The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 592 [593] Pillar of Hell Nightmare takes ancient pure blood again Dispute in Hell Society (a

Dozens of red rune chains are wrapped around this huge library building. Perhaps it is more appropriate to represent a large space world that is overlapped and closed together.

A faint red glow emanates from the circular corridor stairs, shining like stars, corresponding to one bookshelf after another, indicating that there are scarlet society wizards watching.

Above the unreachable dome, the scarlet eyeballs on the ceiling overlook everything below, and also stare at the small spaces formed by the bookshelves to see if there are any illegal operations.

This is not the first time Wang Ya has come here. Except for the period of transformation of the inner world, the rest of the time, even the transformation of the nightmare flower - the black sun ice world, the transformation of the vision, has never stopped his steps, and the database of the Eye of Truth is increasing day by day.

[Target: Eye of Truth]

[1. Virtual laboratory: second level; details: can simulate the second-level extraordinary resources corresponding to the star level, according to the known data information in the algorithm database, there is no difference with reality. 】

【2. Truth Analysis: Unlocked Six-fold Computing Power】

【3. Algorithm Database: Update (61%); Details: The algorithm database is in the process of transformation. After the transformation is completed, the extraordinary knowledge of the apprentice period will be unconditionally collected and analyzed, and it will be upgraded to the formal wizard level; the higher-level knowledge content will be collected, and the speed will be enhanced to a certain extent. 】

【4. Simulated battlefield: Level 2: Details: According to the algorithm database, the simulated battlefield can be manifested, and the scanned targets will be collected and reproduced on the battlefield 100%. The corresponding level of the natal wizard tools and auxiliary means will be perfectly simulated. 】

【5. Future Vision: Ten seconds; Details: The accuracy of the predicted results is measured and confirmed by the difference in strength between the two sides. 】

Wang Ya walked on the circular stairs, and the fresh breeze of the air in the circulation blew his hair. There was some extraordinary information material that refreshed the mind, which was harmless.

The changes in the algorithm database made him feel more and more happy.

The knowledge in the library of the Crimson Society is so vast that after the collection, the filling of the algorithm database may not only reach the first level, but may even impact a higher level.

The Eye of Truth has always been his biggest trump card and core secret.

It is even more important than crossing and the secret of the soul.

Perhaps because of the slow improvement of strength, the progress of the Eye of Truth is no longer like the apprenticeship period, and there is an obvious transformation and manifestation.

The color presented is also the constant white arc light.

Now with the transformation of the database, the light of the Eye of Truth is gradually reflected, and a ray of red is gradually added.

This is a good thing.

I believe that in a short time, the red of the Eye of Truth will replace the original pure white.

The utility ability will be improved, and new characteristic abilities may be obtained.

"Nightmare Wizard, you have the authority to view the relevant column information, but the following matters should be noted"

The voice of the library spirit responded in the mind.

[Tip: Data received successfully, the collection and analysis have been completed. 】

Between the black eyes, a white arc of light flashed.

Wang Ya made a choice in his heart.

The internal form of the Crimson Society is very simple. The Lord of the Pillar is the highest status and has great power.

Without violating the interests of the whole, what needs to be paid attention to are the three great honorable existences and other great wizards of Huiyue who have been practicing in seclusion.

The Pillar of the Emperor is the territory of the Great Wizard of the Emperor after all.

Being temporarily placed there does not mean that it must always be under his protection.

The heart of conquest is currently developing relatively peacefully.

Wang Ya is destined to leave the initial wizard home planet and step into a higher level when he participates in the Star Fighting Conference.

A back road and a way forward are left to them, which is equivalent to a back hand for Wang Ya. To do this, it can be regarded as a way to settle past affection and cause and effect.

If there are enough talents and talents, the later ones can also pursue him through this road.

The Nightmare Bubble Network will always exist and grow stronger, and the members of the Nightmare Disaster are also a great help.

Even if he leaves the home planet of the wizard world, he will not break the connection of this lineage.

There are many benefits to becoming a pillar master, including special resources, benefits, and inheritance land. Wang Ya excluded some pillar masters who had owners, and the remaining number was about half. A large number of wizards practiced in them and competed for the position of the pillar master.

Only by passing the test can one be recognized by the solidified inheritance spirit and become the pillar master.

