The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 195 [195] Dream Territory Creation Experimental Variables Four People Meet Again

The dark light is continuously scattered in the energy spot injection instrument, gradually forming an expanding flame. To be precise, the moment you see the dim light, combustible substances and gases are already being consumed, and the flame is continuously changing.

Wang Ya was wearing a white lab coat, watching the reaction of the energy spots injected into the instrument through goggles, and raised the corners of his mouth.

The essence of flame is the phenomenon in which air molecules around the reaction zone are heated and move at high speed during an exothermic reaction, thereby emitting light.

The special particle energy he studied was not a certain tendency of elemental particles.

The energy flame is too one-sided.

As long as he masters all the variables of high and low temperatures in the plasma state, he can use his particle energy to control the molecular and atomic levels.

Concentrated high temperature gives absolute kinetic energy, destroying the structure of molecules and atoms. The power released at that moment will be devastating and extreme, and the radiation level will be extremely exaggerated.

This is in the wizarding world, with extraordinary power, the impact it can have will only be more exaggerated.

If you were on the blue star in your previous life, you wanted to increase the temperature and energy to 2,000 degrees, keep it stable, and conduct research and expansion.

It is no longer something that ordinary personal laboratories can accomplish.

After the thermobaric bomb explodes, the temperature formed is only about 2,000 degrees, but it can directly burn and drain away the oxygen within a two-kilometer radius.

A certain vacuum range is formed, and even if one survives the explosion and high temperature, he will suffocate to death.

The dim light changed accordingly, and under Wang Ya's extraordinary mental power, it began to shape, giving more fire element particles collision changes.

It is divided into three layers. In the innermost energy flame core, the energy collision of fire element particles is the slowest, but it is also the core essence that releases heat energy and produces luminous feedback, consuming those burning substances.

Next is the inner flame in the middle layer. The collision speed of the fire element particles reaches a medium speed. The feedback spectrum is concentrated in the visible light part, which has the highest measurement. The heat is further released and the temperature is extremely high. The flickering of the ghostly light is the energy flame of this layer. Those combustible material factors that have not been completely consumed are constantly being consumed.

The outer flame in the outer layer has the highest degree of heat release. It has the highest energy and is also the most terrifying energy radiation layer. The gas cloud formed by consuming combustible materials will interact with the combustible materials in the outside world to form additional combustion.

Once upon a time, Wang Ya released the mutated fear-burning fire, an invisible and qualityless energy flame. Just by clinging to the Vampire King's vines, it could quickly contaminate his body and burn the entire city's vines.

"Experimental wizards, please note that a high-energy reaction has been formed, and the energy is still rising. When reaching the critical point, the instrument will be damaged. The current critical value stage is level three."

Ta Ling's voice reached Wang Ya's ears, and his expression under the mask was very calm. This was far from the limit.

Level one is the limit that the energy spot injection instrument can withstand.

Even the energy spots haven't formed yet, it's still far from enough!

Wang Ya's pupils were full of fire, and at the same time he had a desire to understand and explore the unknown.

First create the corresponding special particle energy through the wizard's instrument, and then apply it to yourself, so that you can achieve an improvement in strength through the changes in the properties of the particle energy.

Every wizard was a first-rate scientist in his previous life.

On the contrary, if Einstein, Newton and other great figures came to this world, if they followed the path of wizards, they would most likely be able to make a name for themselves.

These experimental processes and experimental data are all top secrets for wizards.

If obtained by other wizards, the special particle energy may be leaked and easily targeted.

It can correspond to the scientific research results developed in previous lives and the confidentiality measures taken.

The bone particle energy mastered by the Yisi wizard and the Shoggoth wizard is patented by the Bone wizard.

Wang Ya is currently conducting particle property change experiments through a virtual laboratory.

After the virtual laboratory is successful, you can try to conduct it in reality.

[Tip: The study on changes in particle energy properties, the second variable, has been completed. 】

The ink-stained pupils gradually returned to their original darkness and clarity, and the dark light also slowed down and became fainter, reflecting Wang Ya's fair face, flickering on and off.

After five minutes passed, the energy fluctuations completely ended, and he injected energy spots into the instrument to shut it down.

