The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 180 [180] Unknown substance kills the soul

The two returned to the Dark Land and dealt with the corresponding matters.

This trip took about half a month.

As for the problem of the Black Sun Ruins, it is necessary to gather at least four extreme wizard apprentices, or have comparable power.

Wang Ya also told Kaze Antun about his ideas. The other party said that he would go back to the family to discuss with someone and then give a reply.

However, it is likely that he will agree.

The Antun family has two extreme wizard apprentices, including Kaze Antun.

There are quite a few third-level wizard apprentices, but there are too many people and it is very likely that the news will be exposed.

Hades can be brought along. The other party is quite strong. After ten years, his strength should have stabilized.

As for Zak Antun, Wang Ya did not consider it. Although the puppet witchcraft is good at human wave tactics, it will not play any role if its own hard power has not been upgraded to the third-level wizard apprentice.

Moreover, Wang Ya has Harak, who can completely control a large number of extraordinary creatures through the ability of deep infection. Such human wave tactics may not be comparable to puppets in terms of single units, but they are absolutely overwhelming in terms of number.

Harak can infect and control as many extraordinary creatures as there are, and there is no need to spend time making puppets.

The advanced version of the Black Servant can even mass-produce third-level wizard apprentices, provided that they have that kind of black soul.

Of course, for the extreme wizard apprentices, human wave warriors can no longer play a big role.

Unless there are more than a plurality of third-level wizard apprentices, they can pose a threat to the extreme wizard apprentices and compete for a period of time.

In Wang Ya's mind, he recalled the white bone wizard he found in the Black Soil Kingdom. The opponent was the strength of an extreme wizard apprentice, and he killed nine third-level wizard apprentices by himself.

He also handled everything cleanly.

After the internal search, the defection of Wizard Denor seemed to confirm the identity of that person. A group of beneficiaries called the Illuminati seemed to have the purpose of killing people to silence them.

In the end, the matter was exposed and the entire Illuminati was destroyed.

For such tumors parasitic on the rules, the Dark Land will never tolerate them.

Wizard Denor was killed by Wizard Iss and his body was brought back to the headquarters.

Many wizards of the Berkeley family are still defecting.

Beta Berkeley is hiding in the Dark Land, which is a thorn in the hearts of many law enforcement wizards.

In ten years, no wanted wizard has been arrested.

This is a shame.

In the third-level space.

Wang Ya changed into a white lab coat, tied his cuffs and trouser legs tightly, and took out the rusty cross sword from the wizard ring with curiosity.

It is no different from an ordinary cross sword. Instead, the sword body is worn out, rusted, and has gaps and tatters. The pitted surface has black stains that cannot be removed, like the traces of dried blood.

The hilt is also very sloppy, full of barbs and scratches, and is made of wood.

‘According to Rui Lisi, this cross sword has a lethal property. Anyone who stabs the body, even if it is cut or stained a little, will force the injured to die, and it is force majeure. ’

The analysis result of the Eye of Truth is also somewhat similar to the analysis when the golden pocket watch was obtained.

[Tip: The cross sword is made of ordinary iron metal, and the handle is made of wood. The marks on it are caused by the cross sword and the metal weapon after the chopping, and after a long time, it has evolved into what it is now. 】

In Wang Ya's mind, a mortal knight holding a cross sword appeared, fighting on the battlefield. Anyone injured by the sword in his hand turned into a dead soul.

[Hint: Some special, undefined thing exists on the cross sword, with a lethal property. Attachment: It is unknown whether there are side effects of use, and it is unknown what specific effects it has. It needs to be tested in practice. 】

Wang Ya's eyes flashed with thought. It seems that his strength has improved. After the transformation of the Eye of Truth, his analysis ability has increased.

When analyzing the golden pocket watch, there was not so much information.

'Unknown substance' 'cannot be defined'

Wang Ya's heart was born with unprecedented curiosity. He had not studied the specific effects of the golden pocket watch since he got it.

Now there is another similar abnormal item, which makes Wang Ya want to study it.

But it has to be after the Black Sun Ruins Project.

After leaving the laboratory, Wang Ya appeared in the witchcraft test field under the transmission of the witch array wave.

Wang Ya caught an ordinary wild monkey to test the efficacy of the abnormal items.

The use of the golden pocket watch is to write the corresponding information, put it in the lid, turn the hour and minute hands, and reverse the individual time state.

As for whether there are any side effects, they have not been found yet.

Wang Ya rarely uses it.

Recalling the scene when he first got the golden pocket watch and used it boldly, Wang Ya's mouth twitched. Everyone has a young time. If he were now, he would not use it rashly.

