The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 393 [393] Son of God Solomon's Nightmare of Apprenticeship

Galio was extremely happy, raising his hands in the air and crying for the baby with a sea-blue mark on his forehead, with unprecedented joy on his face.

This will be a turning point for the Solomon family, and it will also be a turning point for him.

Several previous children did not have wizard qualifications. Only those with wizard qualifications can become wizards. Using his inheritance and connections, the Solomon family can become a wizard family.

After his own future was hopeless, this became his only appeal.

"My child, your future is destined to be extraordinary. You will go further on the path of wizards and continue the Solomon family."

Galio rubbed his big face against the baby's cheek.

"Master Wizard Galio, your wife died in childbirth because of giving birth to this child."

The midwife said cautiously while observing Galio's face. She was relieved after finding that the latter didn't show much expression.

"It's just an insignificant little thing, but she can give birth to a child with wizard qualifications for me, and the wizard qualifications are so outstanding. She has merit, and she will fulfill her long-standing wish and let her family move to Soto." "Come on Wizard City. "

"Lord Galio, your generosity is unparalleled."

"Don't worry, you also have enough rewards. This is what you deserve."

Galio had a rich smile on his face, and all his thoughts were on the baby in his arms.

"What kind of name should I give you? Let's just call you Son of God. You are a gift from God to me, Galio, and the hope for the future of the Galio family."

"Little guy, your name will be called 'Solomon, Son of God' from now on."

"You are destined to become a powerful wizard. I will find a better teacher for you, and even become a disciple of that great being."

Galio remained silent as the figure in black wizard robes appeared in his mind, carrying a black and white winged crow on his shoulders. He had only seen that existence once, but he could not forget the power and majesty of that existence in this life.

"I hope you can have such good luck. The Nightmare Wizard has indeed announced his intention to accept a disciple."

"Master Qiudong's information should be correct. I must seize this opportunity."

Bubble world.

After many days, the Ancient Nightmare Tree finally underwent new changes, brought about by the completed Black King.

A faint black mist floated around Wang Ya. He stood under the ancient nightmare tree. The black mist gradually condensed into a face, and gradually tended to condense into a body. However, under the conduction of Wang Ya's thoughts, only a face was formed. The face of Zhang Helian mask has no substantial substance in the holes.


Stumbling fluctuations of thoughts were transmitted from the face of the Black Lotus mask.

"Black King, how far can you go?"

"Master, I have been integrated with the entire bubble world. The core of the dream represents the foundation of my existence. The ancient nightmare tree is also a part of my body. I can do everything you can do in the bubble world. .I am your creation and will be loyal to you, and death cannot change my loyalty.”

The Black King added an emphasis at the end of this sentence.

A smile appeared on Wang Ya's lips, looking very happy, "That's good, Black King, you should know what to do next."

"The Black King will unconditionally obey your wishes, master. The height of the ancient nightmare tree has increased from 2,000 meters to 2,500 meters. It can absorb different extraordinary powers and store them in the tree body, and then through the initial transformation of the roots of the fission leyline network, it can be integrated into the tree. Go to the core of the nightmare, and then convert and store it into the nightmare-destroying power you need."

"At the same time, during this process, the extraordinary power converted into the power of nightmare destruction can also be reversed back under my control. The limit of existence is the level of the extraordinary power absorbed. If it is too high, it will be far beyond the level of the bubble world. level, conversion will not be possible."

This is also what Wang Ya expected. Wang Ya already has a definite plan for the subsequent improvement of the Nightmare Bubble Network.

That is through the Immortal Traveling Mirror and the Nightmare Destruction Mirror, both of which are part of the perfection of the flaws.

Legend has it that the extraordinary systems in the civilized world, such as Shinto, mana, and the evil god of Cthulhu, are not things that can be converted in the bubble world for the time being. On the contrary, if they are brought to the bubble world, they will cause serious pollution to the bubble world.

The fusion of the Nightmare Mirror and the Immortal Mirror allows the Nightmare Mirror to retain its original capabilities and characteristics under the world rules of the legendary civilization of the Fairyland.

Putting this feature into the bubble world, combined with the nightmare bubble network, can absorb all the extraordinary powers from the fairyland legendary civilization rules.

[Tip: The nightmare mirror fusion experiment was successfully completed in the simulation laboratory. The experimental steps correspond to reality. The success rate of the experiment is 95%. 】

The probability of success for this experiment is enough.

