The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 318 [318] Dark Lineage Wang Ya enters the Netherworld Secret Realm

"I want to obtain the two official enemy wizards captured by the Nightmare Wizard, the Dark Bat Wizard and the Crystal Wizard, whether it is their physical body, mental body, or soul body. Of course, wizards are exchanged at equal value, and they are of the dark lineage. The inheritance can be viewed by the Nightmare Wizard and collected at will.”

The words of the ghostly light wizard echoed in Wang Ya's mind.

What really concerned Wang Ya was not this transaction, but the purpose of the Dark Light Wizard.

He began to think subconsciously, and this thought revealed a strong sense of weirdness.

What is the purpose of the Dark Light Wizard, and what is the purpose of trading the Dark Bat Wizard and the Crystal Wizard? The real value should be the memories in their minds, as well as the traces of the wizard's path existing on the body, which can be used Analytical reasoning.

But this should also be useful for wizards at the official wizard level to improve and enhance their foundation.

The second-level Starry Wizard has already passed that stage.

Wang Ya did not give a direct answer, his eyes flickered, thinking whether the ghost wizard was related to the existence he sensed in the Dream Garden, or it was simply her.

There is no direct evidence for this.

So is there a second level 2 wizard in the Dark Land?

From the aura and intuition, Wang Ya felt that the being was not the Dark Light Wizard.

As for asking the Netherlight Wizard about this matter, he also felt that it was a bit inappropriate.

It seems that we can only investigate secretly.

Dream wizards are also good at this.

The Ghost Wizard also waited quietly, his eyes full of expectation.

This scene also convinced Wang Ya that the Dark Light Wizard really wanted the Dark Bat Wizard and the Crystal Wizard, and was bound to win them.

As time passed by, many wizards of the dark lineage passed by the two of them without noticing their existence, and even passed directly through their bodies, as if there was another dimension.

"If the Nightmare Wizard feels a little embarrassed, the exchange conditions can be changed, such as the Netherworld Wizard's inheritance secret realm." The Netherlight Wizard said very seriously: "As long as the Nightmare Wizard agrees, you can enter the Netherworld inheritance secret realm at any time to conduct The test of the Nether Wizard to obtain inherited knowledge."

The Ghost Wizard hesitated for a moment and added, "Of course, please just read it and don't take it away. You can also copy it."

She had to consider Polaris, and the follow-up test was not completed. However, she believed that Wang Ya could directly pass the test and obtain all the inherited knowledge of the Nether Wizard.

Wang Ya had to admit that he was moved. Just two formal wizards could be exchanged for the inheritance of a third-level wizard.

This will not make you lose money, but make a lot of money.

Official wizards often have them, but the inheritance of third-level wizards is extremely rare and extremely difficult to obtain.

Even Wang Ya himself only received the inheritance of the Black Sun Great Wizard.

Nowadays, everyone is still somewhat covetous of the inheritance of other wizards' paths from the Black Sun Great Wizard, as well as the True Sun Lock that hangs on the top of the Black Sun Tower and hooks the Black Sun.

If the Nether Wizard's inheritance is acquired, not only can the Eye of Truth be further improved, but it may also gain new functions.

His foundation can also be improved and increased faster and deeper. This is an all-round improvement!

In this case, there is no need to continue to pinch the two official wizards.

The value to Wang Ya is limited, and the memory in his mind has already been read out.

The deployment of wizards at the Dark Meeting was only part of it. Subsequently, more obscure wizard deployments were carried out with the Dark Light wizards relying on those memory intelligence information.

Wang Ya stared at the Dark Light Wizard, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, "I don't seem to have the need to refuse this deal. I guess any normal wizard would not refuse the conditions given by the Dark Light Wizard."

"But I'm also very curious. Can I take the liberty to ask what the Dark Light Wizard wants to do by trading two official wizards?"

