The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 182 [182] The conspiracy of White Lake Wizard City

The environment around the God Blood Tower is fundamentally different from that of the Fantasy Dream Tower.

There are few trees, many mountains, and a lot of steel structures. Similar to the railroad tracks in the previous life, they extend deep into the underground mines. Many wizard mechanical puppets are constantly digging raw materials and transporting them to the God Blood Tower through the railroad tracks.


Sparks are flying everywhere. It is a mountain range that swallows and spits out underground fire. Many muscular, huge, shirtless men are on the built stone platform, using huge metal hammers to temper the extraordinary metal.

This seems to be a way to exercise the body, and it can also extract extraordinary metals, killing two birds with one stone.

Wang Ya is now the encyclopedia of the dark land, and he still knows this information. These people are all members of the God Blood School. The God Blood Wizard often assigns some tasks. It is estimated that smelting extraordinary metals and creating corresponding extraordinary wizard tools are the task assessments of the God Blood Wizard.

If the assessment is successful, there will naturally be many rewards.

It is said that when accumulated to a certain level, one will directly become a member of the God Blood School and become a inherited wizard of the God Blood lineage.

Almost every blacksmith has a firm face and a desire for muscles, machinery, and blood in his eyes.

Wang Ya has never seen a God Blood wizard, but only heard one or two words from the Dream Wizard. Now he has a picture of a God Blood wizard in his mind.

Facts have proved that he was not wrong.

From the bare woods in the distance, a burly figure wearing an extremely ill-fitting wizard robe appeared. Every step he took on the stone road made a subtle and heavy sound, and also stepped on the stone slab to crack.

Without hair, the smooth bald head seemed to be able to reflect light. The skin was bronze, even black. The muscles under the wizard robe were obviously larger than those of the wizard members smelted on the volcano.

From the appearance, there is not much difference between the two.

At least Wang Ya was blinded, and felt that the wizards of the School of Divine Blood all looked the same, as if they were carved from the same mold.

"You are Wang Yahalak, right? I've been waiting for you for a long time, but I didn't expect you to come to me now."

The middle-aged man's loud voice rang directly, but it did not spread the sound, because the sound was all in Wang Ya's mind, almost making him deaf, and his eyes were dazed for a moment.

A pair of strong and powerful hands grasped Wang Ya's arms, and the cold and heavy touch came over, making Wang Ya take a deep breath and almost scream.

Because it really hurt him.


Those hands were like reinforced concrete, the muscles of the arms were bruised, and even the bones were a little dislocated.

Even if it was real reinforced concrete, he could crush it directly with his hands.

With his current physique, some ordinary extraordinary metals can easily leave fingerprints.

Wang Ya was almost certain of the identity of this big man.

Wang Ya bowed slightly and said in a low voice: "Respected God Blood Wizard."

"You are a little weak, just like that old ghost Huanmeng, so fragile that a gust of wind can blow you down." The God Blood Wizard let go of Wang Ya and rubbed the stubble on his chin with his right palm.

He looked at Wang Ya and nodded and said: "You are a little ugly, but your spirit is not bad. Come with me."

Wang Ya followed the God Blood Wizard very honestly, and the particle energy surged towards the position of his arms, controlling the ability of metabolism and gradually healing those injuries.

Looking at the extremely broad back of the God Blood Wizard, Wang Ya didn't know what to say. He hesitated several times and finally fell silent.

The God Blood Wizard obviously knew everything and took Wang Ya to the inside of the God Blood Wizard Tower, to the layer of space that belonged to him.

The most eye-catching thing is of course the large mine, with all kinds of pits and bumps on the surface. A large number of wizard puppets on the rails are busy loading raw materials and ores and sending them to the huge building in the center.

Wang Ya was shocked. This building is completely incomparable to the castle in his three-story space.

Square, huge gears are embedded in the four directions of the building, and there are more complex structures, but Wang Ya can't understand it.

