The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 164 [164] Tracking, attacking, beast tide

The voice of Wizard No. 2 echoed throughout the projection space.

Fuzzy shadows covered the faces and bodies of all the wizards, but after years of interest, they all had some guesses about each other's identities.

The only thing that cannot be determined is the identity of No. 3, which one it should be.

"No. 2, what do you mean by this?" No. 4 said with some confusion: "This is something that all of us agree on, and there will be no mistakes. We didn't end up personally. Everything was done by those who were punished." A wizard who acted spontaneously and did not violate the rules of the Dark Land."

Then he looked at Wizard No. 1 and Wizard No. 3. They just sat in their original positions without making any speech or action.

Wizard No. 2 sneered and said: "You don't know what kind of situation we are in now? Think about it with your elm heads, this is a period of internal searches. If you say there is no danger, there really is no danger. What!”

"As long as you do it, it will definitely leave traces. If you want to erase the traces, you will leave more traces. The only way is to do nothing and don't create extraneous problems."

"Every member of the Illuminati plays an important role. We cannot lose anyone, but your behavior puts the entire Illuminati in danger."

Wizard No. 4 frowned and his expression was very ugly. This was the first time he had been reprimanded like this, and his face immediately looked gloomy as if he couldn't stand it.

By simply projecting a special blurred shadow in space, the specifics of each other's faces cannot be observed.

There is no equality within the Illuminati. Strength and position can be distinguished by serial numbers.

The second wizard was much higher in strength and position than him, but that didn't mean he could be reprimanded at will.

"This is not necessarily the case. The internal search is one thing, and our measures are also another. The two cannot be confused. Long before the internal search, we had already dealt with it from beginning to end. No matter how we investigated, we could not find it. Come on."

Wizard No. 4 is very confident about this.

Other numbered wizards in the Illuminati also learned about the search in advance.

This is the advantage brought by the information gap. You can arrange it in advance and get rid of some things that should not exist.

The news of the internal search was brought by Wizard No. 1.

But it is inevitable that a lot of profits and resources will be lost to clean everything up.

Wizard No. 3 said abruptly: "It's a good thing that you are so confident. But if you want to do it, you have to do it cleanly, to stir up public opinion and engage in information bombing. This approach is very low-end, very boring, and second-rate. The reason why the wizard says you are stupid."

"The more complicated it is, the easier it is to make mistakes. It's better to invite King Yahalak to the battlefield directly. Let out your anger when it's time to vent it. If you want to decide life and death, that's fine."

As soon as these words came out, the serial number wizards present immediately became silent and their eyes lowered a little.

It's not that they haven't thought about this aspect, but Wang Yahalak's identity and the current environment, jumping out like this is completely seeking death.

It is equivalent to actively exposing information. When the time comes, there will be no problems, but some problems will arise.

"What's wrong? Didn't you say you've finished the work? Why don't you say anything now?" Wizard No. 3 said in a very mocking tone, sneering.

The eyes under the blurred shadows fell on everyone, as if they had broken through the cover and saw their hearts.

This made the wizards present feel particularly uncomfortable. They wanted to say something, but in the end they could only remain silent.

Wizard No. 3 only found it boring. Since he wanted revenge and wanted to let out a sigh of relief, he should do it openly and settle the matter once and for all.

They all felt that they were fine and could withstand the investigation, but they were afraid of Wang Yahalak's identity as the No. 3 wizard. They only felt disappointed in their hearts. These guys in front of them were so high or low that they couldn't handle such a small thing well.

This meeting lasted a little longer. They also informed each other about the specific situation of the internal search, what specifically needed to be done, and how to keep the Illuminati alive for a subsequent comeback.

When the projection meeting was about to end, Wizard No. 1 stood up from his chair and said only one sentence, "The Illuminati will suffer both losses and prosperity. Since we have decided to deal with Wang Yahalak, let's do it seriously. ”

"Wang Yahalak's target task has been determined and will be conveyed to him in three days. It is to leave the headquarters and go to a wizard city in a jurisdiction to deal with the raging of extraordinary creatures in the wild. It seems to have the tendency to cause a beast tide. This is a good opportunity, you guys If you want to vent your anger, you can do it yourself on the road.”

"Does this make thoughts accessible?" Wizard No. 1 looked at the figure of Wizard No. 1 present with a faint look.