This is very difficult. Different pillars have different conditions and requirements, and even require a special wizard branch system. Elemental wizards, dream wizards, mechanical wizards, blood wizards, and spirit wizards used to be common, but now they are rare and even extinct. Battle body wizards, spirit wizards, and sacrificial wizards, etc., all have corresponding pillar master assessment requirements.

The Scarlet Society is too old, and the accumulation of long years is extremely exaggerated, far beyond the foundation of the Pale Hand.

Wang Ya, assisted by the Eye of Truth, involves a very broad knowledge level and inheritance system. Now he can only consider and carefully select, and finally choose the most suitable pillar master position for himself.

—— Pillar of Hell

The blood-colored smoke and dripping sticky blood, under the light of the sky, seemed to be a distorted picture of the wailing of endless creatures, and there was also the smell of sulfur magma.

In the bloody rain, there were huge skeletons of creatures, with their heads wide open and inverted fangs as magnificent as half of the pillars of heaven. Huge hurricanes gushed out of the entrances and exits, and wisps of blood-colored auras. Wizards came in and out one after another. The blood-colored auras on them seemed to contain certain authority.

The entire biological skeleton has a metallic texture. It is inlaid and reorganized with various precious extraordinary metals. It has astonishing extraordinary fluctuations and spatial foldability within it.

The red rune chain is connected at the center, continuously transmitting high-quality celestial radiation energy to maintain the continuous operation of the Pillar of Hell.

A figure in a golden wizard robe walked out of the void, a red mask with a lotus pattern, and black eyes reflecting the entire cylindrical building.

His eyesight is so vicious. The historical years of the existence of the biological skeletons are so ancient that it is difficult to estimate. Even so, there are residual auras and extraordinary fluctuations, and even the special natural environment of sulfur magma was born.

Ordinary official wizards are at risk of falling if they are unprepared and infected by this sulfurous magma atmosphere.

The closer you get to the biological skeletons, the greater the risk of such contamination. Perhaps even high-level wizards at the starry level cannot avoid it.

The entanglement of the blood-colored aura confers certain authority, presumably making it immune to the erosion of the aftertaste of sulfur magma.

"An ancient extraordinary creature, with extraordinary strength during its lifetime. It may be able to reach the level of bloodline rules. The foundation of the Crimson Society is really amazing."

Wang Ya thought about some of the secrets at the rule level that the Great Wizard Zunhuang had mentioned before, and got some results. He was initially able to judge the different directions of those rule levels.

The difference between the rules of the sun and the rules of blood can be distinguished before your eyes.

For example, the gold pocket watch and the rusty iron sword, these two abnormal items must fall within the scope of the rules of the sun.

The previous Conquest Wizard must have spent a huge price to solidify and create many of the rules, runes, and spells for the Conquest Fortress.

If you understand one part, you can often solve more problems.

"The Pillars of Hell, the most famous among the remaining pillars, has never had an owner, except for the first owner, the Hell Wizard who built the pillar itself."

Wang Ya thought with his eyes and pondered in his heart, "The Pillars of Hell are relatively rough and primitive. Compared with other pillars, there is less human influence and you can see more of the wild style of that era. Likewise, some special things that have been preserved must be It’s also the most.”

The inheritance place of the Pillar of Hell, which is the location where the red rune chain is connected, has not been entered by other wizards. Including the rune chain itself, it only maintains the operation of the witch formation of the entire Crimson Society and maintains the stability of the inheritance place. It will not As time passes, surprises occur.

This is what he values.

Few people are involved, and few people interfere with the influence.

It is certainly possible that there is still some ancient blood left in the inheritance place, or some remnants of this terrifying existence of death.

The rain of sulfur blood was influenced by a subtle influence, and it has not changed after a long time.

Foreign wizards also need the authority and protection given by the Crimson Witch Array to avoid the influence of infection, which indirectly shows that the source of this special power still exists and is still strong.

No matter what, there is a great possibility that ancient blood and some valuable items exist.

Wang Ya flew towards the entrance of the huge beast skeleton. A strong wind carrying wisps of blood-colored light blew out from inside, causing black hair to fly and the skin on his face to wrinkle.

"This wizard looks a little strange. It must be his first time to the Pillars of Hell, and he is not yet accustomed to the harsh environment of the Brimstone Hell."

A figure in black wizard robes came forward. He was about fifty years old and had a long mustache. When he spoke, he pinched his beard with his fingers.

