The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 440 [440] Bloodline Experiment Night Moon Treasure (Update 1)

Water flows to the lower places, and the same is true for the extraordinary blood. It is too difficult to be compatible with the upper part.

The low-level extraordinary blood itself lacks strong power, so how can it reverse its own state and make the extraordinary blood return to its ancestral inheritance.

The method of the ancient dragon wizard is to inject other water sources into the original tributaries, so that the tributaries continue to expand and eventually grow to be comparable to the water source at the original source.

This is indeed a way, but on the other hand, it is difficult to do, which is equivalent to breaking the genetic factor of the extraordinary blood.

After all, it is not a real river of water.

There are too many aspects to consider.

Can the extraordinary blood withstand external injection.

Where does this external force come from? Countless branches converge, and theoretically a new source can be formed, but how should the compatibility between each other be considered.

If one side is sea water and the other side is fresh water, they can merge together, then the essence of this water is sea water, or fresh water. There is a greater probability that there will be a conflict, which will make this branch itself a pool of stagnant water, and the original power will also be lost.

This is still a good thing. To accommodate the water flow, waterways and riverbeds are needed. If the water overflows and forms a flood, the damage to the extraordinary bloodline is irreversible.

On the other hand, the corresponding extraordinary individuals themselves and the extraordinary bloodline genes cannot withstand the external injection of power.

There are thousands of branches, which means that there are thousands of extraordinary bloodlines. It is difficult to find branches with extraordinary genetic factors from the source.

Choosing branches of extraordinary genetic factors from different sources will result in the same result as above.

In the past years, Wang Ya has also come into contact with similar special things.

That is the Gendasi evil god.

The main body is an unknown beast. It absorbed part of the power of the Lord of Blood Gendasi, and thus directly ascended to the sky and transformed into an extremely special biological existence.

It cannot be defined as an extraordinary creature.

The descriptions of the evil god of outer space and the monster of the universe are extremely appropriate.

It has absorbed countless creatures, not only extraordinary creatures under the wizard civilization, but also extraordinary species from other civilized worlds. The main body of the Gendasi evil god has the extraordinary genetic information of thousands of biological races.

A series of transformations of Halak, the infinite black core, the flesh and blood furnace, and the power of the Lord of Blood came from this.

The opportunity Wang Ya found was also obtained from the evil god Gendasi.

To be precise, it was the answer he found by reviewing some wizard notes in the past.

Wang Ya had to reflect on himself. The research on Gendasi's flesh and blood helped him in the early stage of his wizard path and brought him rich benefits.

But he didn't think of it at the first time.

"The rules of the Lord of Blood are equivalent to a huge source. Even if it is only a part of the power of the blood rules, it is still the source in essence, like a dry lake that has lost all the living water."

"The reason why Gendass can absorb so many extraordinary creatures is also because of the blood rules.

The rule power of wizards and the rule blood of extraordinary creatures must be connected at some level... No matter how many rivers and streams a dry lake absorbs, the living water it can accommodate is there.

And the lake has already been formed, and the external living water will not change the lake itself, unless it is too large to accommodate the lake."

Wang Ya wants to reproduce the blood of the Moon God Elf, which is equivalent to artificially creating a new lake.

Compared to other low-level extraordinary bloodlines, the blood of the Night Moon Elf, which has a clear ancient source, can continue to walk on the road of absorbing branches.

When there are enough branch bloodlines, the extraordinary factors of the Moon God Elf blood in the body will continue to increase, and finally it is equivalent to the appearance of a real Moon God Elf.

In this case, it is also necessary to know how many branches there are of descendants of the Moon God Elves.

This is an extremely difficult investigation process. The years are too old, and no one knows what happened in the past and which branches have been bred.

Unless Wang Ya has some genealogical and atlas materials left by the Moon God Elves.

Elves should have similar record habits and worship of blood glory.

Maybe the Night Moon Elves will bring him some surprises.

Wang Ya took something out of his arms.

An oval gem with a blue luster.

The inheritance treasure of the Night Moon Elves - Star Tears.

