The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 457 [457] Successful alternation of reality and illusion, Hisoka's fear

The gray sky was covered with a layer of dim halo ripples. The coldness was everywhere, sweeping in from all directions. Along with the cold wind, the clouds were also changing, presenting a spiral shape, as if forming a huge and deep eye, staring at everything in the world.

The trees rustled, and large flakes of snow fell, mixing into the wind and snow, adding a sense of heaviness. On the snow-covered ground, some extraordinary creatures were running, as if they had sensed some danger and were fleeing from this area.

Chi Chi!

A subtle sound was produced. This was not the sound of the wind and snow, but the dim halo ripples, which produced new changes.

In the refraction of light, a new forest environment appeared, which seemed to be the overlapping refraction of the mirror. The forest environment inside was no different from the reality. It was also dense, covered in silver, and the sky seemed to be pressing down on the city.

No, there was still a difference after all, and there was an extra figure.

Wearing a black robe, his face and body could not be seen clearly, and he could only see vaguely. He was in the depths of the halo ripples, and it seemed that everything was caused by him. The blood-colored gem in his hand was released wantonly, radiating blood-colored particle amplitudes, affecting more of the environment.

The dim halo ripples were deeper and more restrained, as if they had absorbed all the light in the world, and the silver-clad environment became gray and gray.

There was a race of extraordinary creatures nearby, living under the earth. They were not the ants of the past, but the pangolin-like race. They also survived in groups, and the underground world maintained the rules of life within the group in an orderly manner.

But everything changed at this moment.


The earth was shaking, and a large amount of rubble fell from the top of the cave. Some of the buildings built also collapsed, and dust spread.

It was so amazing, as if the earth dragon turned over. All the pangolin creatures screamed in fear and uttered some incomprehensible words, but they were the ethnic culture and writing system unique to the pangolin creatures.

There are also extraordinary beings inside, reaching the level of first-level extraordinary creatures, but it is difficult to respond. It can only protect part of the living area and exert a fiery blood-colored energy fluctuation, which is its unique biological force field and biological magnetic field.

Chi Chi!

The broken stones are directly evaporated by the extremely high temperature biological energy amplitude.

The larger stones and rocks are directly smashed by the first-level extraordinary creature pangolin with its powerful body and sharp claws.

"What happened? The earth dragon turned over. The feeling of the earth vein spiritual tide has also changed. This change is irreversible and is still happening. Everyone, follow me and leave to the surface."

Its consciousness fluctuations spread out like radar waves and were accepted by more tribesmen.

It opened the way in the front, and the tribesmen who gathered followed behind it. In the long team, people were killed by rocks from time to time.

Its strength is very strong, but it is also constrained in the flesh. It is difficult to cast the witchcraft of wizards to protect everyone.

Its claws kept tearing the rocks, just like tofu being cut by a sharp blade. Under its claws, it was very easy.

Light appeared in a gap dug out in front of it.

Its face also showed a humane joy.

"The way out is ahead, and it is also the hope for the tribe to survive."

Finally, with the trembling of the mountain, it hit with all its strength, broke the thick stone layer in front of it, and reached the outside.

The dazzling white light made the extraordinary creatures who left the underground cave living area subconsciously narrow their eyes, attached a layer of yellow diaphragm, and quickly adapted to the light and the external environment.

The unprecedented fresh air, as well as the energy tide and natural energy revealed on the surface, made them stunned and stay where they were.

As the king, ‘Xi Suo’ even laid his huge body on the ground. His flat head and nostrils were as big as a normal human head. He breathed deeply, and it seemed that he had set off a small gust of wind. The suction swept over, and some dust and gravel around were sucked in. The grass and trees also lowered their bodies in the direction of Xi Suo.

There were steel-like nose hairs inside the nostrils, which were in a grid shape. The deeper into the nostrils, the denser they were, which could block all small debris from entering the respiratory tract.

"This is different. This kind of spiritual tide is something I have never felt before."

"No, I feel familiar, but also strange, as if I have breathed this kind of natural particle energy somewhere."

