The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 370 [370] The touch of the net, it’s coming!

Wizard Lando's identity is extremely special, which is something that many official wizards present are well aware of.

Andersen's void blockade, and Wizard Lando took action at the last moment, allowed them to successfully escape.

There is a lot of information about the phrase 'little fairy in the fairy world', and it is not simple.

"Master, the World-Destroying Meteor Cannon has been launched and has successfully hit the target, sealing off all possibilities of escape. Unless the power of a level five wizard is unleashed, the target will not be able to survive the impact."

The Hanged King's voice sounded, and at the same time, the projected light condensed into a wolf head, suspended in the air, which seemed to be a manifestation of the Hanged King.

You can even see the emotional reaction on the wolf's head and cheeks, which is a kind of joy from the heart.

Wang Ya asked calmly: "How is the energy loss? I need to get accurate data to calculate the situation of the fortress."

"The energy loss is 40%, which has reached the level of annihilation of fourth-level wizards. If it reaches 100%, it will pose a greater threat to fifth-level wizards." The Hanged King quickly replied and calculated the losses in other aspects. "The rules rune system has suffered a lot of damage. It is expected to be able to support five more launches of the World-Destroying Meteor Cannon. When the damage reaches a certain level, it will need to be repaired by a wizard who has reached the fourth level of strength, and the rules power needs to be similar."

"The ordinary rune system does not suffer much loss and can be repaired cyclically through the internal system of Zheng Luo."

"There are five floors in the slave living area. All the slaves have died, and slave extraordinary creatures up to the fifth-level wizard level can be imprisoned. The slaves imprisoned there will be imprinted with the mark of war and will be controlled by the master of the war fortress."

"In addition to the main cannon of the World-Destroying Meteorite, the war weapon system also has an extraordinary biological weapon cultivation system, which provides energy and media to produce 'phagosomes', which are used to clear the rebellious indigenous people on the surface of the planet world and collect vitality and souls; extraordinary viruses The bacterial cultivation system can produce extraordinary viruses that have a great impact and damage to extraordinary creatures and even the ecological balance system of the planet world itself. It can be used to kill all extraordinary beings at a deep level and subtly, and to eliminate the existence of extraordinary beings on the surface of the earth; conventional witchcraft The corresponding runes for release, restraint, confinement, killing, defense, and escape are complete, and twenty third-level sublimation witchcraft can be used.”

‘The outer space jump system and the star gate time and space transmission and positioning system maintain a stable balance. As long as there is sufficient energy, they can be activated at any time to cross the void, the universe, and jump galaxies. ’

"The battle treatment system is intact. The recalled soldiers will receive treatment on both a realistic and illusory level as quickly as possible. The Flesh Barrier will be their best breeding ground."

"The battle defense system is stable. It currently has particle force fields, biological force fields, time and space distortion defense, space layer folding defense, and illusory stealth. It can ignore attacks from wizards below level four."

In other words, as long as it is not a regular force, almost nothing can pose a danger to the battle fortress. Of course, it is a battle fortress in an activated state, a defensive state, and full of energy.

"The current normal storage energy limit of the engine core system is 100%. Energy can be stored through the second engine core, third engine core, fourth engine, and fifth engine."

In one day, Wang Ya could do too little. The remaining energy to activate the world-destroying meteor cannon and obtain the world core and world embryo was already the limit.

If the value of the entire Deep Blue World is completely drained, maybe the second engine core can be filled up.

The potential of a world is still transformed by the Deep Blue Wizard. A world with extraordinary potential, even if it is a little small, is enough to make the Battle Fortress a little full.

In addition to these system functions, the conventional wizard tower also has the functions of the battle fortress, such as laboratories, cultivation areas, and magic plant cultivation areas. The number of folded space layers that exist is extraordinary. If fully expanded, it may be equivalent to a world. .

The dependence on energy consumption is also huge, unless Wang Ya chooses to shut it down and abandon the daily operation of some functions. The battle fortress itself is not really like a wizard tower, it is used for daily living. It is a weapon for battle and needs to be mobilized all the time.

Only by constantly plundering and occupying the fruits of civilization and the world can we maintain the operation of the battle fortress and bring rich harvests.

However, now that Andersen, the only future trouble, has been eliminated, it will take a lot of time for the wizarding world mother planet to swallow up the deep blue secret world, and maybe it can be eaten from the tiger's mouth.

Wang Ya's eyes flickered, and he already had some treacherous thoughts.

He was really too poor. The battle fortress still had about 50% of its energy left, and most of its five engines were empty. He felt a little more urgent.

