The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 286 [286] Retrieve the War Treasure House and Fight the Red Dragon Kingdom

"The more you take the legendary blood potion, the faster your sublimation progress will be, and you will become a formal wizard."

"Inside the battle treasure house, there is also the 'Legendary Heart' potion that improves the strength of formal wizards, and there are also related supporting potion formulas, including the subsequent 'Legendary Soul' potion and 'Legendary Spirit' potion, which continuously extend the limit and continuously improve the strength until you become a fourth-level wizard without any obstacles."

The words of the Hanged King echoed in Wang Ya's mind.

The reason why the legendary series of potions can become the best way to break through is also closely related to breaking through the fourth-level wizard.

Carrying rules and giving birth to rules will not have any resistance and will come naturally.

The Black Sun Wizard spent his whole life until he died of old age, but he did not successfully advance to the fourth-level wizard.

The other party's pride also made him unwilling to prolong his life and make any stains or loopholes on his own wizard path in order to survive.

‘No wonder the wizard civilization of the legendary era is notorious and frightening in the entire boundless virtual sea and the world of the heavens. In the historical texts of some civilizations, wizards are even more ugly, barbaric, and eat people’s hearts.’

Anyone who sees the black-robed figures with shining eyes and extreme greed will feel fear.

Not to mention other benefits, just the extraordinary potions of the legendary series. Wang Ya admitted that he was tempted.

“Master, the internal structure of my fortress has been disassembled and integrated into the depths of the earth in the deep blue world, maintaining the entire world experimental field. Only after those parts are taken back can I leave this place.”

“Similarly, the world experimental field will be destroyed, which means that the balance will be broken, and the wizard world will completely devour this world.”

Wang Ya’s figure was enveloped by the power of the teleportation wizard formation. He took a general look at the internal structure of the entire fortress. As the Hanged King said, nine out of ten rooms were empty. Almost every area had its parts removed.

The current Hanged King’s fortress is incomplete, imperfect, and has lost most of its power.

The world-destroying meteorite cannon lacks the most important energy-melting connection pipeline between the engine and the muzzle.

Even if Wang Ya becomes the master of the Hanged King Fortress, he cannot take this big guy away.

Unless the relevant structural accessories are taken out.

This is obviously difficult. According to the Hanged King, the places where those accessories are located are mostly in unfathomable seabed cracks, or buried ten thousand meters deep in the earth.

A more reliable way is to use the power of Deep Blue Aboriginal technology to dig underground or build an underwater exploration base.

The time spent is destined to be very long.

Relying on its own strength, it is still impossible to blast open the earth veins.

The most powerful Burning Silence Fission Sorcery cannot affect such a deep stratum.

Wang Ya does not have the time to do these things.

What I learned from the Hanged King is that the time flow rate in the time cycle field is different.

Each reset is one year away from the outside world.

Wang Ya reset at least fifteen times, which means that fifteen years have passed in the outside world.

His long-term disappearance will definitely cause a chain reaction.

What I am worried about is some situations in the dark land.

I hope it's not too bad.

There is still good news, that is, the location of the accessories of the war treasure house is not as terrible as being buried ten thousand meters underground, but only one thousand meters away.

Because of the operation of the continental plates and the terrain, it extends from the depths of the earth veins to the position closest to the surface.

Perhaps it is also the only accessory that Wang Ya is able to get.

The extraordinary resources in the war treasure house are also what he needs.

The most important thing is the formula of the extraordinary potion of the legendary series.

And the legendary blood potion that can allow him to complete the sublimation state and enter the wizard's extreme state in a short time.

The Heart Dream Mirror appeared in front of him. In the yellow-orange mirror surface, in the deep underground environment, a large number of tree roots tightly entangled and sealed the six wizard puppets.

No, perhaps after melting the statue of the Deep Blue Great Wizard, the black steel metal is enough for the sublimation and promotion of his Heart Dream Mirror and Magnetic Mirror.

Wang Ya raised an arc at the corner of his mouth, revealing his white and neat teeth.

The Kingdom of the Red Dragon Alliance.

Hundreds of regions have been put on alert at the same time to deal with terrorist actions and secret attacks from other major powers and super-powered terrorist forces. Five years have passed since the outbreak of the global war between super-powered and technological forces.

The war situation is no longer the initial alert, mutual watch, secret development of super-powered technology, and economic warfare from all aspects, trying to overwhelm the other side.

The only ones who will suffer are some small countries, which have no ability to bear risks. Once the orders from major powers stop, the entire economic system will completely collapse, and the currency will be like paper money, and finally become a subordinate colonial country.

This has also led to the birth of a large number of underground forces and terrorist forces, which are crazy about revenge in the territory of major powers.

And because of the small number of personnel and high mobility, they often cannot catch their whereabouts and suffer harassment again and again.

Although the loss is small, it has hit the people's hearts, making the citizens panic and unable to live, and also causing the prestige of those major powers to fall to a low point and economic recession.

The fuse is due to the explosion of the mechanical heart, and there are also a large number of super-powered gene carriers, which makes the old human high-level uneasy and panic.

In the end, the whole world fell into chaos. As long as there was interest, even if two forces had just cooperated, they would fight each other again.

Many people with vision were afraid, afraid that it would develop to that point.

The real strategic Heavenly Punishment weapon broke out.

