The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 560 [560] Gendaz Reappears Dangerous Road Tianlong's Difference (asking for monthly vot

‘The number of runes of the Nightmare Fire Core corresponds to the fission fire core. The transformation of the meditation method is also coming to an end. It can be completed within five years, and perhaps this process can be accelerated. ’Wang Ya pondered in his heart and walked out of the void. The vision in front of him became clear and bright, and then gradually dimmed.


The rain was sliding down from the dark clouds above the sky, blending into this world of heaven and earth, bringing hazy water vapor. The trees were deep and vast, and each tree reached a height of 100 meters or even 1,000 meters.

The castle stood here, and the black souls went in and out, entering the forest from time to time to collect some materials.

Harak hovered in the sky, and the black and white wings seemed to emit tiny spores. It was the supervisor, urging the actions of the black souls.

The transit place of the other world is always so cold and dark, the breath is entangled, the space is fragile, and the black storm is easier to enter reality than other space worlds.

Wang Ya can intuitively feel that as long as he wants, he can pull the black space storm in at any time.

Flying to the entrance of the castle, several thoughts flashed through his mind.

‘The dream world has multiple layers of space, and the real world is the same. The inner world is even more unknown, and the life level is limited to the standard of entry... The vastness of the inner world is benchmarked against many real wizard universes, and even outside the universe, the outer space in the chaos and nothingness, between illusion and reality. ’

‘The evil god Gendass sneaked into the wizard world at the beginning, and it should be through a loophole in the inner world. ’

Wang Ya, who has some memories of the evil god Gendass, knows that road and can use the battle fortress to leave the wizard universe group.

He is thinking about the connection between the inner world and the real world.

How big is the inner world?

Can the high-level creatures of the wizard world encounter creatures from different wizard universes when they enter it; or is it limited to the wizard universe he is in?

The definition of the world is very broad, from tiny continents, to planets, to galaxies, to galaxy clusters... The wizard universe he is in can be regarded as a bubble, and a large number of universe bubbles make up a wizard world.

This is the vastness and terror of the legendary glorious civilization.

And there are also great differences between planets. The initial star field of the wizard world where Wang Ya is located... The existence of the mother star under his feet, in terms of vastness, is not much smaller than a star field in the ordinary universe, or even a star field group. The big and small here are in mass, energy, existence, and carrying extraordinary weight.

The powerful star wizards have been able to create and destroy hundreds or even thousands of real heaven and earth spaces the size of the earth.

The space where the Supreme Heaven Realm of the Supreme Emperor is located, the ecological natural environment, the vast mountains below, the vastness of just one mountain, is enough to rival the blue star in the previous life.

The knowledge and information obtained from the Crimson Society, in theory, the mother star of the wizard world can carry the existence of fourth-level rule wizards, and higher levels are not what they can imagine and look forward to.

If there is a region in this wizard universe that can carry stronger wizard creatures, it is hard to imagine its vastness and terrible mass.

‘That road is full of loopholes, but it is also full of dangers. The body of the evil god Gendasi was severely damaged and almost fell. The full strength of the evil god Gendasi should be like the great wizard Zunhuang, at a high stage of the Huiyue level. ’

Wang Ya is not completely sure, and it is not ruled out that the evil god Gendasi has already stepped into the fourth level of the Sun.

This is a hidden threat. It is a safe way to imagine it as strong as possible.

If you leave the world in the wizard universe and go to the outer chaotic space from that road, you will most likely be targeted by it.

Now he is far from being the opponent of the evil god Gendasi.

‘It seems that the gap between Huiyue life and Huiyue life is greater than I imagined, far exceeding the gap between the stars. ’

Wang Ya thought of the sky dragon, which he named the world of the Meteoric Dragon Realm, and took root temporarily through the world altar... The previous guess was that the sky dragon was severely damaged and tried to use the world core of the Meteoric Dragon Realm to replace it and restore its vitality and revive.

His guess may not be wrong, but there are many details that are not perfect.

