The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 237 [237] Relying on crows to lead the way? The last source of the evil god


In the cracks of the rocks, dark gray flesh surged and squeezed out quickly, as if it was a flowing liquid, with amazing adhesion.

It dripped on the ground to form a group of liquid creatures in a floating state; this is the transformed vampire king vine, without all the original characteristics, whether it is the core of the vampire king vine or the scarlet body of Gendass flesh and blood

Under the control of Wang Ya's soul imprint, it sometimes transforms into fixed dark gray tree thorns, and can also transform into a catapulted tentacle vine, or into a group of expanding and spreading dark gray flesh shield.

In the capital of the Black Soil Kingdom, in the wizard ruins left behind, Wang Ya obtained a rare magic plant in addition to the wind shadow particles; Wang Ya put it into the transformed cell of the vampire king vine according to the content of the cultivation of witchcraft

The spores, now named "Dark Spores", can intervene at the microscopic level, take root and infect life, thus using it as the nutrient matrix of the Dark Spores; as time goes by, the Dark Spores will increase in number, and finally completely devour the nutrient matrix.

It can flow with the air, more like a certain bacteria than a virus.

In comparison, the characteristics possessed by Halak are much stronger than it, and the same is true in terms of potential.

Raising his right hand, a large number of Dark Spores surged and turned into a gray sphere that automatically flew into the cuffs.

Wang Ya values ​​its convenience. As long as it is used properly, it can become a powerful helper.

[Target: Dark Spores]

[Race: ? ? ? 】

[Details: A wizard creation created by the Nightmare Wizard, with the core of Gendass flesh and blood and the Vampire King vine as the foundation, and added with magic plants. The dark spores have the essence of existence that affects the level of the beast king. When affecting the first-level extraordinary creatures or the existence of formal wizards, there is a certain probability that they will be seen through. Once the infected part is too much, they will definitely be seen through. 】

[Constitution: 39 (highest)]

There is no mental power. In the spore state, it has lost the possibility of self-awareness. There are only instincts and closeness to Wang Ya, and they are completely controlled by Wang Ya.

If it corresponds to the microscopic world of spores, then Wang Ya is the mother of all dark spores.

The highest constitution represents the dark spores, which can only condense materials with the ability of protection comparable to that level.

For example, the meat shield just shown, or the tentacles ejection, even entering the enemy's body through breathing, invading and infecting, are limited by the protection in the body of the extraordinary, and it is more difficult to affect the level of formal wizards.

However, even if the transcendents at the level of Ultimate Wizard Apprentices sense the invasion of the Dark Spores, it is difficult to remove them, and it requires a great price.

In some aspects, they can only sacrifice some flesh and blood, which is equivalent to the infection of Halak's black wings.

In the study.

Wang Ya opened his inheritance book and wrote down his new insights and the update of the "Energy Chapter" of the Fen Ji inheritance with a feather pen.

After completing the improvement and creation of witchcraft, he was busy participating in the battle in the battlefield and did not record it in the inheritance book.

[Burning Silence Inheritance]

[High-level witchcraft: Burning Silence Fission, Burning Silence Fusion, Fission Nuclear Energy Body (Fusion Atomic State)]

[Medium-level witchcraft: Annihilation Heart Fire, Magnetic Silence Death Light,]

[Low-level witchcraft: Burning Silence Eyes, Silence Ring, Burning Fire Tide Sky]

[Combined witchcraft: Burning Silence Array, Sinful Black Lotus]

[Burning Silence Fusion] witchcraft, Wang Ya is not yet able to perform it; it is estimated that when the strength reaches the level of a formal wizard, it should be able to use it.

The power of fusion is often ten times that of fission. In principle, two fusion fire cores are forcibly fused together, ignoring the collision, so that the activity of the fire element is completely raised to the highest level; it is very different from the fusion principle of the previous life, including fission, which has been improved by Wang Ya in the wizard world.

Relatively speaking, the difficulty of control will be more difficult, enough to make any wizard close to despair. Even Wang Ya needs to use the Eye of Truth to assist in calculations to determine the pouring point of the fusion energy. In a very short time, billions of variables are generated, and the CPU is smoking. This is really possible.

At present, Wang Ya has not created the fusion path belonging to fusion witchcraft, which is a completely different principle from the fission path.

