The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 596 [597] Hell of Knife Mountain Hell of Sighs Makarov's Throbbing (asking for monthly

The Pillar of Hell has five dangerous places and seven opportunities.

This is something that all wizards who have stayed in the Pillar of Hell for a long time know.

Dangerous places are closely related to opportunities. Wang Ya went to the first dangerous place, the jungle knife mountain. On the way, many wizards came in and out of the huge skeleton's internal space. All he saw was turbidity, some kind of miasma and fog, and red rune lines densely covered the space, forming a safe corridor.

Miasma and fog are a manifestation of the erosion power of the Pillar of Hell.

The wizard's spiritual perception can intuitively feel the fatal threat from above.

Once you leave the corridor and enter it, in addition to being lost in the turbid space inside the Pillar of Hell, you can't find the right way back, and you will always be subjected to the maximum degree of sulfur hell power.

The final result is that most of them become green smoke that melts between heaven and earth, or are swallowed up and become part of the power of sulfur hell.

Wang Ya did not try the idea of ​​erosion by the power of sulfur hell.

The corridors are connected in all directions. He is now in the main passage. Every few steps, there will be a secondary passage leading to other areas. After reaching the corresponding transfer platform, the area sections of different dangerous places are subdivided.

The area where the Hell Club is located is not a dangerous area, but a safe area that has been explored and opened up.

There are three safe areas. The Hell Club occupies one, other small groups and forces occupy one, and the remaining one is for the wizards who have learned the opportunity to obtain the Pillar of Hell, connecting to dangerous places, and some unexplored sulfur hells shrouded in fog.


The sound of metal colliding, accompanied by bursts of screams and wails, Wang Ya looked at the huge mountain shadow that occupied everything in front of him. When the energy streams transformed by the wizards approached the mountain, they were suppressed by an invisible force and forced to land in the mountain.

Approaching the mountain shadow, the bright knife light was reflected, and the yellow sulfur flames formed clouds, floating above the mountain, and the temperature rose.

Wang Ya felt a sense of pressure and saw many wizards appearing. Walking on the dry soil, there was a faint trace of some special metal material, like ore.

Some wizards stopped and began to dig ore in the soil with tools.

There were gully-like cracks on the surface, which could go deep, and there were many cracks and passages, and it was unknown how deep the underground led to.

Wang Ya released his mental perception and explored the products mined by some formal wizard groups not far away.

It has amazing inspiration and extraordinary fluctuations. It belongs to a kind of extraordinary metal vein and is worth a lot of money.

It is indeed a good opportunity.

The deeper you go into the jungle and the knife mountain, the quality and level of the ore products should gradually improve.

This is the outer area, which is almost hollowed out. Only weak wizards who are not sure and want to try their luck remain.

Opportunity corresponds to crisis.

Wang Ya looked at the main body of the mountain, and the dazzling aura rushed out, as if to affect it along the connection of the horizon.


The golden wizard robe on his body formed a shield ripple, blocking all influences.

His eyes were lowered, and he no longer looked directly at the subject.

"So that's it. The knife mountain is a literal knife mountain. The special environment of the Hell Pillar formed such a landform; the particle energy of the metal attribute gathered here, accumulating day by day, thus causing everything now."

"The first Hell Wizard used the corpses of the dead extraordinary creatures to shape the five dangerous places. The so-called seven opportunities must also be related to the corpses."

"Through these five dangerous places, I have the most authority over the Hell Pillar and become the master of the pillar. All opportunities are formulated, controlled, and distributed by me."

The current Hell Pillar is ownerless. The wizards of the society who have not joined the corresponding pillar can enter and exit the ownerless pillar at will to obtain opportunities and chances. This is within the rules of the Scarlet Society.

The existence of the Hell Society is only a wizard of the society with certain authority. The united force is also the most powerful among the many wizard groups in the Hell Pillar.

From the root, perhaps he is not qualified to influence the behavior of other wizards in the Pillar of Hell.

The essence of all discourse power is power.

The Hell Society is the biggest force in the Pillar of Hell.

