The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 463 【463】Theory of Overcoming the Tribulation The Spirit of Wind and Snow Descends

Wang Ya came under the ancient nightmare tree and stretched out his right palm to make contact with the tree.

His body was directly integrated into the tree.

The conscious senses are also trapped in another situation.

You can feel every corner of the bubble world in detail, as finely as the pores on human skin. The slow progress of the boundary erosion of the dream world can be accurate to a very small range.

The most peculiar thing is that you can intuitively feel the dream world itself. The unique rhythmic breathing provides seemingly endless dream power, inexhaustible and inexhaustible, supplying the dream creatures that exist in the dream world. , the hope of survival.

On the other hand, dream wizards like Wang Ya are equivalent to blood-sucking insects parasitic in the dream world.

But the vast and huge dream world doesn't care about this.

If a mosquito bites you, you might even stretch out your palm and slap it to death.

This part of the instinct will not affect him.

Perhaps, by the time he reaches the dream god stage, he should be considered a qualified mosquito and can be instinctively targeted by the dream world.

"The disaster of dreams, in addition to the contamination of the dream world by the nature of dreams, the source of the disaster comes from the dream creatures that exist in the dream world."

Wang Ya's consciousness was infinitely elevated, and the vision information he saw and received exceeded the original path of the dream wizard at the formal wizard level.

Saw the farther direction.

Whether it's the east side or the back side of the bubble world, or the mountains in the south, or the endless lakes in the west, the mist lingers.

"The crisis comes from these four places."

"It's very intuitive. It's obvious that under the influence of the weird distortion of the dream world, he will take action against me."

"Yes, only the dream creatures in these four directions and the corresponding environmental gathering places have this ability."

Wang Ya's eyes were calm and his expression was neither happy nor sad, as if he was completely integrated with the Nightmare Ancient Tree.

The feeling given to people also carries with it the eternity of the ancient tree, which will never change.

"When will it threaten the bubble world and attack the bubble world? I can't determine the specific time, but I can have a vague idea."

"Perhaps the dream creatures from four directions are attacking at the same time. It is also possible that some of the dream creatures are developing. The dream creatures that have grown to a certain level also have an understanding of the dream world and even the existence of life in other worlds. No. You will definitely be enveloped by the misfortune of the dream.”

The black eyes were gradually eroded by the white beating arc light, as if forming a unique grid.

Including all the scenes in the four directions of the field of vision, and began to use the huge database information in the Eye of Truth to conduct continuous deductions and calculations.

"The most likely direction is the direction of the lake, followed by the Starry Forest. Among the mountains in the south, when the misfortune of the dream calamity is shrouded, several powerful dream creatures will fly out. This is not surprising."

Wang Ya took a look at the largest black and white bubble floating above the bubble world. Part of the spiritual willpower belonging to the evil god Gendas still existed in it. His huge body stretched wantonly, but it was always in the black and white bubble. , compiled dream life, and intoxicated by it, unable to get rid of it.

In the world created by dreams, everything is according to one's own imagination, and is the reflection and reflection of one's own desires.

Wang Ya's eyes turned to the north.

Eye of Truth's calculations predicted that the threat from the north would be the least.

The calculation also uses a certain amount of predictability.

You can't go wrong with this.

But similarly, dream creatures that will not be coerced by the misfortune of dreams are not only powerful, but their consciousness and will are equally astonishing.


Wang Ya suddenly laughed and walked out of the Nightmare Ancient Tree.

No matter what, the dream creatures existing in the environmental settlements in the four directions are potential enemies of the bubble world.

No, it should be said to be a definite enemy.

Dream creatures are the best training materials for wizards, and if you eat them, they will have endless magical uses.

Naturally, there are benefits to dream creatures eating wizards.

However, there is an essential difference between eating a dream wizard and a being from the outside world, such as an elemental wizard or a mechanical wizard.

"That's all, that's all. The time predicted by the Eye of Truth will most likely not appear until after the blizzard period. My current strength is the dream wizard level at the official wizard level, but I have the elemental wizard strength at the star wizard level. I don't need the two. Even if we are separated, we can still draw on each other’s strength.”

"The mystery of the meditation method of annihilation of reality and reality is reflected in all aspects."

Wang Ya walked out from the nightmare ancient tree, glanced at the Black King floating next to him, and ordered: "Keep an eye on the lake, the Starry Forest, and the mountains to the south. If there is any movement, remember to notify me. Also, , so that experienced wizards and dream wizards in the bubble world are not allowed to leave the scope of the bubble world and explore other environments. "

"Everything, wait until the blizzard period is over, and then we will make plans. I will let Kun cooperate with you. The puppet combat power of the Star Wizard level is enough to deal with some common hidden dangers."

The path of wizards chosen by wizard members with a heart for war is naturally multi-directional.

Perhaps because of Wang Ya, the number of people who choose elemental wizards is the largest. The number of dream wizards is actually quite impressive compared to the scarcity in the Dark Land.

Dream wizards need to make use of the special place of the dream world.

Just like the Dream Wizard in the past, the Dream Garden brought Wang Ya help.

The bubble world can also be used as a safe base camp and platform, allowing those little dream wizards to tentatively explore and discover the characteristics of the dream world and the research direction of dream wizards.

There are even dream wizards who have tried to move the bone trees and viscera trees in the Starry Forest into the real world.

Unfortunately, there are still very few people with this qualification.

Regarding this, Wizard Qiudong was also a little worried.

Wang Ya is very open-minded. If someone inherits his inheritance, then he should inherit it. If no one inherits it, he himself is the best reflection of existence.

He will not die, nor will he be like those great wizards in history who chose their disciples and passed on everything they did, leaving traces in the history.

He will live forever, will be eternal, and will always be the star that lights up the sky above the wizarding world.

He is both a legend and an eternal existence.

This is the ambition in Wang Ya's heart.

"Master, the Black King obeys your orders."





White ice crystals fell like rain from the vast white sky. Each ice crystal was about the size of a fist, as if it had been measured.

The boundless cold air also followed, turning into an erratic breath and beginning to erode every part of the land of frost and snow.

Each and every small, dreamlike media substance also swam in the cold air, laughing, turning the earth environment they walked through into a dead land shrouded in frost and snow.

The living trees and the breathing creatures were all sucked out of their vitality, while their frozen bodies remained the same.


Until it was completely blocked by the ice, it looked like a sculpture, its gray eyes staring straight ahead due to its stiff body.

It also reflects the intermediary substances like locusts passing through the cold snow in the sky, vivid, like little elves flapping their wings, with white bodies and small facial features, but their mouths are full of fangs. with mouthparts.

Ice and snow spirits appear in the land of frost and snow.

This means that the blizzard period has arrived! !

From now on, scheduled, five o'clock, five thirty, two chapters a day

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