The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 18 [18] Searching corpses to store witchcraft tools, purely for show


The waves slapped against the hull, and a few splashing water droplets turned into brilliant waves under the sun.

The strong inertia made the wizard freshmen present subconsciously hold their hands nearby, and wait until the vibration calmed down before slowly approaching the position under the deck.

With yesterday's experience, the wizard freshmen became more adaptable, and after the deck tilted and sank into the water, they jumped down like dumplings.

Wang Ya once again noticed the malicious gaze, which was locked on him.

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, he shook his shoulders lightly, and Harak, who flapped his wings and flew high, gradually disappeared in the sunlight. Then he followed the tilted deck into the sea.

Arthur had been waiting for this moment, and immediately followed, with a fierce and murderous look under the black cloak.

It was easy for Arthur to swim in the water. His eyes were locked on the figure paddling his arms on the sea in the distance, and a cruel look appeared on his face.

But soon, he found that he was not as good as the other party in paddling.

Wang Ya's figure gradually slowed down, as if he had locked onto some sea beast.

The wizard ship was almost a small dot in the direction behind him.

The distance they left was really far.

Arthur didn't care about these, only Wang Ya in his eyes, gradually approached, and at the same time, he fumbled for the witchcraft scroll from his robe pocket.

As early as when the wizard was making related extraordinary props, he would consider various usage environments.

The parchment scroll of the witchcraft scroll has been treated in various ways to be waterproof, high temperature resistant, and even to a certain extent isolated from the influence of disorder, ensuring the smooth activation of witchcraft.

This time the particle energy is related to water.

[Water Prison Corruption] forms a water prison area, and the enemies within the range are subjected to high-intensity water pressure, and the liquids present at the same time will have corrosive power.

It is a medium-level witchcraft.

Arthur was much more cautious because he didn't approach Wang Ya rashly and lost an arm.

The range of witchcraft can be directly increased to 50 meters in such a convenient environment as the sea.

As the particle energy was injected into it, the formation above was triggered, and the [Water Prison Corruption] accumulated in the compression formation was about to be used.

Suddenly, this situation was interrupted, and the sense of crisis between life and death made Arthur swing back suddenly.

The strange black shadow, at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to capture clearly, passed through the original position and plunged into the water silently.

What is that!

Arthur looked at the place where it entered the water in panic. He actually felt an extraordinary breath from the black shadow.

What a joke, there are extraordinary creatures in this broken place.

He didn't notice it at the first time, as if his perception was blocked.

Is this a trap?

Arthur, who reacted, had lost the ability to capture Wang Ya's figure in his eyes. When the other party disappeared, his heart suddenly jumped, as if something extremely bad was about to happen.

"Damn Wang Ya, you are plotting against me." Arthur, holding the witchcraft scroll in his hand, activated it at the fastest speed. However, Arthur, whose heart had been beating very fast since just now, felt a pain that touched the depths of his soul.

The witchcraft scroll failed to trigger.

The body can't move!

The particle energy in Arthur's body became extremely chaotic, just like an engine stalled.

The red color visible to the naked eye appeared on his face.

The extraordinary toxin "Red Scale Poison".

A small wound, a trace of blood flowed from the cheek.

It was the unclear shadow that moved.

Arthur, who realized it later, had bloodshot pupils, anger and resentment, and his open mouth could not make any sound.

The greatest characteristic of "Red Scale Poison" is paralysis.

The icy dagger pierced into the heart from behind, and more Red Scale Poison was injected into the body.

Arthur's whole body was stiff, and he felt the heat in his body was draining away. The sea water was gradually dyed red, and his vitality was also taken away. His pupils gradually became gray, and all his expressions lost their color.

Life is really fragile! Just a slight movement can take everything away.

Wang Ya's eyes were cold and fluctuated a little. This was the first wizard he killed with his own hands. An indescribable feeling existed in his heart.


Harak jumped out of the water, spread his wings and shook off the sea water. The perfect body curve allowed him to return to the flying state in the first time.

The sharp claws pierced into the spine of Arthur's body. The small body burst out with amazing power, holding Arthur's body and maintaining it on the sea.

Wang Ya was shocked just now. He would never make a mistake. What Arthur held in his hand was a witchcraft scroll.

If it weren't for being prepared, preparing more red scale poison, and Harak's sneak attack, the toxin would be infected into the opponent's body first.

Once the witchcraft scroll is activated, the result of this battle is really hard to say.

The arrival of the witchcraft scroll made Wang Ya very curious. Such a precious thing could not be obtained by a new wizard.

There was no channel to obtain it on the wizard ship, except for a wizard named Tuta.

The thin figure of wizard Tuta appeared in Wang Ya's mind, and the cold feeling was still vivid.

Wizard Tuta would not interfere in the affairs of new wizards, let alone take out things like witchcraft scrolls.

A slightly tedious process of touching the corpse.

Arthur didn't have much on him, only some swollen white bread. The only thing that made Wang Ya frown was probably the red metal ring hanging on his chest.

His pupils glowed with blue light.

[Hint: Preliminary analysis completed: This item is a wizard alchemy item, a very sophisticated storage magic weapon, with certain restrictions, and it needs to meet the mental requirements to fully imprint the spirit. ]

Wang Ya's eyes lit up instantly. He was sure that the witchcraft scroll in Arthur's hand was related to this storage magic weapon.

The restriction required this point, maybe Arthur didn't fully master the storage magic weapon. The things inside are naturally unknown and have not been fully discovered.

This is simply a pillow for sleepiness.

The preservation of the thorn heart has been settled, and the unknown exploration of the storage magic weapon made Wang Ya smile with joy.

Every piece of Arthur's body was in a tense state. The effect of the red scale poison was even better than Wang Ya expected. The actual combat effect was very useful.

Halak can be used as a surprise assassination method.

Sharp claws plus the red scale poison, if you are not prepared, as long as you get a little bit of it, the balance of victory will tilt towards Wang Ya.

Wang Ya did not forget the witchcraft scroll tightly held in Arthur's hand. It took a lot of effort to get it down, as if it represented Arthur's last obsession and unwillingness.

The resentful and angry expression on his face is still vivid, but the dead eyes will never blink again.

The body slowly sank into the endless deep sea.

Wang Ya glanced at it indifferently and swam towards the direction of the wizard ship.

He was very curious about what was in the storage device.

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