The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 588 [589] Black Heart Collapses, Sealed Him, Hundred Years of Defeating Nightmare (asking fo

The black pyramid building, pure black light shines out from the deepest space, rushing up to the sky, attracting the magnetic field energy of the entire black sand world, which is an indescribable terrible power.

The tiny gravel condenses into blocks and floats into the sky. Under the traction of the black light, it gathers into thick sand clouds one after another, and gradually evolves into a human face.

From rigid to agile, the eyes peek at every corner of the earth. Some black sand lives guarding the black pyramid crawl on the ground, not daring to look directly at the supreme creator, the king of black sand.

"Time is like quicksand, always flowing through the gaps between fingertips, and can't be held."

The black-hearted wizard woke up from his slumber, and underwent a full-scale transformation and gained new power.


Inside the black pyramid, the door of the secret room exploded, and endless black sand poured out, like a spiritual being, forming the figure of the black-hearted wizard, first the robe, then the delicate skin, facial features, and finally the dark eyes, dripping with a little black sand.

She walked out of the pyramid step by step, came to the outside world, opened her hands, and the black energy frenzy rolled up the thousands of feet of black sand to form a roaring dragon, dancing behind her. The huge black pyramid was even smaller in comparison.

She pinched her hands.

The black sand dragon collapsed into black sand rain and fell to the ground.

All black sand lives felt the joy of the supreme existence, cheering, applauding, and blessing.

The face of the black-hearted wizard Fu Anna was also filled with a joyful smile.

This is indeed worth rejoicing.

The initial shaping of spiritual particle energy was completed, and the most difficult step was taken.

Among the young wizards of the same period, I think there is no one who is more outstanding than her in particle energy.

Every bit of progress in spiritual particle energy is a world of difference compared to the past.

"I can face any enemy, I won't lose again." The Black Heart Wizard opened his right palm and stared, the black gravel eyes opened, staring at each other, his face full of confidence.

The Black Heart Wizard frowned slightly, why was the connection between the split and her so weak? After sensing her breakthrough, shouldn't it come over immediately to merge and share memories?

Is there something wrong? Inexplicably, the Black Heart Wizard felt a little uneasy, and the black gravel eyes in the palm of his hand floated out, realistically gathering his eyes and forming a special black door.

The door opened.

The black breath of space surged out, and you could see the gaps between layers of space and the flowing black storm.

A use of spiritual particle energy.

It is also one of the keys for Huiyue wizards to travel through space at will without gaps.

That's right, it's the limit.

Just the initial spiritualization of particle energy allows her to use the "limit" ability exclusive to Huiyue wizards.

When using it, it is not as easy as the Huiyue Wizard, and it still takes some time to prepare.

The Blackheart Wizard sensed something, squinted his eyes, stretched out his hand, and grabbed a figure from the other side of the gate.

It was another Blackheart Wizard, the clone left in the Scarlet Society.

The latter met the Blackheart Wizard's puzzled eyes, with a helpless expression on his face, and sighed, "Anyway, you have to know, merge, remember."

"Everything is over."

The Blackheart Wizard didn't quite understand what the clone said, what everything is over!

She, who mastered the power of spiritual particle energy, came to end the struggles of young wizards of the same period, and decided the places for the Star Fighting Conference. The Blackheart Wizard had such an idea, but she was not so confident.

There are people outside people, and there are heavens outside heavens.

There are still many powerful guys in the Scarlet Society.

What she cares about most is the Nightmare Wizard and the Sky Crystal Wizard.

Behind the two of them, there are three great venerable beings, far beyond the ordinary Huiyue wizard.

The person behind her is only the master of a pillar. He needs to be in the main body and the pillar to have the power of Huiyue level.

The gap in background and power cannot be smoothed out.

During the sleep, the memory of the split body's activities outside was accepted by the black-hearted wizard. Soon, her expression began to change. When she saw the battle between the Nightmare Wizard and the Wu Earth Wizard, she was not happy, but pale, her pupils contracted, and she was shocked.

"How is it possible? What a joke, how can you have such power, the power of ancestral blood, and the projection of resentment and evil"

"The Nightmare Wizard can actually defeat such a Wu Earth Wizard. How powerful is his strength?"

The black-hearted wizard let go of the hand that grasped the split body, his chest rose and fell, and he gasped heavily. The horror in his eyes was unprecedented.

"How can it be so powerful!"