Possessing authority, the possibility of becoming the master of the pillar is also the greatest. Therefore, he has the power to dominate the Pillar of Hell and have the final say, and can even borrow the power of the Pillar of Hell.

A lot of thoughts flowed in Wang Ya's mind.

He probably understood what he was going to do.

Don't care about other things, no more resistance.

Just pass these five dangerous places, get the most authority, and become the master of Hell, and all opposition and dissenting voices will disappear.

Even the existence of the Hell Society will be influenced by his thoughts and wishes.

Wang Ya entered the jungle knife mountain under the gaze of some passing wizards.

At the same time, in the stationed area of ​​the Hell Society, a grand public trial was underway.

The wizards of the society who heard the news all rushed to the safe area where the Hell Society was located to participate in this lively meeting, which was also about the formulation and announcement of new rules for the Pillar of Hell.





The knife light is heavy, and the shape and energy are intangible. It is impossible to figure out and restrain. You can only bear the pain of the jungle knife mountain. The pain of being cut by thousands of knives is a great test for the spirit and consciousness of the wizard. The key is that it does not cause actual damage to the body. There is only pain induction, but no real effect.

This is very strange and special. Wang Ya's eyes are reflected with infinite knife light. His feet are walking on the road of the knife mountain. It is very stable. There are also metal stairs formed by metal veins. On both sides are chains shaking at the railings. Sharp and sharp barbs are densely covered on them. Even if the traveler is hard and tired, he will not choose to touch it when climbing this mountain to save effort.

That will only increase your pain until you can't bear it and fall into the endless abyss.

Wang Ya climbed the mountain all the way and saw many wizards on the road. They endured the ubiquitous knife cutting and gold infection, torturing every cell and the trembling of the soul.

The road to climbing high is steep.

A miss is a miss.

"It hurts so much, I can't stand it."

"How long is this mountain road? Why are there no swords? My whole body feels like it's being tortured. My strong body and soul can't offset this feeling."

"How far is it? What a long journey. I feel like I've been climbing for a hundred years. Is this a road with no end? How did Makarov of the Hell Society get through? He couldn't use witchcraft to resist it either. But he was able to get through, but I couldn't."

Wang Ya looked up at the vast dim air, the wild grass and dead trees, and the barren mountain road without any green.

I don't know when I can reach the end of the mountain.

I can't sense time.

The laziness in my heart is pervasive and spreads all over my body.

He walked in silence without saying anything. When he reached the right height, he started climbing again.

From his legs, to bending over, to using his hands and feet.

He passed one wizard after another.

They climbed the same road as Wang Ya, but they didn't meet each other, but their voices sounded close at hand.

Like the words of a demon, it seduces and discourages the climber.

What the wizard Sachi of the Hell Society said was right. There is an inexplicable power in the jungle knife mountain, which is very high in level and suppresses any foreign wizard from using his own power.

Even the great wizard Huiyue has never given Wang Ya such a feeling of being unable to use power.

Only the power of rules beyond the level and ordinary can do this.

——Bloodline rules!

After Wang Ya had this idea in his mind, his original firm belief and consciousness were like the eternal dark tide of the starry sky, and could not be shaken.

Whether it is bloodline rules or wizard rules, they are the next key research targets of his wizard path.

Become the master of this hell.

The jungle knife mountain cannot stop his pace of progress.




Hell Society station.

The huge beast head stared at the sky, every bristle was lifelike, the flesh and blood on the body, the vertical pupils, seemed to come alive, roaring and proclaiming mighty.

Wrapped around the beast head, the skull flame flag fluttered in the wind, and the dim chains acted as a binding, releasing amazing extraordinary fluctuations.

This is a special flag, with extraordinary power, and it is also extremely rich in the power of the source of the Pillar of Hell.

Below is a wide square, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, and then covering the outside, is a group of buildings with a slightly primitive style, too unicorn horns, and animal bone decorations.

Many wizards came in and out, and there were more flying witchcraft particle energy streamers transformed by wizards, coming from the sky and descending here.

In the center of the square, just below the beast head, there is a building like an execution platform, and there are still many captured wizards; the hell chains are wrapped around their bodies, and the wizards' power is suppressed, and at this moment they are like mortals.

