The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 210 [210] The wizard can no longer sit still, and the waterfall falls 30,000 feet

North Star, Shoggoth, Is, and Sur are in the middle. Their strength is also the strongest among the extreme wizard apprentices present.

After all, they have mastered the special particle energy, and the extraordinary school is also among the best.

In comparison, the ranking of the Dream School is at the bottom.

As for the real strength, we have to fight to know it. The inheritance of a lineage and a school are different after all.

The cold voice of North Star slowly echoed in everyone's ears.

"Extreme wizard apprentices, guard each point to prevent the gray scar flesh group from escaping. It is alive. The location of the limit-breaking witchcraft has been sent to you through the wizard mark, and the canal planning projection map has been sent to you."

Sur wizard originally wanted Wang Ya to take the position, but was rejected by Wang Ya with his eyes.

"Level 3 wizard apprentices, you are responsible for the corner positions to prevent the remaining flesh and blood bacteria from escaping. Use the strongest magic you can release to block the gap."

Wizard Lando winked at Wang Ya, "I think we should stay away. Breaking limit magic is not a joke. It's very scary."

The direction they are responsible for guarding is exactly opposite to the location of the White Lake Wizard City. If the shadow flesh and blood in the canal escapes in this direction, it is very likely to spread to farther places along the canal.

There are extreme wizard apprentices guarding most directions ahead. Even if a breakthrough is made, it may escape from other directions.

Wizard Lando does not think that the ugly spherical bacteria can survive. There are more than ten extreme wizard apprentices who jointly perform breaking limit magic.

Generally, they are wizards of the strongest level, as well as many chiefs.

If the formal wizards are in person, they may not be unable to compete with one or two.

Even if the aura has also reached the limit of the wizard apprentice, and the size is huge, the changes and damage in the pure physical flesh and blood cannot be felt by the wizards.

"If the size of this thing is a little smaller, it can be sealed directly."

Wizard Lando said again, "By the way, I remember that you still have a black crow, why didn't I see it."

"The ruins of the surface caused by the thousands of meters of fire elemental witchcraft in the White Lake Wizard City, at a glance, it is obvious that an extremely tragic battle has taken place. What about the wizards in the natural ring tower? Was it caused by Chief Sur's limit-breaking witchcraft?"

"It's a headache. If I hadn't been knocked unconscious by the impact of space fluctuations during the space transmission, I could have caught up with your battle and wouldn't know nothing."

As for the fact that he woke up from the bed and threw the three magic stones to the shop owner, Wizard Bob, when he noticed that the extraordinary fluctuations gradually subsided, Wizard Lando would bury it in his heart for a lifetime. This is a top secret among top secrets.

It can only be said that the weather is not good, and the wizard Lando is also helpless. Why should he be given a warm bed and bedding at this time?

Wang Ya frowned, and the expression under the black lotus mask was a bit impatient, and then he smiled helplessly. Recalling the various behaviors of the wizard Fengxing in the dark land, covering his mouth, pulling away, staring at people, etc., Wang Ya could understand, and he also had the idea of ​​sewing the wizard Lando's mouth.

A sentence emerged in his mind: If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb.

Halak was of course not by his side, and at this moment he was completing the task he assigned under the canal.

Through the black lotus mask, the ink-stained pupils, and the thousands of complex data flowing down, are information belonging to the shadow flesh and blood state.

[Target: Shadow Flesh and Blood State (named)]

[Current Strength Level: Beast King/Extreme Wizard Apprentice (improving)]

[Details: Based on the blood of the ‘Three Life Source Bird’, after unknown transformation methods, the activity and vitality are greatly improved; supplemented by a certain shadow energy gathering material, as the core, providing pure and vast shadow particle energy; the shadow core will absorb activity and vitality, complete the endurance of shadow particle energy, thereby changing the nature of extraordinary blood and gaining the ability to devour souls and flesh and blood. ]

[Extraordinary characteristics: Devouring power, blood promotion, limit-breaking potential (sublimation), soul-flesh circulation, fungus-flesh changes, super-strong proliferation, flesh and blood stacking.]

Wang Ya licked his lips. Good stuff. Halak is similar to it, and also takes the path of devouring, but the direction chosen is different.

The shadow flesh and blood state is more comprehensive, completing the basic balance between particle energy and body flesh and blood. No matter how it circulates, it will be improved in all aspects in the end.