There were almost no people in the c9 park, and some wild animals became more numerous, running around among the grass and trees.

Wang Ya walked on the cobblestone path, and the weeds popped up and swept his boots.

Returning to the ninth district, he felt a little emotional. The influence of the Black Dragon Research Institute was still continuing. Most of the people moved to another activity area, or simply moved out of the ninth district.

The streets were also very deserted, except that the power supply was very sufficient. Various neon lights flashed the loneliness in the steel city, which was particularly eerie. Wang Ya was also surprised that the war storage would actually exist inside the Red Dragon Alliance Heavenly Kingdom.

It was still the Nuclear Energy Research Center in the tenth district, with a large amount of nuclear energy storage, and it was also a place where the raw materials for the Heavenly Punishment weapon were produced.

It could help his plan and purpose to a certain extent.

Before that, he needed to take out something left in the Black Dragon Research Institute.

The cold wind blew the wild grass and leaves, making them rustle. The Black Dragon Research Institute in front of him was hollowed out, and all kinds of plants and vegetation were growing wildly, becoming a paradise for animals.

It seemed that since he disappeared, the Black Dragon Research Institute that disappeared not only failed to break the saying of forbidden land, but also deepened that saying.

Even if the white light did not exist, no one dared to enter the research institute.

The pupils were covered with four-color luster. He was not looking at the vegetation and flowers, but the Black Dragon Research Institute in the dream world.

The black energy beam still existed, although it was much smaller, and the internal fission fire core cycle was close to collapse. However, 30 fission fire cores were enough for Wang Ya to use. If he came later, it was estimated that the dream seeds left behind would no longer be able to maintain the supply and consumption of dream power.

The black magnetic mirror appeared in front of him, the mirror surface was rippling with light, restrained, like the entrance of an abyss, able to absorb endless matter.

In fact, it was absorbing the power of the black energy beam. The fission fire cores were like small black balls, sinking into the mirror, creating ripples on the light.

The magnetic bottle inside perfectly utilized the energy of the fission fire cores, and began to accelerate the collision of particles in a cycle, reproducing the original power level.

Then, the right hand holding the magnetic mirror, strange black spells appeared on the skin surface, the blood vessels seemed to become black lines, and even the bone marrow and flesh had more energy flares, but they were extremely black.

The creepy momentum gradually emanated from Wang Ya's body.

The energy level that was extremely restrained, as if it was going to shatter the world, rose without any end as the fission fire cores poured into the body.

Until the last fission fire core poured into the palm of the hand from the handle of the magnetic mirror, Wang Ya's momentum gradually subsided, and those strange black spells and black lines also sank under the skin layer.

Spreading out his white palms, Wang Ya's eyes were subtle, and the corners of his mouth raised a curve, "This power is really fascinating, but it is far from the limit of what I can bear."

After the fission wizard surgery on the heart was completed, the fission nuclear energy body was already in a complete state.

There is no difference from the elemental true body of a formal wizard, and it will be more powerful.

"If the biological force field and the fission nuclear energy body are combined, what will happen? Well, now is not the time to think about this problem."

Wang Ya suppressed the inspiration in his heart, raised his head, looked at the sky, and turned his eyes to the direction of the tenth district.

The next moment, his figure faded and disappeared on the spot.

At the same time, the great powers with satellite grid monitoring systems all detected an energy level comparable to the battle-class scourge weapons at the same time.

The Red Dragon Emperor was awakened from his nap, sweating profusely, panting heavily, and full of panic in his eyes.

A nightmare, about the scene of the Red Dragon Guards being wiped out fifteen years ago and the death of the strongest natural disaster Red Dragon. He didn't know why he dreamed of the monster called Black Robe Crow Doctor, even though fifteen years had passed.

Can't forget it, still can't forget it!

The resentment and hatred in his heart made him keep looking for his traces.

But the other party seemed to have evaporated from the face of the earth, and there was no clue at all.

Leaning back on the dragon chair, the Red Dragon Emperor's chest rose and fell. He was a little tired, and there were white hairs on his head. Even the gene injection didn't work. It seemed that he had to try to inject the super energy potion.

"Your Majesty, the energy level comparable to the weapon of heaven's punishment has been detected. According to the energy release location and the relevant monitoring screen, it can be confirmed that the target you have been looking for has finally appeared."

The guard with a knife knelt at the door of the hall, and his voice kept echoing in the space.

The Red Dragon Emperor suddenly raised his head, his face changed drastically, "What did you say!"

After seeing the transmitted light screen image and the black-robed figure appearing in the Black Dragon Research Institute area, he even stood up from the dragon throne, and he himself did not realize that there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Report again, Your Majesty, the target has appeared in the tenth district, and it seems to be heading towards the Nuclear Energy Research Center."

The Red Dragon Emperor took a deep breath and ordered the second sword-carrying guard kneeling at the door in a trembling voice, "Use all your strength and weapons, no matter what level, whether it is skyfire, heavenly punishment, or even the super-powered natural disaster weapons in the experimental stage. I have only one goal, that is to destroy that guy for me, leaving no room for anything, at any cost, even a nuclear energy research center."


"After fifteen years, I finally found you. Finally this time, I must kill you, I must!!" The Red Dragon Emperor turned his back to the hall, with trembling eyes.

ps: Tomorrow, the update of 10,000 words will resume, and the next chapter will be before 1:30, maybe ten minutes longer.

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