The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 295 [295] Blowing down the Dragon Fang Wizard City in one breath Shocking

As soon as the dead wood wizard finished speaking, he turned into a phantom and left the area where he was originally located.

The next moment, a large amount of particle energy gathered, and the direct malice formed a large group of dark clouds, which completely darkened the surrounding environment.

I saw black smoke rolling, and under the drive of some force, a poisonous dragon swept over.

The dragon's eyes were scarlet, and there seemed to be red flames splashing.

After a bite, the entire air area was pulled by a strong attraction.

The affected range actually reached about 300 meters.


In just a moment, several third-level wizard apprentices did not have time to react and did not evacuate this area in time. They were pulled by the suction and finally fell into the dragon's mouth.

The blood mist mixed with the black smoke seemed to increase the red light of the dragon's pupils.

The wailing of the soul made the remaining wizards in the dark land look frightened, and there was still fear in their eyes.

They were suspended in mid-air, far away from the place where the black smoke was dense. The fear in their hearts, especially when they sensed the terrible breath, which was obviously at the level of a formal wizard, instinctively gave rise to the idea of ​​escaping.

Facing a formal wizard, they could not be opponents at all.

Even if they were extreme wizard apprentices, they could only flee.

The face of the thorn wizard was extremely ugly, and his low voice echoed, "Black Smoke Wizard, how come you are here."

"You seem very surprised!" In the black cloud layer of the 300-meter area formed by the black smoke of the dragon head, a figure wearing a black wizard robe gradually condensed.

His face was not clear, and his face was the entire dragon head, the red flame part of the dragon eye.

At the same time, there were two other figures, one also wearing a black wizard robe, and the other was a beige wizard robe. The breath was very strange and could not be detected at all.

"Dark Bat Wizard, Crystal Wizard, it's really a big deal. It seems that all of us are under your gaze. This attack has become a joke." The words of the dead wood wizard were a little bit gnashing.

The current situation is really bad for them.

The enemy obviously has a complete grasp of their movements and goals, and may even know what their trump card is.

Not to mention the attack, it is expected to kill a hostile official wizard.

Whether they can return to the White Lake Wizard City safely is a big problem.

At present, the enemy has two veteran official wizards, and a dark bat wizard with strange means and equally powerful strength.

Nothing is worse than this increase.

All the apprentice wizards present heard the information from the dead wood wizard, and the voice echoed in their minds.

"Dragon Tooth Wizard City can be abandoned. You will act according to the situation later. If you can escape, escape, and find a way to return to the headquarters by other means. Don't go to the White Lake Wizard City."


The strange sound was shaking like a wind chime, but it was the wind blowing on the mirror, forming a superposition of tremors.

The reflected white light completely revealed the mirror hidden in the clouds. It was densely packed, occupying the top, bottom, left and right, with almost no dead angles.

I don't know when, this arrangement has completely locked them up, forming a mirror world.

Rather than a mirror, it is better to say that it is the refraction of light formed on the surface of white crystal.

Under the feedback of physical conditions, the temperature is constantly rising, and the wizards in the dark land within the influence have all noticed that their state is constantly weakening.

"You don't think we will let you go back, Thorn Wizard, Deadwood Wizard, your heads are very valuable."

A shadow that blocked the light came over, and the huge wings with steel-like scales, the span was almost a kilometer, and the power of existence was extremely terrifying.

The shadow particle energy turned into tiny beams of light, filling every corner of the void, almost forming an artificial shadow domain.

This is the wizard's true body [Black-eyed Dark Bat]

The black smoke cloud area on the side was affected by such a majestic body and the waving huge wings. They kept gathering and dispersing, and retreated a large area.

The dark pupils were extremely fierce.

That kind of beast is no different from the real ancient fierce beast-Black-eyed Dark Bat.

The tearing wind formed by the flapping of wings spread thousands of meters, and even the space layer was disordered, and the tide of natural particle energy was no longer balanced.

The Dark Bat Wizard's first move was the strongest means. The wind carried physical feedback that was enough to tear and shatter the mountain, and the shadow particle energy was hidden in it.

If it is waved as a random real body, the strong wind formed will suffer a great loss.

This method allows the Dark Bat Wizard to take the lead in battle after battle.

"No, don't!"

The apprentice wizard was too pale and fragile under such an attack method. The blooming particle energy shield was like a weak candle before the darkness swallowed it, and it could not emit any light at all.

In the shadow-covered places, figures fell one after another, crashed to the ground, and were evaporated into nothingness by the reflection and concentrated radiation light of the crystals blocked from all angles.

Even the Ultimate Wizard Apprentice only lasted a little longer before falling in the tearing shadow wind.

This was a decisive blow, an ambush from the hostile wizards in advance, calculating all their responses and cutting off their retreat.

