The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 127 [127] Extraordinary Neurons, Great Mental Power Enhancement

The Dream Wizard is not tall, but he is not thin either. He is very well-proportioned and gives the impression that he is a scholar full of knowledge.

At the same time, I think the reason why I pinch my back to show people is that it has a sense of mystery and unknown, which makes people want to find out more.

At this moment, he slowly turned around and faced Wang Ya.

"Have you satisfied your curiosity?" The Dream Wizard said with a smile.

Wang Ya: "."

Through the eyes of dreams, it is indeed possible to clearly see all parts of the Dream Wizard's body, and the same is true for his face.

But a wooden cyan mask covered the face of the Dream Wizard, even the eyes were covered. The material of the mask is extremely special and has twisting properties. The colorful painting on it is a single eye. The colors are twisted and opened and closed, showing a blinking state.

Wang Ya was silent for a while. It seemed that what the Dream Wizard looked like was really an unsolved mystery in the Dark Land, and it was the most difficult one to reveal.

"Come with me, I know you have a lot of doubts, but you have mastered three witchcrafts. You can talk to me about the dream wizard and my inherited witchcraft. It's up to you to decide."

The Dream Wizard turned his back to Wang Ya again, and gradually walked towards the interior of the Maple Leaf Forest.

Wang Ya maintained the state of Dream Eye and followed in time.

Strangely enough, once the Dream Eye is opened, if it is not closed actively, it will remain so even if the mental power is exhausted.

The dream wizard seemed to know what Wang Ya was thinking, and said as he walked, "Whether it is the Eye of Dreams, the Heart of Dreams, or the Sword of Dreams, the three witchcrafts are based on the combination of your own consciousness and spiritual power. They are the release of What comes out represents the extension of your own consciousness.”

"Dream witchcraft is different from the witchcraft of other wizard systems. It has the largest proportion of consciousness and mental power. It requires less consumption of particle energy. Your mental power replaces the role of particle energy to a certain extent."

"But the most peculiar thing about mental power is that there is no real exhaustion. Even if you feel that your mental power has been exhausted, in fact it still exists. As long as you still have mental power in the three witchcrafts, you can Always maintained.”

"Of course, when it reaches that point, there is no need to maintain it any longer. The worst result is mental breakdown and brain necrosis."

The words of the Dream Wizard echoed throughout the Maple Leaf Forest.

Wang Ya had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Set foot on the familiar stone path.

The Dream Wizard asked Wang Ya again, "What do you think is spiritual power and what is consciousness? Based on your guess, what do you think the essence of the Dream Wizard is."

Wang Ya thought for a moment and quickly gave the answer, "Consciousness is closely related to spiritual power. It affects reality from illusion. Whether it is an elemental wizard, a blood wizard, or a mechanical wizard, the source is all wizards. Extraordinary spiritual power can be extraordinary as long as it can affect reality."

"Similarly, the same is true for the Dream Wizard, but I don't understand how to deal with it if it only affects the illusion and encounters enemies in reality."

Wang Ya expressed his doubts. Witchcraft of other systems can create extraordinary things in reality. Dream witchcraft can only affect the spiritual level, attacking in the enemy's dream or directly attacking the enemy's spiritual and conscious levels.

If this is the case, Dream Wizard will not be much weaker than other systems.

Xinmeng Lake still looked like maple leaves covering the water. As the two walked on the stone path, there were colorful and strange aquatic creatures, revealing the lake surface and spitting out bubbles.

This is different from what we see in reality.

In fact, the things Wang Ya saw along the way were very special. They were all abstract and distorted, but they might return to a solid state of reality in the next second.

It should be related to the Eye of Dreams, or this place.

A maple leaf appeared on the palm of the Dream Wizard. He handed it to Wang Ya and said, "What you said is not wrong. The depth of knowledge you possess far exceeds that of the average second-level wizard apprentice. Even some third-level wizards A super wizard apprentice, some of my understanding and ideas are no longer as good as yours."

