The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 61 [61] Extraordinary Clan Diary Truth

The wind blowing from the direction of the free zone makes the forest leaves rustle. There are not many problems in constructing a small ecological zone within the five-kilometer forest range.

In fact, when Wang Ya used the wizard's mark to contact the protective witch formation and left the imprint of his consciousness, he had already discovered some lives within the wizard's residence.

There are mostly ordinary beasts, and there are some creatures with extraordinary properties. Harak's daily food supplement does not put much pressure on him.

If you want to cultivate Halak's bloodline and develop it into a ethnic group, this area is not enough.

The black crow squatting on the shoulder, seeing such an open environment, finally couldn't help but spread its wings and fly high, making a low "clucking" sound, which was an expression of joy.

Said to be a residence, Wang Ya saw a very majestic castle in the center of the witch formation trail, with black walls and some moss and trees clinging to it.

There are four entrances and exits, leading to different areas. The personal laboratory is in the castle, and the daily biological needs are also here.

The breeding room is not a room, but a relatively large venue. If necessary, most of the five thousand meters area can be used as a breeding room.

Wang Ya touched the huge portal at the door with his palm, and the wizard's mark successfully interacted with the center of the internal wizard array. This is the general control center of the entire five-kilometer-wide protective wizard array. It monitors the subtle internal movements at any time and presents them in the form of a picture.

After looking at the internal environment, I went to the Magic Plant Garden and finally came to a conclusion.

The mansion dormitory of Dark Wizard Academy is like a refugee cave compared to it.

The most important thing is the personal laboratory, which is too important for a wizard.


With the injection of underground transmission lines and particle energy, the light of many wizard technology instruments in the personal laboratory all lit up.

Work tables, dissecting tables, experimental tables, culture chambers, and control manipulators for fine control all exist.

The wizard technology management system that relies on the center of the wizard array can even discern the consciousness and words of the owner of the wizard's residence.

As long as you are within the wizard's residence, you can view every scene and control the laboratory instruments at any time, which is equivalent to having an additional assistant.

A smile appeared on Wang Ya's face. How can he conduct research on extraordinary knowledge in an environment like the wizard's mansion?

Of course, except for the new students of the wizard family, ordinary new wizards do not have magic stones and various extraordinary resources, and can only live in wizard mansions.

However, passing the promotion assessment and possessing a witchcraft means that you have the ability to go to the dark library, accept tasks, and obtain magic stones and extraordinary resources.

As long as you have clear ideas, make plans, and integrate into the environment of the Dark Land as soon as possible, you can still stay on the right track and continue to improve.

If you cannot see yourself clearly and are still immersed in the state of the wizard camp, you will gradually be surpassed by others and distance yourself.

As for the competition in the new secret realm two and a half years later, it is not just a matter of playing tricks. It is said that there is also a lot of danger in it. Without enough strength, it is easy to die in it.

Most of the freshmen in Gulin Mountain have not mastered witchcraft. Compared with other freshmen, they are indeed at a disadvantage and much weaker.

But after making a choice and coming to the Dark Wizard Academy, there was nothing to say.

Wang Ya no longer thinks about it, he has his own plan, and he also has his own considerations on what to do next.

Everyone has his own choice and his own path, which cannot be interfered with by others.

Perhaps, the secret realm competition is a further screening of the Dark Land, and there will definitely be more similar methods in the future.

In this case, any wizard who can become powerful is no small matter.

Inexplicably, Wang Ya thought of Wizard Tuta and Wizard Yisi. I don't know much about the former, but his strength is definitely terrifying. The latter really made Wang Ya understand a lot of the reality and essence of the wizarding world.

Extraordinary courses can be selected and purchased tomorrow.

There is no need to go back to the wizard's mansion, and there is nothing left there.

The only thing that caused Wang Ya some trouble was that the area of ​​the wizard's residence was a bit too big, making it very troublesome to get around.

Fortunately, the extraordinary courses have exact times. All you need to do is enter the corresponding classroom in the teaching building on time.

Looking through the window at Harak hovering above, some thoughts flashed in his eyes.

Harak's flying speed is very fast, which can assist him in his travels.

Is there a possibility that we can obtain some extraordinary materials and resources by cultivating Halak and developing the tribe?

Although there is no shortage of magic stones for the time being, Wang Ya's previous embarrassment made Wang Ya worried and could not sit back and rest.

You must find a stable way to earn magic stones.

The Shadow Crow bloodline, after preliminary cultivation, has stabilized, and a bloodline of extraordinary factors has been extracted.

It can have a positive evolutionary effect on Halak, and maybe it can develop Halak's own extraordinary bloodline.

Having extraordinary bloodline means that you can pass it on, and your descendants have a high chance of giving birth to the same extraordinary creature.

There is also a certain chance of failure, evolutionary changes cannot be 100% certain, and biological potential cannot be completely predicted.

Harak flew down and landed on Wang Ya's outstretched arm at the window.

In the end, he decided to use the Shadow Crow bloodline for Harak. Before that, he had to learn extraordinary anatomy and master the knowledge of wizard surgery in the remaining witch books.

Those creatures with extraordinary properties within the territory can also allow Wang Ya to verify what he has learned, achieving multiple goals at one stroke.

The sound of "chuckle" accompanied by the slight tremor of the body, Harak enjoyed the touch of Wang Ya's fingers.

In the study.

The books in Wang Ya's silver bracelet are placed on the bookshelf.

The draft paper on the table is full of experience and feelings. The witch book is very textured. Wang Ya subconsciously strokes the pages.

There is a wooden box next to the pen holder, with white finger bones lying flat in it, and Lu Sen's soul looming. The best time to use red dogtail grass is at twelve o'clock in the evening.

In the afternoon, Wang Ya did not walk around every corner of the wizard's house impatiently.

Just let Harak go out to capture some creatures with extraordinary properties, and he immersed himself in the understanding of the knowledge in the witch book.

[Hint: Unknown diary book, analysis completed! ]

The cold wind in the evening blew the pages of the book, making a hissing sound.

Wang Ya's eyes flashed with curiosity. He put down the feather pen in his hand and put the draft paper full of handwriting into the page of the progress section of the wizard book.

The most mysterious book in the red metal ring was finally going to reveal the truth to him.

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