[Fusion Atomic State] is just an idea of ​​Wang Ya, and he is unlikely to involve it at present.

[Fission Nuclear Energy Body] has been developed very reluctantly, and too many places need to be improved; duration, energy balance of burning particles, wider distribution of the fission path in the body, accumulating fission burning silence in both hands, and waving hands is the possibility of nuclear explosion.

The cost of using the nuclear energy body is very serious. The fission path does not completely replace the limbs, blood vessels, meridians, and energy of the burning particles in the body. After the witchcraft ends, it is already a blessing to be able to retain the main trunk.

[Goal: Dream Meditation, ‘Advanced Chapter 12th Wizard Rune’]

[Estimated time: 93 days]

[Analysis level: Second level]

After being promoted to the Ultimate Wizard Apprentice, Wang Ya could feel that it was becoming increasingly difficult to improve his strength.

The analysis speed of the Eye of Truth after the transformation could be felt directly.

No wonder the teacher repeatedly told him to improve his strength as much as possible. In thirty years, he must reach the limit and balance the wizard's path.

There is also a saying about choosing a balance; it must be the most suitable for oneself, so that when breaking the limit and sublimating, there will be a higher success rate.

[Goal: ‘Breaking the limit and sublimating-balance’]

[Estimated analysis time: 8 years]

[Details: According to the various states of the target ‘Wang Yaharak’, according to the algorithm database, analyze the most suitable ‘balance’ method for him. ]

[Analysis level: first level]

The white light waves in Wang Ya’s pupils slowly disappeared, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Eight years is not far away; if the analysis time exceeds thirty years, it will be a bit troublesome, and twenty years is also a bit uncertain. It seems that it will take time to complete the balance.

He still underestimated his current potential and foundation.

Wang Ya raised an arc at the corner of his mouth, and a sentence emerged in his mind, ‘I can be regarded as a journey, relying on my own diligence, hard work, and persistence, to have the current strength and status. ’

On the Xinmeng Lake, there are fewer fish in the lake, and they seem to be hidden in the mud and sand under the water.

The fishing rod of the Huanmeng Wizard was also casually discarded aside. Standing under a maple tree on the Xinmeng Island, Wang Ya’s figure appeared like a ghost, from fantasy to reality.

Maple leaves fell from his side, a few fell in his hair and on his robe shoulders.


The Dream Wizard did not reply. He turned his back to Wang Ya and shook his robe in his right hand. A scarlet ball was firmly grasped in Wang Ya's hand.

"This is what you want. In addition." The Dream Wizard paused for a moment before continuing: "You have passed the last class. My last reminder to you is that you must be cautious and careful in facing any matter. You should consider everything carefully and avoid taking risks if you can."

Wang Ya was touched and took off the black lotus mask on his face with a smile. "I know, teacher. I will never forget it."


The winter wind from the southwest corner was biting and cold, but it was warm and gentle when it entered the maple forest. It blew the robes of the two people; one of them gradually faded away in the maple leaves flying like butterflies.

The yellow wizard robe figure left behind sneered, "Really, it's only been a short time, and there's nothing to teach."

I don't know if he was mocking himself or saying something. The voice became lower and lower until it was drowned out by the 'sizzling' sound of thousands of maple leaves blown by the cold wind.

In thirty years, Wang Ya has a lot to accomplish.

In addition to maintaining the steady improvement of strength and not delaying the progress of the analysis of various goals; the development and maturity of the bubble land, the completion of the ecological cycle breeding plan, so that Wang Ya can eat the delicious 'Garuru Leopard' meat, is also an important thing.

For the consolidation and improvement of the 'Energy Chapter' of the Burning Silence inheritance, and the 'Subsidiary Chapter' generated by inspiration. Based on the three directions of advanced witchcraft, the feedback of physical reality under the influence.

Expand from the three directions of kinetic energy, temperature, and dispersion.

It is also a lot of variable experiments completed in the process of studying the energy of the Burning Silence particles.

Wang Ya thought about it. Freddy provided extraordinary potions, Harak Goods Store provided magic stones, and the inheritance land provided extraordinary knowledge. The only thing missing was probably time.

Harak knocked on the window with his beak, and with Wang Ya's eyes, he flew through the window in a dream state and landed on the table.