"The wizard path of the two official wizards is of little help to me, but it is of great help to Polaris." The Netherlight Wizard clapped his hands, and a portal of light appeared in front of him, "Me too It takes these two people to make some deals with the Natural Ring Tower in exchange for some benefits. In some ways, this is a win-win deal."

The ghost light wizard raised his feet and stepped into the light first.

After Wang Ya walked in, the light door faded and disappeared.

"Teacher, what's wrong?"

A thicker voice sounded.

Polaris, who came to a stop on the first floor, turned back his gaze in one direction.

His sickly pale skin had a somewhat complicated look on his face, and a look of sadness flashed across his eyes.

She is naturally different from ordinary wizard apprentices in that she is able to sense the authority of the Netherlight Wizard and the Nightmare Wizard, which also allows her to see the manifest light door through the wall building, although she does not know what the two talked about. , but the trembling arc and frequency of the lips can vaguely reveal some key sentences.

For example, 'Netherworld inheritance', 'Trading', 'Darkness lineage inheritance' and so on.

Polaris is in a very heavy mood. Teacher, do you still think that he is more suitable for the Netherworld inheritance than me?

Yes, I am just a loser. Even if I have the Netherworld inheritance, I am still a person covered with shame. Jiexing pulled out a mocking smile on his lips, turned back to the figure in the dark robe and said: "It's nothing, let's go Ai "

Long brown curly hair draped over his shoulders, Ace's facial features were handsome, somewhat similar to Wang Ya, and both of them had a cool and elegant temperament.

He was outstanding in strength, and had made a great reputation in the Dark Wizard Academy, with the title of 'Water and Fire Wizard'.

He successfully entered the Dark Lineage and was personally accepted as a disciple by Polaris.

"Got it, teacher."

Looking at Polaris's back, Ace's eyes were shining with a faint light.

He looked at the place where Polaris had looked before, intentionally or unintentionally.

'Nightmare Wizard King Aharak, huh? You have become a formal wizard, but with your potential, it is only natural! '

Located in the deepest part of the Dark Forest, the light became dimmer and the growing Dark Trees were densely clustered, like a giant guarding.

It was as quiet as death, and no life could exist here.

The terrifying particle energy radiation fluctuations filled every place in this area.

Only the dark trees can thrive. A large number of dark thorny vines seem to be a variant of some kind of blood-sucking vines, like poisonous snakes with dark scars, constantly moving through the woods and even sinking into the earth.

Their core trunks are also underground.

Even if a formal wizard comes here, he will be frightened by the hidden dangers and stop moving forward.

On the spatial level, there are also overlaps, reversals, or interferences, and chaotic transmissions. Only specific people with sufficient strength can come here.

However, in such an environment, behind the dark trees that are like guarding giants and walls, that is, deeper in the depths, a building similar to a square bungalow stands in this lightless and slightly narrow space.

White light suddenly appeared, and two figures emerged after the white light dissipated, standing at the door of the square building.

"This is where the Netherworld inheritance is!"

"Of course not, it's just a transit station. In addition, we still have to sign a wizard contract first, right, Nightmare Wizard."

Wang Ya smiled, "What the Phantom Light Wizard said is of course correct. We must sign a wizard contract."

The Phantom Light Wizard pushed open the old stone door, and his voice echoed, "When entering the Netherworld Secret Realm, you need to pay attention to one thing, that is, you cannot use any magic weapon that exceeds the current level of strength. My suggestion is that you'd better use the core magic weapon."

"In addition, there is no great danger in the Netherworld inheritance. There are only the purest tests from the wizard's heart, the degree of perfection of the wizard's path, and combat experience."

"I understand." Wang Ya nodded.

The two signed the wizard contract. The content of the contract records that Wang Ya will enter the Netherworld Secret Realm and hand over the Dark Bat Wizard and the Crystal Wizard after returning.


Balls of netherworld fire appeared and ignited in the void in front of me, and vaguely, a portal began to form.

ps: I'm going out to eat first. Tonight, I must write another chapter. I don't believe it, damn it! (If I don't do it, the fan group will send twenty red envelopes)

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