The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 229 [229] The magic weapon is completed and conquer her

Pony Stark took out something from the wizard's ring, a disc-shaped object the size of a bowl, with traces of finely carved lines on it, and dark energy flowing.

'Wang Ya' grabbed the gray disc object flying over and heard Pony Stark say in a calm tone, "One of the heritage of the Stark family, the Gate Compass, can be injected with particle energy. Directly ignoring the space isolation of the witch formation and teleporting to a distance of 100,000 meters. At the same time, carrying it can mask the breath, ignore the witch formation search, extraordinary mental perception, and other special means of perception, and can only be observed with the naked eye. "

‘Wang Ya’ suddenly understood the reason why the Stark family and his party had not been discovered until now.

Tick ​​tock!

Thick dark clouds gathered at some point, and it started to rain lightly.

Now it's fifteen versus seventeen.

But in terms of number of chiefs, they are more! !

[Target: Core of Dreams]

[Current stage: seedling stage]

[Range: 1500 meters]

[Pure dream power: 16 channels]

[Tip: 1 pure dream power can be generated every day. 】

The white light waves in Wang Ya's pupils slowly dispersed.

The figure in the purple wizard robe in front of him raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Congratulations, Nightmare Wizard, for successfully stabilizing the Bubble Land and entering the seedling stage. With the accumulation of pure dream power, the Bubble Land will be in the dream state." The world is taking root deeper and deeper.”

"Any foreign dream creature will be suppressed by the power of pure dreams. If the dream territory is released in battle, the blessing of the land will be even more terrifying."

The environment of the Bubble Land has now changed greatly. In addition to the expansion of the scope, it is no longer a monotonous floating dreamland.

Tall trees emitting rainbow light rise from the ground and grow chaotically in every corner of the dreamland. The light of the rainbow seems to further help the generation of pure dream power.

Threads of light follow the rainbow light and merge into the roots of the trees. Finally, through the nutrient supply of the land, they converge on the core of the dream in the center.

The figure in purple wizard robe took off the wisteria flower mask on his face, revealing a face exactly like Wang Ya.

"It's really weird to talk to yourself." Wang Ya's mouth curled up, and he was in a very good mood.

"The Dream Territory has been completely solidified, and you will almost be promoted to the Ultimate Sorcerer Apprentice." Black Soul Comoro, which can also be said to be Wang Ya's consciousness, began to transfer the accumulated memories into the dream bubble, like a slideshow Watch Wang Ya's body.

"The foundation of the Black Tower really goes beyond the Land of Darkness. The Sark family, where Comorro belongs, has a second-level wizard from the stars."

"There are actually four Star Wizard families, and there are countless other small wizard families, which are even more crushing on the Dark Land. The opposition to them is similar to the sect, the master of each area under the jurisdiction of the second-level wizards. It's really scary, even even There are also three level three wizards.”

"The four star wizard families unite and barely have a say in the Black Tower. They can participate in meetings at the level of third-level wizards. They don't even have the right to make decisions, only the right to propose."

After Wang Ya learned the relevant information, his expression became solemn. The strength of the black tower was even more terrifying than he imagined.

The decision made in the Licorice Camp was indeed correct. If Comoro's identity and body were not replaced, I am afraid that the second-level wizard from the Fanxing Family would have come knocking.

There are two second-level wizards in the Sark Star family.

"I'm in trouble. There is some competition within the Sack family. Many qualified people want to take away my identity as a direct descendant and many resource rights. The one hundred and twenty years spent in the Licorice Camp have caused some of the previous Opponents and enemies have advanced to a higher level.”

Black Soul Wangya spread his hands and said with a bit of a wry smile, "If I lose, it should be said that I cannot show my due value and reproduce the style of the first third-level apprentice of the Black Tower. Everything I have now will be lost. Some people can attack me without any scruples, and their identity may be exposed.”

Wang Ya frowned, this matter was particularly troublesome.

"I will improve the energy of the eons of particles and recreate the extraordinary knowledge and witchcraft knowledge you shared. This process is relatively long."

"In addition, the Fenji particle energy changes its appearance and is announced to the outside world as the Black Sun particle energy. The elemental wizard inheritance of the Black Sun wizard, you and I are one, and our perceptions are quite the same, which is enough to deal with those troubles."

Black Soul Wangya nodded and sighed again, "That's not the only trouble, the main body."

"Qiu Qiudong Laura is the most troublesome. In order to conform to the personality of Comoros and the wishes of both Fanxing families, we will meet again sooner or later."

Wang Ya was also stumped. Women's hearts are always extremely sensitive, especially women who are in love. If the man is slightly wrong, he will be able to detect something abnormal.

Murderous intent erupted in his eyes, then calmed down.


Killing Qiu Qiudong Laura was the stupidest choice.

As long as you do it, you will definitely leave clues. This is the wizarding world.

The black tower is also the wizard force in the inner area. Who knows what those wizards will do.

Just the extraordinary knowledge and witchcraft knowledge passed down by Black Soul Wangya these days have benefited him a lot and generated a lot of inspiration.

It even helped a lot in improving the Fenji inheritance.

Many things cannot be obtained in the dark land.

If the situation of the Dark Soul Wang Ya was not not so impressive, he would have begun to explore the Black Tower, the inner area, and the core area. The most important thing is to plunder the extraordinary knowledge inside the Black Tower.

"The character can change. Comoros is dead. He died the moment the Black Sun Secret Realm disappeared and the Licorice Camp was destroyed."

Wang Ya said expressionlessly: "Perhaps, you can take the initiative. A woman who has been alone in the empty boudoir for 120 years has experienced setbacks again and again. What is missing now? Even if she notices something strange, as long as the reshaped Comoros character is good enough, she will subconsciously make up all the unreasonable things in her mind."

"Of course, there will be some risks, but playing Comoros and entering the Black Tower itself is the biggest adventure."

The face of the Dark Soul Wang Ya was full of shock, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Wang Ya was full of the meaning of "I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"It's so dirty!"

"The situation is stronger than people!" Wang Ya sighed, and then sighed, "After all, I am not strong enough, and I can't afford to offend the entire Dark Land."

"I can only rely on you!"

Dark Soul Wang Ya stared at Wang Ya, as if he could see through his heart.

Wang Ya: "."

After sending Dark Soul Wang Ya away, Wang Ya's figure gradually faded and returned to the real study.

The speed at which his mental power value increased once again exceeded his expectations.

It has only been two months, and even the God Blood Wizard has not completed the creation of the magic weapon. Today should be the day of the final completion.

[Current mental power: 39.8]

Only one step away, he can be promoted to the Ultimate Wizard Apprentice.

It should be related to the Dream Core of the Bubble Land, which has grown into the seedling stage, directly raising a lot of mental power values.

Of course, Freddy Wizard's extraordinary potion also helped a lot.

Within a week, break through the Ultimate Wizard Apprentice.

This is his premonition, which has never been so clear.

[Divine Blood Wizard: Your growth-type magic weapon has been built. All that is left is for you, the master, to make the first touch and inject particle energy. ]

A message from the wizard mark made Wang Ya's mouth curl up.

As expected, what he said came true.

He was also looking forward to what kind of core magic weapon in the direction of the growth-type element path that the Divine Blood Wizard could create in the next two or three months.

: Go to bed, good night! Get up early tomorrow and pay back the words I owe.

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