"But this is only a small part of what the Dream Wizard involves." The Dream Wizard continued, "What do you think this maple leaf is?"

Wang Ya was stunned for a moment. Isn't a maple leaf just a maple leaf? How could it be transformed into a maple leaf? Wang Ya looked at the maple leaf that turned into a butterfly and flew away in the palm of his hand. Colorful graffiti lines were twisted on its body. He hesitated to speak.

Wang Ya had never been to the platform in the center of Xinmeng Lake. The Dream Wizard didn't seem to have any intention of taking Wang Ya deeper. He just stopped at the edge of the platform in the center of the lake.

As the Dream Wizard stretched out his hand and tapped lightly, a large number of maple leaves gathered together to form a table and two chairs.

Of course, this was only superficial, but Wang Ya saw that the original shape and structure of those maple leaves were transformed into the most basic twisted color lines, and under the influence of some kind of force, they were repainted into chairs and tables.

Those colorful lines were very rough at every corner. When Wang Ya sat on the chair, he even felt a little psychologically uncomfortable.

The Dream Wizard waved his hand again, and two cups of chocolate-colored liquid appeared on the table. A pair of eyes opened on the surface of the liquid, as if it were a living liquid creature. The eyes were very ignorant and cute, full of curiosity about everything in the world.

The Dream Wizard pushed the cup towards Wang Ya.

The liquid swayed slightly, and those big bright eyes blinked.

Then a small mouth opened under the eyes and spoke to Wang Ya, "Hello, stranger, can you be Ah-Dai's friend? Ah-Dai saw you at the first sight and felt that you So kind.”

"A-Dai has parents and no friends. He is so lonely. If you can be his friend, A-Dai will not be lonely."

Wang Ya: "."

"Drink it!" said the Dream Wizard.

Wang Ya's lips moved, and he was about to say something, but the liquid creature immediately started crying, "Don't eat Dumb, Dumb wants friends, mom, and dad, wuwu. Please, Dear friends, don’t eat Dumb.”

"Ah-Dai has nothing. Ah-Dai doesn't want to be eaten. At worst, Ah-Dai will let you."

Wang Ya used his tongue to lick the liquid from the corner of his mouth clean, with an unfinished expression on his face.

He put the empty cup back on the table, but soon, an incredible look appeared on his face.

The liquid is extremely smooth, flowing directly down the throat and moisturizing all parts of the body, and is absorbed instantly.

The taste is also extremely delicious, but this is secondary. The most important thing is that it produces an extremely amazing effect.

Like gurgling water, it nourishes Wang Ya's mind and relieves the huge pressure caused by excessive mental consumption.

Even his original mental strength has improved.

[Tip: Unknown liquid intake and absorption will increase mental power by 0.2, current mental power: 22.4]

The effect is almost as good as some extraordinary potions, and there is no discomfort or side effects. This alone is already more valuable than extraordinary potions.

Wang Ya looked at the Dream Wizard with curious eyes.

The nature of this liquid that can speak and think, like a living intelligent creature, cannot be seen by Wang Yazhen, and it does not belong to the data database information collected by the Eye of Truth.

"That is a dream creature, originating from the dream world and does not exist in reality." The dream wizard said with a smile, but it also aroused Wang Ya's curiosity.

The Dream Wizard did not give in, but directly told Wang Ya everything he wanted to know.

"The dream world is a place that only those with 'potential' can explore. It is a special space world that not only exists in the wizarding world, but also in the entire endless starry sky. There are all kinds of weirdness, surprises, and illusions in it. biology."

"Without 'potential', you will never be able to enter the dream world or become a 'dream wizard'. Your 'potential' is extremely high, and you may be able to go further than me on the road to becoming a dream wizard."

"You have always been curious about my status, and you must have guessed it now. Yes, my true body is in the dream world. I can only anchor it to the wizarding world through some special means, so that it can appear, and I can It’s said to be a different kind of influence on reality.”

