The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 524 [524] Black and White Monarch Blood Emperor Crow Phase 1 Project, Infinite Changes in Dr

Where does the end of the black and white light door lead to?

After stepping into it, the wizard apprentices began to worry about gains and losses.

It is good to be alive.

If life is worse than death, Lake feels that he should not be so pessimistic. The value he possesses may not be comparable to the energy consumption of bringing him from reality to the dream world, and then opening such a portal to transfer the distance between the dream world.

Dazzling light poured into his eyes.

Lake closed his eyes subconsciously.

There was a sound of crashing waves in my ears, water vapor hit my face, and the down on my cheeks was as moist as a girl's hands gently brushing against her.

This is the ocean!

The white sea water undulates, one wave after another blown by the sea breeze.

The soft sand is deep under your feet.

The towering black shadow filled Lake's eyes, and he opened his mouth wide, "A tree, a black and white tree that supports the sky and the earth."


The root system rooted in the depths of the ocean waved, slapping the sea surface, and setting off huge waves that seemed to turn the world upside down. The splashing seawater wetted Lake's whole body, as well as the little wizard apprentices behind him; the little guys also opened their eyes wide. His mouth was speechless, and he was shocked by the sight of the ghost in front of him.

The clouds and mist shrouded the tree shadows in the depths of the ocean, making it difficult to see clearly. However, every movement of the roots seemed to cause the entire world to tremble.

Somehow, they knew the name of this tree.

——The supreme ancient nightmare ancestral tree


Black roots flew from the center of the infinitely distant ocean at extremely fast speeds.

In Lake's frightened pupils, they kept dilating, and finally enveloped and entangled.

"Damn, I'm actually in heaven."

McCree's injuries were extremely serious, he could barely move, and he didn't have any energy to recover from his physical injuries.

The feeling of weightlessness, the friction between the body and the air, and the high pressure condensation caused by the excessive speed made him almost suffocate, and his fierce eyes suddenly lost focus and became frightened.

He didn't expect that the situation he would be in after passing through the black and white light door was like this.

So high, so fast. Am I going to die?

"How could I die here, dying in such a helter-skelter manner."

McCree felt endless humiliation and unwillingness. Rather than doing this, it would be better to die in the previous Dream World Plain.

Then, he saw a black shadow flying out of the void, wrapping his body and pulling him into an unknown realm.

"Hey, hey, are you kidding me? Is the person behind this playing a trick on me? He actually appeared directly in the deep sea!"

Zetian carried Asuna through the black and white light door. Before he could see the specific situation clearly, unimaginable pressure collapsed, almost crushing his body into a piece of meat, and then endless seawater poured in. Flooding in, filling every corner of his vision.

Zetian desperately used his trump card, the hidden dream witchcraft circuit was triggered, and a white light appeared and enveloped him. It only took a thought to bring him and Asuna back to the real world. The anchor he had set point.


The black root tentacles ejected from the sand deeper under the sea like a ghost, shattering the white dream witchcraft light he had condensed.

A look of horror appeared on his face, and Zetian had a premonition of his own death.

In such a deep ocean, the water pressure can collapse a first-order extraordinary creature into a blood mist, let alone them who have lost other witchcraft methods.

Damn it, how could this happen? It’s over!

However, the black roots emitted a black halo, covering them for protection and pulling them into a deeper space.


There are many wizard apprentices who encounter such situations, and they are all in extremely harsh and even life-threatening conditions.

Be calm and wait for your own death.

Emotional ups and downs, passing through death, seeing light and facing despair again. This kind of ups and downs made the corresponding wizard apprentice make a sharp explosion.

However, when their lives were about to be endangered, they were taken away by black roots and pulled into an unknown realm.




In the center of the world ocean, the body of the Nightmare Ancient Tree is so huge and vast that almost no one can observe it all. It exceeds a million meters in height and seems to reach to the end of the sky, and its roots penetrate deep into the core of the earth.

Massive clouds and mist accumulate high in the ocean and surround the Nightmare Ancient Tree, adding a unique mystery and unknown shock to it.

