The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 436 [436] The remains of a true dragon parasitic on the world (second update today)

The semi-substantial body transformed by Wang Ya's spiritual consciousness stood at the head position of the huge Grame body.

The beast's eyes were wide open with fear. It was still alive, but it could not move any part of its body. It could only be fixed on the earth that it hated the most.

This should not be the result of being a king.

The lowly creatures on the ground should be used as blood food and flee in panic under its power.

Now they stood beside it, and the filth of the sacs flowed out.

One by one, the extraordinary creatures, Wang Ya's clones transformed by a large number of black and white real eyes, were brought to the center of the city that was plowed flat by Grame's body.

Although Wang Ya could control the bodies of these extraordinary creatures and prevent them from making noisy sounds, he did not waste his strength to control the excretion of the organs of these extraordinary creatures.

The excrement of various extraordinary creatures mixed together with a foul smell. Some weak extraordinary creatures, or those with poorly developed respiratory organs, died directly in the herd.

Wang Ya frowned slightly. With a vast amount of experimental experience and having faced many sudden signs, he had already adapted to the excretion of the experimental subjects during the experiment and had rich experience in dealing with it.

The clones in various parts of the city turned into the black and white eyes of truth again and merged into this conscious spiritual subject.

The power was increasing continuously. When it reached a suitable degree, he snapped his fingers.

The next moment, the invisible and ignorant transparent flame burned on the corresponding troublesome organs.

There was no painful wailing, the trembling body, the pupil contraction and change, proving that pain existed. The extraordinary creatures, their fear of Wang Ya, reached an unprecedented peak, and they could not even make a wailing sound.

"For extraordinary creatures, memories can lie, consciousness can be distorted, and the body can be transformed, but the extraordinary bloodline at the source cannot be changed."

"The extraordinary mutation brought by the super virus cannot limit the extraordinary direction to one aspect. Each life and species is different, and the changes in the genetic level are also not the same."

Wang Ya has reason to believe that the source of the sudden mutation in this world is not caused by the extraordinary virus.

Hidden under this appearance is another source.

And this source has a certain purpose.


The invisible transparent flame became more and more intense, gradually starting from a single part and starting to burn the whole body, and the color gradually turned into extreme black.

And under the control of a certain force, it turned into a thin black flame line, along the outermost range of the extraordinary biological group, drawing a circle, like a Mobius strip connected end to end, and then interlaced and connected to the inside, gradually forming a weird and mysterious circular five-cornered witch formation.

The bodies of the extraordinary creatures were melting. No material could resist the burning of the Nightmare Fire. Even the black steel metal that had once cast the statue of the Deep Blue Great Wizard would also melt under the burning of the Nightmare Fire.

As time passed, the fur and flesh stuck together, and then the water was dried out. Then the bone marrow dried up and became charred, and the unpleasant smell filled the air.

Wang Ya watched everything silently.

Experiments are not only done in the laboratory.

He just wanted to get an answer.

Even the answer was already in his heart, what was missing was some clues and information to support it.

It was hidden in the blood of these extraordinary creatures.

The bones, flesh and souls of these extraordinary creatures are not important.


Grame was the last one to die. He finally broke through the control of the force and let out a last wail to the world.

Its flesh and bone marrow became a concentrated point of blood light, like a bright blood vessel, shining brightly. That was its extraordinary blood.

The other weak blood-colored light spots continued to gather in the bright blood vessel.

Gradually filling the missing blood vessels, or increasing the length of the blood vessels.

Wang Ya's own consciousness and spiritual body also dimmed a little.

However, the corners of his mouth raised an arc.

The black eyes stared at the blood vessel.

The next moment, the perspective continued to lengthen, and the blood-colored light reflected by the blood vessels continued to condense, forming a scene after scene, which was some genetic residual information existing in the extraordinary gene bloodline.

This consumed the power of Wang Ya's consciousness and spiritual body even more seriously.