Wang Ya continued to devote himself to the laboratory while observing some changes in the ancient nightmare tree.

The fusion process of Youxian Mirror was very smooth, and Wang Ya was a little surprised by the fusion process. After many attempts in the simulation laboratory, Wang Ya was familiar with the process. When he walked out of the laboratory, he already had an extra one in his hand. Fan new mirror.

The style and appearance are not much different from the original Nightmare Mirror, except that there are layers of faint cyan light spots on the luster.

Those blue spots of light can make the Nightmare Mirror adapt to the rules of the legendary civilization of the fairyland. When Wang Ya's extraordinary mental power touched the past, he seemed to see countless scenes of the birth and death of the legendary civilization universe of the fairyland, ups and downs, extremely grand, and the atmosphere of chaos was permeated.

Soon he broke out of this state, his expression was faintly surprised.

With a move, he disappeared in the laboratory.

The huge nightmare ancient tree has reached a height of 3,000 meters. From a distance, it looks like a stalwart giant, which is amazing.

Wang Ya was bathed in white light, and black mist was filled with strange strands. In general, the bubble world is stronger and more perfectly balanced than before.

Wang Ya is confident that even if the bubble world removes the protection of the evil god Gendasi, it can withstand the tide of dream creatures and beasts raised by the starry forest without any pressure.

[Target: Fission Dream Core]

[Current Stage: Maturity (20%)]

[Range: 65,000 meters]

[Nightmare Destroying Dream Power: 400]

[Tip: 65 Nightmare Destroying Dream Power can be generated every day. ]

[Special Abilities: Core World (Secondary Ecological Cycle Balance), Fission Defense Field, Fission Earth Vein Network (Can use the produced Nightmare Destroying Dream Power to perform Burning Silence Inheritance Series Witchcraft and Nightmare Inheritance Series Witchcraft)]

[Tip: Without the permission granted by the world owner, the target individual who has mastered the Burning Silence Inheritance and can perform the corresponding witchcraft cannot use it. ]

[Tip: Added special ability ‘Endless Energy Core’]

The maturity has increased by about 15%, which corresponds to the strength level of Wang Yameng’s wizard path.

When the maturity reaches 100%, it is the period of breaking through to a higher level, corresponding to the strength of the Starry Wizard.

Wang Ya raised an arc at the corner of his mouth. The maximum coverage range was increased to 70,000 meters. Compared with the previous bubble world, it was increased by 20,000 meters at once. This was extremely amazing.

He could already imagine the territory occupied by the bubble world after completing the maturity period 100%.

The power of nightmare-destroying dreams generated every day also increased by ten.

The endless energy core is the extraordinary nature of the self added after the black king merged into it, which gives the bubble world the ability to convert multiple extraordinary powers.

From the current point of view, the future of the bubble world is bright. It can complete the occupation of the territory faster than other dream wizards' dream worlds, accumulate nightmare-destroying dreams, and break through to a higher level.

However, the bubble world also faces considerable safety risks and expansion constraints. Wang Ya is not too optimistic and relieved. The reason is that the environment around the bubble world is too special and too dangerous.

Whether it is a swamp area, a starry forest, a lake, or a mountain range, they all represent different living areas. Who knows what kind of dream creatures will exist.

In the lake, even at a certain distance, one can feel the breath of life flashing from time to time. It is very scary and powerful. It once peeped at the bubble world with malice.

The swamp area does not rule out the existence of similar dangers. The starry forests seem not dangerous, but according to the current exploration, the starry forests in different areas seem to correspond to different levels of a life.

Wang Ya even had a wild idea that this huge starry forest might be a specific environment formed by a huge corpse of life.

This is not impossible. The ocean corridor of the wizard world, the body of the sea ancestor dragon under the sea under the corridor island, no one has accurately explored the size of the sea ancestor dragon body.

The mountain area is the farthest from the bubble world. Wang Ya has always been extending towards the mountain area, expanding the territory of the bubble world and making himself stronger.

But the mountain area is too large and too vast. Big represents potential and the terrifying dream creatures that can be born. If something goes wrong, an extremely powerful dream creature will appear, ignore the deterrence of the evil god Gendasi, and attack the bubble world, then it will be a bit troublesome.

But there are also ways to make a decision. Whether it is conquering the fortress or improving one's own strength to crush the surrounding crises, it is a way.

