The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 448 [448] Pale Subversion Plan Official Wizards Gather

"In the place where blood is passed down, the descendants of the blood regain the glory of their ancestors' blood and awaken the power of the blood source in their bodies."

"I didn't expect to see it with my own eyes, something that was only recorded in the classics."

Wang Ya stretched out his hand and moved closer to the facial features on the wall.

What else is a better research object than a real Moon God elf?

This body can inherit the blood of the Moon God and become a new Moon God elf.

'Come on, let me see the true power of the Moon God elf, the inherited rules of the moon. '

Wang Ya's mouth gradually raised an arc, and his eyes were filled with unprecedented expectations.

The palm touched the wall.

In an instant, an infinite light bloomed, as vast and profound as the Milky Way, and the endless power of the moon rushed out from the mountain wall and poured into Wang Ya's body.

Along the palm that touched, the special blood vessels under the skin layer, the unique lines carrying the power of blood emerged, like a painting with grass and snake lines. Wang Ya's body was that picture, replacing the original color lines and injecting new brighter and more vivid pigments.


A huge voice appeared in Wang Ya's mind, as if it was the ambition call of the ancient tribe in ancient times, and it was as if it was the extraordinary information inherited in the genetic factors of the moon god, passed to Wang Ya through the inheritance of blood. A series of ancient pictures began to emerge, and the reminder of the Eye of Truth also appeared.

[Tip: The body has detected a high-energy radiation reaction. There is an immeasurable terrible force in the mountain wall. Please pay attention. Please pay attention. The high-energy radiation seems to affect the nerve reflex and produce hallucinations in the pupil vision. ]

At first, Wang Ya could still see the text reminder on the horizon, but later the text disappeared, leaving only the endless dark starry sky.

There is no vitality, only dead silence, only desolation, but light will eventually appear. It is a ray of blooming moonlight, which appears from the cracks of darkness, followed by more moonlight, which squeezes out from every dark crack and firmly occupies this dark starry sky.

The moonlight increases more and more, until a huge starry celestial world appears. This is not all. Behind the starry celestial world, there are brighter moonlight lusters, which are also huge starry celestial worlds. They stretch out the darkness and hang in this lonely and empty universe. They echo each other and form the power of moonlight, which begins to change everything, forming the tide of the universe and the moon, forming the power of the Yin tide, and forming a unique radiation universe and moon network.

Wang Ya's pupils widened as he looked at the shocking picture of the reconstruction of a star field world community.

He understood, and thoroughly understood the value of the word "rules".

He also understood the antiquity and terror of the moon spirits who are rule life as adults.

Each starry celestial world is a real moon elf. The more moon power the starry celestial world emits, the brighter the starlight, the stronger the strength of the moon elf and the purer the blood power.

This vast starry celestial world under his feet corresponds to the moon elf itself, the source of the night moon elves.

The starry celestial body of the dead adult moon elf will collapse, that is to say, the world under his feet will be ten times or even a hundred times larger if it were alive.

No wonder the moon elves like the environment of the cosmic moon yin domain and the moon ball system. Perhaps this is a special cosmic node formed by the moon elf clan.

The oldest and most powerful moon elf may have reached a level of strength that is even higher than he expected.

Wang Ya can no longer think now. His whole body is filled with an extremely cold feeling. His ability to think has become extremely slow. The beating of his heart and the blood flow in his blood vessels have also stagnated.

If there is another person here, he will be able to see that Wang Ya's body has been wrapped and filled with starlight, replacing his original flesh and blood little by little, making him seem to be developing in the direction of energy life.

If one is strong enough, he can find some subtle differences, that is, in the inner part of the starlight, the flesh, bones, and internal organs have completely disappeared, and there is only a blood vessel connected from head to tail, which is more like a line than a blood vessel. A line formed by the power of blood, which looks very much like the embodiment of the power of blood refined and tempered by Wang Ya's body in the Meteorite Dragon Realm.

The line emitting dazzling blue light at the moment is the embodiment of the blood power of the Night Moon Elf and the Moon God Elf, gradually outlining the general characteristics of a human body, hands, feet, limbs, chest and head. This process is very slow, and at the same time consumes a large amount of starlight and moonlight power.