He stretched out his fingers and gently stroked Harak's little head.

Then he took out the evil god's origin from the wizard ring.

Harak immediately became excited, and his open beak was as big as his face. He swallowed the evil god's origin in one gulp without even a gurgling sound.

There was a sense of satisfaction in his black pupils, and he was full of some sleepiness. He just squatted there, covered his head with feathers, and fell asleep.

Wang Ya did not disturb it, but continued to write the contents of the Book of Inheritance with a feather pen.

He almost understood Harak's path of breaking the limit and sublimation.

It was very helpful to him, otherwise the analysis of the Eye of Truth would not have lasted only eight years.

Of course, he would participate in the Deep Blue Secret Realm, and he would strive for better things if they were in front of him.

After Harak devoured the source of the evil god, he would continue to become stronger. At that time, even a real formal wizard would be able to compete with him, or even defeat him.

The Deep Blue Secret Realm was full of extreme wizard apprentices. Wang Ya raised his lips with an arc. He had a natural advantage.

Perfect balance, his ambition was based on these four words.

The rustling sound of writing echoed in the study

The White Tiger Wizard Tower.


A large amount of soil flew, and broken trees mixed with soil rushed straight up to the sky, and it rained mud; a figure flew backwards, extremely embarrassed, the wizard robe on his body was tattered, revealing a body full of scars, and his muscles bulged, looking full of wild instincts and primitive power.

The fierce tiger wizard had disheveled hair, stepped hard with both feet, and rushed out of the deep hole he had sunk into. The recoil force was transmitted to the depths of the earth, forming a small-scale earthquake wave, 'boom'! A large number of cracks appeared on the ground. The fists rubbed the air at high speed, forming dazzling flames in the process of swinging. The air was drawn out and compressed. The fierce tiger wizard's punch was full of killing intent, and he just wanted to kill the yellow wizard robe figure on the spot.

A wave of illusory waves enveloped the dream wizard, and the dream state returned. The fierce tiger wizard's fierce punch went straight through his body, and he fell down in the depths of the dense forest, crushing countless trees and small creatures.

As for those larger extraordinary creatures, they had the ability to realize that something was wrong and left this area.

The price paid by the dream wizard was just a fish in the dream lake. He could gather two such fish every day.

If there were no restrictions, the Dream Lake would have been full.

"Huan Meng, damn bastard, you are courting death." The furious Tiger Wizard roared like a roar, and a primitive and wild breath spread out from the depths of the jungle, and at the same time, more terrifying extraordinary fluctuations poured out.

The expression under the yellow mask was slightly solemn. The Dream Wizard sighed and said, "Why bother, Tiger, you should know that I am the most restrained bloodline wizard in the entire dark land. You'd better give up, otherwise it will be bad if the bloodline calamity is triggered."

The answer to him was the huge claws that suddenly enlarged in the depths of the jungle, covered with diamond-like hair, and the claws glowed with a dark luster; in the process of falling from the sky, everything along the way was swept by the sharp aura hidden in the claws and turned into invisible powder.

The Dream Wizard smiled and said, "The future belongs to the young. We old people should be quiet and not make too much noise. If the Light Wizard gets angry, it will be even more troublesome."

A yellow fishing rod appeared in his hand, and the white silk thread was bright. With a flick, the fishhook seemed to have eyes, and was not affected by wind pressure and extraordinary fluctuations. It quickly wrapped around the giant claw.

Then it was tied to the body of the Tiger Wizard, which was partially transformed into a blood body, and it was firmly trapped. The fishhook was like a snake's breath, suspended in front of the Tiger Wizard's face, ready to move.

"Now, we should have a good talk."

"Talk about your mother, Dream, I'm going to kill you." The Tiger Wizard had disheveled hair, thick hair came out of his nostrils, his face was flushed, and he was very excited. The dirty words in his mouth turned into a telegram to greet the Dream Wizard.

The latter wore a yellow wooden mask, and his expression could not be seen clearly at all.

"Alas, why bother, Tiger Wizard, I came with sincerity, why can't you be more sincere?"

The Dream Wizard's eyes were dim, holding the fishing rod in his right hand and pulling the fishing line with his left hand, like a fisherman who caught a fish and was collecting the net.

Ten minutes later.