There is an island on the sea under the tree, and magnificent buildings are built around the huge square platform.

Crows with black and white wings hovered over the square, and many wizard apprentices entangled with black roots could be seen in the field of vision.

"Is this really good, Lord Halak? Will it delay the affairs of the supreme and great master?"

The Black King condensed his face and floated next to Harak.

Harak's beak opened and closed, conveying his consciousness, "No problem, the master won't care about such small things. As long as the goal is achieved, the process is not important."

"Besides, this is also part of the test. The last step is to train their minds. Otherwise, it will undoubtedly be very difficult to do what the master expects in the current environment. Shundang also completes some of my emotions. , an experiment in human consciousness.”

A smile appeared in the gray-black beast eyes, "Look, aren't they very happy?"

The Black King looked towards the square platform below.

One after another, the unique black tunnels opened, and the wizards wrapped by the roots rolled out under the action of inertia, looking very embarrassed. Many of them were so seriously injured that they almost vomited a mouthful of blood and just passed away.

McCree was undoubtedly the most seriously injured. As his body hit the ground, the cold touch seemed to take away the remaining warmth of his body.

So that everything in front of him became blurred.

In a trance, he heard a voice.

"Welcome all of you who are embarrassed and have lost your dignity to the dream field of the supreme and great Lord of Bubbles. You should feel honored and fortunate."

The Black King's face was with a lonely and arrogant expression and tone, floating in the air, overlooking the many wizards below, and enjoying their various complex (admiring) eyes.

"The supreme and great Lord of Bubbles is willing to give you a chance to live, and you have passed the corresponding tests, so you can stand here."

The wizard apprentices calmed down from their doubts, and they were observing the environment and the black face in the sky from the corner of their eyes, trying to get some answers from the information clues they collected.

Zetian was undoubtedly the one who thought of the most. He was hidden in the crowd and was inconspicuous. Asuna was helped up by him and leaned on his shoulder; he thought with his eyes that the deep sea environment did not kill him, and he was still alive here. Their value is to have an effect on the people behind the scenes, but he couldn't think of this effect.

If even such a powerful person can't do it, how can they accomplish it?

Zetian came from the Scarlet Society and had seen the power of many True Spirit Wizards, and the Star Wizard had also seen it. There is no doubt that the existence who can do this is also a Star Wizard at the bottom.

It is estimated that the level of the star wizards is not ordinary. At least most of the second-level wizards of the Scarlet Society cannot achieve such a shocking scene.

Not to mention that the dream power of the dream wizard distorts reality and transforms strangely, he has also been exposed to the Scarlet Society. The means of the dream wizards who have experienced the star level are far from comparable to the current ones.

Thinking of this, his eyes became more fearful, lowering his eyes and not showing it.

The opponent of the Pale Hand!

It seems that the result has come.

From now on, there will be no Pale Hand.

Zetian is not the only one who thought of this.

McCree discovered that there was natural particle energy on this island. He used the remaining mental power to stimulate his body, created some particle energy, performed recovery magic, and got out of danger.

As a wizard apprentice who fought all the way from the bottom, he did not have the innocence and naivety of other academy wizard apprentices. He would speculate in the most cruel and ugly direction.

Since this behind-the-scenes existence is to influence them, just accept it. People live for themselves. The disappearance of the Pale Hand will not cause him any emotional fluctuations; as long as he is still alive and the existence called the Lord of Bubbles needs him, there will be no problem. It is a very simple thing.

The voice of the Black King continued, "You are all valuable people. The Supreme Lord of Bubbles needs you to play your due value, and he will also give you more mercy."

"Next, let me convey the will of the Supreme Lord of Bubbles."

The Black King's face condensed a record book and a feather pen, and began to write tirelessly, and chanted the great deeds of the Supreme Lord of Calamity and the Lord of Bubbles in different versions, so that the many wizards below were more and more stunned, and even seemed a little at a loss.

