almost unbearable. She had to find a place to wash five or ten times, and then throw away the damn dirty clothes.

Suddenly, her pupils contracted, and an unexpected person walked out.

There were torn scars all over his body, most of his face was bitten off, and one-third of his scalp was detached. He looked like a ghost and was still bleeding. Such injuries could not be cured by new wizards.

He turned out to be Arthur, he was not dead yet! !

With his empty left arm, he limped out, looking extremely miserable.

His nearly collapsed face finally revealed a terrifying smile the moment he saw Anna.

It was Anna, his woman, the one he loved.

He has lost too much, and he must not lose this woman again.

Many new wizards were frightened by Arthur's appearance. If it weren't for the facial features and clothes, they might not recognize him. Too miserable!

Disfigurement, coupled with the loss of the left arm, may have a great impact on the path of wizards.

Although there are indeed extraordinary potions in the wizard world that can regenerate broken limbs, or many other means, they are definitely not available to low-level wizards.

Anna saw the meaning in Arthur's eyes, which was a kind of infatuation. When she was a mortal, she had seen too many men surrendering to her feet.

This also means that Arthur can't leave her completely.

Maybe he would be happy in the past, but it is definitely not the Arthur now.

That hideous face and ugly body made Anna disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

Without giving Arthur too much attention, she turned and walked towards her room. She needed to wash off the dirt on her body.

Arthur was stunned, his pupils dilated, that kind of cold feeling, is it still Anna, where is the gentle and kind Anna?

A greater collapse and anger burst out from the heart, especially under the dazzling gaze of other wizard freshmen. No, my Anna will never be like this, there must be some misunderstanding.

Arthur glanced at the wizard freshmen on the deck viciously, as if he wanted to eat people.

His status is the highest, and it will never change.

He has the top qualifications and the opportunity to inherit the wizard. How dare these damn low-level freshmen look at him with such pity and gloating!!

Then, Wang Ya, with clean clothes and calm eyes, came into Arthur's eyes.

For some reason, Wang Ya in this state made him hate him even more, even angry and resentful.

Arthur walked towards the cabin in a panic. What happened to Anna? He had to ask if she was so cold to him because of the thorny sea beast and was frightened.

Wang Ya's eyes flashed with a few strange colors, which was very different from the previous Arthur. What kind of stimulation did he receive to become like this?

It was just like a stray dog ​​with a broken leg, afraid that its master would not want it, so it barked everywhere to show off its strength.

But it didn't matter, it had nothing to do with him, just don't mess with him.

Wang Ya looked in the direction of the captain's lounge, what was going on with the wizard Tuta.

Logically, he should have shown up to restore order and determine the route.

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