The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 388 [388] Lord of War, Lord of Disasters Five Years Later

Twisted color lines fill together to form a chaotic river. There is no sky, no earth, only disorderly everything. This is the dream world of the warrior world.

As Wang Ya planted the seeds of his dream, the anchor point was established, and the unique connection echoed to the bubble world along the far distance of time and space.

The wizard's consciousness stood in the void of the dream world, looking at the battle fortress squeezing out of the world's river of colors. The huge size, streamlined body, and the unique extraordinary spells formed by various wizard runes formed a huge... The shield adapts to the fluctuations caused by crossing the time and space of dreams.

Only such a majestic creation can withstand such a far distance in time and space, and withstand the dual forces of illusion and reality.

As a price, the engine core finally recovered 80% of its energy, but now 60% evaporated out of thin air.

The price endured was of course far more than that. The fission leyline network of the bubble world and the originally abundant power of the Nightmare Destroyer burned 70% of the Nightmare Destroyer Power in an instant in order to allow the battle fortress to pass this far distance in time and space. , even the core of Nightmare Destroyer almost had some problems.

He simply persisted in the end, which was attributed to his preparations long ago. Even after the world of warriors was discovered by the World Altar, Wang Ya was already preparing.

Through the screen projected in the main control room, he looked at the dream world, which was different from the wizarding world. It was so desolate, so ordinary, without any influence from any force or development by anyone else.

This is good, very good! !

The corners of his mouth curved upward, revealing his neat white teeth, and his smile was bright.

The black eyes burned with the flame of greed.

Everything in the warrior world will become his property, whether it is extraordinary knowledge, the core of the world, or the existing indigenous races, everything is his and can only be his.

So much price has been paid and so much pressure has been endured.

Now is the harvest time! !

The whole dream world seemed to be roaring, and the sound formed a ripple-like line of white paint, rippling, spreading to an infinite distance, and still spreading. The huge body of the battle fortress cannot be fully displayed in this dream world. It is too weak. It is also too fragile. If it fully manifests, it will cause the dream world to be broken, and it may even cause problems with the anchor point of the dream.

After Wang Ya considered it, he allowed part of the battle fortress to appear in this world, and the other part to be in the bubble world. In this way, he would need to bear tremendous pressure all the time, and the bubble world would also continuously invest the power of nightmare-destroying dreams. , maintain the connection with the anchor point.

Black light shot out from various areas of the battle fortress, forming huge and ancient chains. It had dual characteristics of illusion and reality, and was firmly fixed in the void. It even penetrated the dream world and took root in the warrior. in the reality of the world.

In the main control room, Wang Ya had a bit of surprise on his face.

The Hanged King answered the question in Wang Ya's mind, "Master, the wizard rune system has many wizard rune spells, and they are very comprehensive. Especially for world plunder, the conquest of the fortress can be adapted to many aspects."

"The black chain is a real chain formed by many fourth-level rule runes. It can anchor reality, strengthen the connection between the bubble world and the warrior dream world, and reduce the consumption of your dream-destroying power, master."

"The most important thing is that real chains can be used to form an invasion tunnel that leads directly to the warrior's real world. It can even reach deep underground and touch the core of the world. Once the real chains touch the core of the world, it can be directly locked and pulled in In the battle fortress."

Wang Ya praised: "Well done, Hanged King, please go down and let the members of the Heart of War prepare. This will be an unprecedented plundering experience. In this era, we may be the only one who can do it and implement it." ”

"The wizarding forces in the outer area are inaccessible, the wizarding forces in the inner area are incapable, and the wizarding forces in the core area are unable to do it. This is also an experience that establishes the fighting spirit of all wizards."

Wang Ya's eyes were bright and full of ambition. A wizard without a heart for war would not be able to become a core member of the force with a heart for war. This was also a screening opportunity. The so-called war spirit means those who can adapt to the plundering world, have good performance, and perfectly complete their respective tasks. These selected people will become Wang Ya's right-hand assistants and a member of the "Nightmare Disaster" that will be prepared soon.

