The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 583 [584] Monster-like power is unmatched (asking for monthly votes)

"Wow wow wow! I didn't expect Xiao Wutu to actually master the power of ancestral blood. This is really surprising!"

"Is the ancestral blood experiment really feasible? The ancestral blood wizard succeeded?"

In the Silver Sea, the great wizard Zeyuan looked a little surprised, as if things were beyond his control.

The time when human beings first existed was extremely ancient, and there were no traces of extraordinary systems as abundant in later generations in that era. Most of the time, they rely on their physical strength and strength to fight, or the innate characteristics and abilities in their bloodline and soul genes, which are similar to extraordinary creatures in the conventional sense.

In other words, it is not wrong to say that humans were originally part of extraordinary creatures, possessing the top power and status.

They are not the source of future human beings and cannot be equated.

In the beginning, human beings disappeared from history. The recognized reason is that excessive killing caused the malice and resentment of the creatures they killed; and because of their habits, they like to devour the flesh and blood of prey. In addition, due to the special nature of their blood, they can obtain Part of the blood power of other extraordinary creatures strengthens itself; ancient and sophisticated wizards speculate that the blood power of other extraordinary creatures has contaminated the blood power of the original human beings, resulting in uncleanness, too much malice and resentment, and an unknown result.

Eventually, the blood of the original human beings became less and less pure, lost the ability to reproduce naturally, and gave birth to offspring, and thus disappeared from history.

Of course, ancestral blood still exists and can be passed on, preserved, or differentiated and alienated through some methods. However, the ancestral blood traced back to the oldest is unknown, full of malice, resentment, contamination, and ferocity.

The more ancient, pure ancestral blood no longer exists, and the original human race completely disappeared.

The great wizard Zeyuan has existed for a long time, and the relevant information he knows is very little.

Latecomers can only understand the past by excavating relevant ruins.

He thinks that such a statement is just fart.

"This is not the real power of ancestral blood." Black Feather Great Wizard spoke briefly and quickly, "It's just an unknown aspect. Power has no good or evil, only hidden dangers. This is indeed part of the power of ancestral blood. True blood Constantly confronting the resentment, his illusion and reality have become part of it, and he has managed to achieve a balance that can be activated. "

The Black Feather Great Wizard looked at the Zunhuang clone who was looking at it with squinted eyes. The latter seemed to be looking at it very seriously, and he was lost in thought, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"I should be able to win this bet. The potential of the power of the ancestral blood has exploded. The evil shadows will appear continuously, changing according to the strength of the ancestral blood bearer."

"The potential of this ancestral blood, among the many ancestral bloods in the hands of the ancestral blood wizard, must be the highest in absolute suppression in terms of the number of evil shadows. No matter how powerful an individual is, there is a limit after all. Even you and me, the same There are areas where the strength falls short.”

The great wizard Zeyuan laughed at the side, "That's not necessarily true, Heiyu, although the ancestral blood is powerful, don't underestimate the nightmare wizard."

"No one recognized by the emperor and I can be defeated so easily. The outcome of your bet has been determined from the very beginning."

"Fell into the emperor's plan without knowing it"

The expression of Great Wizard Zeyuan became formal, and he said in a low voice: "No matter how many ants there are, they can't eat the eagle in the sky. The distance between them is the sky and the earth."

"The true power of the Nightmare Wizard has not yet been unleashed. He is the most special junior I have ever seen and the one with the most potential."

The expressionless face of the Black Feather Grand Wizard was also slightly stunned, his eyes flickered, and before he could express his message, he was interrupted by the flow of consciousness information from the Zunhuang Split.

"In the dusty ancient times, in the barbaric wilderness without manifest civilization, the knowledge of wizards has been accumulated. As the years accumulate and the times change, they become more and more powerful and perfect."

"The potential of the ancestral blood and the accumulated things are all based on the original human beings themselves. They were also buried in history and have no real descendants to pass on." The Zunhuang Split's eyes were lowered and his expression was indifferent: "Today's Ancestral blood is nothing but fake blood. The power of the Shadow of Resentment is flashy and illusory. If the true blood part of the ancestral blood is brought out, there is something to behold. But not everyone is an ancestral blood wizard. ”

Zunhuang's clone retracted its gaze from looking at the light and shadow image in front of him, and gently drew his right hand towards the void in front of him, fading into the gap of thin lines, "It's over, I'm leaving first, Black Feather, please remember to prepare a good pair of Black Feather Wings, I will take them away in a week.”

The black feather wizard frowned slightly.

Zunhuang's body disappeared into the gap in space, using a boundary method.

"Go and get ready, Heiyu, you shouldn't make a bet with the Emperor." Great Wizard Zeyuan laughed happily.

The process is obviously not over yet, and the result is as if it was observed by the great wizard Zun Huang.

Wang Ya’s victory is certain.

It is also my own victory.

The great wizard Black Feather was thoughtful, and glanced at the great wizard Zeyuan again.

No matter how dull you are, you can still smell something abnormal inside.