The first impression he had was that it was big, and the second was hot!

There were residual ground fires gushing out on the goose-warming stone path, and the degree and power were not small. Wang Ya had to perform a particle energy witchcraft.

The God Blood Wizard walked barefoot on the goose-warming stone path. The red-hot goose-warming stone seemed to have become his massager, and strange sounds were made while walking.

The God Blood Wizard spoke, and as expected, Wang Ya was insulted again, "Your body is too weak, you need to practice more, little guy, you can't even bear such a small earth fire. This is a massage that few people can enjoy. I really recommend you to try it."

Feeling the signs of the boots melting under his feet, he seemed to be standing on the goose-warm stone path. The particle energy shield arranged by Wang Ya has a defensive nature against the degree of energy flame. The earth fire is also a kind of extraordinary flame, which is also in this category.

Wang Ya was speechless. People's physiques cannot be compared with each other, and the abilities of wizards cannot be compared with each other. The God Blood Wizard should have achieved the ultimate in the strength of the physical body.

[Target: God Blood Wizard]

[Strength: Level 1 Wizard]

[Spiritual Power: ? ? ? ]

[Physique: ? ? ? ]

Wang Ya felt a little regretful in his heart. It seemed that he had to upgrade his strength to the ultimate wizard apprentice before he could use the Eye of Truth to see the specific data of the official wizard.

In the open-air smelting valley, the temperature expanded even more, and the temperature released by the ground fire made Wang Ya narrow his eyes.

Everything you see is glowing with a faint red color, and even the stone walls of the valley are tempered by the high temperature and become extremely hard.

The metal gears are embedded in the middle of the stone wall. The internal structure is extremely complex, with extraordinary fluctuations of the witch formation, which seems to be related to the underground fire and connects the entire space.

Everything is centered around this smelting valley.

The divine blood wizard took Wang Ya deep into the valley, entered the tunnel carved out of the mountain wall, and came to the other side.


The suppressed sound was like the roar of some kind of creature, and similar to the undulating waves of the sea and the breathing of the world itself.

The extremely terrifying temperature swept toward Wang Ya. His pupils shrank, and the particle energy in his body surged instantly, forming a fire element particle energy shield, and the internal and external temperatures canceled each other out.

Wang Ya still couldn't help but take a step or two back, looking at the crimson clouds outside the passage with shocked eyes.

"How about it? It's spectacular enough. Are you frightened? My mountain of swords and sea of ​​fire, 50% of the extraordinary witchcraft produced in the entire dark land are completed here."

The divine blood wizard seems to have become accustomed to the temperature difference that is like a wave sweeping in and then receding.

Holding his hands, he glanced at Wang Ya showily.

Wang Ya had to admit that this was a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire in a literal sense, which was indeed shocking.

Outside the passage, there is a high temperature that can change the celestial phenomena, as well as gushing fire, which is continuous and extends far away. A large number of chains are wrapped around this part of the mountain wall, interspersed across the sea of ​​​​fire.

It was also a large mine stacked with extraordinary metals, exuding strong extraordinary fluctuations. There were countless extraordinary metals that Wang Ya could recognize at a glance.

Even the two special metals that Wang Ya unexpectedly harvested were so big on Nadao Mountain that they almost became a small mountain.

Wang Ya had to admit that he underestimated the divine blood wizards. It should be said that he underestimated the wealth of the official wizards, especially one of the twelve people in the Supreme Council.

"Amazing!" Wang Ya said without hesitation in praise.


The sound of the collision of gold and iron was carried far away from the Knife Mountain, showing diffuse fluctuations, which made Wang Ya, who was walking on the iron cable plank road close to the cliff, look at it with dazzling eyes.

The divine blood wizard glanced at the third-level wizard apprentices belonging to the divine blood school on the mountain of swords. There were about twenty people, who were constantly beating the extraordinary metal.

