The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 585 [586] Behead! Black-hearted people are terrified and all witches are trembling (Part 2)

The situation has become very clear by now.

The Wu Earth Wizard has the upper hand.

The defeat of the Nightmare Wizard is just a matter of time.

With an overwhelming numerical advantage, each projection of the resentful evil may not be too powerful, but it can be counted as a Star Wizard.

After killing, it does not mean that it is completely over. The Wu Earth Wizard can use the ancestral blood to project new resentful evil. No one can be sure of the source of the Wu Earth Wizard's ancestral blood, how many lives he killed in his lifetime, and how powerful he is.

What the Black Feather Wizard is curious about is the confidence of the Zunhuang Wizard and the Zeyuan Wizard.

Where does it come from?

What other means can the Nightmare Wizard have to deal with the Wu Earth Wizard's "Resentful Evil Hundred Ghosts Tribulation".

I can't think of it, the unknown things are always curious. The Black Feather Wizard believes that the result of the battle will be as predicted by the two great wizards, and the Nightmare Wizard will win.

It is the understanding of each other's judgment and personality as the two great wizards of Huiyue.

Although the Black Feather Wings are precious, there is no big problem in giving away one or two pairs.

"Could the deadly spear that destroys everything be related to the Great Wizard Zeyuan? Is it a variant method that comes from his inheritance?"

"The Black Sun witchcraft that freezes the space is probably the inspiration from the spiritual particle fire source core in the Zunhuang inheritance, and the corresponding variant witchcraft."

"I don't have any clues about the black fragmented lightning. There is no such high-level knowledge in the Crimson Society. It should be the creation of the Nightmare Wizard."

The Black Feather Wizard's thoughts spread, speculating on the relationship, guessing which great wizard helped the Nightmare Wizard defeat the Wu Tu Wizard.

The Zunhuang Great Wizard is closest to the Nightmare Wizard, so it should be the method he got from him.

Looking at the projection screen, inexplicably, he felt that the Nightmare Wizard seemed to be suppressing him and hiding something.


The airspace is frozen, which is different from Wang Ya's Black Sun Ice Realm. It is an indescribable free ice, like a blooming white flower, floating and increasing, which rapidly lowers the temperature and turns the environment into a snowy place. The enemies inside will be restrained at all times.

The sound wave is also affecting. The robes of the Kingdom of God are under great pressure. The consumption of the power of sacrifice makes Wang Ya's eyebrows slightly move; Mona conveys the information, and Wang Ya's eyes are lowered, falling into a special state.

The black sun is maintained behind him, and the low temperature radiated collides with the enemy's low temperature. The space keeps making crackling sounds, with substantial ice and space ruptures. The black storm swarms out, but is frozen again, which looks very strange.

The ordinary witchcraft in the past is unlikely to affect the projection of the evil spirit, and the damage is not enough.

Only the elemental body with the power of the true spirit, or the means of the nightmare flower.

Wang Ya activated a small part of the link state of the rune imprint, but did not really enter.

The trump cards and means must be hidden after all, and the unknown can bring threats.

Although the trouble caused by the Wu Tu wizard is a bit of a headache, it does not make him use the strength of the wizard body.

The shaping of the final nightmare wizard body has not been completed, and the petal vision currently possessed can only be barely constructed.

The sideburns were pulled by the bird's beak. Although he didn't know what the master was restraining, Halak expressed his desire to fight and was willing to help the master solve his problems.

The body's armed possession can indeed increase the combat power, but that is the greatest increase for the original wizard body.

Wang Ya did not respond, and the white arc light in his eyes beat more and more frequently. Finally, he raised his head, and his black eyes bloomed with unprecedented divine light.

The future vision he saw determined the appropriate means and methods to defeat the Wu Tu wizard without exposing the three major wizard bodies.

The remaining vision petals can also be partially hidden to deal with the Tianjing wizard who has the great wizard Ashe standing behind him and the other great wizards.