An eternal roar seemed to be transmitted to the heavens and the worlds. The stars of all worlds perished under a huge, ancient body, the chaotic aura rippled, and the biological force field carried by itself formed an extremely powerful spiral gravity. The real shadow visible to the naked eye occupied the sky above the world.


A thunderous roar resounded, and dazzling lightning enveloped the airspace around the behemoth. The spear engraved with ancient characters in the star world pierced through the overlap of the void and reality and locked onto it.

As if the world was about to collapse, the lightning spear was infinitely enlarged, and finally fell and pierced its heart.

The behemoth hidden in the shadows and darkness finally revealed its body.

A dragon, a dragon with oriental characteristics, ancient and huge, with green dragon scales, flying dragon whiskers, and sharp claws, enough to crush some weak worlds. The shadows around it were also clouds formed by its own abilities.

At this moment, the brown dragon's eyes reflected the enlarged lightning spear, revealing a look of despair and fear.

At the same time, there was a sense of unwillingness and anger.


The roar of thunder resounded through the surrounding stars in the void. The impact it carried drove the extremely huge body of the Eastern True Dragon and turned into a stream of dazzling lightning. It fell into the chaos of the unknown world. The blood scattered in the Small celestial blood-colored meteorites formed in the starry sky of the universe.

Some cosmic creatures were also contaminated by the aftermath of thunder and lightning, and turned into fly ash and disappeared into thin air.

Cosmic creatures and monsters, all for flesh and soul, crazy existences, sensing the rich life breath of the blood-colored celestial meteorite, rushed into the void realm desperately.

The final result is still turned into dust in the universe, floating aimlessly, and may one day become the nourishment for the formation of new celestial bodies and stars.

This airspace has completely become a place of death and silence.

The real dragon was also being driven away by the thunder and lightning spear, and its vitality was constantly being wiped out. The dragon's scales melted, its flesh and blood burned, its claws melted into nothingness, and even the dragon's bones were rotting and drying up.

The real dragon still has the last bit of desire to survive.

To be precise, he has two dragon hearts and is extremely talented.

So it decisively abandoned all its bodies, leaving only the intact dragon heart, broke through the thunder and lightning field formed by the thunder and lightning spear, and fell into the chaos of the dark starry sky.

The price paid was that the only remaining dragon heart and its conscious soul itself were severely damaged.

Finally, Dragon Heart sensed the lower world with the breath of life.

It turned into a celestial meteorite and smashed into this world.

Wang Ya escaped from the genetic fragment information scene of the extraordinary bloodline.

Look at the bloody blood vessels disappearing into thin air.

The expression was a little surprised.

He could also guess what happened next.

It coincided with some of his own speculations, except that there was no process in which the real dragon was killed by the thunder spear.

This world was infected by the dragon heart and merged with the core of the world, which caused the spiritual energy to revive and the extraordinary to appear.

There is also something fishy about human extinction and death.

The dragon's heart contains the residual conscious soul of the real dragon.

A being who has not completely died and has a conscious life instinct must want to resuscitate and restore the original state of the whole body.

Human intelligence and desires have more variables than animals and plants that exist only by instinct.

Wang Ya has reason to believe that the extinction of human beings in this world is caused by the initiative of the real dragon.

To a certain extent, humans are also a type of higher animals. There is no reason why other animals and plants can mutate, transform, and become extraordinary.

Human beings were unable to withstand the results of such mutation and transformation, and thus became extinct in the past history.

Only the controlling influence of the extraordinary source itself can cause the current results.

The fruits of the civilized world belonging to mankind have disappeared.

What is outlawed are the extraordinary fruits of biological civilization evolved from the mutations of emerging animals and plants.

In terms of value, the former is much greater than the latter.

"The injury has reached this point. In order to maintain its own existence, restore its vitality, and differentiate into every mutant creature in this world."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Ya's mouth, "So, is this your idea? Use the adaptability of the world's nature to try to parasitize in this world and gain a new life."

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