The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 567 [568] Fishing out a dream product to improve mental strength again (First update, please

"My clone died not long ago. It sent back a vague sense and saw some pictures."

Wang Ya threw the fishing rod into the water farther away, causing ripples to spread to a very long distance. Some of the beasts under the water sensed the touch and came closer. They seemed very wary and did not bite the hook immediately. It seemed that they were Observing.

"The sky collapsed, the earth cracked, and the nine eyes released an indescribable torrent of power, flooding every part of the gray forbidden land. Great terror, great crisis, no life can survive in such a situation, even Huiyue Life, that is another level of power.”

"The power that belongs to the rules cannot be resisted or contended. Even if it is buried thousands of meters underground, it still cannot prevent it from being infected by the torrent of power. In the end, it becomes nothingness and becomes part of the disordered basic unit of the gray forbidden land."

The great wizard Zunhuang sighed, "How can the gray-white forbidden land that troubles so many Huiyue lives be so simple? A life that has mastered the power of rules cannot enter the third level. A life that has not mastered the power of rules, even if it is lucky enough to enter the forbidden land. Inside, it’s impossible to compete.”

To some extent, this is unsolvable.

Unless you carry the power of the rules, you will enter the Nine Eyes Gray Day.

However, witchcraft, battle fortresses, and external objects also have different levels, and that kind of restriction restricts everything.

Also, for wizards, the other world is a gift, with a large number of unknown and rich resources; although there are reciprocal crises, wizards measure everything based on reciprocal costs.

You get what you pay for.

The Grand Wizard Zunhuang has reason to believe that this is a place of opportunity for higher-level wizards to provide opportunities for wizards of the upper and lower classes as a result of some arrangements made for the entire wizarding world.

When the time comes, you can really get what you want in this world and change your destiny.


The fish bit the hook, and the fishing rod gradually showed a larger arc under the force of the great wizard Zunhuang.

It was finally pulled up.

It was a special fish, about one meter in size, covered in white bones, with scales on the inside, red eyes, tiny tentacles of fleshy flesh squirming in the corners of the eyes, and a mouth with ferocious fangs.

A smile appeared on the lips of the great wizard Zunhuang, "I bit the hook first. Boy Wang Ya, your fishing skills still need to work hard."

Fingernails lightly scratched the abdominal cavity.

White bones can defend against low-level sharp witchcraft, and are no different from tofu in front of the great wizard Zun Huang.

A large piece of what seemed to be organs was pulled out, including various hearts, lungs, fish gills, mixed with blue seaweed.

The great wizard Zun Huang was looking for something, but couldn't find it. He curled his lips and said, "It's a bit unlucky. It's a pity."

Throw the fish into the fire pot that is lit next to it. The boiling water has a layer of unnamed stems and leaves floating on the water.

The faint fragrance spread around, Wang Ya's nose twitched slightly, his eyes lit up, and there was a bit of surprise on his face, as if he didn't expect that the other party actually put in such good things.

He was also certain in his heart that the number of the other party's dream products was not as rare as what he had said before.

Long time and years have passed, who knows how many resources have been developed in the other world, and how many dream products have been harvested.

One can look forward to seeing how much it can increase one's own mental power.

"Although my clone has disappeared, it has also discovered some characteristics of the gray forbidden land. There must be something left in it to facilitate our re-entry."

The great wizard Zunhuang turned his head and looked over, "I'm curious if you have any explanation."

"There seems to be something wrong with the time and space inside. The torrent of regular power seems to be only in a period of time and space. In another time and space, the split body has survived and is connected with my body."

Wang Ya's face also became solemn, "You may not know how many times I have received the split information. There are eight times in total. Each time, the torrent of regular power erupted, and the results were almost the same. The difference is that the nature of the torrent of regular power is different. ”, just like the difference between elements such as fire, water and wind.”

"I seriously suspect that the environment of the Gray Forbidden Land is extremely special. Any outsider entering it will be affected and reflected, maybe it is an anchor point, or it may be some other weird feature; in nine time and space, I have to encounter the rules nine times Flooded."

The Grand Wizard Zunhuang's eyes widened. This was an unprecedented discovery. Only those living individuals who truly entered the Gray Forbidden Land and survived could obtain the data results, which were extremely precious.

"You think that there is still a ninth time and space. The missing split body induction has not been sent back, and there is no information fragment at all. It is suspected that the split body is still alive and rooted in the gray forbidden land."

Wang Ya didn't say anything. The fishing rod trembled and the fish took the bait. He pulled up with his right hand and felt unusual resistance. With his body and strength, he could pull up even a big mountain.

The bend of the fishing rod was extremely exaggerated, almost reaching 90 degrees, as if it was about to break.

Surprise flashed in his eyes.

This lake and fishing rod are not as simple as he expected, and there are more ways to go.

The energy of the Nightmare Particles flows on the body surface and forms a unique Nightmare Fire Core rune on the arm, which appears and disappears.

The force that exploded was far greater than before.


The water splashed, and a water animal about three meters long was pulled to the shore.

The complicated tentacles are like human hands, densely packed, and the main body is swollen like an octopus, with abscesses, transparent black brain tissue, and a large number of tiny microorganisms circulating in the body.

It looks ugly, and it makes intelligent life have no appetite.

The great wizard Zunhuang said sourly, "I'm lucky. I hid so deep, but you found it."

"Just eat it, eat more, it won't kill you."

There is no doubt that from the feeling and characteristics of the exudation, this is a dream product.

Wang Ya has eaten it before. Although the appearance is different, the unique feeling is definitely correct, which makes people have an appetite and feels like it surges from the depths of the soul.

Moreover, the performance of the great wizard Zunhuang has explained everything.

This water beast must be the dream product he put in the lake, the top resource.

"Compared to the information you brought me, this little bit is nothing. It's all thanks to your ability to catch it." The Great Wizard Zunhuang suddenly said this.

The stove for cooking the fish was brought over.

Wang Ya did not hesitate. He simply cleaned it, removed some useless parts, and threw it into the pot.


The surface was covered with bubbles, and soon the color changed to a dark mass. A little meat floated out, but it exuded a rich fragrance.

"What are you going to do next?" The Great Wizard Zunhuang asked proactively.

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