Conquering the fortress is an important part of his wizard plan, and there must be no mistakes.

The powerful enemy Andersen is simply dead, and the land of mountains and seas is so vast, the land of darkness has been destroyed, and there are also other wizarding forces' territories.

The Sea Dragon Secret Realm also has great value. It may not be able to be developed and utilized. Use this as the basic board to build a world altar. While doing world trade, see if you can take the opportunity to obtain some world node coordinates.

Wang Ya's eyes were filled with energy. The core of the world was what he needed. Whether it was core fragments or the afterbirth and embryos inside the core, he could refine the legendary series of potions.

His current strength value is only a short distance away. If he takes two or three doses of the Legendary Heart potion after the Legendary Blood, he may be able to break through to the second-level Starry Wizard level.

Let the Battle Fortress compete with the Wizard World for the energy of the Deep Blue Secret Realm. How much can be taken? The energy of the entire world is so terrifying and profound. It is quietly accumulated and absorbed in the mountains and seas. I don’t know how many years it will take to fill an engine.

Wang Ya planned in his heart and always put his own strength improvement in the first place.

The experience of the Andersen incident made him feel frightened and helpless for the first time.

The opponent is really too powerful. There are no major shortcomings in all aspects. He has outstanding means and calculates people’s hearts. If he hadn’t misjudged the trump card in his hand, he would definitely be the winner in the end.

Thinking of enduring for decades, not touching any people and things related to him, to observe him, judge his background and strength, Wang Ya felt a little chill in his heart.

Perhaps the Dark Supreme Conference and even the battle in the battlefield were all part of his plan, the purpose of which was to bring out his background and trump cards.

Even the Nether Sword and the Light Wizard took advantage of the one or two hundred years since he came to the Dark Land. How many of the things that happened were under his calculation and control.

He had some enlightenment, and he almost developed a paranoia about improving his strength.

It was similar to lacking a sense of security.

The wizard world was too big, and he was too small now.

‘We must not fight against the wind again.’ Wang Ya emphasized in his heart, ‘We must fight a crushing war.’

Crush if you can, and suppress everything with stronger strength.

He was too passive in the face of Andersen because he was not strong enough. Even if he had external means, they were external things after all, not his own, and were full of uncertainty.

Looking at the faces and figures staring at him, Wang Ya was ready to tell some of his plans.

However, just as he was about to speak, his face changed instantly.

"I think we are in trouble, Master." The Hanged King's voice sounded.

A group of formal wizards and apprentice wizards became nervous again.

Located above the sky of the wizard world's mother star, the unknown height is even higher, entering the universe and the starry sky. The light spots formed by the vast number of stars and celestial bodies are like the endless sand. They rotate with the rotation of the wizard world's mother star. The perfect ecological balance acts on the wizard's initial galaxy around the wizard world's mother star.

The starry sky is full of mystery, eternal, unknown, and darkness. The starry sky outside the wizard world's mother star is brilliant and glorious. Traces of civilization can be seen everywhere. The stars and the celestial world are like a net, and the wizard world's mother star is the center of the net.

In fact, there is really a net. If a wizard at the level of the sun comes to the universe and the starry sky, he can find the traces of the net everywhere in this galaxy, which is also the traces of rules, blocking the void. A large number of space layers and void layers are blocked. No one can pass through this net without being discovered.

There are too many rules and too dense forces. If a small creature rashly breaks into a spider web, it will be bound in the web and unable to move. In the end, it will be discovered by the owner of the web and get the consequences it deserves.

This web has another name, which is the 'Ninety-nine Tribulations Locking Space Array'.

It is embedded in the ecological balance of the cosmic celestial bodies of the wizard's initial galaxy. Anyone who tries to jump across the cosmic space without authority will be blocked by the power of the array.

This is not only the case in the wizard's initial galaxy. Outside the galaxy, more wizard galaxies have such a situation, forming a huge and terrifying web together. Even in more distant cosmic areas, beyond the galaxy clusters composed of a large number of galaxies including this initial galaxy, there are traces of the web. Those are more galaxy clusters occupied by the wizard legend civilization. Endless planetary worlds, countless celestial meteors, and galaxy clusters are all on this web, and they also form this web.

Beyond the real web is the outer space that the wizard legend civilization cannot absolutely control! !

At this moment, the wizard's initial galaxy network was slightly touched when the battle fortress fired the world-destroying meteorite cannon, just like a candlelight in a silent room, slightly erratic, and a little ripple on the calm water surface, but it caused unprecedented turbulent changes.

ps: I'm a little stuck, missing 1,500, I'll make up for it later.

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