The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 190 [190] The Eye of Truth Captures Everything, the Book of Rules and Everything

The words of the tower spirit were transmitted to everyone present in the form of mental fluctuations.

A voice asked in their minds that if a certain choice was determined, they would be teleported to the corresponding space layer by the wizard array.

The Black Sun Medal was the permission for transmission.

The tower spirit appeared too suddenly, and the four of them were still digesting the information content and did not respond rashly.

Wang Ya stared at the Pegasus tower spirit ‘Black’. Unlike the wizard tower spirit that has been reformed by the mechanical wizard, the tower spirit in front of him is more of a spiritual soul plus part of the wizard’s own soul will, added to it, and then supplemented by extraordinary mental power through wizard means.

The Pegasus relief itself is also a specimen of the corpse of the Pegasus, and only in this way can it carry the tower spirit.

If the Pegasus relief is destroyed, the tower spirit will also disappear.

The tower spirit of the Dream Tower does not have such a weakness and can appear at any time through projection.

The fine dark blue luster flashed in the pupil.

Kazeantun began to ask the tower spirit some questions: "I want to know if the Black Sun Wizard is really dead."

The tower spirit cannot lie, and answers only what it knows. If it does not know, it will not answer, or keep silent and refuse to answer.

The Tianma Tower Spirit sent out mental fluctuations.

"The Black Sun Wizard is dead."

"Is there any danger inside the Black Sun Ruins? Is there any hidden danger in the inheritance?"

"No danger, no hidden danger."

"Did the Black Sun Wizard die of old age? Why set up this wizard ruins and let the five Black Sun medals fall out."

The Tianma Tower Spirit paused for a while, and under the gaze of the four people, the pupils emitted stronger extraordinary fluctuations, and also gave the answer.

"The Black Sun Wizard did not die of old age. The wizard ruins were set up to prevent the Black Sun inheritance from being buried in history, and it is also a gift from the Black Sun Wizard to future generations. The five Black Sun medals were arranged by the Black Sun Wizard. He believes that giving inheritance too simply does not meet the identity of the Black Sun Wizard, and there must be a test."

Kazeantun's face flashed a little thoughtful.

Wizard Kelan also asked: "So we have collected five Black Sun Medals, so we have completed the test? Does the Black Sun Wizard have a spiritual body or soul body, and is there a possibility of resurrection?"

The Pegasus Tower Spirit replied: "You can collect five Black Sun Medals in the vast Wizard Continent, and confirm so many fake relics one by one, which proves that you are excellent in strength, wisdom, patience, and wizard heart. You are qualified to accept the Black Sun inheritance and have completed the test. The Black Sun Wizard does not have the will and soul residue you mentioned, and there is no possibility of resurrection."

Wizard Kelan asked some more questions, and the tower spirit answered them all.

Even Daben Antuen asked a question, "Will there be any problems with the inheritance we accepted? Are there any places in the Black Sun Ruins that are malicious towards us?"

"The inheritance is real, there will be no problems. The Black Sun Ruins are absolutely safe for people with the Black Sun Medals."

Daben Antuen immediately exhaled a long breath and laughed continuously.

He almost thought that this Black Sun wizard would do something weird, such as possessing a soul and resurrecting through a borrowed body.

After all, the content on the mural was too exaggerated.

There have been many such examples in the history of wizards.

There are various traps in some wizard ruins, and there are many malicious ones. There are always some old immortals who want to live forever.

There is no free lunch in the world, especially when exploring the ruins of predecessors, where dangers and opportunities are in contrast.

What the Tianma Pagoda Spirit said was watertight, and there was no logical loophole.

If it was a test, it would be difficult, and even not something that a wizard could accomplish. Collecting five Black Sun medals, you have to go on this vast wizard continent. Wang Ya and his team were lucky to get them all.

The genius wizard Comoros of the Black Tower waited for 120 years in the gap.

He asked all the questions he should ask.

The extreme wizard apprentice would not make such a small mistake.

The tower spirit is more like the computer programming software in the previous life, following the set program, so it cannot lie.

The four began to discuss how to choose inheritance. The Black Sun Wizard Association has many aspects, and each inheritance has reached the level of a formal wizard, or even higher.

You can make a lot of money by just picking one.

Kaze Antun took the initiative to say: "Wang Ya, you choose first. You are the leader of the Black Sun Project this time, and you have made the greatest contribution."

Daben Antun winked at his own patriarch and became a little anxious. If Wang Yahalak was allowed to choose first, if he chose the elemental wizard inheritance, it would be an inheritance that reached the level of a third-level wizard.