In the battle of the Dark Land, a world-destroying meteorite cannon consumed the energy and matter of a secret world, and only triggered three or four rule rune spells, involving destruction, explosion, fire, and dark energy.

The rule rune spell is not a complete rule power.

Wang Ya also did a preliminary study, it is more like some fragmented rule powers, gathered together, according to a specific rune effect balance formula, thus matching a mixed rule power.

Some rule powers are already at the extreme active level, and the collision between the two can produce more terrible power.

The rules cannot be erased, and are the product of the wizard's spiritual power being so strong that it can permanently distort reality to a certain extent.

Each trace of rule power is also condensed by the wizard's accumulation of a large amount of energy and material.

The powerful spiritual power exerts this terrible energy, solidifies and sublimates to a higher level.

Assuming that flame is a physical phenomenon, then the rule of fire is the existence of fire itself.

Unless it is a special environment, the same equal rule power in the ordinary natural environment and the cosmic environment cannot be erased or affected.

At present, Wang Ya's thoughts are getting slower and slower in the process of inheriting the blood power. The last thought is how much Moon God blood power this body can bear and how many rules it contains. He has self-knowledge. This body can obtain the rare Moon God elf blood, which is a blessing. It is very likely to increase the number of Moon God genetic factors in the Night Moon Elf blood.

The number of Moon God genetic factors, how many can be considered as the real Moon God blood, this depends on whether the rule power can be born.

Wang Ya's research has not yet reached the end, and it is also lacking this part of data. Only with experimental materials can experimental results and experimental data be obtained.

"Come on, let's see what the limit of this body is. Let me see how far I can reach and how much blood power I can absorb."

Wang Ya guessed that every strand of the blood power of the Moon God Fairy might contain a huge amount of moon power, moon essence, and even moon light that can only be formed in tens of millions of years.

The star body itself is a Moon God Fairy. Wang Ya is not arrogant enough to swallow the vast moon power of the whole world.


The extreme moon represents the extreme cold. Wang Ya's consciousness and feelings are completely lost.




The raindrops hit every corner of the city, as if to smooth out the devastation caused by the burning of the flames. The blood mixed with the charred charcoal. The rain brought not only moisture, but also the unpleasant smell caused by the actinomycetes mixed with the activated carbon.

In the deepest part of the capital of Harak, there is almost no intact place in the palace square, as if every brick was smashed by a sledgehammer, and even more manpower and material resources were spent to dig out large pits. High-temperature crystals appeared in the deep of the pits. The rain was evaporated, and the water vapor formed made the place more hazy.

"Son of God Solomon, you lost."

Lusen smiled, standing in front of Son of God Solomon, overlooking the blue-haired young man lying on the ground, all in a mess.

The latter seemed a little silent.

Lusen said: "You are very good to be able to fight with me like this with the strength of a third-level wizard apprentice. After all, I have been on the wizard road for longer than you."

"And I also master the nightmare inheritance. Although your witchcraft and extraordinary knowledge are perfect and have become a combat system, the strength is a weakness."

"If you lose, you lose."

"Do you think it is a shame to lose to me?" Although there was a smile on Green's face, Son of God Solomon felt a chill on his back and his expression became a little unnatural.

"You have met my requirements and passed my test. Leave now. I look forward to your better performance and to getting through the troublesome black and white reincarnation."

"Green Dream Crystal has also collected enough data. My goal has been achieved."

Lu Sen turned around, walked into the void, and disappeared.

Only Solomon, the son of God, was left lying on the wet ground. His cheek skin was wet by the rain. His wizard robe was tattered and full of burn marks. In some places, you can see charred wounds, but Solomon, the son of God, did not react at all, as if these wounds did not exist at all.


"Although I have been mentally prepared, the feeling of failure is really uncomfortable."

Since Solomon, the son of God, became a wizard, this was the first time that he was defeated by other wizards in battle. He did not even have any strength to fight back. He was crushed throughout the whole process.

Whether it was attacking witchcraft, defensive witchcraft, or using tactics to lure the enemy deep into the depths and then reverse the attack, he could not defeat the seemingly gentle green-haired woman.

"The sister of the Nightmare Wizard."

Solomon, the Son of God, supported his body and sat up. He brushed the wetness off his hair and wiped the dirt off his face. He said to himself, "If you lose, you lose. No one can stay undefeated. Just win again in the future."