"Is the gap between the pillar master and the lord so big? The Nightmare Wizard, who has the support of the great wizard Zunhuang, has ushered in a better and more amazing transformation than me."

Yes, it can only be like this.

She clenched her fists, her nails piercing into her flesh.

In the mind of the Blackhearted Wizard, the battle scenes flashed, and everything that the clone saw and felt was transmitted to the main body one-to-one.

It was because of this that she knew the gap between herself and the Wutu Wizard and the Nightmare Wizard.

It was not a small gap, but a huge gap, a gap between heaven and earth.

The Hundred Ghosts of Resentment could kill her in the first place.

How long would it take for the Nightmare Wizard, who defeated the Wutu Wizard, to kill her?

"Damn these two freaks. Could it be that the Nightmare Wizard has completed the complete spiritualization of particle energy?"

A pair of three hundred, both beings of the same level, were so exaggerated that she even gave birth to the illusion that the Nightmare Wizard had advanced to the Moon Wizard.

"Absurd, really ridiculous!"

The black-hearted wizard took several steps back and took a thousand years to become the great wizard of Huiyue. There was no such precedent in the history of the Crimson Society, and there would be no such thing in the future.

"It's so ridiculous!"

She gritted her teeth and glared at the clone, which was meaningless. The latter waved his hands helplessly and fell silent.

However, coming to the Black Sand World is also based on the sake of the body.

The clone looked at the main body, which was silent but with a dark face, and asked tentatively: "What should we do next? Do we want to carry out the original plan?"


A dragon of black sand emerged from the earth, biting and smashing the body into pieces, turning into black sand debris flying in the sky.

The black-hearted wizard walked into the restricted gate made of black gritty eyes with a sullen face.

Only extremely unwilling and even angry voices circulated in this black sand world.

"To hell with this original plan."




"The Nightmare Wizard is very powerful and a formidable opponent."

Ashe's Pillar, a room in the depths, on the sofa, the clone of the Sky Crystal Wizard watched the battle images that had been circulated recently. After a moment of silence, he gave an evaluation.

Wizard Ashe sat opposite, holding a cup of strong tea in his hand, "Are you sure you can defeat the Nightmare Wizard? If not, I will end the bet."

The Sky Crystal Wizard's split brows slightly frowned, "Don't you know my strength, teacher? My experimental plan has reached the final stage. Two hundred years is more than enough time."

"You are making progress, and the Nightmare Wizard is also making progress. The person standing behind him is now more than just a great wizard."

"Unless you can undergo another qualitative transformation, fully unleash the bloodline of the Labyrinth Sky Crystal Demon Frog, and seize the source of the ancient blood." Wizard Ashe put down the teacup in his hand, "Otherwise you fail. The possibility is extremely high.”

"The power of ancestral blood is an unexpected explosion. Are you sure you can handle it?" Wizard Ai Xi said with emotion: "The Grand Wizard Zun Huang is stubborn and chooses an outsider, but it is also for the sake of the Crimson Society. future."

"At least the value that the Nightmare Wizard has shown now cannot be ignored. Choosing him will help the Crimson Society gain more benefits in the Star Battle."

How could the Tianjing wizard not understand the meaning of the words?

Wizard Ashe is the decision-maker of every generation of the Crimson Society, not just her teacher.

Those great wizards will probably make a complete decision after this battle is over.

It's not that she has no chance. As long as she shows greater value and higher possibility, she can get support again.

Teachers are also under great pressure.

The capable are on top, the weak are on the bottom.

There is nothing wrong with that.

The Sky Crystal Wizard had no other ideas.

But if she just let him out, the gambling game would end early before it even started, and she didn't want to.

She is very grateful for the support of the great wizard Ashe.

I want to repay this gratitude and support.

"I want to enter the Crimson Seal Land."

The words spoken by the Sky Crystal Wizard caused the expression of the Great Wizard Ai Xi to change and his pupils to shrink.

"How did you know?"

"It has something to do with her. Teacher, you must have guessed it."

"She told you" said the great wizard Ai Xi expressionlessly.

"She's already dead, isn't she." The Sky Crystal Wizard said with a smile: "A new quota needs to be selected to allow an outsider to become a quota. I'm afraid several other wizard forces don't know how to slander us behind our backs."

Reputation is not important, interests are the most important.

The Sky Crystal Wizard was just making some irrelevant excuses.

