The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 155 [155] Analyzing Advanced Witchcraft and Opening the Black Core

"Unknowingly, winter has passed. I have been coming to the Dark Land for four or five years, and now that I think about it, it still seems a bit paradoxical." Mas leaned on the sofa, still drinking his favorite wizard drink.

Warm lights shine in the room, and the light and shadow are scattered on everyone's face. Compared with the first time, they are more mature, stable, and taller and taller.

Mas is the largest one among the four, and his robe has been taken off, revealing his strong muscular shoulders.

Perhaps it has something to do with the knight swordsmanship he learned during his mortal days.

To this day, he still likes to pick up a cross sword and hunt extraordinary creatures when completing the wizard's mission.

"Today is a belated celebration of the New Year. Let us have a brighter future for each other's wizarding path, and let everyone become an official wizard." Gray was still full of enthusiasm as before, holding a glass of wizarding drink and stood up stand up.

Wang Ya was holding the wizard's drink with the familiar toad legs exposed.

The four people clinked glasses with a crisp sound.

After drinking the drink, they looked at each other again.

Smiles appeared on their faces.

As for exchanging wizarding experiences, there was nothing to do. They all discussed their thoughts on the future and what kind of wizard they would become, under Gray's smiling guidance.

Or, which wizards are different from what they appear to be, which wizards are powerful, and which wizards have different personalities.

There was even some vague gossip about being a formal wizard.

Wang Ya smiled and said some things about the Dream Wizard, but they were all irrelevant and gossipy answers.

"Gray, it has been rumored recently that you have entered the Condor School. Even the inherited wizards favor you. It really makes me jealous." Mas said jokingly,

"There is another Wang Ya, and you too have become a disciple of the Dream Wizard. I thought you wouldn't come to this party today."

Gray laughed and said, "I know Wang Ya best. Even if he becomes an official wizard, he will come to this party because we are best friends."

Wang Ya held the wine glass and took a sip. This kind of atmosphere is something that many wizards have lost.

Mona sat aside, watching the three people chatting and joking with her big eyes, and the corners of her mouth raised an arc involuntarily.

Wang Ya suddenly remembered something.

Gray actually hopes to join the legacy of the Condor School?

The memories in my mind contain some records from the Condor School.

The Dream Wizard also gave him some popular science in this regard.

It was an extraordinary school established by the Warlock family, and the Condor Wizard was a bloodline Warlock.

Different from bloodline wizards, although warlocks also develop bloodlines, they do not need to learn wizard meditation methods. They only need to increase the concentration of bloodlines, which will strengthen themselves over time.

Both mental power and physical body will increase, and finally, like a true extraordinary creature, it will have all the characteristics and innate abilities of the relevant bloodline.

Bloodline sorcerers can also be regarded as a branch of bloodline sorcerers.

Generally speaking, the Condor School only recruits fellow sorcerers.

Gray is not a blood sorcerer, nor does he seem to be following the path of a blood sorcerer.

The brown-skinned lizard was just his choice when he first became a wizard.

The pupils were glowing with a shredded blue luster.

[Target: Gray Brandy]

[Strength: Level 2 Wizard Apprentice]

[Mental Power: 24]

[Physique: 18]

[Wizard Path: Soul Controlling Wizard]

Wang Ya was a little surprised in his heart, but it didn't show anything on his face. He still smiled lightly and drank the wizard's drink.

When it got darker, the four of them also walked out of the "Yeyeye" Wizard Tavern.

The ground was covered with a layer of silver, leaving obvious footprints on it.

Wang Ya said "See you next time" and left in the direction of the Fantasy Tower.

After walking for a while, he stopped and his eyes flickered.

Gray's strength is abnormal.

The mental power value is only a few points worse than his.

How could he, who was just a civilian wizard, advance so quickly? Even those genius wizards from wizard families could not compare with him.

Wang Yayou's current mental strength value is all thanks to the dream meditation method and the convenience of the dream wizard system.

If he had followed the normal path of an elemental wizard, perhaps his mental power would only be around 23 now.

Dream products that can enhance mental power are exclusive to the Huanmeng lineage.

The Condor School only values ​​it, and has not yet joined.