"According to what the female elf said, Star Tears can amplify the blood power of the Night Moon Elves, making their strength stronger to a certain extent, and it is also the key to open the Night Moon Treasure that the Night Moon Elves have accumulated for many years."

"The experiment has found the essence of the reason why Star Tears amplify the blood power, and further analyzed the extraordinary factors in the blood of the Night Moon Elves."

"It seems that I have to go back to the Mountain and Sea Land again. I hope that the Night Moon Treasure will have what I want."

Wang Ya has a complicated mood. It has been nearly 70 or 80 years since he left the Mountain and Sea Land. I don’t know what changes have taken place in the Mountain and Sea Land.

The destructive landforms caused by the World-Destroying Meteor Cannon have now recovered, or are they still maintained, or have spread more.

Wang Ya thought about the development results of many aspects in his mind, and finally, rational wisdom told him.

The influence of power at the rule level is an absolute influence that can last for hundreds of thousands of years.

If there is no external intervention, the environment of the Mountain and Sea Land infected by the power of rules will continue indefinitely until the self-ecological balance of the mother star of the wizard world erases the influence of the power of rules bit by bit.




The Meteoric Dragon Realm.

The center of the ruined city where the bloodline refining experiment was conducted.

The figure formed by Wang Ya's split consciousness stood on the top of the only tower standing.

A large number of black and white eyes gathered to form a grooved meat ball, and the surface color was also grayish white. There were a large number of consciousness souls in it, all of which were extraordinary creatures from this world.

"The quality may not meet the standard, but if the number is large enough, there will be no problem."

The preliminary exploration of the Meteoric Dragon Realm was completed.

Interact with the original body Wang Ya, and he decided how to deal with this immortal dragon.

Interactive memory has been carried out many times.

There is no world consciousness in this world, nor is there any external malice generated by the world's instinct.

It should be said that the stage of generating malice has been wiped out by the immortal dragon.

In a sense, the immortal dragon is equivalent to half the master of this world, but it is a thief.

Unable to define the state of the immortal dragon, Wang Ya speculated that it fell into a deep sleep.

As for where it exists, it is probably the same as what was originally thought, that it lives in the blood of the extraordinary creatures in this world.

There is no problem with the natural disaster plan continuing.

As long as hundreds of millions of extraordinary creatures do not die at the same time, the Immortal Path True Dragon will not wake up.

Or, some high-level extraordinary creatures die on a large scale, and the blood power is not carried on.

The fight between extraordinary creatures will devour each other's bodies as food. At this stage, the blood power will also be superimposed to a certain extent.

It belongs to the sleeping Immortal Path True Dragon, and it is the focus of attention.

During the days of exploring this world, Wang Ya discovered that the extraordinary creature named Grame is not the most powerful and top-level extraordinary creature.

In other words, there are extraordinary creatures comparable to the formal wizard level in the Meteorite Dragon Realm.

The size is comparable to the entire city, or even as huge as a mountain.

In the beast tide battle of the Heart of Conquest, the four king beasts, the second-level level, are several thousand meters in size, which may not be enough in this world.

Those first-order extraordinary creatures are all hidden in the sea. Only in the sea can there be enough food to maintain the nutritional supplements needed by their bodies.

As the power of the illusory level descended, with Wang Ya as the center, waves of black and white ripples began to appear. A unique light screen picture, which seemed to be a corridor going back and forth, showed a huge black and white ancient tree. A figure wearing a black wizard robe stood there, and a black and white winged crow on his shoulder looked down.

A black and white mirror appeared in the opposite void and began to reflect a burst of mirror light. The branches and veins of the nightmare ancient tree extended from it and came to this world.

Wang Ya closed his eyes and let the rough and gully ancient tree root touch his forehead.




After a long time, he opened his eyes and knew what to do. The main body gave a specific plan.

The natural disaster plan proceeded as usual. The examiners and the reserve natural disaster members were deployed. As for the formal natural disaster members, they will be deployed in the second stage.