The great wizard Zeyuan, whose hair stood on end and was restless, coughed and yawned again, "I'd better go and take a nap."

The mirror-like sea surface was without any waves. The silver light reflected the Black Feather Wizard. The black robe on his body was like ink, about to melt. His power maintained the projection screen. He was still watching. On the screen, there were already resentful and evil projections occupying the airspace, and the number reached an astonishing 300.

This was enough to make the life of the stars feel despair.

There were too many, and even the invincible Star Wizard of the same level had to be afraid.

The ancestral blood possessed by the Wu Tu Wizard had great potential. The enemies and creatures that had been killed at the source were too exaggerated. The pupils of the Black Feather Wizard changed slightly.

He couldn't think of how the Nightmare Wizard could break through the situation and win the battle.

Any high-level wizard could see that the Nightmare Wizard was at a disadvantage.

With overwhelming power gathered, how could the Nightmare Wizard, no matter how solid his path was, how solid his knowledge foundation was, and how long he had existed for only six or seven hundred years, be able to fight!

When the Black Feather Wizard was young, he couldn't do it either.

The black wings, each feather, have a unique beauty, as if it is the ink in the painting. When a little ink is dripped and waved, the whole Silver Sea is swept up with an ink breeze, the water waves are rippling, the ink is infected, and a strange and peculiar bird creature is reflected.

The black-feathered wizard lowered his eyes, and the ink shadow on the sea surface gradually condensed and suppressed into a pair of ink-colored wings, like a shadow, appearing and disappearing from the world at any time.

His judgment is that the Wu Tu wizard who has awakened the power of the ancestral blood is already invincible at the same level. Even if he goes to the Star Fighting Conference, he can still win the top 100.

Such a ranking is difficult for the Scarlet Society in the past to reach.

The emperor's determination made him curious.

How can the foreign nightmare wizard be so valued by the two great wizards? The black-feathered wizard raised his head, and his ink-colored eyes reflected the golden robe and black-haired figure in the picture.

Just like the protagonist drawn by the most outstanding painter, his handsome face and a pair of black eyes contain the vastness and mystery of the starry sky. His expression is as indifferent as a deep pool of water, and it is difficult to guess his inner heart.

Even if the resentful and evil projection occupies the surrounding void, with a terrifying breath and a fierce look, his eyes do not fluctuate at all.

The breeze blows gently, and he is quiet and contented.


The ancient roaring sound is transmitted very far, stirring up the howling wind.

One by one, the beasts that existed in ancient times showed their bodies in this world. The races and creatures buried in history stretched their bodies, and their murderous intentions spread out. They had no reason, only the desire to kill, and the ominous evil spirit.

The earth-yellow particle energy flowed out continuously from the heart of the Wu Tu wizard.

It was too rich, no worse than blood, sliding down the scales of the nine-headed beasts, and the moment it touched the void, it turned into curling yellow smoke, blending into the projections of the resentful beasts, becoming more condensed and more ferocious.

The deterrence that came directly to the face was as if all the primitive beasts present were alive.

Chi Chi!

Various different extraordinary fluctuations appeared on the primitive beasts; they were able to use their own innate characteristics and abilities.

In an instant, the airspace of a million meters was stirred by the agitated extraordinary fluctuations, stirring up chaos, and the dirty colorful light collided and mixed in, making people vomit and difficult to look directly.

The group of wizards watching the battle, wizards below the official wizards, all fainted.

The official wizards were terrified and closed their eyes, not daring to look or observe.

The reflected colorful light and the rich extraordinary fluctuations could affect them even if they were watched by witchcraft.

In particular, the resentful projection has special pollution. Some weak formal wizards are in trouble and are panicking to deal with the inexplicably deformed flesh and blood on their bodies and mental disorder.

Only high-level wizards at the level of stars can withstand such extraordinary fluctuations.

Of course, necessary witchcraft precautions must still be used.

They were also shocked by such a scene.

This is not an ordinary human wave tactic.

It is a real forbidden power.

Hundreds of extraordinary lives of the same level can use the innate characteristics of witchcraft. When the nightmare wizard arrived, fighting against hundreds of formal wizards and the group of star wizards was nothing compared to this moment.

The black-hearted wizard's split face was pale, "Wu Tu, this monster, actually, actually has such a means to become so powerful. How is it possible!"

She couldn't help but think of her original body. After the spiritual particle energy transformation, can she defeat such a monster?

Inside the Pillar of the Demon King, the Demon Soul Wizard and the Evil Heart Wizard looked at each other, and both could see shock in each other's eyes.

This was a method that had never been seen before.




"What on earth happened to this guy Wu Tu?"

The Evil Heart Wizard breathed heavily.

"The Nightmare Wizard lost!" The Demon Soul Wizard was silent for a moment, then spoke, "The opponent we are facing will be an unprecedented monster."

The Disaster Wizard widened his eyes, his body trembled slightly, and he clenched his fists, not knowing whether he was shocked or excited.


ps: There will be another update later, 6,000 words per day, stable update, love you, muah.

In addition, the chapter name should be shorter, it's too long and I thought for a long time,

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