The Tiger Wizard was forced to take out the source of the evil god and sign an unfair and humiliating settlement agreement; he angrily stepped hard, and the force transmitted hundreds of meters away shook a hill into pieces.

"Huan Meng, I will never forgive you. Sooner or later, I will humiliate you severely."

The fierce tiger wizard returned to the fierce tiger tower cursing and met some inherited wizards. Seeing their teacher walking and cursing, and his emotional expression was not right, the inherited wizards hurriedly lowered their heads and used the most standard wizard etiquette to guess in their hearts.

The top floor of the fierce tiger tower was dim, and the shadows in the corners occupied half of the area. The fierce tiger wizard tore off the scraps of clothes on his body and sat on the animal bone throne in the center.

This is the skeleton of a first-level extraordinary creature. It is his trophy and a symbol of majesty to the outside world.

The fierce tiger wizard's right hand gently tapped the armrest. His expression was no longer cursing and angry to the point of losing control of his emotions. Instead, he was extremely calm.

His eyes were cold and his brows were slightly furrowed, thinking about the real purpose of the Dream Wizard. He never believed that the other party was just after a piece of the evil god origin. Did he notice something? The fierce tiger wizard's heart sank. As the eyes of the dark land, the other party's every move had deep meaning and purpose; the person he least wanted to face was the Dream Wizard.

No matter what, the core of the dark land is still the rules.

He didn't believe that the Dream Wizard could find any clues, he had already dealt with it cleanly.

Around the year, Wang Ya underestimated the cultivation progress of the "Garuru Leopard", and it had not grown completely in two years.

The first batch of Garuru Leopards really needed wizard intervention and wizard surgery to achieve the goal.

There was a second choice, putting the colorful foam fruits into gift boxes and sending them to the corresponding wizards in time: Teacher Huanmeng, Senior Sister Kelan, Mona, Gray, Mas, and even Kaze of the Antun family received gifts.

What surprised him was that the Stark family actually invited him to participate in a banquet, saying that it was to apologize for the recklessness in the emergency attack.

Wang Ya accepted the apology and praised the other party's wise choice, but did not attend the banquet. To be precise, he did not have time.

It was not suitable for him to attend this banquet.

The other party gave him the Gate Compass, and Wang Ya got it from the wizard Kelan; it was the wizard Kelan who replaced him in the emergency attack plan that day, and as for the one who went to the Beast Wizard City, it was Teacher Huanmeng who personally participated with a consciousness split.

Sure enough, the big fish was caught, and the existence of the Dark Bat Wizard's consciousness was found, which was obviously related to a high-level person in the Dark Land.

In return, Wang Ya also gave a gift of colorful foam fruit to Pony Stark.

In the new year, the atmosphere of the headquarters became more and more severe, to be precise, in the upper house, among the level of extreme wizard apprentices. It is almost rare to see the figure of extreme wizard apprentices, and the chief and deputy seats are almost invisible, completely delegating power to the wizards below.

What this represents is self-evident, and it has something to do with the Deep Blue Secret Realm thirty years later.

Time flies, and another year has passed.

At the same time, the competition for the new secret realm has officially begun.

The Dark Land headquarters has fallen into a new round of excitement; the headquarters has rules and regulations and will not be too noisy; in the nearby wizard city, wild wizards, family wizards, and headquarters wizards are all competing in the secret realm. Arguing about who won and who lost, arguing endlessly, but it was a bit like the World Cup football in the previous life.

Wang Ya, Gray and others gathered again, and discussed the secret realm competition in the tavern; Wang Ya bet on one of the new students named Ace, and 'Perseverance', 'Hony Stark' of the Stark family. 'Both are the favorites in this secret realm competition.

As for why he chose the little guy named Ace, maybe he saw the shadow of his former self.

Wang Ya picked up the wine glass and took a sip. The corners of his mouth curled up, and some scenes from his past experiences emerged in his mind.

It is rare for a wizard to take the two opposite paths of water and fire. In the past, the conflict between the two could not be resolved. In the end, the corresponding wizard always chose the one with higher affinity.

This problem can be initially solved in the newborn period, so that the elemental witchcraft of water and fire can cooperate with each other to produce a more powerful elemental witchcraft.

For this alone, this Ace is already as good as the wizard geniuses of his past.