The nightmare disaster is closely related to the fission leyline network of the bubble world. Each member will have a nightmare mark of the natural disaster that is independent of the level. They can be resurrected, borrow the power of the nightmare, and convert different extraordinary powers to give other people level nightmare marks. ability.

In Wang Ya's vision, every natural disaster must be top-notch in terms of ability, resourcefulness, and strength. This is related to some subsequent nightmare natural disaster plans.

In the warrior world for ten years, the phase space-time passage was very mysterious and no one could control time and space, but about two years have passed in the wizard world.

Within two years, the Heart of Conquest successfully took root in the land of frost and snow. The Conquest Fortress itself was in the void. Many of the buildings in reality were some projections of the Conquest Fortress itself. As the power of distorting reality spread, it will The basic construction that took decades or hundreds of years to complete was completed in just two years. There are up to 500 wizard array nodes. The complex wizard array contains many functions. These wizard arrays are also extremely special. It can echo and connect with each other, increase the strength of different wizard array abilities, and can deal with various challenges and crises. Even if there is an invasion by a powerful enemy similar to the Dark Land, there are ways to deal with it, and it can even prevent the enemy from coming.

If you really encounter an enemy that you cannot resist, the Hanged King can also use the power of the 599 core nodes of the witch formation to directly take away all the members of the Heart of War and sink them into the void.

At the same time, the inside and outside of the canyon area have been explored to find out what kind of extraordinary creatures there are, the ecological balance, the magnitude of the leyline nodes existing under the leyline, and what the direction of the natural particle energy tide is. Such as extraordinary mineral veins, Resource lands, extraordinary species that can be cultivated into resource lands. There are also some dangerous special places similar to the white fog area.

"Master Nightmare Wizard, we are all ready."

Wang Ya turned around and looked at the many figures uniformly wearing black wizard robes with the symbol of the Heart of War (a giant black and white tree). The leader was the Dark Light Wizard, followed by Polaris, Deadwood Wizard, Machine God Wizard, arranged in order of strength. Wizard of Yisi. Wizard's Apprentice 'Kazeantun', 'Hades Antun', 'Gagarin Condor', 'Autumn and Winter Tutu Road'.

Every member of the wizard is in high spirits, at the peak of their condition, with excitement and fire in their eyes, and they are eagerly looking forward to this day in their hearts.

"Master, the real chain has been successfully penetrated deep into the ground, the real tunnel has been constructed, and reality invasion can be carried out at any time."

The voice of the Hanged King rang in his ears. Wang Ya looked at the figures of many wizards and said: "The Conquest Fortress is the station, and the Nightmare Mark is the connection. You will not be lost in any way. The only thing to consider is your heart, when conducting the Conquest and Invasion Are you confused?"

"I'm looking forward to your performance. Let's embark on the real path."

As Wang Ya's voice fell, a subtle 'buzzing' sound sounded. In the preparation area, there were huge platforms and passages extending in all directions. Black star gates gradually formed in other areas reaching the battle fortress, and energy was injected continuously until The huge ancient black chain can be clearly seen, as well as the real scene of the outside world.

One by one, wizard figures, with excitement on their faces, poured into the star gate.

"Different conquests and invasions have different response methods. I don't know which one you will choose, Master."

"The first is to directly destroy the world and obtain everything that can be obtained. The core of the world, the embryo of the world, extraordinary mineral veins, and large-scale resources are integrated into the battle fortress. This method seems to be usually because time is too tight, or there are other influences. Can The benefits obtained are not complete, and a large part is even wasted. After the real chain touches the core of the world, the world-destroying meteor cannon can be used to destroy the world without considering the ninety-nine tribulation locks. Supervision of the Sky Wizard Formation."

"The second is to stay in this world for a long time and use the corresponding manpower to continuously obtain some of the resources that the world has. You can even control the world secretly without showing up, allowing the indigenous people to provide extraordinary resources on their own, to shepherd and control all living beings. However, it takes a lot of time and will produce some variables. The War Wizard once implemented the second kind of invasion rule in several small worlds for thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, and the corresponding worlds continued to provide extraordinary resources and variables. There will be rebels favored by the world consciousness among the indigenous people, and they will try to change the current world situation. Even if the world's will is destroyed and replaced, the world will instinctively tend to choose this way."

