The wizard is chasing the truth

$ Chapter 544 [544] The Nightmare of the Emperor talks about the road

The support of the great wizard Zunhuang is extremely heavy, but whether it can bear such a weight depends on whether there is real ability.

In the black sand, the consciousness of the black-hearted wizard is flowing, gradually returning to calm, and falling into a deep sleep.

This is an open conspiracy. The heavier the support behind, the more you can't retreat.

Even if the nightmare wizard noticed something strange, he could only fight when the madman came to the door.

There are wizards who can defeat the madman, but among young wizards, especially those who meet the quota within a thousand years, there are very few.

Even if the black-hearted wizard completes the multiple deep transformations of particle energy and manifests a real form, he has no actual confidence that he can defeat the Wutu wizard.

The evil-hearted wizard of the Pillar of Resentful Souls, the disaster wizard of the Pillar of Disasters, and the devil soul wizard of the Pillar of the Demon King are all strong candidates for competing for the Star Fighting Association, and are also opponents that the black-hearted wizard is extremely afraid of.

The Wutu wizard had challenged them before, and the best result was a draw; neither side could do anything to the other. Of course, the Wutu wizard had unparalleled defense and unparalleled attack. These wizards relied on the Wutu wizard's unclear mind and only animal fighting instincts, so they avoided his strengths and achieved a draw by tug-of-war or restraint.

In other words, when fighting against the Wutu wizard, the young wizards in the Scarlet Society have not yet had a wizard who can really fight him head-on and overwhelm him.

Even the most evil and evil wizards don't want to be entangled by the madman Wutu wizard.

Even her teacher, the purple sand wizard, once said that if the Wutu wizard burst out with all his strength and burned his own power, he would have to take it seriously. Even if he didn't rely on the power of the column, he would have to take out the means at the bottom of the box to seal and suppress it.

But he couldn't cause substantial damage to him, or even kill the Wutu wizard.

"Nightmare Wizard, I hope you will be satisfied with the gift I gave you."

"Don't let the Wu Earth Wizard make you lose all your fighting spirit while I'm asleep. I really want to fight you once."

The Blackheart Wizard didn't think the Nightmare Wizard could win, but there was no false reputation under the great reputation. The favor of the Great Wizard of the Emperor proved the strength of the Nightmare Wizard.

"The Wu Earth Wizard, who has no wizard rationality, should be regarded as a test. If you don't even have the ability to seal, restrain, and seesaw the Wu Earth Wizard, you'd better give up the competition of the Star Fighting Association as soon as possible."

The low voice of the Blackheart Wizard echoed in the black palace and gradually dissipated.




The wind brought frost that penetrated the bone marrow. Everywhere you looked was snow in the cold winter. The mountains were majestic, and the ice covered the growing forests, trying to freeze the sky into a solid form; on the ground below, the white snow was thick and multi-layered, and the dry branches of some tall trees could be vaguely seen stretching out.

In such a harsh environment with howling cold wind and cold wind as sharp as a knife, there is a bonfire burning on the snowfield against common sense. The glacier formed by the cracks in the ground flows by, and the fresh fish, which are also strange, seem to live in spring, and float to the surface from time to time to spit bubbles.

The bonfire reflects the warm light, but it does not melt the ice and snow. Instead, it is surrounded by chairs and benches piled up little by little with hands and tables. Two figures sit opposite each other, sticks pierce the body of the fish, and hang it on the fire to roast, making a sizzling sound.

The golden fish oil drips, and one of the figures in the golden robe takes out a pottery jar from somewhere and sprinkles salt, pepper and other seasoning powders on it. The fragrance becomes more and more fragrant, and the oil helps the fire to expand, burning the eyebrows and beard of the figure, dancing and looking very embarrassed.

The figure in the black robe watched his performance quietly. He grilled the fish in his hand, but he seemed to be very handy. Soon, the fish was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, cooked through, and exuded a more tempting aroma.

He put it to his mouth and took a bite gently.

The old figure in the golden robe grinned and said, "Don't be so pretentious. How can a grown man eat like this? Don't try to act like a wizard with me. It's useless here. A real man should eat with big mouthfuls."

After that, he grabbed a handful of the grilled fish, whether it was raw or cooked, and stuffed it directly into his mouth and chewed it with big mouthfuls.

From time to time, he said words like "It smells so good" and "It tastes good".

The corners of Reya's mouth twitched slightly, and the appetite that he had finally generated disappeared. He put the grilled fish on the grill on his side, letting the campfire temperature continue to maintain the fish meat.

But Harak flapped his wings, stood on the grill, tore the fish meat with his beak, and tasted the taste.

The great wizard Zunhuang raised his eyebrows, spit out a large mass of crushed fish bones, cleared his throat, and spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm; the flowing glacier quickly decomposed it and turned it into nothingness, and many underwater fish also ran over in a cluster, swallowing that part of the river water, as if there was a substance that was very attractive to fish. .

At the level of Huiyue wizards, especially at the end of Huiyue, the illusory three-body body has transformed to an incredible level in all aspects; let alone the spit, even the breath exhaled carries a sufficient concentration of extraordinary fluctuations, which makes it easy for ordinary life, flowers, plants and trees to undergo certain changes.

If you let go of your own biological force field and energy magnetic field, the space of heaven and earth in a certain place inside this Zunhuang Pillar will not be able to withstand the pressure and will collapse directly.

"It seems that you have successfully entered the inner world."

The great wizard Zunhuang leaned back on a chair made of snow and ice, with a smile on his old face and a firm tone.

"What's the situation inside? Have you found a suitable place?"

"The deeper you go, the higher the possibility that the resource field can produce fantasy products. However, the door to the inner world I opened for you has an anchor point. The area nearby is relatively safe, near the wizard city in the exploration area. If you want to take risks, you can set up another anchor point. The next time you enter the inner world, you will enter through the anchor point."

"But the anchor point needs to be protected. Once it is damaged or lost, the next time you enter the inner world area will no longer be controllable."

The Great Wizard Zunhuang asked curiously: "The gate to the inner world is opened by me privately and is not under the control of the Scarlet Society; it will randomly enter different levels of the inner world. If you are lucky, you can enter the second level. It is not impossible to enter the third level."

"Which level did you enter? If you encounter any problems, I may be able to help you solve your doubts as an elder."

As he said, he blinked at Wang Ya, as if to teach me quickly, and I would tell you generously.

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