Wizard No. 2 and Wizard No. 3 both raised their eyebrows. Some thoughts came to their minds, but they did not show any opinions.

"If you don't say anything, that's acquiescence. As for the possible exposure of information, you don't have to worry. I will use my connections to handle everything and there won't be any problems."

The hoarse voice of Wizard No. 1 echoed, but his tone was decisive and full of confidence.

This confidence has also infected other serial number wizards, and their hearts are ready to move.

Finally, the first wizard spoke in agreement.

The other wizards with serial numbers also responded one after another.

"I will tell you the specific time when the time comes. Numbers 2 and 3 and I have to deal with some issues in our positions. If there is a little trouble, we will leave first."

Three figures disappeared at the same time in the projection meeting.

The remaining wizards were relieved because the first three wizards were able to do what they promised and never failed.

"Wang Yaharak, you should also taste the taste of loss."

The fourth wizard snorted coldly, and the wizards present all responded in agreement.

Although they could not kill him, they could injure, cripple, and damage his foundation without any problems.

The red flames quickly covered the entire witchcraft test field, and then the light gradually enlarged and shone more brightly, and the color changed from red to deep red and extended.

Such light is enough to melt the eyes of mortals, and blinding is the lightest result.

With the restrained powerful particle energy fluctuations, everything along the way was quenched into dust by this energy fluctuation.

In three months, Wang Ya has completed the creation of advanced witchcraft of the Flame Demon witchcraft school.

Five low-level witchcraft, three medium-level witchcraft, and one high-level witchcraft.

The witchcraft connection and system balance have reached the current highest level standard.

Even the school of elemental witchcraft is more powerful than the school of dream witchcraft.

Wang Ya dispersed the particle energy supply, and the deep red light gradually disappeared, gradually revealing the situation in the field.

It was very shocking. The 40-meter range of the test field seemed to be roasted by the energy flame. The charred charcoal and the powder were some unsolid building materials that could not withstand such a high energy degree.

The tower spirit came with a voice.

"Unnamed witchcraft, degree exceeds 8 degrees, casting time: two seconds, particle energy unit consumption: 10. Tip: The level of this witchcraft has reached the advanced category, and the power is too strong. Please use it with caution."

The environment of the witchcraft test field has become like this. The memory metal puppet has long melted into a liquid on the ground. It really takes a very long time to recover.

The time required for the movement of metal microparticles to reorganize back to their original appearance has been greatly increased.

This advanced witchcraft not only brings power, but also more terrible energy pollution and some lethal characteristics.

[Yan Yang Steaming Kill: The advanced witchcraft created by the wizard Wang Ya, combines the characteristics of three medium witchcrafts, combines the melting principle formed by impact, collision, and diffusion, gathers a large amount of particle energy at one point, and uses a special frequency amplitude to enhance the activity of the internal fire element particle energy, so that it continues to be active and warm, and finally reaches the critical point to release. ]

[Tip: There is no upper limit to the power and range of this witchcraft, which is directly related to the particle energy supply of the caster. ]

[Evaluation: Absolute high temperature, absolute energy intensity, absolute destructive power, and absolute wide-range attack witchcraft. ]

In other words, if Wang Ya injects all the particle energy into it, the degree of power formed will be stronger and the range of influence will be wider.

Wang Ya now truly masters a bottom-of-the-box witchcraft.

The two witchcrafts of burning fire and fear of burning and ultra-high temperature cluster particle waves were derived and developed before.

It mainly focuses on the frequency amplitude of particle energy, thereby releasing special clustered high-temperature rays.

In the secret realm competition, those red floating machines gave Wang Ya inspiration.

Burning Fire Fear is to increase the number of the original Fear of Burning Fire to form a range attack or trap the enemy.

It will be more convenient and targeted to deal with large enemies.

However, now with the Yanyang Steaming Kill, this improved witchcraft is actually somewhat overlapping, and Wang Ya rarely uses it.

Ultra-high temperature clustered particle waves are also Wang Ya's conjecture about the change in the nature of particle energy. Buying the essence of the black snail is an advance preparation.

It is also one of the three medium witchcrafts.

The transmission wave enveloped Wang Ya's whole body, and he appeared in the study the next moment.

Regarding dream witchcraft, it is not suitable for testing in the witchcraft test field, but he did create the third medium dream witchcraft.