Xisuo's huge body stood up and looked around. Everything covered in silver appeared in his eyes. There was even a white environment, reflecting the farther area. The snowflakes in the sky were still falling slowly. The increasingly cold wind blew everything on the earth, but it could not cause any impact on its huge and powerful body.

The scalding heat formed by its own biological force field continuously radiated towards the farther environment around it, so that the ice and snow melted, revealing the black land under the snow layer.

The grass and plants in the frost and snow land have also adapted to the harsh environment. Even in cold weather, they can still grow, just like the grass and plants in the mountains and seas, or other areas of the wizard continent, but they are slightly thinner and the green color is also weakened.

But none of this is important to Hisoka, and it doesn't care. What it cares about is the different and unusual feelings, and the confusion about the spiritual tide.

"No, it shouldn't be like this. The direction of the spiritual tide, the strata, the veins of earth energy, and the direction of development are completely opposite. Everything is upside down."

Hisoka looked at the surroundings blankly. The strangeness of the spiritual tide was not just all the strangeness. The surrounding environment seemed familiar and everything in his past memory, but its mental perception was stronger than that of ordinary pangolins. Creatures are so powerful that subtle differences are discovered.

That is, whether it is the environmental scene, the direction of natural particle energy, or the veins of earth energy tides, they have all shifted and reversed, and they are walking in the opposite direction to the past.

Why is this happening!

Such incredible things will happen!

Hisoka's huge head did not have the corresponding knowledge to understand what was happening at the moment.

There was also the inexplicable earth dragon turning over, as if the entire earth was about to flip over and collapse, destroying its habitat and civilization.

The impact was huge, and time was so tight that there was no time to prepare.

For a moment, it also became a little depressed. This inexplicable disaster caused too many of its tribesmen to die, leaving no one alive.

Next, we need to find a new habitat, dig out the bodies of the tribesmen buried under the ground, and bury them properly.

Hisoka didn't think too much. Let's just do the opposite. Days must continue, and life needs to continue.

As a result, its consciousness fluctuations continued to spread, and it began to instruct many tribesmen on what to do next.

Digging holes is what they are good at, but finding a suitable habitat is not so easy.

What's more, in this world, they are not the only extraordinary group. There are corresponding extraordinary groups in further areas.

Just what it knows is more than a hundred,

And there is competition.

This world is also known as the place where hundreds of tribes compete for hegemony.

However, for Xisuo and the pangolin group, they are not too keen on fighting for hegemony and grabbing more territory. They just protect their own territory from being invaded by outsiders.

They are not weak, but they are quite lawful.

Just live peacefully and don't think too much.

Hisoka had a frown on his face. Next, he not only had to take care of the continuation of the clan, he also had to find more territory. The earth dragon turned over and destroyed the original magnetic field of the earth's veins. It was no longer suitable for their clan to live, and peace could no longer be achieved on the magnetic field. , and even gain.

If Hisoka knew the wizard's knowledge, he should understand it this way.

This part of the natural particle energy and leyline energy tides have been destroyed, disordered, violent, full of danger, and no longer suitable for habitation. The extremely active stimulating radiation will turn this part of the territory into a certain Forbidden areas, Jedi, and weak extraordinary creatures will die directly.

The only way to find new territory is to look around, but in every direction, there are extraordinary groups.

When necessary, the only option is to take action, fight, and launch aggression.

Hisoka's eyes were firm. He looked at his slumped and sad tribesmen and had already made a decision.

It's all about staying alive.

The process of digging up corpses was not difficult. The vibrations in the ground had already disappeared when they came to the surface. It was very strange and could not be felt at all.

Hisoka was also a little surprised, because during the excavation process, he did not feel too much radiation energy and violent particles that affected its body.

And the expected aftershocks did not appear.

The environment was even extremely peaceful, no different from the previous living environment.

What the hell is going on.

Hisoka fell into confusion and at a loss.

"The traces of the excavation have disappeared, and there is no trace of where we came from. It's strange. We came out of this road. We looked at Lord Hisoka and smashed the gravel along the way, but why are there no traces, even the corpses of some tribesmen? also disappeared."

"Look, aren't you the iconic building of our country? How come the statue of Master Hisoka still exists? It's still so tall and mighty. Shouldn't it have collapsed as soon as the earth dragon turned over? It was also smashed to death. Many tribesmen.”