There was a kind smile on his face, "Not to mention that I understand all the rules and regulations of the Pillar of Hell, about 80% of them are familiar to me; the interception method of sulfur power erosion, the five major dangers in the Pillar of Hell As long as you spend a thousand crimson contribution points in the Seven Great Opportunities, you can get all the above consultations.”

"In less than a year, you will be able to recoup your capital, regain your health, and earn more contribution points in the Pillars of Hell."

He looked at the thin parchment book that the other party took out from his sleeve.

At this time, a suppressed and angry voice intervened, "Guinea pig, you are engaging in these scams and deceptions again. Didn't I say that the next time, you will be expelled from the Pillar of Hell?"

"It seems you really don't want to stay in the Pillars of Hell anymore."

Several figures in bloody wizard robes flew over, all with the same red scorpion logo on their clothes.

The leader was a young wizard with straight hair and an angry face. His aura reached the level of the Star Wizard. Several official wizards behind him intercepted the 'guinea pig' who was trying to leave.

Wang Ya had a thoughtful look in his eyes, seemingly a small wizard force attached to the Pillars of Hell.

It seems to have a certain degree of dominance.

Restrict other wizards to abide by the rules of the 'Hell Society'.

It is unknown whether there will be any obstacles to his control of the Pillars of Hell.

"Saqi, you Hell Club is too arrogant and your control is too lenient. I am just selling information. It is valuable and helpful to the new wizard. I did not deceive him or force him."

The guinea pig wizard's face was ugly, his aura gradually increased, and particle energy was flowing around his body. "Don't bully others too much. This Hell Pillar is not the pillar master of your Hell Society. Who is qualified to take care of my affairs and judge me."

"I can come when I want and leave when I want. They are all wizards from the Crimson Society. The worst I can do is go find the three great dignitaries and comment on them."

The leading wizard, Thatch, sneered, "You should know how many times you have done this. You can get the so-called valuable information as long as you stay in the Pillar of Hell for a few months."

"Moreover, the Hell Society is the executor and maintainer of the rules and order of the Pillar of Hell. This is recognized by most people. The president of the Hell Society, Lord Makarov, has conquered the three major dangerous places and obtained 60% of the authority of the Pillar of Hell. In terms of public and private, emotional and reasonable, we in the Hell Society have the qualifications to manage you and judge you."

Wizard Sachi put his hands together and pulled towards both sides. A dim yellow hook was extended out of thin air. "You don't have any more chances, guinea pig. Come with us to the trial platform of the Hell Society and accept public trial."

"No, I'm not wrong. Your Hell Society is not the master of the Pillar of Hell yet. You have no right to manage my affairs. I will never accept it."

The guinea pig wizard rolled forward and showed his bloodline true body in the airspace. He was a special rodent supernatural creature with dense mane and thorn-like hair. The pores spewed out strange yellow gas.

The supernatural fluctuation reached a certain limit, which was the second level, corresponding to the wizards at the star level.

The stench spread and turned into yellow clouds, covering the 10,000-meter area and even the main body of the supernatural creature.

The supernatural fluctuation disappeared, and the guinea pig wizard was about to escape from the pursuit of the Hell Society.

Wizard Sachi sneered, "Can you run away? You are in the range of the Pillar of Hell, especially in front of us who have mastered the Chains of Hell."

"Stay, Guinea Pig Wizard, what awaits you is the public trial of the Hell Society."

The dim yellow hook flew out, not just one, but other formal wizards also waved hooks. Under the leadership of Wizard Sachi, they seemed to have spirituality, locking the guinea pig wizard's aura, penetrating the void layer, and piercing into the vital parts of a giant's body. There was a faint scream.

Wang Ya's eyes flickered. With his strength and level, he naturally saw everything.

The guinea pig wizard was pierced in the scapula by the dim yellow hook. At that moment, the power of his whole body was sealed. At the same time, there was a strange yellow flame burning from the chain to the body, thus suppressing the particle energy and the outbreak of spiritual power. The rest was to let the guinea pig wizard endure extreme pain.

He thought to himself that the guinea pig wizard was a blood wizard of the star level no matter what. Even if his blood was a little weak and his foundation was the weakest among the star wizards, he was essentially at the same level as him.

The wizard Sachi was not very powerful either. He was only one level stronger than the guinea pig wizard at most. It was impossible for him to suppress and seal it so easily.