"There are so many people with perseverance, Wang Ya, you are so confused, why did you choose Ace?" Gray yelled with a loud voice, his face flushed, and he was also a little drunk.

Of course, with a wizard's physique, he can wake up at any time if he wants to.

Mas was already asleep, lying on the sofa snoring.

Mona gave the reason for taking care of the store and left early with a rosy face.

Wang Ya stood up. He was about to end the party and leave.

The fourth evil god's origin was given to him by the Dream Wizard three months ago. After Halak devoured it, his reaction was very great. The extraordinary fluctuations he produced were beyond his expectations, and the degree of improvement was unprecedented.

Perhaps the sovereignty of blood can undergo some changes.

Putting an arm around Wang Ya's shoulder, Gray leaned over drunkenly and said with a smile: "You kid, tell me the truth. What is your strength now? Have you been promoted to the Ultimate Wizard Apprentice?"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Wang Ya's mouth, and instead of answering directly, he said: "Mas just got rid of you and sent you back. There is something wrong."

"Absolutely, you are the ultimate wizard apprentice." Gray's expression became exaggerated, his face slumped, and he made a fist with his free left hand and waved, "Sure enough, you are a pervert, the third person in the land of mountains and seas A talented extreme wizard apprentice. I can’t even advance to the third level wizard apprentice. I don’t know when I can advance.”

"Except for the dead Rhodes, the innate strength of the dark wizard Fox is the best. He is probably only a third-level wizard apprentice, and he has not even reached the extreme wizard apprentice level."

Gray's tone was full of resentment, "It's so irritating to compare people to each other, Wang Ya, you're a loser."

Wang Ya hesitated to speak. Just as he was about to say something, Gray pushed his back and pushed him out of the room door.

"Okay, okay, you are the number one person in the Dark Land now. You have many things to do and are very busy. Go and get busy."

Listening to the voice that was still chanting after closing the door, Wang Ya put on the black lotus mask, shook his head, and said that his strength improved quickly, it depends on how many resources he has eaten and the convenience he has. The Eye of Truth saw Gray's strength. His mental power value was only about three or four points away from 40.

This speed is also abnormally fast.

It made him curious about how Gray did it.

Following the path of the Spirit Control Wizard, Wang Ya also knew about this wizard system after collecting and inheriting knowledge through the Eye of Truth. It is considered a branch of the blood wizard, controlling extraordinary creatures, cultivating them, and integrating with himself to obtain all-round improvement.

Very few bloodline wizards take this branch of the road. The reason is that they must be born with a powerful extraordinary bloodline, which stumps many bloodline wizards. Similar to bloodline wizards, but better than bloodline wizards, this branch of the system does not have bloodlines. disaster and some other shortcomings.

Could it be that there is some kind of powerful extraordinary bloodline hidden deep in the illusory level in Gray's body, which was awakened after becoming a wizard, which is why he has improved so quickly?

Wang Ya returned to the three-story tower and teleported directly into the first-level laboratory. His current strength was barely enough to turn around, and he would not be stingy if he had the ability to let Harak use good wizard instruments.

The black flesh cocoon is in the center of the experimental room, with a large number of syringes pierced into it. The pipes transport a steady stream of nutrients, vibrating like a heartbeat, followed by terrifying extraordinary fluctuations to provide the nutrients Harak needs. Materials, Wang Ya owns a commercial street store, which is also a bit bumpy, and he can barely keep up with the magic stone consumption.

After all, a large amount of magic stone is consumed in a short period of time. If it is a long-term supply, the profits of the Halak Merchandise Store will be completely sufficient.

Wang Ya has experienced the pain of a broken capital chain several times.

After all, everything was worth it. Through the pulsation of the black flesh cocoon, the consciousness belonging to Halak was transmitted through the soul imprint.

His expression changed slightly, "You can use the superposition of infinite black cores to allow the changed blood lord to sense the origins of other evil gods. Even if they are far away, as long as they are on the same spatial level. "

"The evil god Gendasi is not dead yet, and there is one last source of origin, which is in a place in the Dark Land. Eating it can complete the stage change of the power of the Lord of Blood, and even the yellow-clothed wizard who fights with me in the battlefield of fire can be defeated."

ps: Today's 12,000 updates are completed, and will continue tomorrow!

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