There are many variable experiments, which are related to the direction of change of particle properties that Wang Ya chose to study. To do it, he must achieve perfection. Regardless of kinetic energy, heat energy, combustion, acceleration, and abilities in various directions, he must achieve control.

After all, in Wang Ya's vision, there is also the accompanying witchcraft.

A mushroom cloud appeared in his mind, the clouds were pushed away, the sky was filled with smoke and dust, and the shock wave spread. If the scene was not perfect, and if something went wrong, the consequences would be something Wang Ya could not bear.

The virtual laboratory slowly disappeared, and Wang Ya returned to reality, with a tired look on his face.

The third variable experiment can only be conducted tomorrow.

It is different from other directions of flame burning.

Through collective vibration and rotation, the heat energy and kinetic energy generated form a huge destructive force. The energy of fire element particles can be extended in this regard. This is also the inspiration Wang Ya got from studying the energy of the particles of all calamities.

Wind Shadow Particle Energy, Ten Thousand Tribulations Particle Energy, and Black Sun Particle Energy all extended Wang Ya's particle energy property change experiment in different directions.

Especially the Black Sun Particle Energy, the system is the most complete. From wizard apprentice to formal wizard, and even the changes and strength of Black Sun Particles in different periods. How to make Black Sun Particle Energy radiate itself benignly, improve the physical value, and thus feedback to the extraordinary mental power. There are detailed records of various methods to improve the strength of extraordinary mental power.

It took Wang Ya about four months to complete the first variable experiment.

There is no way to reduce this process. The virtual laboratory is also related to Wang Ya's extraordinary mental power. He can persist in the experiment for half an hour every day because he eats dream creatures every day.

In order to maintain the strength of the extraordinary mental power, he even shamelessly went to the Dream Wizard to ask for some golden ant rice.

Wang Ya also asked for some seeds, ready to plant them in his dream territory to see if he could cultivate them.

Regarding the arrangement of the dream territory, after completing the daily virtual experiment, he will also enter the dream world to capture dream creatures.

At the same time, increase the absorption of dream power to further expand and stabilize the dream territory.

As if there were no dream creatures as nourishment, Wang Ya could not afford the daily virtual experiment consumption.

The cold wind outside the window blew on Wang Ya's cheeks, and his eyes were full of emotion, "It's a new autumn again."

There was a sense of loneliness in his heart, and it was extremely lonely.

The autumn wind brought fallen leaves around the castle and rolled up to the sky.

Wang Ya returned to the study, sat on the chair, and began to record the content of the experiment and calculate the data.

Loneliness is something that every wizard must endure, and the wizard's heart will also be constantly polished and perfected in this process.

In the short life of mortals, they have to experience birth, old age, sickness, death, love and separation, failure to obtain, resentment and hatred, and the five yins. These are the eight sufferings of life. Often a mortal is tortured all his life, and finally becomes a handful of yellow earth, and it's all over.

Wizards are immortals, and they also go from mortals to extraordinary step by step. They will also experience the eight sufferings of life, and even far more than that.

The loneliness of long-term loneliness can torture a person the most.

Even formal wizards will experience mental stress.

‘Ye Ye Ye’ Wizard Tavern.

“Wang Ya, you are here. Long time no see.”

It was still the familiar private room. After Wang Ya’s retreat, he participated in the exploration of the Black Sun Ruins. Looking at the two people in front of him who had changed a lot, his memory seemed to be a little trance, and they overlapped with their youth, as if they were still in the past.

Wang Ya smiled and responded to Mas, “Long time no see.”

Mas has grown from a teenager to a tall, burly young man with a straight figure. His face is full of beards, very mature, his eyes are extremely powerful, his breath is strong, and his physique is strong. In Wang Ya’s eyes, there is no secret.

The strength of a second-level wizard apprentice, the mental power value is about 24, and it seems that he is still on the path of a combat wizard.

Wang Ya had learned that after the secret realm competition ended, he went to work in the wizard city and did not stay in the academy.

With the allowance and the wizard resources obtained from time to time, his strength improvement was considered fast among the new wizards.

But compared with Wang Ya and those genius wizards, he was far inferior.

There was nothing he could do about it.

People's choices and situations were different.

Wang Ya would not interfere with other people's decisions.

Mona's figure became more mature and hot, her eyes were big and bright, as if with water waves, she looked at Wang Ya with a smile on her face, her legs clamped together, she sat diagonally on the sofa, and her plump buttocks pressed a mark on the sofa.