The figures of the Thorn Wizard and the Deadwood Wizard appeared at the edge of the crystal reflection isolation zone, looked at each other, and had plans in mind.

For now, the only option is to evacuate first and return to the White Lake Wizard City, which is the safest and most appropriate choice.

A large number of thorn spikes grew from the hands of the Thorn Wizard, and in the blink of an eye, a thorn forest independent of the air was formed, covering an area of ​​about 500 meters.


The shadow wind blew away a large piece of cloud, eroding it quickly, covering everything in the void along the way, like a demon in the dark, stretching out huge claws at the two.


The thorns could not stop the attack of the Dark Bat Wizard at all, but could only slow down its speed, which was also the goal of the Thorn Wizard.

The gap in strength was too great, and it was too stupid to stay in the battle.

The ocean liquid, like the flow of green grass and trees, bloomed in the center of the thorn forest, and it was also constantly melting the crystal isolation zone.

In the reflection of the light, the face of the dead wood wizard was extremely pale.

The dead wood particle energy is alive, more like symbiosis with her.

Dead wood, dead wood. If the vitality of dead wood particle energy becomes increasingly dim, her state will become dead wood and she will continue to lose vitality.

Vice versa, this is a fight for vitality with dead wood particle energy. If she succeeds, the strength of dead wood particle energy will not be much weaker than bone particle energy and Rhine particle energy.

Any life touched by dead wood particle energy will be deprived of vitality and turned into a dead wood.

Unfortunately, even with the joint experiment of the Thorn Wizard, the help of the Dream Wizard, and some help from the God Blood Wizard, she could not save the process of losing vitality.

Every time she uses dead wood particle energy, she is accelerating the death of her own body.


It's just opening an exit, not difficult.

The Thorn Wizard and the Dead Wood Wizard quickly flew away from the exit, and the huge shadow claws grabbed the airspace in the next moment, and the particle energy turbulence they set off formed a dark arc light trace that lasted for a long time.

Black smoke billowed, and the figure in the thick smoke cloud, the red-eyed dragon that he transformed into, let out a deafening roar.

The black smoke wizard also took action, but unfortunately it was a step too late. The pervasive black smoke was enough to steam and burn everything from the inside of the target body and kill all living cells.

For any wizard, it has a terrifying deterrent effect. If the engine core inside the mechanical wizard is damaged, the combat power will be greatly reduced. Even if it is a black wizard who manipulates the soul and has extremely powerful soul power, his black smoke can burn it and turn it into firewood.

The only shortcoming is that the speed is relatively slow, and it takes time to cover.

The one who has the advantage in speed is the crystal wizard. His figure walked out of the largest main crystal, and all the crystals in the surrounding airspace turned into liquid streams and merged into his cuffs.

"Lions fight rabbits with all their strength." The voice of the crystal wizard was extremely hoarse, "Give them hope first. When faced with the gap, the emotional fluctuations will be the last straw that completely overwhelms them."

The dark bat wizard also gradually restrained his bloodline true body and returned to his original human form. He looked at the little dot that almost disappeared in the distance with a mocking expression.

Their ambush in advance, how could these two guys have the possibility of escaping.

The results of defeating and killing are different.

It is very troublesome to kill two wizards of the same level. The old and formal wizards have to use some means to completely trap them.

The black smoke wizard is even more short in speed, and he didn't intend to chase from the beginning.

"Crystal Wizard, your illumination magic is getting more and more bizarre. It doesn't affect the biological force field, but starts from the biological feedback of the natural magnetic field."

"Everything they see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and even perceive has become different unconsciously, but they don't even know it."

The smile on the face of the Dark Bat Wizard was extremely strong, and the small dot that was almost blurred in the distance gradually became clearer and larger.

It seemed to be fixed in a straight line of flight. Under the reflection of the light, a series of reflective dots appeared in the void. They were almost transparent small chips, arranged according to special rules, using all the means of the witch array.

It itself does not emit extraordinary fluctuations, and it is integrated into the refraction of light. If you don't stop and carefully perceive and see, you can't find this abnormality at all.

As an old and formal wizard, the Black Smoke Wizard saw more than the Dark Bat Wizard.

This special witchcraft called [Crystal Heart] can be regarded as a witch array. He can't see how far it extends.

In short, it is definitely impossible to be limited to this scale.

The crystal wizard definitely has more tricks.

He took a cryptic look at the figure in the state of crystal refraction, and he couldn't help but feel a little more fearful in his heart.

Can his black smoke break through the reflection, refraction, and temperature of the crystal body? The answer is unknown!

"It's time to take action. Those six first-level extraordinary creatures are estimated to cause some trouble. Dark Bat is counting on you." The crystal wizard sensed the situation in the crystal heart. The target has begun to turn back. In the case of being unable to calm down, the possibility of discovering something unusual is very small.