However, it is not urgent to solve the surrounding troubles of the bubble world. This is destined to be a long process and needs to be done slowly.

[Target: Nightmare Mirror]

[Witch weapon ability: Nightmare Twin, Material Stacking, Level 3 Immortality, Level 3 Reshaping, Nightmare Light]

[True Yellow Face: 'Lock Heart Realm', can capture and resist the invasion of spiritual consciousness, and seal it in a special dream realm;

'Kaleidoscope', can absorb energy and spiritual attacks, and release them in reverse, limited to the range that can be tolerated in the bubble land, and can also cooperate with 'Lock Heart Realm' to form special means;

'Dream Mark', if the user is a dream wizard, he can cooperate to quickly replace the dream territory with reality, which can increase the materialization of dreams. ]

[Anti-Black Face: 'Halak Mirror Anti', 'Fire Bottle', 'Magnetic Lightning Sword'. 】

Wang Ya sat on a chair in the bedroom, looking at the Nightmare Mirror in his hand, which had not changed much.

Although the appearance had not changed much, the inner extraordinary nature and abilities had changed a lot.

Two new abilities were added, one was called "Traveling Immortals" and the other was called "Soul of the Immortal Realm".

[Soul of the Fairyland: After the Nightmare Mirror merges with the Wandering Fairy Mirror, it becomes an extremely wonderful instrument, recognized by the material rules of the Fairyland Legend Civilization and the illusionary rules. It can exert the full power of the Nightmare Mirror in the world under the extraordinary system of the Fairyland Legend Civilization. ]

[Wandering Fairy: You can use the Nightmare Mirror to enter the Wandering Fairy state. In the world under the extraordinary system of the Fairyland Legend Civilization, you can transform into a Wandering Fairy and travel through the space layer at will. Some caves and blessed places will not be able to stop you. Even dangerous and dangerous places are just like a breeze for you to step on at will. ]

The two abilities that can only be used in specific worlds enrich the ability of the Nightmare Mirror and fill in the missing parts of the Nightmare Mirror.

The Nightmare Mirror can borrow the power of the ‘Dream Mark’ and has the characteristics that only the bubble world has. In other words, the energy that the Flask of Fire can absorb is not limited to the wizard world, and the extraordinary powers of different worlds can be absorbed.

Even other functions can be exerted in the same way.

Of course, if Wang Ya's bubble world wants to absorb the extraordinary power of the legendary civilization of the fairyland, it can also absorb it through the nightmare mirror as a medium. This process can be completed and conforms to some of Wang Ya's ideas on the path of self-wizard.

The maple leaf sank a little on the surface of the Xinmeng Lake, and then floated up in another area. The water reflected a figure in a black wizard robe.

Lu Sen was sitting under the Huanmeng giant tree, chatting with the wizard Ke Lan, talking about some extraordinary knowledge.

It should be said that the former's questions were answered by the latter.

"Teacher Ke Lan, what's wrong." Lu Sen raised his head, a little surprised. The wizard Ke Lan had stopped talking. She just had a lot of inspiration.

"I didn't expect that you have already gone through the black and white reincarnation, Lu Sen, but I look at you differently."

A cold voice came from behind, and Lu Sen's expression suddenly became shy. I don't know what he thought of.


She turned around and saw a black-robed figure approaching slowly, with a faint smile on his handsome face.

There was no breath or extraordinary fluctuations on his body. If it wasn't visible to the naked eye, I'm afraid you would think you saw a ghost.

It seemed that the ghost was also studying the material. Lu Sen showed a smile that had nowhere to go. She broke through the black and white reincarnation, but she took a shortcut. I don't know if my brother found out. When she saw Wang Ya set his eyes on the wizard Ke Lan, Lu Sen was finally relieved. She didn't have to go through the black and white reincarnation. Her heart was beating.

"Your strength!" Wizard Ke Lan smiled, "It seems that you have made progress after the breakthrough. It's too fast."

The Dreamland is a space world in the bubble world. Except for Wang Ya and Lu Sen, almost no one can enter this place.

However, the existence inside the Dreamland cannot know the information outside.

Wizard Ke Lan cannot leave the Dreamland, and Lu Sen is in the black and white reincarnation. The two did not attend the banquet.

"I have gained something. I came here this time to ask my senior sister to help me."

Wizard Kelan smiled and asked curiously, "What on earth could make Master Nightmare Stars Wizard unable to complete it and let a little apprentice wizard like me complete it?"

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