Even if he joins, it is impossible to have so many resources for Gray to improve.

Teleportation fluctuations enveloped the whole body, and Wang Ya appeared inside the third layer of space.

I couldn't think of a reason, so I simply stopped thinking about it.

While on the wizard ship, Gray's mental power improved very quickly.

Come to think of it, it's the opportunity he has.

Even Wang Ya himself has the special ability of the Eye of Truth.

Put on the experimental wizard robe and step into the laboratory.

For Wang Ya at the moment, improving his strength is the most important thing.

Regarding the subsequent changes and rewards of this wizard mission, it will probably take ten days and a half like the evil god mission.

First, he went to the biological breeding room and checked Halak's condition.

In the huge cultivation space, the walls and ceiling were covered with oil-like black liquid sputtering.

There were even more on the floor, sticky, and there were many skeletons of creatures, but the color was gray and black, full of dead gray.

Wang Ya's eyes fell on the innermost part of the cultivation space, where black liquid was rippling, forming a pool of flowing water, all of which were secreted by the black gully-like spherical object.

The length and width reached about three meters, and the tentacles of various creatures were distributed in the small bumps on the surface of the gully, which looked like the meat and eggs of some strange creatures.

Boom, boom, boom!

The subtle heartbeat sound sounded like a drum or a bell to Wang Ya, which was very obvious.

This was the synaesthesia transmission from the spiritual imprint and the soul imprint.

[Target: Halak]

[Spiritual Power: 8]

[Constitution: 31+ (transforming)]

[Bioenergy: 98+ (transforming)]

[Supernatural Characteristics: Head of Shadow, Blood and Flesh Furnace, Black Eyes of Defeat, Deep Touch of Infection, Infinite Blood Core]

[Estimated Remaining Transformation Time: 4 Days]

A satisfied look flashed in Wang Ya's eyes. Halak's current life level is firmly at the level of high-level supernatural creatures.

When all biological energy is completely digested, the all-round values ​​will increase.

As for supernatural characteristics, this requires a breakthrough in potential.

The dream infinite genome has just ushered in the moment of progress.

Wang Ya took out the black core from the red metal ring. The black spells covered the surface and were still flowing.

In the faint black luster, it seems that many distorted faces can be seen, squeezing on the inner surface of the black core. The faces are constantly changing, as if they are cursing.

With a smile on his lips, he did not remove the witchcraft seal on the surface of the Black Core.

There are many black souls inside, so we must prepare in advance.

And this Black Core is between the extraordinary witchcraft and the witchcraft creation, and it is obvious that it has a deep connection with Rui Lisi.

Maybe when the seal is opened, the other party will use this medium to cast some curse witchcraft.

Black wizards are old experts in this regard, so we have to be on guard.

Wang Ya decided to unseal the Black Core and remove Rui Lisi's imprint between the Maple Forest and the Heart Dream Lake.

With Teacher Huanmeng backing him up, he can let go and do it boldly.

Wang Ya did not believe that Rui Lisi dared to cast the medium curse witchcraft in front of a formal wizard.

Following the curse fluctuations in the dark, connecting the network cable to hit people is not a joke.

As for how the Black Core can help the dream infinite genome experiment,

The answer should be in the numerous black souls. The black core can accommodate so many souls, which is very special.

It should be more than that. Looking at Rui Lisi's expression, this thing is obviously very important, even enough to risk one's life.

After it is unsealed tomorrow, let the Eye of Truth analyze it and you will know.

Wang Ya came to another experimental room.

This experimental room is very spacious, and there are many wizard instruments stored, but the most conspicuous is the huge culture chamber in the middle.

Only the last head of the Gendasi dog is left, which is the dog of the boarding girl Lasi.

After absorbing the rest of the heads, it has changed its appearance. It no longer has the original canine head shape, but has become a mobile scarlet meat paste with no fixed shape, and it is irregularly combined with various shapes.

It even has some characteristics of Halak's infinite blood core,

[Consciousness coexistence experiment]

[Experimental process: Success]

[Experimental situation: All consciousness soul fragments exist in a single individual, and are commanded by the strongest will, and can be converted at any time, and the rest of the consciousness exists in a part of the flesh and blood, and can think independently. 】

Wang Ya stretched out his palm, and in the culture chamber, the sticky scarlet flesh and blood clung to the wall of the chamber, and moved with the movement of his palm.