Even if he discovers it, his tricks can ensure that the target will not escape the predicted result.

The predicted result is the death of the Thorn Wizard and the Deadwood Wizard.

"My Bone-Eroding Demon is the nemesis of these extraordinary creatures. I have been hungry for many days, so I can have a good meal." A sneer appeared on the corner of the Dark Bat Wizard's mouth, and he took out a white sphere from the wizard ring. The size and appearance were very similar to the former Bone-Eroding Pearl.

"In order to avoid any accidents, I will activate the back-up of the Crystal Heart, directly forming a light refraction space jump corridor, and teleport the Thorn Wizard and the Dead Wood Wizard over."

As for some possible fish that slipped through the net, the existence of the apprentice level was gone with them, which did not make much sense.

It is estimated that at this time, the Dragon Tooth Wizard City will also be taken.

The Crystal Wizard frowned slightly, too slow, and the time was not right. Attacking a Dragon Tooth Wizard City, with the combat power of their wizard team, they should have delivered a victory report long ago.

Perhaps the resistance left in the Dragon Tooth Wizard City is more than expected.

After dealing with two official wizards, and then supporting the White Lake Wizard City, with the difference in numbers and some arrangements inside the White Lake Wizard City, it is not difficult to set up the city defense magic array.

The White Lake Wizard City will definitely be taken down by them.

Dragon Tooth Wizard City.

The light curtain formed by the city defense magic array is crumbling, and a large number of magic attacks hit the ripples that are as fragile as egg membranes.

It seems that it will be completely broken in the next moment, and the result is the complete fall of the Dragon Tooth Wizard City.

One after another, the wizards fell from the sky, some were affected by the fire element magic, turned into black smoke and charcoal, and fell down.

Some were directly melted by the poisonous magic, and not even a bone was left, leaving only a pool of corrosive liquid splashing on the ground, corroding a huge pit.

The cruelty of the wizard war is nothing more than this.

The magic converges and collides, causing the natural particle tide to be disordered, and even the space layer can no longer be stable.

However, at a deeper level, it was a dream world independent of the real world. The colorful rays of light formed a ribbon, which involved every corner of the world and maintained stability. The figure in a black robe, the black and white feathered crow on the shoulder shook its wings and flew away into the sky.

As the black-robed figure stood up and straightened his body, the dream world began to change. A large number of colorful ribbons gathered and gradually formed the appearance of a foam land.

The colorful trees and the colorful fruits hanging on them swayed, and at the same time, a large amount of pure dream power was transmitted to his feet through the roots of the earth veins.

The yellow light curtain illuminated by the Nightmare Mirror was in a differentiated state. The scenes were clearly the areas where battles were taking place, whether it was the White Lake Wizard City, the Dragon Tooth Wizard City, or the battles being carried out by the Dead Wood Wizard. Wang Ya's eyes were filled with jumping white arcs, and the content of the picture was flowing back with his thoughts.

Every official wizard who appeared, their methods, the witchcraft they performed, and their wisdom and mind were in Wang Ya's mind, forming a special table.

He never fought a battle without preparation, and the plan in his mind became clearer and clearer.

After analyzing the Crystal Heart Witch of the Crystal Wizard through the Eye of Truth, he reached out and took down the Nightmare Mirror suspended in front of him.

All the yellow light screens disappeared one by one.

Wang Ya turned around, and the foam land behind him gradually faded, replaced by reality.

His eyes were cold and his expression was indifferent.

All the preparations that should be made have been made, and the next step is to settle accounts.

No matter what happened to Teacher Huanmeng, the fact of the attack will not change.


When Wang Ya stepped out of the dream world and came to reality, the entire Dragon Tooth Wizard City, whether it was the Dark Land or the wizards of the Natural Ring Tower, all looked over.

The strong sense of presence of the formal wizard, as long as it appears, will always attract the attention of low-level life.

That is desire, that is yearning, and even more fear.

Even the witchcraft battles between each other have stopped.

The unknown and fear have sprouted in their hearts. Who is this strange formal wizard and what is his purpose.

Is it an enemy, or an ally coming to support?

The wizards of both forces had this thought in their minds, and subconsciously raised their heads and stared at the black-robed figure hanging high above the Dragon Tooth Wizard City.

The strong wind blew Wang Ya's robes, and he looked down.

The originally large-scale battlefield became so small after reaching a certain height.

It was so small that it was like a burning flame, which could be completely extinguished with just a gentle blow.

He did blow gently at the Dragon Tooth Wizard City.

All the wizards in the city jumped in their hearts, as if something was filling the surroundings, and the crisis of death hit their heads, and their instincts made them run fast.

They will die!