She worked as the owner of the Harak Commodity Store, and the treatment she received was not low, and the resources were also doubled according to the standard, which was sufficient.

Mona did organize the Harak Commodity Store tightly and in an orderly manner, and the successful training of two potion wizards made the profits of the commodity store continue to rise.

Because of the alliance and the shared interests of the Black Sun Ruins, the Antun family and Wang Ya got closer, and also because of the participation of the wizard Kelan. The Harak Commodity Store and some of the Antun family's industries have reached a commercial cooperation.

Some wizard potions, unique products, and dream creatures produced from time to time in the store are all shipped to the wizard city around the headquarters.

Hades said more than once with envy that he wanted Mona to go back and serve as the owner of Hades Commodity Store, and he would retreat to the second line.

As for Zak Antun. According to Kaze Antun, the other party's strength is still at the level of a second-level wizard apprentice. After learning about the situation of the Black Sun Ruins, he went into deep retreat.

"Oh, I seem to be late. Have you been waiting for a long time?" A figure in a hurry directly opened the wizard array protection, pushed the door and entered, with a bright smile on his face.

That carefree look and familiar voice made the three people in the room smile.

"Look what I brought you."

Put the cups of wizard drinks on the tray on the table. Gray wiped his hands, smoothed the hair in front of his eyes, and showed a bright smile.

"These are all the wizard drinks you like."

"Haha, you still understand me, Gray." Mas picked up the goblet very generously and swallowed it like a cow. His bronze face skin instantly became ruddy and he was a little drunk.

The black liquid was rippling, and it seemed a little green under the light. The toad legs hung on the edge of the cup.

Wang Ya put it to his mouth and took a sip. The sour taste exploded in his taste buds and gradually returned to ordinary.

He didn't know when he was considered to like this wizard drink.

It seemed that from the beginning to now, he had never refused and was fixed by Gray.

The gathering of the four people was different from when they were young.

In the process of getting along with each other, the things they talked about also extended from sharing witchcraft experience, gossip about a certain formal wizard and an extreme wizard apprentice, to the situation of the headquarters of the Dark Land and the changes in the headquarters rules of various resource areas.

A little further away, they were discussing the names on the blacklist of the headquarters, with the focus on the situation of the Berkeley family.

Many captains of the law enforcement wizards were so angry that they could hardly sleep, and they were frantically looking for Beta Berkeley and other wizard members of the Berkeley family.

"It's terrible. We have been looking for so long, but we haven't found them, and we can't get a result. The only thing we can be sure of is that they are still in the dark land."

Gray took a sip of the wine glass and said, "The Berkeley family probably dared not come out, and they didn't even dare to use particle energy. I heard that the sea monster wizard has been maintaining divination."

Mas also said, "There are no traces of suspicious wizards in the Big Bone Wizard City where I am. Every day I patrol, judge, and deal with some conflicts between wild wizards."

Wang Ya looked at Gray curiously. The news he got was obviously not something that ordinary wizards could know.

Could it be that Gray really joined the Condor School and even inherited the lineage?

Gray winked at Wang Ya, raised his wizard drink, and clinked glasses with Wang Ya.

Subconsciously, Wang Ya used the initial analysis function of the Eye of Truth on Gray.

He was surprised. Gray's strength had reached the level of a third-level wizard apprentice, and his mental power was around 31.

You know, even the genius wizards of the wizard family, such as Zak Antun, have not yet broken through the third-level wizard apprentice and are hovering at the critical point.

Gray's speed of improving his strength is still unusually fast.

He has always eaten dream creatures, and the mutual blessing of the dream wizard system and the elemental wizard system has enabled him to reach the third-level wizard apprentice so quickly.

He should have become a wizard inherited from the lineage of the Condor, with many wizard resources and authority. Wang Ya thought to himself, otherwise, even if there were special opportunities, it would be impossible to improve so quickly.

In the evening, the four people smiled and left in different directions.

This gathering has different meanings, with a farewell to the past and their own plans for the future.

The bleak autumn wind drove the maple leaves, which fell in every corner of the dark place.

The figures of the four people gradually appeared and disappeared at the end of different streets.

The next gathering may be a long time later.

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