"Shut up, Black King, let me tell you." A small crow with black and white wings flew from the horizon at a very fast speed. Before it arrived, the sound echoed in everyone's ears.

"Welcome to the equally great and powerful black and white blood monarch, Lord Halak." The Black King praised generously, and his hands wrote a little faster.

Halak didn't care about the performance of the Black King that he had changed. He left just now because he received the message from his master, and came back this time to complete the task in the message.

Then, he informed the wizard apprentices in the square of the information that the Pale Hand was abolished by the Heart of War and some changes in the current environment.

Ignoring their drastic emotional fluctuations, Halak continued coldly: "Propagate the will of Lord Nightmare Wizard. You will join the Heart of War next. Resources, status, rights, obligations, and responsibilities all need to be fought for and assumed by you. At the same time, Lord Nightmare Wizard also needs you to act as a knife and sign ninety-nine wizard contracts as a corresponding guarantee."

Many wizard apprentices were stunned for a moment, thinking they had heard wrongly.

Ninety-nine wizard contracts?

What kind of thing did they need to do?

As a knife, what virtue and ability do they have? If the Nightmare Wizard can't do it, they can't do anything.

"You can choose to refuse or accept. You don't have much time left. You will bear the consequences of your choice after making your choice." Harak flapped his wings, raising his height. His voice became more and more distant, and he repeated one sentence, "You don't have much time. Make a choice as soon as possible."




In the deepest part of the island under the tree, on the top floor of a tower-like building, in the open window, the Nightmare Wizard stretched out his hands, caught Harak who flew over and folded his wings, stroked his head, and placed it on the desk.

Sitting on a chair, he picked up a feather pen and wrote seven words on a clean parchment.

——The Dream of Infinite Changes

This is the experimental process of the Dream Wizard Road that he is about to complete.

It is also a very important part of shaping and constructing the Final Nightmare Wizard Body.

If the first petal cannot be manifested, or is unsuccessful, the subsequent petals will be affected. This is equivalent to Wang Ya's Final Nightmare Wizard Body having certain defects, which is related to the foundation of the future road.

In the time of handing over power, he assisted with the Eye of Truth, constantly thinking, simulating experiments, and finally perfectly reproduced the manifestation process and knew how to do it.

It all depends on the help of the little guy in front of him.

Wang Ya raised an arc at the corner of his mouth, and his fingers kept stroking the bird's head. He also saw the enjoyment of Halak.

The manifestation of the petals of the Dream Flower is also a manifestation of the wizard's road. Some things that have been studied before, or the special effects of witchcraft from casting to manifestation, can be used as part of the manifestation.

The more detailed it is, the more successful it can be manifested. In addition to retaining the original characteristic ability of the corresponding manifestation vision, it can also be greatly enhanced under the distortion of reality by the pure dream power.

On the other hand, it can also be seen as a specific enhancement of the witchcraft that was originally mastered.

To release the corresponding vision manifestation witchcraft in the future, you only need to show the dream flower and stimulate the corresponding petals with pure dream power to create a more terrifying corresponding effect ability.

Of course, ambitious wizards will choose some special visions that they have not mastered or are trying to master. They can be some extraordinary creatures or even individual wizards. As long as the dream wizard himself can study it thoroughly, or directly solidify it into the vision and make it a part of his own dream wizard path, it can also increase the success rate of vision manifestation.

[Current first stage: ‘Dream Infinite Change Road’]

[Details: With infinite black cores, dream cores, and the principle of Halak biological installation, the first vision ‘Black and White Monarch Blood Emperor Crow’ is manifested. 】

Halak was researched by Wang Ya. He is already familiar with it. It is not difficult to manifest its vision. It is a sure thing.

In addition, the existence of Harak can assist the progress of the manifestation of the vision.

In the past twenty years, his ambition is not only to set foot on the Starry Dream Wizard, but also to continue to deepen his foundation on the path of the Starry Dream Wizard and manifest at least three petals.

ps: There will be another update later. I wrote a little less today and I am a little anxious.

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