The Dream Wizard did not talk too much about this, but told Wang Ya the conclusion of a wizard experiment.

"The brain cells and neurons in the human brain are inextricably linked to consciousness and mental power, and they are consumed all the time. Ordinary mortals, as time goes by and age increases, they will continue to be consumed. In old age, At that time, some brain diseases, such as forgetfulness, dementia and other symptoms, will appear.”

"An individual's mental power will also continue to decline. Generally speaking, only mortal youths between the ages of 18 and 25 will reach their peak number of neurons. The same is true for their mental power, and then they will continue to weaken."

The dream wizard changed his voice, "But the number of neurons is not fixed. Even in the lifetime of an ordinary mortal, the number of neurons that can be consumed only accounts for about 2%. The remaining 98% of neurons , exists in the hippocampus of the brain, but it is in an immature state.”

Wang Ya frowned slightly, but the thoughts in his mind started to spin rapidly.

The Dream Wizard stretched out his finger, tapped Wang Ya's forehead, and said with a chuckle: "Don't you understand, the Dream Wizard's path."

Wang Ya's eyes suddenly brightened, "Teacher, what do you mean? As long as these neurons are cultivated and matured, mental power can be improved in other aspects."

The dream wizard shook his head and said: "You are half right. Even other wizard systems, and even the wizard meditation method you practice, are undergoing this process, but the progress is very slow, and it can be said that it is almost useless. There is a certain gene in the human body Expression, and specific factors, will specifically express this part of neurons, causing these neurons to decrease spontaneously.”

"Neurons and related research are the greatest inheritance of my dream lineage. They are not witchcraft or extraordinary knowledge. I will not give that to you."

"What I want to give you is how to focus on the cultivation, strengthening, and even sublimation of neurons. Other formal wizards have different paths. The way to choose also depends on the direction of their wizard experiments."

"As for the dream wizard's witchcraft and wizard's path, you need to understand and create it yourself and move forward. I will not create a second me."

Wang Ya had complicated emotions and took a deep breath, with immense respect for the Dream Wizard in his heart.

This is a real teacher who takes everything into consideration.

"Wizards don't need these unnecessary emotions. You have mastered three witchcrafts and are already qualified to explore the dream world. Everything else needs to be obtained and realized by yourself. Your potential is higher than mine, and you will definitely gain something. There will be more than me, but there are also more potential dangers.”

The Dream Wizard pointed to the depths of the island behind him.

"The Dream Garden Secret Realm can serve as an adaptation area before you enter the dream world, and it is also a safe area. That is the dream territory I opened up in the dream world. Of course, it is only relatively safe. If a powerful dream creature breaks in, my dream power cannot block it."

"There is definitely danger, and it is possible to get lost in it." The Dream Wizard stared at Wang Ya seriously, and his lips moved up and down, "You have a second choice, that is, like Kelan, give up this path and choose to learn and master the inherited witchcraft of the Dream lineage, as well as those extraordinary knowledge systems."

Wang Ya looked at the Dream Wizard with the same serious eyes, chuckled and said: "What I want to know is, are there any dream creatures in the teacher's dream territory just now."

The Dream Wizard was stunned, then his expression changed, and the corners of his mouth raised A curve, and at the end he laughed, "Yes, of course, if you have the ability, then go and catch it."

"Swallowing dream creatures is one of the ways to improve mental power and dream power. It is also the only way I tell you to fulfill your ambition within a hundred years."

A yellow door loomed behind the Dream Wizard. He pointed, "Then do you want to enter the Dream Garden?"

Wang Ya sighed helplessly, "Teacher, don't play such a cold joke with me."

The Dream Wizard smiled and said, "I thought you were going to be dazzled by the benefits of dream creatures. It seems that you are very sober."

"With your potential, it will be no problem to complete the basic extraordinary knowledge of the Dream Wizard system within a month."

"I am looking forward to it."

One month later.

The Dream Wizard Tower

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