It can even be said that if one of them is missing, the shadow flesh and blood state will completely collapse.

Along with it comes the desire for knowledge that sprouts in the heart.

This is not a product that an extreme wizard apprentice can create.

If Wang Ya guessed correctly, the person behind the scenes should want to take advantage of the changes in the White Lake Wizard City to turn it into a dead place, devour the wizards and lives of the city, and try to break through to the level of a formal wizard. That is, a first-level extraordinary creature.

Wang Ya's doubts are here. Whether it is a wizard or an extraordinary creature, it is reasonable to complete the balance between illusion and reality.

At present, the shadow flesh and blood state does not show the balance between illusion and reality. At best, there are only two balance cycles in reality.

Could it be that he has always understood it wrong?

But Halak's success has completed the initial balance between illusion and reality, and proved that his idea is correct.

Unless there are other theories about the balance between illusion and reality.

Balance does not necessarily mean that illusion and reality are in balance. On the contrary, balance can also be achieved between illusion and illusion.

Wang Ya's eyes were extremely bright. Although it was just a guess, based on the display of the shadow flesh and blood state, he felt that there was still some possibility.

Wizard experiments are full of unknown possibilities. If they are too solidified, the tension between possibilities and unknown changes will be lost.

From the dog of Gendaz, the infinite genome was developed. After many transformations and evolutions, the dream genome Halak has reached the level of beast king. In terms of potential, it is far beyond the shadow flesh and blood state.

Regarding the display of flesh and blood, Wang Ya even felt that it was still a bit rough. The basic flesh and blood abilities of "devouring", "digesting", "splitting", "infecting" and "vitality" were not achieved.

It was not something that elemental wizards and mechanical wizards could accomplish.

It was full of the primitive wild style of blood wizards. In other words, the experimental skills were not good enough and the foundation was not solid.

Even if it was the blood wizard next door, the product after the wizard's experiment would not lose the basic abilities of flesh and blood.

If Wang Ya came to research and create, at least he would not be so stupid that he would lack even the ability to fly.

What a joke!!

The wizard flew to the sky, and the flesh and blood evolved into a snake-like body, using a big mouth to bite. What a smart idea, and the flesh and blood experimental technology that Wang Ya picked up. As for whether this flesh and blood technology can be promoted to a first-level extraordinary creature, he kept a wait-and-see attitude.

Regarding the stacking of flesh and blood, it gave Wang Ya some inspiration, and perhaps it could be used on Halak to develop some new abilities.

From his perspective, Halak transformed into an aquatic extraordinary creature through the extraordinary gene fragments in the infinite black core, covering up his breath and swimming towards the core area of ​​the shadow flesh and blood state.

There must be a real core responsible for commanding the entire flesh and blood bacteria community, otherwise this huge body should have collapsed long ago.

No one knows the way of flesh and blood evolution better than Wang Ya.

There is both the auxiliary analysis of the Eye of Truth and Wang Ya's previous research experience.

That thing is also the most valuable.

Generally speaking, experiments need to collect data. No matter whether the purpose behind the scenes is other, as long as the core is found and taken away, Wang Ya's interests can be maximized.

As for the huge body of the shadow's flesh and blood, the vitality and soul power contained in it. For Wang Ya, it is not of much use. It is not pure enough. At most, it can supplement the biological energy consumption of Harak.

The three-life source bird is a first-level extraordinary creature, but it is not worth taking risks. It will be acquired by chance in the future.

If many limit-breaking witchcrafts are poured down before the core is found, Harak can also use the dream talent ability to enter the dream world and return to Wang Ya's dream territory.

There is no difference if you continue to search afterwards.

"I actually came up with the idea of ​​destroying and filling up the entire canal. Polaris, this little guy, is really messing around."

He lay on the throne relaxedly, his tone was very subtle, and there was a bit of mockery.

Everything is going in the direction he envisioned.

What kind of pressure and what extent can he and the Dark Bat Wizard withstand in the face of such a touchstone as all members of the Dark Hand?

If they can withstand the pressure, complete the self-pile of flesh and blood in the crisis, further compress the volume of their own flesh and blood scars, and cause the quality to cause both sides. After the limit-breaking sublimation is successful, they can continue on this path of joint research.