Wang Ya became a little curious. This was very similar to the protagonist in the story novel he had read in his previous life, so he asked: "What was the result?"

"Of course it failed. The world cannot resist the conquering wizards, let alone the indigenous people. Of course, some indigenous people have gained the ability to resurrect and archive. It is no different for the conquering wizards, but for the lower-level wizards stationed in the resource world, It is extremely troublesome, and it is essentially a type of rule power. In the end, it was the wizard who had mastered the power of rules that solved these troublesome natives."

"The third method is to integrate the world into the battle fortress. This process will consume a certain amount of time, and the time changes according to the different levels of the world. The benefits it can bring are also the greatest, whether it is extraordinary resources, indigenous people, animal and plant life , it is still the core of the world, it is still the dream world, some gains from other space layer worlds. The battle fortress will also be improved, a new world space will be opened inside, and various functional areas will be enhanced. However, these sealed by the deep blue wizard. Over the long years, the world space left by the conquering wizards has annihilated itself due to lack of energy. "

"It's interesting. There are so many ways to invade the world and seize the fruits of civilization. The Hanged King seems to be more ancient than I expected."

Wang Ya waved his hand and said with a smile: "Then let's go to the third option. We still have a lot of time."

"At your will, my great master, Lord of Conquest, Lord of Scourge, Lord of Halak."

To complete the third type, more real chains are needed. When they are rooted in the nodes of the earth veins and deep in the earth, the malice of the world will also come with it. The lives of the entire warrior world will be hostile to these outsiders and will destroy the rooting and invasion process of the real chains.

One of the things that the members of the War Heart Wizard need to do is to protect the penetration process of the real chains.

The flesh and blood of the main control area began to evolve, separating a huge platform corridor that can be connected to the outside. Wang Ya walked slowly on the corridor, and the wizard consciousness body also flew onto the platform, then turned into a white light and sank into Wang Ya's body.

The corresponding memories and various extraordinary knowledge of the warrior world were digested and absorbed by Wang Ya. A look of surprise appeared on his face, and he chuckled: "Even the smallest world and the weakest civilization have their merits. This civilization fruit is really sweet and delicious."

At this moment, he had a lot of ideas in his mind about the improvement brought about by the evolution of true qi and essence to the wizard system.

The Eye of Truth began to collect and analyze this vast amount of extraordinary knowledge in the warrior world.

Lando Wizard has not yet been promoted to a formal wizard, and cannot predict Andersen's specific location.

Even if he is promoted to a formal wizard, can he really predict Andersen's location? Wang Ya is not sure. The most important thing is that Andersen will also improve his strength and recover his strength.

However, Andersen is still in the frost and snow land. The fact that he can be predicted by Lando Wizard proves that his strength is still within the controllable range and has not recovered too much.

'It seems that we have to think of another way. '

Wang Ya's eyes became uncertain.

For example, wizards who come into contact with the frost and snow land.

This is also a matter of time. If you stick to your old ways and digest your internal resources, you are destined to not go far.

The resources obtained by the Heart of Conquest from plundering the world also need to be exchanged for some of the extraordinary resources needed.

Perhaps in this process, you may find clues about Andersen.

At most, let Lando Wizard get some special extraordinary items that can find Andersen's traces within a certain range.

The only thing to consider is the limitation of strength.

The Battle Fortress is undoubtedly a powerful weapon, and it cannot be used unless it is absolutely necessary.

The Heart of the Battle currently only has the strength of the Starry Wizard. Including him, the Nether Wizard Puppet possessed by Kun, the North Star and the Phantom Wizard, there are only four Starry Wizards.

The wizard forces in the online area are generally weak, and there are few wizards at the level of Huiyue, but they can be dealt with.

In any case, he still needs to improve his strength as soon as possible.

At present, the refining of the legendary series of potions can almost be said to be a foregone conclusion.

Five years later.

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