Wang Ya also made corresponding responses to the possible hidden dangers such as the probability of the Immortal Dragon sleeping and waking up.

Formal members of the natural disaster at the wizard level need to separate their consciousness and spirit bodies, come to this world, and establish a safe station.

It is also one of the sources of the real chain connecting the bubble world and the battle fortress.

Once there is any problem, Wang Ya can only use the power of the rules to compete with this Immortal Dragon.

The price paid and the possible exposure of hidden dangers with a certain probability will cause the ground veins of the wizard world and the strata of the online area to vibrate, and even attract the attention of the network.

A member suspected of being from the Star Council chasing after him is enough trouble.

At the same time, Wang Ya will also conduct research on the atavism of high-level extraordinary bloodlines, trying to master the essence of the method of reversing extraordinary bloodlines, so as to control the Immortal Dragon from the source, or directly replace the source.

This is not impossible to do.

This Immortal Dragon is just a half-master who stole the Meteorite Dragon Realm.

Even half of it is a bit difficult, and can only live in the blood of extraordinary creatures. I don’t know how much strength has been restored after so many years.

This should be related to the emerging extraordinary biological civilization. As long as the number of high-level extraordinary creatures is more, the power potential of the Immortal Dragon will be greater. When it wakes up, it is estimated that it will be the moment to take back all the power.

The Eye of Truth scanned and analyzed all aspects, combined with the database and some actual investigations and research of Wang Ya himself, and obtained the corresponding results.

If the core of the world is occupied, the consciousness and soul of the Immortal Dragon will also become the embryo of the new world. The price is that it will be restricted by the world itself and can no longer leave. The aspect of strength restriction is also in the world itself.

It also requires extremely strong spiritual soul power, which is what the weak Immortal Dragon lacks.

If Wang Ya was the other party, he would not choose to become a single world that is fixed in the void and chaos of the outer space. Even if there are cyclic satellites like the sun and the moon, which are planetary monomers themselves, if you want to upgrade again, you will pull the planet itself to upgrade and jump together to become a civilization’s general consciousness.

Of course, there are too many miracles and freaks in the multiverse and void chaos, and they corrode the world themselves, becoming new world embryos, world consciousness, and thus becoming the new star devourer, swallowing up stars and worlds one by one, and becoming more powerful. No.

"He is a very smart guy who uses the potential of the entire world to recover his own injuries and strength."

"The Evil God Gendas can absorb the blood and genetic advantages of a large number of extraordinary species and complement them into his own body. The rules of blood play the greatest role, just like the container of a dry lake."

Wang Ya thought of the Lord of Blood Rules owned by Halak, which absorbed the original power from the evil god Gendas. Even if it was not the real power of the rules, it definitely had the root nature of the rules.

"When a lake is too big, and there are large-scale cracks in the seabed, and there are holes underneath, it is more difficult to fill and repair it than to dig out a simple and small lake."

Everything is relative. The evil god Gendas devoured thousands of extraordinary species and was instinctively repairing the gaps in the rules of blood. Obviously, in terms of quality, there was a huge difference.

"The dragon's heart will never disappear. It will definitely serve as a medium to recover all bloodline power and a key item to carry."

Wang Ya firmly believes in this.

There is a high probability that the conscious soul of the Immortal True Dragon sleeps in the dragon's heart.

Wang Ya looked at the ground, and then looked back.

He already has a plan on how to deal with the Immortal True Dragon.

Replacement of sources is just around the corner.

If it is not necessary, fighting will always be of secondary importance.

The Fallen Dragon Realm, including the Immortal True Dragon itself, in Wang Ya's eyes, already belonged to him.

No one wants to waste their property.




Fighting in the bloodline shackles laboratory.

The naked female Night Moon Elf's skin was supported by swollen blood vessels. The blood flowed very fast, as if it was about to burst at any time, blocking her consciousness, and her body and face were still trembling subconsciously.

The mechanical tentacles of the dissecting table spread out five claws, and the needle exposed in the middle was inserted along the blood vessels of the neck. Other places where the needles were inserted were also the heart, throat, and even the pupils, eardrums and other critical places.