The dim yellow chain was not simple!

It hid a big secret.

From the extraordinary fluctuations and the perception of the qi, the essential power of the entire Hell Pillar was faintly connected.

The source radiation caused by the sulfur blood rain environment was an equal source of power.

Wang Ya narrowed his eyes. The five dangerous places represented the test of becoming the Lord of Hell. It was not surprising that after passing a dangerous place, he could master the corresponding authority, obtain the blessing of the Hell Pillar, and have some special means.

According to the wizard Sachi, the president of the Hell Society, Makarov, passed through three dangerous places.

"Because of your strength and status, Lord Makarov decided to personally put you on trial, and at the same time notify all wizards in the Pillar of Hell. You should be honored and ashamed, delaying Lord Makarov's precious time to study the wizard's path and conquer dangerous places."

The guinea pig wizard has returned to the height and body shape of a normal person. The hell chain locks the scapula and binds the limbs. The sharp barbs on the chain cut the flesh, bleeding, and the dim flames burn more pain.

The other end was held by the wizard Sachi, who looked at Wang Ya standing aside, "New wizards need to obtain the Hell Mark to avoid the erosion of the power of Hell when they are active inside the Pillar of Hell. Our Hell Club is responsible for providing the Hell Mark brand for foreign wizards who want to develop inside the Pillar of Hell."

"Just go with me to the Hell Club. The brand is not free, but it is not expensive. It only costs 200 scarlet contribution points."

"By the way, I will also participate in the public trial." Wizard Sachi smiled and raised the chain in his hand.

The guinea pig wizard's flesh and blood were pulled, and he cried out in pain.

"We are all wizards within the society. Is this how you comply with the request?" Wang Ya glanced at the dejected guinea pig wizard.

Wizard Sachi said, "Each major pillar has its own rules and order, and is given greater autonomy. As long as the wizards of the society are not killed, the rest of the punishment can be in accordance with the rules and order."

Wang Ya asked again: "The Hell Club is a good place. I want to join the Hell Club. I wonder what the requirements are."

Wizard Sachi observed Wang Ya and sensed the undisguised aura of the Starry Wizard on the other party. The smile on his face became more intense. "With your strength, the Hell Club is naturally in demand. The rules need to be followed. Please go and try the five dangerous places. The greater the internal authority of the Hell Pillar, the higher the position you can hold in the Hell Club."

Wang Ya's eyes flashed, and he said curiously: "If I have more authority than President Makarov, wouldn't I be able to become the new president?"

"If you can really do it, it will count. In the Hell Club, the strong are respected." Wizard Sachi couldn't help but sneer. The other formal wizards originally estimated the difference in strength and dared not have any emotional changes. At this moment, they couldn't help it. The corners of their mouths twitched slightly, and there was a smile in their eyes.

"I understand. Thank you for the information from Wizard Sachi. I will not attend the public trial. This is my first time in the Pillar of Hell. I am curious about the five dangerous places and the seven opportunities." Wang Ya nodded to the others, turned around and walked into the void layer, and disappeared.

Wizard Sachi was left, looking at each other.

"Lord Sachi, could it be that this person really went to the five dangerous places for assessment?"

"He has not been branded with the mark of hell yet, isn't he afraid of the erosion of the power of hell? The difficulty of the assessment will be more terrible, and it will be more difficult to obtain opportunities."

Wizard Sachi looked suspicious, thinking that this person was a little weird, even a little whimsical.

He waved his hand and said calmly: "Let him go. Too many newcomers enter the five dangerous places confidently. Sooner or later, they will suffer and finally come to my Hell Club."

"If these five dangerous places are so easy to break through, there would have been a new Pillar of Hell over the long years. Unfortunately, there is no such place."

"Now that President Makarov has appeared, he is in line with fate and will become the new Lord of Hell."

"Power is not everything. The things required in the dangerous places and the tests are far more difficult than these newcomers imagine."

Wizard Sachi took the guinea pig wizard and flew into a space inside the Pillar of Hell under the curious gaze of some wizards along the way.

That was the station of the Hell Club and the place where the public trial was about to take place.

The wizards who were arrested were far more than just the guinea pig wizard.

On the other side, in the inner world, Wang Ya saw the battle between the great wizards Huiyue. The Eye of Truth was running to the extreme and collected extremely precious video information.

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