At least the quality, extraordinary carrying capacity and extraordinary potential of the Meteoric Dragon Realm can support the life of stars, but it is far from reaching the level of Huiyue; Wang Ya's observation and investigation are not subtle enough, and he did not find more hidden things.

It seems that the stars and celestial realms around the Meteoric Dragon Realm are all gray and dead, and it is difficult to sense any fluctuations. At that time, he did not expand and explore the outside world.

Wang Ya combined the existence of the great wizard Zunhuang and the inheritance of Zunhuang to understand more about Huiyue life.

'Even if the Huiyue life is dead, it can't be so weak and so simple. '

Two possible guesses emerged in his mind.

Either the Tianlong suspected to be at the level of Huiyue has died, and the remaining part tried to revive again, but it was too difficult and needed a long time to accumulate; the existence of the Tianlong has been divided into all aspects of the Meteoric Dragon Realm and become every living being.

Or maybe there are some things hidden in the celestial realm around the Meteoric Dragon Realm, and the back-up left by the celestial dragon is not completely dead.

‘Forget it, if there is any problem, the Ghost Light Wizard will inform me through the Battle Fortress. The Star Battle is approaching, and my strength is not yet completely perfect. The Nightmare Fire Core Rune, the shaping of spiritual particle energy, combined with the Huiyue level of the breakthrough elemental path. ’

‘The remaining petals of the Nightmare Dream Flower are manifested, and I have to hurry up. ’

If you are not strong enough, it is very dangerous to take Huiyue's life, and there are great hidden dangers.

Wang Ya looked at the falling Halak, raised his right arm and let it land on it.

The reason why he wanted to know the size of the inner world.

He also wanted to speculate and judge how large the influence range of the Ninety-Nine Tribulations Locking Sky Wizard Array, that is, the net, was.

[Strength: Level 2 Star Wizard]

[Current Mental Power: 180]

[Current Physical Fitness: 184]

[True Spirit Mark: Nightmare]

[Special Talent: Original Strength Wizard Body]

[Nightmare Fire Extinguishing Core Meditation Method (Analysis in Progress): Estimated remaining time is ‘three years’. ]

[Current Active Neurons: 46%]

[Current Elemental Energy Life: 22%]

The Nightmare Flower corresponds to the Dream Wizard Path.

Active neurons are related to that aspect, and passively begin to improve.

In the mind, a large area of ​​horse body, an extraordinary hotbed, continuously nurtures more neurons, making Wang Ya's consciousness more acute and firm, and his mental power more mellow and powerful.

"Lord Wang Ya, the castle laboratory has been built, although it can only conduct experiments at the star level."

Mona walked out of the wall, bowed slightly, with a faint smile on her face.

"Thank you for your hard work. Come and meditate with me. The Nightmare Mirror also needs to complete a certain transformation. The rune fire core will be imprinted in it to form a circuit ritual exclusive to Nightmare."

"Yes!" Mona reached behind her and took out a two-sided mirror with magical skills. She held it with both hands and looked pious.


The castle door closed and dust spread.

A black and white winged crow flew out of the castle just before the door was completely closed, and circled in the sky, making a crisp cry.

This seems to be a unique call, and the invisible power of the dark souls in the castle, outside the castle, and in the forest is pulling.

They turned into free black breath and poured into the mouth of Harak with his beak open.

——Pillar of Quicksand

The Blackhearted Wizard filled the center of the palace space with black gravel, and a black coffin made of solidified gravel was opened. She opened her eyes and looked in the direction of the Wutu Wizard.

A strange arc appeared at the corner of her mouth.

"Great, things are going in the direction I imagined."

"Nightmare Wizard, I hope you like this big gift I prepared for you."

Chi Chi!

The gravel flowed again, and the black coffin absorbed the power in it, and continuously strengthened the hardness and quality of the coffin itself. The Blackhearted Wizard inside, her chest rose and fell, breathing, and exhaling.

The energy of the Blackhearted particles began to increase a trace of spirituality. The Blackhearted Wizard was also undergoing a transformation.

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