If you grasp it and become a third-level great wizard, you are already qualified to enter the inner area and create a wizard force.

Even if you walk alone, any wizard force will treat you as a guest of honor.

For traveling and exploring the wizard continent, the third-level wizard is also the most suitable stage.

For the interests of their Antun family, it is also the greatest.

Kaze Antun's cold eyes glanced at Daben Antun, who was immediately a little scared and lowered his eyes to look at his feet.

"Two people from the Antun family are already here. No matter how we choose, we have the advantage. We agreed in advance to split it 40-40. We have the advantage in numbers, so the right to choose first is given to you."

Kazeantun’s expression was stiff, and he said with a paralyzed face: "You are an elemental wizard. Choosing the elemental wizard path of the Black Sun Wizard will help you the most and only suit you."

Kerlan Wizard spread his hands and said with a smile: "I have no opinion at all."

Wang Ya touched his chin, and he would naturally not refuse again. His purpose was also to find the special particle energy inheritance of the Black Sun Wizard, as well as some experience and extraordinary knowledge to achieve a perfect balance in the promotion of a formal wizard.

After confirming the idea in his mind.

The Black Sun Medal in his hand emitted a dark light, covering Wang Ya's whole body, and he faded and disappeared directly on the spot.

"Kerlan Wizard, you choose first."

Da Benantun wanted to speak again, but Kazeantun glared back again.

Kerlan Wizard smiled and said: "In this case, then I will choose the black wizard."

The soul is closely related to the extraordinary mental power. A formal wizard's attainments in the soul and curse witchcraft will definitely benefit her a lot.

Maybe he can walk out of his own wizard path and no longer be influenced by the dream wizard.

As a disciple, everyone has the confidence to surpass the teacher.

Wizard Kelan is no exception, her eyes are firm.

Following Wang Ya, he was teleported to the corresponding level.

The ninth floor of the Black Sun Tower.

This is the top floor of the tower and the smallest level in space.

What you see is a corridor with redwood floors, which is very spacious and leads to different areas, and there are different road signs written on it.

For example, the study, lounge, living room, quiet room, etc.

There is nothing too extraordinary. Instead, it is very simple, just like the configuration of Wang Ya's castle on the third floor.

As for the inheritance, Wang Ya walked straight to the passage of the study.

The internal energy is sufficient, and it can maintain cleanliness for thousands of years.

Wang Ya can even smell the faint fragrance of dawn wood.

The Black Sun Medal in his hand exudes a dark luster, with an extra traction, also heading towards the location of the study.

It seems that he is on the right track.

On the wooden double doors, there was a letter, the envelope was not opened, it seemed to be specially left for the later ones.

Wang Ya observed it with the Eye of Truth and found that there was nothing unusual, just a very ordinary letter.

The unknown question mark did not appear.

So he reached out and took the envelope down, and there was a line of words on the title page.

[My inheritor, is he admired by the heroic figure on my mural? After all, people with natural talent like me are rare in the history of the entire wizard world. You can obtain my inheritance and pass my test, which proves that you and I are destined to be together, and it is also your blessing. There is everything you want in the study, as well as some of my research on the Deep Blue Wizard. If possible, I hope you can help me verify the contents of the record. ]

Wang Ya's mouth twitched slightly, and some speculations about the Black Sun Wizard in his mind completely turned in another direction.

From the text records on this title page, it is not difficult to imagine the character of the Black Sun Wizard.

Like to torment and test people in a bad way.

If the test is completed, he will not be stingy with the inheritance, generous and generous.

The content on the mural is also intentional by the Black Sun Wizard, as if he deliberately let them think in that direction.

If the Black Sun Wizard is still alive, he will probably hide somewhere, holding his stomach and laughing, watching the latecomers carefully ask the Pegasus Tower Spirit. That timid look, fighting wits and courage with the air, and finally found that it was just his own one-man show.

Wang Ya has to admit that his emotions have ups and downs, and there are also such situations.

Push the door and walk in directly.

Rather than saying it is a study, it is more appropriate to say that it is a personal collection library.

There are ten rows of bookshelves.

They are all filled with various books, and the traces of hand-painted sewing are very obvious.

They should all be works written by the Black Sun Wizard himself.

The different areas divided represent the corresponding elemental wizard inheritance.

For example, the low-level witchcraft area, the high-level witchcraft area, and the basic extraordinary knowledge area. Wang Ya saw the area of ​​the property change of the particle energy he wanted.