"I am really looking forward to the limit-breaking witchcraft of all members of the Dark Hand! Although it is different from the witchcraft released by the formal wizards, there are sublimation particles and other differences, and some special properties are missing, but the degree itself has indeed reached." The tone of the Dark Bat Wizard fluctuated rarely, and his face was shrouded in shadows and twisted. The last time his emotions fluctuated was when his shadow robe was erased by a strong man of the same level.

When he thought of this, the anger in the heart of the Dark Bat Wizard rose.

Rui Lisi, a guy who is not good at doing things but more at doing things, couldn't grasp the opportunity given to her.

Then don't blame him, he has made up his mind completely.

A black wizard who already has good potential should be able to carry the illusion more perfectly as the dominant consciousness when completing the balance between illusion and reality.

Dark Bat Wizard was not sure, after all, it was just a wizard's creation, not a natural one, and it was promoted step by step.

Success would be the best.

If he failed, it didn't matter, his extraordinary bloodline was a second-level bloodline. He was fundamentally different from the wizard on the throne. He didn't have the troubles and anxiety of the other party, and his strength was constantly increasing.

The peak period of the latter had passed, and the originally powerful aspects became the fundamental problem that constrained him.

In the projection screen, one by one, the extreme wizard apprentices urged their particle energy, and the powerful momentum burst out with the biological force field. Even if the venue was separated in advance, many wizards still collided with each other.

The strongest limit-breaking witchcraft means that there can be no reservations, and the biological force field will naturally burst to the maximum extent.

In an instant, the wind and clouds changed color.

The terrifying energy frenzy, together with the natural particle energy, rioted, and was pulled by these wizards above the canal, turning into part of the witchcraft power.

The strong wind stopped, the rain drained away, and in some areas it began to flow back, or the rain was no longer bound by gravity and floated around the wizard.

Wang Ya's eyes were infiltrated with ink, and the extraordinary fluctuations gradually grew stronger from weak. They were indeed limit-breaking witchcraft.

It was also necessary to collect data.

The Eye of Truth continued to record the picture.

When the particle energy fluctuations of the extreme wizard apprentices were almost accumulated, they began to evolve matter, or the special effects of illusion, which was the formation of the corresponding limit-breaking witchcraft.

Wang Ya, who was in the outer area, also began to prepare his own burning fission witchcraft.

What is fire nuclear fission?

It is through the energy core of the fire element particle, a chain reaction is carried out to form a fission channel, which can accommodate a large number of fire nuclear fissions and release energy. The energy of a single fission is limited, which is also the way to control this burning fission witchcraft.

The fire core is not a substance, there is no atomic nucleus, and it is even more impossible to release neutrons and protons. The electric charge is more of a simulated energy microscopic product, but after a lot of calculations by Wang Ya, and the influence of the extraordinary spirit, it can meet some characteristics of the atomic nucleus.

This is the extraordinary energy fission system belonging to the wizard world.

As for the power?

Wang Ya narrowed his eyes, the energy of the burning and silent particles in his body acted quickly, and the extraordinary mental power accelerated the operation of the particle energy, secondary rotation and collective vibration, and first created the fission path that controlled everything. Wang Ya began to fission the corresponding fire core again, and the consumption of mental power increased further.

Wang Ya was shocked. The consumption was too exaggerated. The formation of the fission path was 50% gone.

Wang Ya, whose neurons had increased, had a very deep foundation of extraordinary mental power and could still withstand it.

It seems that if you want to use more powerful fission burning and silent witchcraft, you need to greatly improve your mental power.

Fusion burning and silent witchcraft, it is estimated that only after Wang Ya becomes a formal wizard, can it be used stably.

A faint black shadow outline appeared behind Wang Ya, in the superposition of illusion and reality, with the power of dreams flowing in it. The extraordinary mental power is the essence of stability. From a distance, it looks like an illusory black hole, extremely dark, constantly attracting light.

As time went by, the illusion became more and more solid, and Wang Ya's expression became more and more solemn. Sweat dripped from his forehead and his lips turned white. What a joke, every ten fire core fissions would consume 10% of his mental power, plus maintaining balance. He could only complete the fissions one by one, and he didn't dare to do more. If he didn't stabilize, he would be dead.

The Thunder and Fire Wizards would probably come to hold his hand.

The third-level wizard apprentices had more time, and they might not even use it. After the limit wizard apprentices released the limit-breaking magic, they would see the specific situation in the canal.