Her eyes met the indifferent gaze of the great wizard Ashe.

"There will be no problem with the seal. It can stimulate my ancient blood. At worst, the teacher can watch from the side."

The Tianjing wizard's eyes were extremely serious, "Don't you believe in my will, teacher? Do you think I will be bewitched by Him like her?"

"You have watched me grow up to now, so you should know everything about me."

"There are no secrets, in front of the teacher, right?"

"Furthermore, the teacher can also check to see if there will be any problems with the seal."

"As long as I have the help of that place, I can complete multiple deep transformations within a hundred years. Even manifesting the true meaning of the ancient blood vision is somewhat possible."

The source of ancient blood exists, corresponding to the level of the rules of the sun.

That is an extremely terrifying force.

Even if it takes the form of the true meaning of the vision and evolves into a dream petal, it can still be invincible and defeat all enemies at the same level.

Even facing the great wizard Huiyue, it is not impossible to contend.

A smile appeared on the face of the Tianjing wizard, and she saw the change in the eyes of the great wizard Ai Xi.

"Let me think about it, it will take some time." Great Wizard Ai Xi frowned, and waved his hand to throw the Sky Crystal Wizard back into the heaven and earth space where the main body was.




The body of the Sky Crystal Wizard sealed in the huge valley crystal opened his eyes and looked into the eyes of the split body.

Split: "The power of the Nightmare Wizard exceeds yours."

Sky Crystal Wizard: "I need to change, the Sealed Land is my only chance."

Split: "Do you think the Great Wizard Ashe will agree?"

Sky Crystal Wizard chuckled: "Don't you already have the answer?"

Split smiled charmingly, "Yes."

"Don't underestimate any enemy. The extraordinary creature vision with ancient blood can't trace the source of the ancient blood after all. It belongs to its category. I can only trace the source of the ancient blood I have and manifest the true meaning of the vision to exert a trace of power at the unreachable level."

Sky Crystal Wizard's clear eyes looked into the sky, and seemed to see the mysterious, distant, and absolutely secret unknown place inside the Scarlet Society.

Another figure appeared in my mind, the face of a beautiful woman.

"You shouldn't have touched it, you shouldn't have done it without permission, so you died, even if you were better than me in the past."

"Rules are necessary, and I follow the rules and use the rules."




The Supreme Heaven of the Supreme Emperor.

In the magnificent and golden Holy Temple, the golden crystal people who come and go, the golden energy in their bodies reaches more than 90%, in order to cope with a banquet held by the Supreme Emperor.

The guests who come to the banquet are also supreme beings.

The pool is misty, dotted with lotus flowers, fish emerge from the water, spit out bubbles, and burst, you can see the joys, sorrows, anger, and sorrows of life thoughts, and various stories that happen.

There is no doubt that there are special space worlds under the water, with their own ecological cycles and living beings inside.

Standing on the shore and fishing, you can have some unexpected gains.

You can also watch the petals blooming on the lotus, some space world creatures that exist, and various stories that happen. Love, friendship, family affection, glorious deeds, and hard work to realize your dreams.


A figure who was fishing accidentally dropped some precious resources used for making nests into the water, causing a swarm of fish.

Long scarlet hair, light-colored wizard robes, ordinary face, inconspicuous in the crowd, with a somewhat annoyed expression on his face.

"It's really terrible."

The great wizard Li Ri put down his fishing rod, stretched his waist, looked at the inside of the palace behind him, and shouted, "When will the meal be served? Who hasn't arrived yet? Are you late? Why do you have no sense of time?"

"Your Majesty, I'm hungry and need to eat. Time is running out. My research is at a critical moment. You know how much energy can be released by simulating the explosion of celestial bodies. I don't have that much time to delay and waste. Can I eat?"

The voices became more and more frequent, and seemed a bit nagging, causing some beings inside to frown.

The Black Feather Wizard came out, his wings behind him folded and disappeared into thin air. The hem of his black wizard robe was dragged very long, and he looked at the Li Ri Wizard expressionlessly.

"It's time to start."

"Okay, let's eat, let's eat!" The time that the Li Ri Wizard has experienced doesn't seem to be very long from the outside, which corresponds to about 30 years of age for ordinary people. His temperament is also lively and active, and he ran in clapping his hands.

At the banquet that had been arranged, the eyes of various figures gathered.

One of them was Wang Ya.

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