Pull out one of the books.

[The world fluidity of elemental tides: natural particle energy is not without rules. I traveled all over the wizard continent and found that the rules seem to be related to the ups and downs of the Apollo Mountains. Black Sun Wizard's works. ]

Wang Ya's eyes were shining with light. Just a random book attracted him. He couldn't help but immerse himself in it and absorb extraordinary knowledge.

There are far more than a thousand books here.

This is the elemental inheritance of a third-level great wizard. He must have written about all aspects, from the trivial to the level of a third-level wizard.

Any insights and gains must be written in the books.

This is a huge treasure, waiting for his subsequent development.

It's a pity that he only has a short month to master and study the extraordinary books here.

A month later, the Black Sun Medal will disappear again in the Black Sun Ruins, scattered in random locations on the wizard continent.

This seems to be intentional by the Black Sun Wizard, as if he wants to create a relic place that will be passed down through the ages.

The wizards who accepted his inheritance would not be just a few people, but many people. In every era, there would be someone who could get the opportunity to inherit.

As for whether there were other deep meanings, Wang Ya did not want to guess. He just wanted to immerse himself in this inheritance book and absorb the extraordinary knowledge he needed.

He took off the white lotus mask on his face, his pupils glowed with a deep blue luster, and the Eye of Truth was fully fired. Even the analysis of the evil god's heart and the subsequent rune analysis of the Dream Meditation Method were temporarily stopped.

There was a witch array on the bookshelf, and only one book could be taken out at a time for reading, and it had to be placed back on the bookshelf before other books could be taken out.

Wang Ya's ears seemed to ring with the evil voice of the Black Sun Wizard, 'Don't you want my inheritance? I'll give it to you as long as you have the ability to take it. In one month, see how much content you can copy from the witch books on these ten rows of bookshelves. '

This is no weaker than the test of finding and collecting five Black Sun Medals.

Entering a treasure mountain, not being able to take away all the treasures is extremely unwilling for anyone.

At this time, it is easy to lose your composure, resulting in very little in the end, or some extraordinary knowledge of minor details.

A wizard who keeps the heart of a wizard, understands his inner demands, and accurately finds what he wants in the ten rows of bookshelves can gain greater rewards.

The test of the Black Sun Wizard is probably about this aspect.

It is estimated that the inheritance of other levels should also have many tests.

The Black Sun inheritance is not so easy to get. It depends on whether others can grasp it.

Da Ben Antun sneezed, but he didn't care at all. His pupils were bloodshot and he looked at everything in front of him with passion.

He wanted all the inheritance of the Black Sun Wizard.

However, I am afraid that the Black Sun Wizard did not expect that Wang Ya had such an unreasonable energy as the Eye of Truth, which could directly record the contents of the book and store it in the memory area of ​​the mind or the algorithm database of the Eye of Truth.

Ordinary wizards would be under great pressure if they read extraordinary books. The recorded text itself has extraordinary weight. The more profound the extraordinary knowledge, the more so. Low-level wizards can't even bear the mental pressure brought by reading it, resulting in mental disorder.

In history, there are many lucky little wizards who have obtained high-level wizard books and read them rashly, thus becoming puppets of knowledge and causing considerable harm.

The Eye of Truth is completely immune to this influence.

29 days later.

Wang Ya put down the book in his hand and pressed his eyebrows. His pupils were bloodshot. After a long time without rest, even a third-level wizard apprentice was under high-intensity load.

He simply prepared some dream creatures, which could relieve the fatigue in this regard after swallowing.

There was only one day left in a month, and he had gained a lot.

About eight rows of books on the ten rows of bookshelves were in the algorithm database of the Eye of Truth.

The slight tingling sensation transmitted from the pupils, if nothing unexpected happened, the Eye of Truth would undergo another transformation.

And this transformation is extraordinary. After all, it is the extraordinary inheritance of a third-level wizard. The profound part of it is not much weaker than the inheritance land of the dark land.

Some parts are even more profound, which is the research knowledge direction that the inheritance land has never had.

The wizard books on these ten rows of bookshelves alone can pull up a powerful wizard force that is not weaker than the wizard force in the dark land. This is not a joke, but it can be realized.

[The nature change of black sun particle energy] [The experience of wizard apprentices breaking through the limit] [Three methods to achieve perfect balance]

This is probably Wang Ya’s biggest gain, and it is not a few wizard books that can be included, but a whole row of bookshelves.