However, one piece of information can be confirmed.

Even if there are side effects, they are borne by the individual who reverses the individual time state.

As for the use of the rusty cross sword. Wang Ya recalled that it seems that there is only one way to hold the hilt and pierce the enemy's body.

Halak spread his wings, and a granulation tentacle shot out from it, piercing the shivering monkey's neck. As the tentacle moved, part of the bacteriophage was implanted into the monkey's body.

Three minutes later, the completely infected monkey stood up under the control of Wang Ya's mind, and pulled out the rusty cross sword with both hands.

A door on the wall of the test site opened, and a low-level extraordinary creature of the wild boar type rushed out, making an irritable roar. In his blood-red eyes, there was only the little monkey standing in front of him.

Trampling the ground, the fangs yearning to bend slightly, and the dripping mucus monkey held the cross sword with both hands. In his pupils, the speed of the extraordinary creature rushing over was not as fast as imagined. He could clearly see the ups and downs of the neck, the beating of the heart, the contraction of the muscles, and even the friction and rotation of the bone joints.

Just because all this was controlled by Wang Ya, the rusty cross sword in his hand stabbed out according to the predetermined trajectory.

The extraordinary creature seemed to be going to die on purpose. It was hit in the neck and throat, and blood splattered everywhere like a fountain.

Something strange happened.

Originally, with the vitality of this fierce pig, the heavy bleeding would last for ten minutes. The strong heart provided amazing vitality.

But at this moment, even the body seemed to be controlled by an invisible force. The beating heart, the splattering blood, and the living body could not prove that the fierce pig was still alive.

The fierce pig was indeed dead! !

Just because the soul disappeared and was annihilated.

It was not even vanished into thin air.

The spirit and the soul disappeared completely.

Wang Ya's pupils contracted, and even he did not notice the clues.

Incredibly weird.


The monkey screamed. Without Wang Ya's conscious control, when the severe pain occurred, it had an instinctive fear and panic reaction.

It was the rusty cross sword. The hilt was made of wood and had some sharp barbs, but they were very small. If the skin was not very weak, they could be ignored.

At this moment, the spikes seemed to come alive and pierced directly into the monkey's hands, forming alternative wooden thorns, which were extremely small and wrapped around his hands.

A large amount of blood flowed out from the hilt. Wang Ya's consciousness was in the monkey's body, and he also felt the heaviness of his hands, and unconsciously dropped the rusty cross sword.

"Is this the price!"

Wang Ya's pupils flickered. Everything is conserved. Balance cannot be without a price, and abnormal items are no exception.

This seems to be a constant trend.

Just like the hidden immature neurons in the brain, even the human genes themselves will cause them to disappear.

As a result, the memory declines and the mental state decreases. It seems that nature is suppressing the existence of a long-lived and intelligent life.

The monkey's hands were completely disabled. There was no trace of blood or flesh, only a layer of skin and bones.

The thorny wood strips at the hilt of the sword still wrapped around his hands and penetrated his finger bones.

There was no abnormality in other aspects of the body and brain tissue.

The bacteriophage had no way to prevent this from happening. It came very suddenly. The flesh and blood of that part disappeared directly. Just like the boar was killed, the physical body was stabbed, but the mental power and soul disappeared.

This is a contradiction and fatal. No wonder Rui Lisi said that once the body is stabbed, the injured enemy will definitely die. If Wang Ya was stabbed and saw blood, he would probably end up like the boar.

A fearful look appeared on his face. Such an abnormal item was too illogical and unreasonable.

If he didn't have the means to change his mind from virtual to real, he would probably die under this special rusty long sword.

However, the limitations are also very serious.

If you can't stab the enemy, it will not produce any effect.

Even if the opponent has the means of virtual to real conversion like Wang Ya, it can't achieve the effect.

The rusty cross long sword, the material itself is a cross long sword forged from metal iron, which is very ordinary. The long sword can only cause physical damage, without any extraordinary properties. To produce that terrifying effect, it must first stab and draw blood before it can be judged.

That's right, Wang Ya believes that this is a display of extraordinary properties in the form of judgment.

Just like the nightmare potion he took before, accept the judgment test of mental will.

If you pass, you can be promoted, and if you fail, you will suffer side effects.

The effect of the rusty cross long sword has been produced, and the side effects will naturally come.

In this situation, with this performance, some memories of the evil god Gendath inexplicably emerged in his mind.

That shocking battle that cannot be described in words, and the "Book of Everything" in the hands of the Deep Blue Wizard.

Wang Ya uttered two words with some uncertainty, "Rules!"

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