The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 251 [251] I am not as good as you. Analysis of something wrong

Dark Soul King Ya was stunned for a moment. Wanjie Wizard's request was within his expectations.

However, it was rare to have such an opportunity to attack a second-level wizard of the Stars.

Dark Soul King Ya bowed slightly, "Master Wanjie Wizard, please be careful."

Wanjie Wizard smiled dumbly, "If you can let me move one step away from where I am, I can meet one condition of yours, the promise of a second-level wizard, what do you think?"

Dark Soul King Ya's heart moved, so that there was more reason to try it.

It was just right to try the witchcraft that he had mastered. Although the main body said that the Wanwo witchcraft school could not be spoken out actively, if it was used, it could be regarded as passive information.

It depends on whether this Wanjie Wizard is curious.

Chi Chi!

The endless Wanwo particle energy gushed out of his body, even causing waves in the river, and the matter around his footsteps exploded into powder and disappeared into the air.

Wanjie Wizard still had his back to him, expressionless, and even had no intention of using the particle energy shield, but there was a thought in his eyes.

Heihun Wang Ya was not surprised at all. He could understand any reaction of a true second-level wizard. He only needed to gently wave his extraordinary mental power to kill him here.

Qianbaihua Sword appeared in the hands of Heihun Wang Ya, and in an instant, all the energy of Wanwo particles gathered in the long sword.

[True Sound Explosion] Medium witchcraft.


The explosion of Wanwo particle energy was terrifying. The night sky seemed to be divided into two, and the purple energy curtain covered it, and the river water material stagnated.

It was accompanied by a terrifying sound. When the sound was extremely loud, it became an inaudible mosquito sound.

The particle vibration of Wanwo particle energy has the transmission of sound, and sound can also transmit vibration. The force itself is mutual.

The cooperation of Qianbaihua Kill and sound can affect the enemy mechanism from the vibration, and meet the conditions for the absolute destructive power of Qianbaihua Kill.

"It's an interesting idea, and it's something I didn't think of. The vibration and sound are combined to continue the defects of the Wanjie particle energy. It can almost be said that it has created and developed new changes in properties." Wanjie Wizard turned around, and didn't even bother to look at the Wanwo energy particles that were flooding in. He stretched out his hand and waved it gently, and all the energy and witchcraft special effects disappeared. The face of the Black Soul King Ya changed drastically in an instant, and he turned pale. The Qianbaihua Sword in his hand fell unconsciously. He didn't even understand what happened. All the witchcraft energy he released was gone. The absolute destructive power was promised, but even a hand... Is this the true strength of the second-level Star Wizard? He doesn't even have the qualifications to see clearly and make a move. , The Black Soul King Ya now finally has a vague concept. The second-level wizard is very strong, definitely more than ten times stronger than the first-level wizard. "You are better than me."

The words of Wanjie Wizard almost made the Black Soul Wang Ya, who played the role of Comoros, lose his concentration, "Master Wanjie Wizard, this..."

"I mean in the study of the change of particle energy properties, I can create Wanjie particle energy more by luck. This kind of luck has accompanied me many times on the wizard road. Breaking through the formal wizard is one time, and completing the change of particle energy properties is one time, but it is impossible every time." Wanjie Wizard suddenly reacted and smiled, "I am old, and I talk a lot, but I still want to thank you for the opportunity you brought me, which gave me new ideas about Wanjie particle energy."

"Little guy, let's talk."

Wanjie Wizard stretched out his big hand and grabbed the Black Soul Wang Ya's shoulder, picked him up, and then the familiar Wanjie particle energy wrapped the two of them, and the particle energy shield formed isolated the air, and directly took off and disappeared in the night sky.

Dark Soul Wang Ya knew that he had passed the most difficult level.

Next, you just need to be careful and careful. In addition to keeping your main body safe, your identity can also create greater value for your main body.

Two years later.

The days in the third-layer space are always the same. Review the extraordinary knowledge content and make notes and summaries; cook dream creatures, take extraordinary potions, improve mental power values, and assist in the subtle expansion of the bubble land, so as not to go to the starry forest next door.

Wang Ya is also very concerned about the breeding of dream creatures. This is a rare help that can significantly promote his mental power.

Both the flower garden and the breeding forest are in a thriving state. The purchase of the water core treatment device has played an important role.

Who told Wang Ya not to let the bubble land connect to the lake and let the living water in the lake flow into the bubble land.

However, this cautious idea is in line with the most correct operation of a wizard.

During this period, Wang Ya completed the creation and details of the "Energy Chapter" and "Kinetic Chapter" attached to the Burning Silence inheritance.

Some of the difficulties encountered at the moment are probably the stagnation of the internal structure experiment of the wizard's human body in the fission path.

The energy of the burning and silencing particles is too overbearing. The fission path in the conventional sense cannot be completed in the body at all. His physical strength is still far from enough. If he forces it to contain it, it will collapse instantly.

What Wang Ya wants is not a fission path that can only carry a small amount of burning and silencing particle energy and extinguish after releasing one or two magnetic silencing death rays, but a fission path that can release the equivalent of a fire core with a wave of his hand. At the very least, he must release the basic ten nuclear equivalents.

In this case, the fission path will require much higher requirements, and the physical body will be even more unable to bear it.

"It's difficult!"

Wang Ya felt a little irritated in his heart, so he simply stopped thinking about it, teleported out of the laboratory, and came to the sea area of ​​the third-level space.


The sea water rose and fell, and the sun set in the distant sky, and the clouds overlapped.

Wang Ya sat on the reef. Halak poked a head out of his sleeve. With his permission, he swooped down the sea and broke into the flock of seabirds, causing a commotion.

Halak had hardly ever been to the sea. In order to accompany his master, he always stayed in the forest area near the huge castle.

It restrained its breath and restrained its desire to control and devour these delicious little guys. Instead, it used a playful mind to disperse the formation of the flock of birds.

Wang Ya lay on the ground, the salty and wet sea breeze blowing his hair, looking at the sky of rosy clouds. With his current eyesight, he could already see the unnaturalness of the sky.

He closed his eyes.

It's time to take a good rest and relieve the pressure.

[Spiritual power: 43, 5]

Everything is going according to the wizard's plan, and the current mental power improvement is even far beyond the estimate.

There is no need to be tense all the time.

Wang Ya also thought it through, but when he was resting and relaxing his mental pressure, a few thoughts emerged about the nature change method of "disaster particle energy".

Thinking about it, he inexplicably became interested.

[Target: Disaster particle energy]

[Details: Special particle energy created by the Disaster Wizard. More specific information is unknown. Should it be analyzed? ]

Wang Ya was stunned for a moment. The Eye of Truth now has the power of blue, gold, black and white. The preliminary analysis should not be unable to understand even the basic information.

He became more and more curious. The energy of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Particles is just like that. Could it be that the Disaster Wizard of the Sack family is still a powerful wizard who is hidden.

"What a joke, this analysis time has reached"

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