"Hell Society, this matter is not over yet. You have committed a big taboo. Who gave you the right to imprison the wizards of the society privately?"

"Judgement, who can judge me? You are not the master of the Pillar of Hell yet, and you are not qualified to do this."

"That's right, let us go quickly, you are in big trouble."

The guarding wizard of the Hell Society is still Wizard Sachi, who is guarding the surroundings with many official wizards of the Hell Society.

A mocking look appeared on his face. "You are the ones who don't understand the situation. Do you think you really have no fault? You have violated the rules set and announced by the Hell Club, so we are qualified to sentence you."

"So many wizards have come here just for this matter."

"You should feel lucky that Master Makarov will come out of deep meditation and personally announce the newly formulated rules and the future development direction of the Hell Club. The most insignificant thing is to judge you."

Time passed slowly, and the exact time of the trial was getting closer and closer. The wizards who came to join in the fun were almost all here, and a few scattered streams of light flew in and out.

Wizard Sachi used his spiritual consciousness to reach and call for a certain existence.

"Master Makarov, the trial meeting can begin. I don't know if you have free time. I am very sorry to disturb your meditation practice."

"Sachi, I'm here. You have done a good job and lived up to my trust in you."

A low and cold voice came.

Wizard Sachi was happy.

"Lord Makarov, this is what I should do. It is not worthy of praise. I just hope you are satisfied. I wonder when you will return from the mortal hell."

"You handle it for me first. It will probably take half an hour."

The yellow wizard robe looked too old. It seemed to have been worn for many years. It was stained with a lot of dirt and dust, and mixed with blood due to drying.

Makarov cut open the witchcraft used to contact the wizard Sachi. His amber eyes reflected a dim world.

It was divided into thousands of pictures, seven emotions and six desires, and mortal desires, one after another.

The sound was real.

What other senses received was also real.

But he did not dare to step into it and sink into the mixed mortal desires.

The test of the fourth dangerous place of the Pillar of Hell was far beyond the first three, which stopped his steps, so that he hesitated for many years and never made up his mind to go deeper.

"Forget it, I will return to Hell in my true body once. Next time, maybe I will be well prepared to deal with this mortal hell."

Makarov has a desire for the Lord of Hell in his heart, and he does not hide his desire from the wizards he is close to. He is very common.

The new wizard of Hell. Of course, he is not arrogant enough to let his subordinates call him like this.

Remove the word "Yu" from "Hell" and change it to "Xin"!

The ambition of desire.

The Pillar of Hell will be in his pocket sooner or later.

Makarov went back all the way, passing through "Sighing Hell", "Fire Hell" and "Knife Mountain Hell".

The heart felt something, and the passage gradually stopped at the periphery of the Knife Mountain Hell.

The knife light was heavy, and the inside could not be seen clearly. The huge mountain shadow was shrouded by the power of hell as in the past. Many wizards were digging for mineral veins near the Knife Mountain Hell.

The ecosystem of the Pillar of Hell itself is a small part of it.

And the wizards in the Knife Mountain are trying to obtain the authority of the Pillar of Hell.

This is also very common.

Since the first Hell Wizard, countless foreign wizards have wanted to gain the authority of Hell and become the Lord of Hell.

No one has succeeded.

He has enough confidence to surpass everyone and become the second Lord of Hell.

Makarov frowned, "Strange, why do I have such a feeling, as if something in the Knife Mountain Hell is touching me."

"It disappeared in an instant, is it an illusion?"

He didn't think much about it, maybe some outstanding wizard was recognized by the Knife Mountain Hell and was about to have some authority over the Pillar of Hell.

That was just a Knife Mountain Hell.

Compared with the wizards of the entire Pillar of Hell, there may not be many wizards who have this part of authority.

But he didn't take it seriously.

Three dangerous places in Hell.

He is an unprecedented trialer in the Pillar of Hell.

"An unknown outstanding wizard with good potential can be pulled into the Hell Club. Let's see."

Makarov no longer stayed, retracted his gaze, and disappeared into a dim light.

At the same time, Wang Ya in the Knife Mountain Hell

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