They will definitely die. There is something they cannot understand, existing inside and outside the Dragon Tooth Wizard City. ,

The next moment, shrill screams came one after another, as if they had endured invisible torture, and the life fluctuations were declining rapidly.

"No, no, my hand, my heart!" An apprentice of the ultimate wizard from the Natural Ring Tower, powerful and almost at the stage of breaking the limit, is also the commander of this operation to conquer the Dragon Fang.

He covered his chest, his face full of fear and despair, and knelt on the ground, his vitality constantly dying, and stretched out his hand to try to point to the black-robed figure in the sky.

He wanted to speak, wanted to shout, let everyone run, this is the hostile official wizard. The invisible flames accompanied by "puff", began to burn from the inside of his internal organs, and then filled his eye sockets, filling everything.

His consciousness and soul were burned out, and then the flames of the illusory level appeared in reality.

Level 1 Sublimation Witchcraft [Destroy Heart Fire]

The opponent was also an extreme wizard apprentice from the Dragon Tooth Wizard City. Seeing the powerful opponent in front of him, igniting red and white flames, and his body was burned to ashes, Tran's face was full of fear, and inexplicably a little relieved, it seemed that this official wizard was on their side.

He looked up at the black-robed figure hanging high in the sky. I don't know when, the official wizard of unknown identity has left.

Shock appeared on Tran's face, his lips slightly opened, and he almost whispered, "What a joke."

Red and white flames bloomed everywhere in the wizard city, and every scream was the fallen natural ring tower wizard.

All enemies in the entire Dragon Tooth Wizard City died in the blooming flames of death.

The mysterious wizard just blew a breath.

Tran was shocked and could not understand how it was done, what principles or witchcraft methods existed.

Killing all hostile wizards in a wizard city in an instant, and distinguishing between the enemy and us, is this really something that a formal wizard can do? Tran had such a question in his mind. As an apprentice of the extreme wizard, he also yearned for formal wizards.

His life goal can be said to be to become a formal wizard.

There is a certain understanding of formal wizards. Even the white bone wizard can't do such an exaggerated degree.

Tran took a deep breath. The white bone wizard can destroy the entire wizard city in an instant, but he can't distinguish between enemies and friends.

He can't distinguish the wizards belonging to his own side.

Who is that mysterious formal wizard? Tran kept thinking. It seems that no one can correspond to the formal wizards in the dark land.

With such terrible strength, an old and formal wizard should not be unknown.

"The Dragon Tooth Wizard City can be defended thanks to that formal wizard." Tran simply stopped thinking about it. Perhaps it was one of the foundations of the dark land, and the support force arrived.

He silently remembered some details of the black-robed figure in his heart, wearing a black lotus mask on his face.

At this moment, Wang Ya took another step into the dream world. The colorful twisted lines in front of him were lingering. The world was composed of various colors and strange piles, which was very thick and sticky. The yellow light came out from the Nightmare Mirror in his hand, piercing a passable road.

To walk in the dream world, the dream wizard needs to have extremely deep attainments and strong strength.

Without the strength of a formal wizard, it is impossible to pass through the disordered dream space layer and enter another corner of the dream.

When a formal wizard is traveling, he must also be careful. Some strange and twisted things will happen in the dream space layer. If he finds something wrong during the process, the best way is to leave the dream space layer and return to reality.

Wang Ya adjusted the black lotus mask on his face. In the hole, a pair of eyes were particularly sharp.

The light of nightmare released by the nightmare mirror can also be divided into two aspects. The positive picture is the light of heart dream, which is to achieve the dream space layer and even some other dream wizards.

The light of magnetic silence is the absolute destruction of the physical level and the reality level. It is also the derivative and perfection of the former magnetic silence death light witchcraft.

The combination of the two can form a nightmare light that strikes both the illusion and the reality level. Even if the soul power comes into contact with it, it will be annihilated instantly. Perhaps the target itself will fall into an endless nightmare.

The light of nightmare itself has some negative body effects and is difficult to remove.

Entering the battlefield again to fight with the dream wizard, Wang Ya is confident to deal with all the means of the dream wizard.

On the other hand, the opponent could no longer take his magnetic fission magic so lightly.

No longer relying on Halak, his current strength is enough to deal with everything.

The white and slender palm grasped the body of the Nightmare Mirror. At the end of the corridor illuminated by the yellow light, the figures of the Dead Wood Wizard, the Thorn Wizard, the Dark Bat Wizard and others appeared in the distorted yellow light picture.

Wang Ya raised his right foot and took a step forward. At the same time, he also broke away from the dream space layer and merged into the yellow light picture.

"Found you!"

Ultraman Monsters is in the wizard world. Book friends who like monster elements must not miss it. Friends' books, if you like them, you can try them. They are all wizard articles, a group of wizard authors, haha

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