In addition to injecting specific blood vessel stimulating agents, there are also recovery fluids and nutrient fluids to maintain the body's basic physiological functions.

Wang Ya, wearing experimental clothes, stood beside the dissecting table and watched silently as a large number of wizard instruments were controlled by his spiritual power and played their corresponding roles in an orderly manner.

He doesn't even need to use his hands. Some condensed objects formed by Baihui spores can be manipulated through soul imprints and can be used more easily than regular human-shaped arms.

The dissecting table next to it was isolated by a transparent special glass material. The Night Moon Elf collapsed into some kind of mud substance. There were almost no traces of bones. It was like a layer of skin with liquid inside. There were no signs of life.

The special bloodline stimulation potion was specially developed by Wang Ya based on the Yeyue Elf bloodline. After many improvements, the serious consequences of bloodline riots and cellular gene collapse in experimental subjects will no longer occur.

After consuming an experimental material and not harvesting valuable experimental data, this was the first time Wang Ya suffered such a blow.

In this second experiment, he was more serious, cautious, and considered all aspects.

In the observation room one level further outside, Asuna clenched her hands tightly. She looked at her fellow compatriots who were suffering pain, and then at the dead compatriots next to her who didn't even look like elves. She finally closed her eyes. , afraid that the same result will happen again.

She had no way to stop it and could only watch silently. This was a contract reached with the Nightmare Wizard, and the consequences of breach of contract were unacceptable to the Night Moon Elf.

Asuna turned around and looked at her compatriots who had turned into souls with dark particles floating around.

This dead Night Moon Elf conveyed spiritual fluctuations, and instead comforted the Night Moon Elf's only remaining princess.

"The death of the body can bring new life and a new future to the Yeyue elves. This is worth it. The pain endured is nothing compared to the dead compatriots and the destroyed homeland."

"My princess, the pain and hatred in my heart are far more profound than any physical pain."

Asuna took a deep breath, "I know, of course I know. The moment I signed the contract, I was mentally prepared to lie on the dissecting table."

"The Nightmare Wizard taught me something. He is testing the extraordinary factors of the Night Moon Elf bloodline and trying to condense and extract the essence of the Night Moon Elf bloodline. The extraction process also involves observing the extraordinary inheritance of the 'Moon Elf Bloodline'. Variables of factors. This is a necessary process to complete the atavism experiment, and I believe that the Nightmare Wizard can do it."

"In the past, none of our Night Moon elves have ever thought about studying their own bloodline. They all followed the natural rules of strengthening and training, and they never thought that the bloodline of the Moon Goddess could be reproduced."

Asuna turned around and stared at Wang Ya's back, her green eyes filled with admiration and even fanaticism that ordinary people didn't have.

"The Nightmare Wizard told me that an adult Moon Elf corresponds to a fourth-level rules wizard, the level of rules in the legend. My grandfather is the most powerful Night Moon Elf with the richest blood. When he reached his twilight years, he was only a second-level wizard. At the level of stars, the gap between them exceeds the distance between heaven and earth.”

"As long as my bloodline returns to its ancestral state, I can gain that kind of power. At the level of the fourth-level Sun Rule, everything can be redeemed, even if it means changing some things that happened in the past."

Asuna's face was faintly flushed, "Death is not terrible, what is terrible is living without hope. Lord Nightmare Wizard, you can bring me new hope and bring new hope to the Night Moon Elves."

Wang Ya's eyes in the laboratory suddenly lit up, and the most suitable state was achieved. The next step is the extraction process.

At the same time, the Eye of Truth burst out with all its strength, scanning and observing all the changes in the characteristics of the Night Moon Elves' bloodline.

The white and tender skin became wrinkled, as if it had lost all vitality, like a life in decay and old age. One by one, the blood vessels swelled to the peak, and even more self-activity, twisting constantly under the wrinkled skin.

The vitality of the Night Moon Elves was constantly weakening, and the body was also evaporating water. Everything seemed to be integrated into the twisted blood vessels.


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