[Dream Shattering Kill: In the dream perspective, by condensing the consciousness dream body, go to the dreams of other people, weaken them at the spiritual level, and cause damage. ]

[Grade: Medium]

[Dream Power Consumption: 3.1 Units]

[Hint: When entering the dream of the corresponding life, only when the dream power is strong enough and the extraordinary mental power is vast enough, can you try to cast this witchcraft and kill people in the dream. If the opponent's mental power is stronger, there is a great possibility of backlash. ]

[Task Information: Danger of Beast Tide]

[Level: B]

[Location: Condor Jurisdiction, Magic Shield Wizard City, Kingdom of Brazil]

[Details: The mortal nobles of the Kingdom of Brazil sent a message to the Magic Shield Wizard City and found that a large number of extraordinary creatures gathered in the forest within the kingdom and had begun to attack humans. The number is large and continuous, and there is a possibility of a beast tide rising. ]

[Goal: Investigate and eliminate the specific situation, resolve the extraordinary creatures to the maximum extent, and prevent the formation of the beast tide. If the beast tide has already formed and cannot be stopped, the indicator task information can be resubmitted. 】

[Reward: 600 magic stones, 400 dark points, one chance to obtain low-level supernatural knowledge (inheritance land)]

Wang Ya's eyes flashed with some thought. Once the beast tide rises, the Brazilian Kingdom will definitely be destroyed, and even some of the surrounding mortal kingdoms will be affected.

The beast tide accumulates, and as the number of supernatural creatures involved becomes more and more uncontrollable, it is not impossible to brew a more terrible disaster.

The rewards for the C-level missions have been upgraded to a higher level.

Unfortunately, the opportunity to obtain low-level extraordinary knowledge has a very limited effect on Wang Ya, and its relative value has been reduced.

Fortunately, the dark spots and magic stones have given a lot.

What Wang Ya is least afraid of is the aspects related to extraordinary creatures. In the secret realm competition, he manipulated tens of thousands of extraordinary creatures in one fell swoop, and truly formed a beast tide.

Halak flew in from the window and landed on the desk. His wings were retracted, and his bird head gently rubbed his fingers, looking very well-behaved.

"Little guy, this time I may let you perform well and let you eat enough."

The indicator mission information is almost impossible to be wrong. Wang Ya felt that the previous mission was just a little bit unlucky.

Didn't the witch mission go wrong? Instead, it ushered in a great opportunity.

This time should be no exception.

He has restored his normal luck.

Even if a beast tide really appears, it is a piece of cake for Halak, and there will not be any big problems.

The beast tide represents the variety of extraordinary creatures, which can just allow Harak to increase the number of gene fragments of the infinite blood core.

Wang Ya did not tell anyone about this target mission. He stuffed Harak into the sleeve of the wizard robe and went to the corresponding wizard city through the teleportation tower.

He did not tell anyone about the last target mission, and he became normal all of a sudden, and encountered a lot of opportunities.

Whether it is metaphysics is not important, Wang Ya thinks he still has to try it.

"Wang Ya Harak finally left the headquarters. The number one wizard is indeed a powerful person. He exposed all the information about this guy."

In the Illuminati, except for the first three wizards, the rest of the numbered wizards are eager to fight and are a little excited.

They received relevant information from the number one wizard in advance, and knew the time of Wang Ya Harak's target mission and where he was going.

Even now, there are their people in the teleportation tower, observing Wang Ya Harak's whereabouts at any time.

Why are they excited? Naturally, their status is not as good as Wang Yaharak's. They are the apprentices of the formal wizards, the inherited wizards, and the real core inheritance of the school. Now they have the opportunity to suppress the inherited wizards, which is an extremely pleasant thing.

"The beast tide is good. There are so many extraordinary creatures. Even if they die in it, it is not surprising. They are just wizards of the lower house."

Several people received the message from the wizards of the teleportation tower and set off quickly.

The energy white light emitted by the teleportation tower enveloped the members of the Illuminati. Each of them had a corresponding way to hide their identity information, and it was impossible to determine whether the other party was a real wizard.

Even when teleporting, they were not teleported together.

Instead, they went separately to the wizard city near the Magic Shield Wizard City in the Condor area.

About ten minutes after they left, a tall figure stepped into the teleportation space.

He wore a hood on his head, covering his face, and could only be seen from his frowning eyes.

And the location of the teleportation was also the Magic Shield Wizard City.

ps: This chapter was mentioned at the end of last night’s chapter, and I will update it later.

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