"But the inheritance of the Nightmare Wizard is really powerful. The energy of the Burning Silence particles, even without using witchcraft, can become a universal fire element witchcraft with its own particle energy characteristics. The level is at least comparable to medium witchcraft."

"If the Nightmare Wizard performs it himself, what kind of scene would it be?"

The moment Solomon, the Son of God, walked out of the Green Dream Crystal, his consciousness was also pulled away and returned to his body.

The yellow maple leaves fluttered in the wind and then fell on the calm lake without any ripples. Even if the maple leaves touched the lake, the water surface was still calm without any ups and downs.

The black and white marks on the eyebrows of the face reflected in the water were extremely obvious.

"In two years, I have consolidated my path as a wizard and passed the test of the Nightmare Wizard Master."

He obtained part of the Nightmare inheritance given by the Green Forest Wizard Master.

He also understood what she meant.




Meteoric Dragon Realm.

Wang Ya's conscious spirit body entered a battle heart station through the connection of the dream world.

The tower-like building stands on the ground. The fluctuation of particle energy reflux is extremely obvious. Along the nodes of the magic array in the ground, natural particle energy is continuously transmitted to maintain the normal operation of various functions of the tower.

Of course, the most important thing is to monitor the extraordinary creatures in the Meteorite Dragon Realm and prepare for the standby of the protective magic array.

Once the life level reaches the level of beast king or even the lord beast, the protective magic array will be opened, and the apprentice wizards stationed inside will fight. The consciousness spirit of the formal wizard stationed here will only take action when the tower is about to be destroyed. .

These are some rules left by Wang Ya. High returns will also bring equal dangers. Maintaining the combat status of these wizard apprentices, those who can survive will have their wizard hearts tempered.

"Mr. Nightmare Wizard."

In the tower, the consciousness of the God Blood Wizard showed the complete appearance of the God Blood Wizard, bowed slightly, and expressed respect for the leader.

The two consciousnesses did not talk, but transmitted corresponding information by sharing consciousness fluctuations.

Wang Ya nodded, and understood the development of the Meteorite Dragon Realm over the years.

Everything was going according to his plan. He deliberately slowed down the pace of intrusion into the Meteorite Dragon Realm, and did not allow higher-level forces to appear, so as not to cause some unnecessary bottoming out.

With the huge size of the Meteorite Dragon Realm and the large number of extraordinary creatures, the entire Heart of Conquest can continue to develop.

If it were the resource secret realm in the dark land, it would be even larger than the Deep Blue Secret Realm.

The extraordinary opportunity is spreading, and the potential will drive the world to develop in the direction of extraordinary biological civilization.

In the Deep Blue Secret Realm, the factors of human influence are too serious, and the extraordinary power that exists is too high, so the natives have no possibility of development and intervention.

However, it will take a long time for the Meteorite Dragon Realm to develop the real extraordinary biological civilization fruit, and it will be measured in ten thousand years.

At that time, the Meteorite Dragon Realm should also become a higher level of the inner world of the Conquest Fortress.

Wang Ya's consciousness body and the consciousness body of the God Blood Wizard returned to the main body separately, and transmitted the corresponding memory information.

Wang Ya leaned back in his chair, tapping the table lightly with his fingers. The faint white light from the window illuminated the environment inside the office, and the gentle lighting covered every corner of the room.

"It seems that the clone has indeed encountered some unusual things and has completely lost contact, but the vague induction still exists, proving that his condition is still intact, and even faintly conveys the induction of joy."

"But I can't waste my time like this anymore. The plan for the Pale Hand must be carried out as it should be, and the blood shackle experiment can only be put aside for the future."

Wang Ya made a choice and the result was that the wizard body at the illusory level was still progressing rapidly with the support of the Eye of Truth.

Taking down the Pale Hand is also taking down the Fantasy Sword. As nutrients, it will be left for the Bubble World to devour, and will usher in a long-awaited promotion.

The flowering period after the Dream Core matures corresponds to the Starry Wizard level of the Dream Wizard Road.

Wang Ya has already calculated it and verified it through the Eye of Truth. As long as there are no major variables, everything will proceed according to his wizard plan.

"Hanged King, let Polaris, the Divine Blood Wizard, the Is Wizard, the Deadwood Wizard, and the Ancient Banyan Wizard come to see me!"

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