Some of the pangolin creatures who followed Hisoka in digging up soil and rocks became confused and discussed some of the traces and situations along the road.

When we excavated into their underground kingdom area, we also saw the iconic building at the entrance.

He was even more surprised and couldn't turn his head around.

Also stunned was Hisoka, who stared blankly at his statue.

He remembered clearly that at the very beginning of Earth Dragon's turn, it was this sculptural building that collapsed.

However, all their doubts disappeared when they discovered the country that belonged to them, and were replaced by an unprecedented shock and horror.

"It still exists. Why is this happening? Our country, our home, has not been damaged at all. It still exists fine."

"That's my home, my home. It didn't collapse or rocks fell. Everything was in perfect order."

"Where are the corpses? Why are there no corpses? The corpses of our dead clansmen are gone. There is nothing. This is an empty city and an empty home."

Many pangolin creatures were talking about it, their faces were unable to hide the shock, and their eyes were filled with fear.

The voices of the discussion were also very low, for fear of disturbing something.

But the underground space was so quiet that their voices were transmitted to a farther area and echoed.

Xi Suo's brain also crashed, and he couldn't turn around at once, let alone think.

He fell into absolute confusion.

All the signs were like the earth dragon didn't turn over.

Why is this happening?

He and his tribesmen experienced all the tragic things personally.

The current situation and environment, like everything in the past, are all illusions.

Looking at the peaceful home environment, it is still so familiar, but Xi Suo's back is sweating and his feet are cold, as if there is an invisible big hand manipulating everything.

Its tribesmen, some of them were brave enough, went to the kingdom to have a look, and checked, and came back to report:

"Lord Xi Suo, there is no one, but there are signs of living, and even some tribesmen are still living in their homes, as if they just left."

Xi Suo: "."

Didn't they just leave?

"Then go in and take a look, and check it carefully."

Xi Suo gritted his teeth and made this decision.

If there is really no problem.

You still need to come back.

It is not so easy to find a territory.

War is also the most terrible.

He doesn't want to start a war unless it is absolutely necessary.

Even if the war breaks out, it is still very troublesome and difficult to find a suitable territory and transform it into an environment suitable for his own people to live in.

The territories of other races must have been transformed to be suitable for the corresponding races to live in.

However, all this was seen by a pair of black eyes, and they were always paying attention.

His figure was in the overlap of illusion and reality, and his strength reached the level of star wizards, and his existence could not be detected at all.

What he saw was not just a simple pangolin tribe, nor the real environment, but also the illusion and the farther place.


The blood-colored orb in his hand continuously released a rippling blood-colored aura, as if it had merged into the void, stabilizing everything and providing some essential substances.

In a corner of the illusory dream world, it was still the same environmental landscape, but it was in the opposite direction of the reality where Xi Suo was.

There, one pangolin creature after another looked at the dug-out home environment with horror, and the corpses of the tribesmen on the road made them shudder, especially some living pangolin creatures, who saw their own existence among the dead corpses.

They were so frightened that their souls almost jumped out of their bodies.

There was another Xi Suo, standing at the front, with uncertain eyes, and some speculations and horror about what was happening in front of him.

When they dug out their homes and countries along the way, many pangolin creatures almost exploded.

What happened.

Their homes were destroyed, and there were corpses of their tribesmen.

But aren't their tribesmen still alive?

The dead and the living, standing in this kingdom world, looked particularly strange, and the bloody smell was also pervasive.

Xi Suo was also frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

What on earth was going on?

He felt an unprecedented horror.

He looked at their black eyes, showing satisfaction.

Everything in the plan went smoothly, and the replacement and integration of the nodes did not cause a chain reaction of collapse.

Even if there were some shocks, they were within the control range.

The reality and the dream illusion level were completely replaced.

Everything was under his control.

The same thing was happening in the ethnic regional nodes in other ranges.

The reality and the illusion were alternating.

Perhaps similar shocks would occur, but more often they were silent.

Wherever the shocks occurred, Wang Ya would personally check them.

The plan was going on, and everything was just waiting for good news from other official wizards, the Star Wizard.

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