The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 562 [563] Battle for Black Tower Spot Three Great Wizards Watch (asking for monthly votes)

Black dust and smoke exist in this secret world for years.

The earth is full of cracks, like scars and cracks on the skin, which looks shocking. There is no green vegetation, only barren yellow soil and black soil. The dazzling light reflected from the cracks from time to time is the magma under the stratum wriggling.

That is not ordinary magma, full of unique extraordinary properties, and one of the resource specialties of this world; every wriggling is like the heartbeat of a living thing, with a "chi chi" sound, emitting amazing extraordinary fluctuations,


An indescribable breath appeared.

The cracks in the ground within the 300,000-meter area all gushed out dazzling magma fluids, and gathered in one place, and a large amount of soil mass filled them.

Soon, a giant ten thousand meters tall appeared. The heavy feeling was felt at the first sight. The skin and muscles were made of special black soil, and they seemed to be the rock in the earth's core formed by being roasted by magma for hundreds of thousands of years. The gaps in the joints were the giant's blood vessels. The special black magma flowed like blood, and the heart was pounding, shaking the sky and the earth.


A breath was like a hurricane, blowing away the dust left by the magma eruption on the earth.

The pupils of the Dark Soul King reflected this majestic giant.

The Geng people living in the heart of the ancient dragon secret realm.

A special tribe, it can be said that it is the creation and work of the ancient dragon wizard.

The Geng people in front of him may be the most powerful among the tribe.

The breath is equivalent to the level of the star wizard.

The extraordinary fluctuations made his scalp tingle.

Next, he will fight with it, and the result is related to the competition for the Star Fighting Association.

The qualification to compete with the other candidates for the Black Tower.

He grew too slowly, and was not originally considered for the quota. It was only after the action of the Ancient Dragon Wizard that he fought for this assessment opportunity.

The Dark Soul King Ya stood in the airspace of 5,000 meters, and only reached the thigh and waist of the ancient man. He needed to look up to see his face.

"Lord Comoros, the Lord of the Ancient Dragon, let me fight with you. This is not my body, but the body that the Lord of the Ancient Dragon helped me to replicate and create, but it can exert my 100% strength."

The giant's face has specific facial features and can make expressions. He looks very honest, and his voice rolls in, like the continuous and heavy waves of rivers.

The Dark Soul King Ya turned around and looked at the center of the Ancient Dragon Great Secret Realm, the ancient dragon volcano that was so huge and vast that it was difficult to describe with words.

The huge body of the Ancient Dragon of the Destroying Gold could not be fully spread out. Part of its chest and body was squeezed in the crater. One dragon claw naturally fell down the mountain, and the dragon neck was upward, sinking into the black clouds. The dragon head was blurred and only the outline could be seen. Only a pair of blazing eyes that seemed like the sun were overlooking the position of the Black Soul King Ya.

On the left and right sides of the Ancient Dragon of the Destroying Gold, there were two huge figures that were not clear. One of them was filled with a large number of human figures, which was slightly weird and grotesque; the other was an irregular giant square object with a large number of tentacles scattered around, which was also very weird and creepy.

The Black Soul King Ya could feel the convergence of three gazes, and he was under great pressure, just because these three gazes came from the Black Tower, the gazes of the three Great Wizards of Huiyue.

His teacher, the Great Wizard of Ancient Dragon, and the Great Wizard of the Kingdom of God, the Great Wizard of Tianxie.

The Great Wizard of the Kingdom of God follows the path of a sacrificial wizard. I think those large numbers of human figures are projections of a large number of creatures related to sacrifice; some of the aura and information of the wizard's own existence will be emitted by the influence of the wizard's path.

Tianxie Wizard follows the path of a soul wizard, specializing in curses and soul-related witchcraft, but it seems to have embarked on a path of some variant branch. The specific situation involves the Great Wizard Huiyue, and the Dark Soul King Ya dare not investigate too much. The difference in status makes most wizards in the Black Tower unaware of the specific situation of the Great Wizard Tianxie.

"Let's start, Comoro, whether you can get a place to participate depends on your performance and the value you show. If you don't satisfy the other two great wizards, you will lose the opportunity to compete."

The voice of the Great Wizard of the Ancient Dragon sounded from the depths of the sky and spread to the earth.

When the Gen Gu heard the voice of the supreme Lord of the Ancient Dragon, he knelt on one knee and bowed his head to express his lofty respect and sincere humility.

The Geng Gu people never bowed their heads in their lives, provided that the existence they met was not the supreme being who created them.

The Black Soul King Ya aimed at the position of the Ancient Dragon Volcano, bowed silently, and expressed the wizard etiquette. When he turned around, his momentum suddenly rose, and the surge of particle energy triggered the changes of heaven and earth. Deep in the cracks on the earth, the dazzling flames became more and more turbulent.

The wizard road that has undergone the creation of the main body - the Six Heavens Ten Thousand Self Source Venerable Road.

Based on the Ten Thousand Self Witchcraft School, the wizard road created by adding the inheritance essence of the six major star wizards.

The Black Soul King Ya showed it for the first time.


The invisible and intangible power spread out, like the sound waves released by the fingers plucking the strings of a guitar.

The Geng Gu people stood up, and the huge palm waved over. The energy transmission, which is also the flow of magma in the real blood vessels, suddenly accelerated.

It seemed that the whole world was about to press down. This palm was terrible and the force was amazing.

The space showed signs of compression, black magma dripped, burning and boiling the void, and boundless black fire spread. When the scattered magma was observed with the naked eye again, it was found that black was not black, but a restrained black formed by extreme red.

The Dark Soul King Ya stood in the original airspace without any movement, and his pupils reflected the ever-expanding red sea of ​​fire.


A subtle sound sounded. If you don't listen carefully, or if you are right next to the source of the sound, you can't find it at all.

The nearby sea of ​​fire was wiped out by some special force.

The red flames seemed to be cut open and divided into tiny sparks. And flowed back to the position of the Genggu man.

"This is..."

The Genggu man's huge pupils showed surprise.

Soon his body was affected by the flames, causing a chain reaction. , The high-pressure shock wave formed by the high temperature pushed it back several steps, and even sat directly on the ground.

Before he stood up, the Dark Soul King Ya, holding the Wanwo Flower Sword, turned into a gray light and completely disappeared from his perspective. .

The Geng people were extremely alert.

On the Ancient Dragon Volcano, the three great wizards were surprised.

"Such a method..."

The Ancient Dragon Great Wizard replied to the Divine Kingdom Great Wizard, "It was created by Comoros himself. It has a unique name."

The will of the Ancient Dragon Great Wizard was filled with joy, "Six Days Wanwo is the only way."

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