This situation was very amazing.

Wang Ya saw a unique beauty in it, a different kind of beauty from Halak.

If the successful results of the coexistence of consciousness experiment were applied to Halak, and the infinite genome of dreams was added, Wang Ya seemed to think of a scene, that is, every inch of Halak's flesh and blood, and even every cell, could have fragments of consciousness, which could be separated and formed into new individuals.

It can even be said to be the mother of life, a combination of thousands of lives.

Just thinking of that scene, Wang Ya was already excited.

Just spitting out a mouthful of black mud, satisfying enough biological energy supply, can form a complex number of lives. This is the authority of the Creator. In some myths and legends of the previous life, it can be compared to the way of creation of the great goddess Nuwa.

It may take a long time to achieve this process, but Wang Ya has enough patience and energy to complete this matter.

Of course, he will not slack off on his own strength.

Soon, with the fluctuation of the witch array, he came to the laboratory where the blood-sucking king vines were cultivated.

In the adjacent plant culture chamber, the nutrient solution and the water of life were absorbed by the secondary body, but it also successfully grew a complete form, meeting the requirements of Wang Ya's experiment.

When conducting the consciousness coexistence experiment, Wang Ya did not waste the remaining Gendass dog bodies, but specially processed them many times, which were most suitable for the magic plant Gendass fusion plan.

A sealed bottle appeared in his hand, with a very viscous liquid in it, showing two colors of scarlet and black. The most important thing is that the two have not really merged, but are clearly separated.

Wang Ya directly poured the liquid in the bottle into one of the secondary culture chambers.

Part of the flesh and blood of Harak and all of the flesh and blood of Gendass can restrain each other and play a certain role in neutralization. Coupled with the adaptability of the magic plant itself, the success rate of the experiment will be greatly improved.

After doing all this, Wang Ya went directly to the study.

The cold wind outside the window blew the pages of the books on the table. The tower spirit strictly followed Wang Ya's orders and kept a certain ventilation every once in a while.

Wang Ya closed this extraordinary book and put it in the gap between the third books in the first row of the bookshelf.

He took out a new wizard book to review it.

It can be regarded as consolidating everything he has learned. This wizard book is more like a general outline, which is more or less mentioned.

He remembered some wizard courses he bought from the wizard Jia Lan when he was a new wizard. Among them, the pharmacy subject has not yet taken a class.

If he has the opportunity to meet the legendary wizard teaching pharmacy, he must get back the fifty magic stones.

It was afternoon.

Wang Ya also felt that he should consider acquiring advanced supernatural knowledge.

There was also an advanced witchcraft called the Wrath of Hephis in the inherited witchcraft book.

Now he had some ideas and creative improvement directions for advanced witchcraft, and he was not limited to mastering this advanced witchcraft.

The Flame Demon witchcraft he created might not be worse than the inheritance of the Rhine lineage.

It might even be stronger.

However, Wang Ya decided to master it. After all, it was inherited from the same lineage, and when creating advanced witchcraft suitable for himself, he could also learn from it.

[Target: Wrath of Hephis]

[Expected analysis time: 15 days]

As for the seventh wizard rune of the "Return to Dream Meditation Method", it will take about 60 days to analyze.

This is inevitable. As the value of mental power increases, the progress of improvement will slow down a lot.

Regarding physical fitness, Wang Ya is ready to start with a grasp, mainly to remind the unit of particle energy.

If he had mastered advanced witchcraft, with his current particle energy unit, he could only release it two or three times, and then he would need to evacuate for replenishment.

Taking drugs (Azure Potion) also takes time to digest, and it is difficult to play a role in battle.

Everything went according to plan, and Wang Ya also received a task message change notification from the Dark Land headquarters around the tenth day.

ps: All the outlines have been sorted out to the mid-term. Today I know who I am. My typing speed has increased to 4,000 words per hour. I am fast when I have ideas. Today, 20,000 words will be updated (directly adding the 10,000 words of the leader), wait for me.

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