The real opponent he identified in his heart was always that one person, who was also the two parties in the bet between Zunhuang and Ashe.

Hiding means and restraining oneself is also a respect for the strength of the real enemy.

The four major wizard forces outside the Scarlet Society, the candidates for the quotas elected internally, are also enemies.

There may be some undercovers inside, which will expose the witchcraft means and be targeted.

The great wizard Zunhuang once talked with Wang Ya about the matter of the Star Fighting Meeting and the rules; although the qualified lives of the entire initial star field are assessed at the same time, most of them are qualified lives in the nearby areas. After completing the assessment, they will be promoted until hundreds of millions of quota members are eliminated. Under the attention of a large number of eyes, they will become one of the last thousand stars, and then the winner will be determined.

The great wizard Zunhuang never considered the matter of the thousand stars, but just hoped that Wang Ya could appear in the area of ​​the wizard's home star. There is still hope. If it is the thousands of stars in the entire Star Fighting Association, it is simply unimaginable. It can only be the shares of those ancient wizard forces that span the star field and have a large number of life planets, and they will be divided up.

Among those forces, there are many wizards at the rule level.

The rule wizards known to the Great Wizard Zunhuang are only the three major forces in the core area on the mother planet, and they are only suspected. They may have disappeared long ago.

Wang Ya calmly looked at a hideous snake-like beast, opened its bloody mouth, and the tentacles and tongue inside ejected. A large amount of mouthparts sprayed sticky acidic corrosive liquid, leaving obvious traces in the air, and even the void layer was corroded.

Black light shrouded the whole body, flashing through the air, but it was a 'limiting' method to avoid the joint attack of hundreds of resentful beasts.

The battle was extremely exaggerated. The core explosion point almost penetrated more than a dozen layers of space, causing substantial space storm liquid to leak, and some strange eyes peeping; almost as soon as the thoughts turned, the powerful self-healing power of space intercepted everything in Inside, cut off everything and remain intact.

Rich extraordinary fluctuations, radiating stimulating power, witnessed everything.

The khaki soil rain is still falling, as if the end of the world is coming, and the clouds are collapsing and falling one after another.

Many of the witches watching the battle exclaimed, and those who were frightened might have died in the group fight long ago. There was no second possibility.

"Limiting means are the standard equipment of Huiyue's great wizards. They move around and move in space too conveniently. Their control over the world has reached an unprecedented peak." There are high-level wizards who can't help but be envious. "There are also outstanding wizards among the stars. The cognition and understanding of space are far beyond those of the same level. The most important thing is the ability to perceive and control. They are extremely talented and can master the limit method in advance. There are very few people like this. "

There is no doubt that the Nightmare Wizard is one of those very few people.

"There are gaps in space, and it takes time to adjust the boundaries. Every time it is used, it will cause chaos in the spatial layer, causing the aftertaste of multiple spaces to overlap and connect together, arousing the attention of some strange existences in the deep space."

"The most important thing is that it takes time to restore calm to the space. Using limits in this mess, that is, clarifying and controlling the distance of movement, requires more energy." A starry wizard who has existed for many years, Seeing the essence, he made a judgment on the current situation, "The interval between the nightmare wizard's use of limits is getting longer and longer, and the failure has been highlighted. Maybe in the next moment, he will be torn apart by the group of resentful beasts who have figured out the rules of the limits. broken."

"Perhaps we can admit defeat in advance to avoid death and resurrecting again, which will take a long time and affect the battle of the Star Fighting Association."

"After all, the Ancestral Blood Wizard once said that he would not participate in the competition of the Star Fighting Association."

It is precisely because of this statement that the young wizards and geniuses tolerate Wutu Wizard's repeated battles. Many pillar owners behind the scenes also tacitly tolerated it.

The next chapter will end this volume tonight, maybe tomorrow morning. Once you think about the following content, the new volume will be exciting.

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