If the shadow flesh and blood state fled in his direction, he would decisively use the magic.


Polaris took the lead in throwing out the limit-breaking magic in his right hand - the improved version of "Heart of Darkness". The powerful attraction, the core is a deep darkness that cannot be looked at directly, like an abyss that swallows everything, but in fact it is a dark and chaotic hole that can destroy a hundred meters range.

Wang Ya was completely fissioning at this moment, and he couldn't be distracted at all. If he saw this witchcraft performance, he would probably be able to instantly recall the dark environment he encountered when he was on the wizard ship, and the battle where the wizard Tuta was injured.

The giant bones were as if materialized. He held a cross-shaped bone sword in his hand and stepped into the canal with one foot. The sword was burning with bone fire and stabbed into the water. The power of this sword was amazing, enough to cut off a 100-meter bridge.

The wizard Yi Si had a blank expression on his face, and his right hand was very strong. The veins on his forehead bulged, proving that it was not easy for him to manipulate the giant bones.

The wizard Shoggoth, the wizard Yi Si, the head of the Stark family. One by one, the limit-breaking witchcraft exuded its own terrifying aura and terrible power. The witchcraft torrent formed was unprecedented. The suppressed particle energy exploded completely, and the various colors of light collided with each other. The space seemed to be broken at the moment when it gathered and exploded in the canal.

The strong wind that was strong enough to overturn trees tore the dark clouds in the sky, and the rain in the entire range, along with the dark clouds, evaporated and disappeared directly.

Then came the thicker dark clouds.

The wizards instinctively moved away. The light was too strong, and they squinted their eyes subconsciously.

The shock waves and earthquake waves formed by the witchcraft explosion caused the water surface of the entire canal to break and pour down. The trees and mountains on both sides also collapsed one by one, as if there was a problem with the underground plate.


Everyone's ears were temporarily deaf, and they also noticed the collapse of many wizard buildings in the White Lake Wizard City.

At this moment, it really seemed as if the world was going to be destroyed.

It hasn't ended yet, it's just the eve.

"Here it comes!"

In the chaos, I don't know which wizard said it.

The wizards rose to a higher altitude again, staring at the scene where the river water was evaporated, or there was an undercurrent, the riverbed was empty, and the river water was backflowing.


More powerful and colorful luster burst out from the inside of the canal, and the huge waves that rushed to the sky were directly emptied into the sky with the tilt of the shock wave, just like the brilliant Milky Way violated gravity and pulled towards the sky.

The riverbed was completely exposed, and it was impossible to see clearly. There was only the witchcraft reaction of continuous explosion, bursting, and releasing energy.

It was the most stupid thing to perceive with extraordinary mental power. Weaker wizards would be directly shocked into idiots by the chaotic particle riot trend and the residual consciousness of wizards carried by the limit-breaking witchcraft contained in it.

"We succeeded, we succeeded, Dark Bat, did you see it!" He could no longer sit still, and stood up from the throne, staring at the scene in the projected lake with fiery eyes.

It was as if he saw the truest appearance of the Bone Erosion Demon through the destructive power reaction, and also saw the continuous promotion of breaking the limit and sublimation.

"Our path is correct. Next, we just need to get the experimental data and the Bone Erosion Pearl back. There will be no bottlenecks in the subsequent wizard experiments."

The Dark Bat Wizard was also happy. For him, it was good to have one more opportunity.

If one road is blocked, it is also okay to choose this road.

The raging energy turbulence has not subsided yet, and many extreme wizard apprentices are observing. A huge deep pit has appeared in the riverbed of this section of the canal. The river water on both sides cannot be connected together and flows into the deep pit.

Even the ground plates have broken up and down, forming a shocking scene of the vertical section. The upper and lower canal sections have begun to fall straight down 30,000 feet.

The Shoggoth wizard stared at the deep pit, and only heard the splashing of the river water.

Polaris bit her lips with her pearly teeth, her beautiful eyes were also solemn, and she even held her breath.

Isi wizard frowned and breathed quickly. He should be dead. Such a display of power is not something that flesh and blood can survive.


A wave of sound came out with the terrifying momentum, rushing straight into the sky, breaking a hole in the heavy dark clouds.

Everyone present changed their colors.

ps: I will post the update of last night now. I didn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. How many words are updated every day? I will report at the end of the last chapter.

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