Although wizard technology can be used to complete such tedious things, and even upgrade the entire Divine Blood Tower. The Divine Blood Wizard himself refuses to transform the Divine Blood Tower. For him, he can only experience the purest metal, and in the process of tempering and beating, Only by finding the temperature of metal and the breath of metal can you become a qualified mechanical wizard or alchemist wizard.

He also has such strict requirements for the wizards of the Divine Blood School.

As if remembering something, the divine-blood wizard's eyes were filled with melancholy, which was extremely rare for a wizard with a bold personality like him.

The divine blood wizard said: "You know, this opportunity for you is your teacher, the dream wizard, who helps my disciple break through to the official wizard."

Speaking of which, there is no further explanation.

Wang Ya noticed something hidden in it, but he didn't say anything.

On the mountain of swords, many wizard members of the divine blood lineage saw the arrival of the two men, but they did not stop what they were doing. They just expressed their respect for the divine blood wizards with their eyes.

Then he continued to beat the extraordinary metal in front of him. The spattering sparks merged into the expanding earth fire. The sweat dripped and evaporated, a primitive wildness, and an absolute sense of power came directly to his face.

"What are your requirements for your extraordinary witchcraft?" the divine blood wizard asked.

Wang Ya had already thought about it before he came, but the moment he saw the sea of ​​fire on the blade, he changed his mind a little.

At least in terms of functionality, another part has been added.

Wang Ya told the divine blood wizard his request.

"Little guy, your ambition is not small." A look of thought flashed across the face of the divine blood wizard, and then he said: "Okay, I agree. The most suitable thing for you is a growth-type extraordinary witchcraft."

"But when the time comes, we will need your flesh and blood, part of your soul power, and your extraordinary spiritual power to intervene."

"It takes about three months to create an extraordinary witchcraft. In the third month, you must come to me to complete the final process."

Wang Ya nodded silently. As for the rest of the time, he could naturally complete his own affairs.

Condor Precinct

White Lake Wizard City.

It is famous for its vast and widely distributed White Lake. Under the sunlight, the branches and leaves of the white trees on the shore tremble in the wind, reflecting the light on the lake surface, and the overall scene is sparkling. It is very of magnificent beauty.

A large number of wizard ships are sailing in and out of the White Lake Wizard City. They carry many extraordinary products, all of which are obtained from the White Lake.

At the same time, White Lake is also connected to a waterway that circulates through the entire Dark Land and eventually enters the Endless Sea.

The waterway is also a water trade route, which makes the local wizards in White Lake Wizard City have a mouthful of food. It has naturally become the desire of many wizards to work here.

The competition is very fierce, and most of them are wizards from the school lineage and wizards from the wizard family.

It is impossible for ordinary wizards to get a job here. Even if there are, they are at the lowest level to execute the wizards and supervise the wizards.

In the free zone of Wizard City, there is an expensive wizard residence.

Beta Berkeley opened the door with a gloomy face and entered. Many other wizard members of the Berkeley family lowered their heads, not daring to offend the current head of the family.

During the past ten years, the Berkeley family was constantly found by law enforcement wizards in the Dark Land. Those who were arrested and brought to justice were also directly killed.

As of now, the total number of people is less than thirty, which shows how brutal it is.

And among the thirty people, there were only ten wizards who had reached the third level of wizard apprenticeship.

As for the ultimate wizard apprentices, there are only three left, including Beta Berkeley.

It can be regarded as the last hope and the last elite of the Berkeley family.

"So the Natural Ring Tower sent you to contact our Berkeley family?" Beta Berkeley looked at the woman with a black soul in the room, her tone was very cold.

The opponent's floating aura is extremely weak, let alone a third-level wizard apprentice, even a second-level wizard apprentice is choked.

This made Beta Berkeley feel no joy at all. Natural Ring Tower did not pay attention to them, otherwise it would not be so perfunctory.

No matter what, they were also one of the top ten wizard families in the past.