With so many books, even if a mortal has a lifetime, he can’t finish reading and understanding them.

There is also a more special gain.

About an information record, placed in a sealed box on the desk.

After opening it, there is a diary-style book inside, which is carried by a special extraordinary sheepskin scroll and is extremely well preserved.

This book records in detail the research of Black Sun Wizard in his later years. He was almost obsessed with tracking down the traces of Deep Blue Wizard. He traveled all over the Wizard Continent and visited strange places to observe in person. He did not miss any information or legends related to Deep Blue Wizard.

As for the content of the research and observation, it has a great relationship with the future path of the third-level wizard.

There are also some scattered random notes of Black Sun Wizard.

"I have seen the way forward. The third stage of the unity of body and soul is not the limit. To advance to the fourth-level wizard, the unity of body and soul must be achieved, and then further transformation is required."

"The Great Wizard of Deep Blue is a true genius. There is a power in the Wonderland that even the third-level wizards cannot understand. It is the essence of a special power of a higher level, so the Land of Snakes can change its form and turn everything into snakes."

"I thought about entering the Land of Snakes. It may not kill me, nor can it turn me into a snake, but I don't have the courage. This is too crazy. I can't find the way to become a fourth-level wizard by facing life and death, but through long-term testing and research, I have also seen the way forward. This is not difficult for me, who is gifted by nature."

"Incredible, the transformation and sublimation after the extreme is actually like this, and it actually has an immortal nature. Is this the rule that the Great Wizard of Deep Blue said?"

"Wait a minute, I found some clues about the secret of the Deep Blue Wizard. The Deep Blue Wizard is too mysterious. It seems that he has been active in the Wizarding Continent. In fact, no wizard has ever seen his specific records. The strange phenomena may be the Deep Blue Wizard. What is the purpose of creating the Deep Blue Wizard by burying the power of a fourth-level or even a fifth-level wizard inside? It is definitely not simple. I seem to have found a shocking inside story. "

"The Deep Blue Wizard has a book of all things, and there is a lot of power of rules in it. I don't have much time, and I have spent too much time on other paths. It is so shameful to modify my body and survive like a waste. I can't I don’t want to be one of those old monsters that I despise and disgust. I want to find the Book of Everything, devour the rules in it, and be promoted to a fourth-level wizard. Only by reaching the limit can I evolve the rules. Carrying the rules and devouring the rules, there is a possibility of failure, but I have no other choice. ”

"There seems to be some connection between various wonders and phenomena, but my strength is still too weak and I can't find more. Where is the Book of Everything? I ventured into the magic mountain and still haven't found it. Damn it."

Wang Ya closed the diary, his eyes flashed, and his heart was extremely shocked.

This is the reason why Black Sun Wizard died of old age due to his research in his later years.

No, there is no more record in the essay. Perhaps the Black Sun Wizard died while exploring the wonders of the vision.

The promotion of a third-level wizard to a fourth-level wizard is actually related to the rules. Swallowing the Rules Wang Ya subconsciously looked at his red metal ring. He seemed to have two abnormal items, which seemed to have something to do with the rules.

"The Book of Everything!" The most profound picture he had seen in the memory of Gendas Evil God appeared in Wang Ya's mind, and it became an unforgettable picture in his mind.

The figure wearing a blue wizard robe, whose face could not be seen clearly, was holding an object that looked like a book. He opened the pages and suppressed a sixth-level great wizard, crushing the rules.

That book seems to be the Book of Everything.

Wang Ya took a deep breath, this secret was really exciting.

However, he is still too far away. He must at least become an official wizard, or even have higher strength, to be qualified to be involved in this aspect.

Continue to take out the witchcraft books from the bookshelf and collect them.

Time is running out and not a single second can be wasted.

Because it is an extraordinary witchcraft book and is of extremely high level, the Eye of Truth took even longer to collect.

If the books on the second floor of the library were replaced, let alone ten rows, even a hundred rows of similar books could be completed in a month.

Wang Ya also found the location of the third-level sublimation witchcraft 'Lock of the True Sun', but he gave up and didn't pay attention to it.

Looking at the top from the outside of the Black Sun Tower, a huge black rusty chain extends from the top, connecting the black sun on the sky. The forked chain is entangled, as if it is locking the black sun.

It's simply impossible to get your hands on it.

Wang Ya has self-awareness, and these extraordinary witchcraft books are the most important.

ps: Yesterday it was less, only 13,400, today it must be 20,000+, make up for it. Thanks for the follow-up subscription, please join the group, brothers.

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