The other two extreme wizard apprentices in the room had equally ugly expressions. A tall man with a full beard named ‘Truman Berkeley’. One person's eyes were as cold and slender as those of a snake, and his name was 'Gula Berkeley'.

The woman is under great pressure. After all, these are three ultimate wizard apprentices. Even in her prime, she was only as strong as a third-level wizard apprentice.

If Wang Ya were here, he would be able to find out that the woman was the natural spirit ‘Reilis’ that he killed.

I don't know why, but it came back to life again.

"There were some accidents in my state, and I am only in preliminary contact with you to assist you in completing the layout of the White Lake Wizard Tower. Later, the Natural Ring Tower will send out extreme wizard apprentices to pick you up and complete the agreed plan."

Rhyllis took a deep breath. This frail body and weak soul state made her extremely uncomfortable.

Wang Ya's figure couldn't help but appear in his mind, and the battle that day was still vivid in his mind.

The colorful bubbles were very strange, and her choice was extremely wrong. She actually used her soul power to infect those bubbles.

There were actually real dream worlds inside, and her consciousness and soul were lost in it, let alone infected.

In the end, her soul power and consciousness were completely wiped out by the colorful bubbles, turning them into the nourishment of the bubble dream world.

This was 70% of her soul power and the source of the curse, all lost in that battle.

The real body was also killed by Wang Yahalak, and he simply resurrected the soul embryo in White Lake Wizard City.

Ruilis gritted her teeth, feeling secretly resentful that this was the second time that man had hurt her. At the same time, Ruilis was also a little scared. The other person was growing too fast, almost abnormally fast. The exaggerated report to the Natural Ring Tower may now become a fact. When Wang Yahalak grows up, he will definitely become the biggest obstacle to the Natural Ring Tower.

She didn't realize it herself, but she had a certain shadow on Wang Ya deep in her heart.

"I believe you can see the situation and know the current situation." Ruilis said in a calm tone: "Besides our natural ring tower, do you, the Berkeley family, have any choice?"

"Besides, didn't your Berkeley family have the same idea at the beginning? The internal search in the Dark Land only promoted this result in advance."

The three extreme wizard apprentices had gloomy eyes and did not speak. They were just thinking about something.

The atmosphere in the room became increasingly depressing.

"There are no high-pressure rules in the Natural Ring Tower. There is only true law of the jungle, which is also the most suitable for the development of the wizard family." Rhyllis smiled, even if she faced an extreme wizard apprentice who far exceeded her strength, she could still talk and laugh.

The natural ring tower behind her is her greatest confidence.

The Berkeley family had no choice.

Beta Berkeley's expression was particularly gloomy, and she was negotiating with Truman and Gula with extraordinary mental power.

The law enforcement wizards in the Dark Land are looking for them like crazy. It is said that a special department called the Hand of Darkness has appeared.

They were under great pressure. They had been hiding in XZ for ten years. Not to mention studying the path of wizards, they couldn't even obtain extraordinary resources, and they had to be careful not to reveal their identities.

“We agree with the request for a natural ring tower.”

"It's a wise choice. I believe the Berkeley family will be able to develop in the Natural Ring Tower."

Ruilis sneered in her heart. A guy who had betrayed once would not be treated well even if he was accepted by the Natural Ring Tower.

As for gaining benefits, it depends on whether the various factions in the Natural Ring Tower are willing to give in.

She still smiled on her face and said: "So happy to cooperate, as long as the Berkeley family helps us destroy the trade routes of White Lake Wizard City, and at the same time destroy the core of the witch array in White Lake Wizard City. This is the resonance of the giant witch array in the dark land. One of the points is that if this is destroyed, the Dark Land will not be able to use long-distance witchcraft to teleport directly into the jurisdiction of the Condor."

"If the Berkeley family can do this, Natural Ring Tower believes in your sincerity."

"Whenever you are ready, the Natural Ring Tower can dispatch no less than five Ultimate Wizard Apprentices to provide support."

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