The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 605 [606] Andersen Reappears, the Death of the Saint King, Silver Sea Sends Gifts (asking fo

"Master Primal Wizard, send me to support the eastern front. We must break through the inner siege of the Tarsal Black Forest."

Gray Brandy was wearing a battle wizard robe, stained with a lot of blood and dirt, sitting in the temporary space world, responsible for the eastern battle zone of the primitive land against the tarsal black forest.

It was just a line, but there were a large number of official wizards in the war zone, leading many wizard apprentices like him to fight fiercely.

The person who spoke was the official wizard who came to support - Dongri, wearing a snow-white wizard robe, which was somewhat incompatible with the animalistic primitive style of the primitive land; he had long black hair, long eyelashes, and watery eyes staring at Gray. .

"Natural Wizard, don't you have anything to say to me? Explain the key points of the war."

The Winter Wizard had his hands in his arms and a cold expression, which was obviously his innate character.

Gray's character was not angry, and he treated it calmly, "Why is there only one official wizard who has been added to the department, the Winter Wizard?"

"Headquarters has its own arrangements. Natural wizards should not step in and ask for information that they do not need to know."

Gray frowned. The temporary space world came from a special witch formation disk, which was stationed in the ancient forest in the outer area of ​​the Tarsal Forest headquarters, blocking the key points of entry and exit.

It just so happened that the Winter Wizard came, and the battle line here was not tight. The headquarters must have had a purpose in sending her here.

Gray's eyes shrank, but his expression remained calm.


He exhaled a breath and looked at the Winter Wizard with an incomprehensible expression.

The latter looked puzzled, "What's wrong? Do you still have any doubts about the natural wizard? There is no need to doubt anything. The headquarters sent me here."

Before she could finish her words, the hot blood splashed out and soaked her snow-white robe.

The hand that held her heart was so hard that her face twitched and there was no trace of blood.

With an ugly expression, his lips trembled slightly, "Why. Natural Wizard, have you betrayed the primitive land and taken refuge in the Tarsal Black Forest?"

The strange power suppressed her witch body, the particle energy could not be driven, and her spiritual power was also blocked.

Coupled with the erosion of that power, it took over the body and became no longer oneself.

She was certain to die.

The second Gray appeared half-body from behind her, silent and did not answer the question. In the end, he just sighed.

"One of the last two people in the Natural Ring Tower. I thought you would no longer have these useless sentiments. It seems that you still can't change some of your bad habits, Gray."

The lifeless, dead body suddenly spoke, hoarsely, like the friction of tree bark, completely different from the crispness of the winter wizard before.

Gray's face suddenly darkened, "What exactly do you want to do, Andersen? Didn't I do what you said? The primitive land attacked the Tarsal Black Forest, and I was one of them, waiting for the opportunity to act."

"Diana also went to the Western Theater. Don't worry, we are all at your disposal. Your purpose has been achieved, and we have no ability to resist you."

A strange smile appeared on the corner of the Winter Wizard's (dead) mouth, "The relationship between us is not that of superiors and subordinates, but that we use each other. We have also signed a relevant wizard contract. After I achieve my purpose, I will naturally satisfy your purpose."

"I've always been easy to talk to, but the premise is that it doesn't involve my interests. You and I are on the same line, and nothing else matters. Do you understand?"

Gray was silent again.

Andersen possessed the corpse and didn't care about Gray's inner thoughts, and stated the purpose of his trip.

"The Primordial Land has a great chance of winning this battle. As my collaborator, you are too weak. You are still far away from the Star Wizard level."

"I have a way to quickly increase your strength to Star Wizard without any side effects, making you no different from a normally promoted wizard, and even more powerful."

Gray frowned, "What method."

"I don't know if you have heard of it - the legendary road."

"You don't need to face the test of will in the wizarding world. You only need the legendary series of potions to quickly advance and gain a more powerful and complete path potential."

Gray looked at him in surprise.

"The road to legend has been lost nowadays. I have preserved a part of the legendary series of potions, which is enough for you to set foot on the stars, and to refine the legendary series of potions at a higher level. The most critical material you need is the core of the world."

"Are you kidding?" Gray's eyes widened. He used the core of a world to refine wizard potions. Thinking about it, he went crazy.

The effect brought by the potion is mysterious, which proves that the raw materials are not special, as they should be.

"In addition to the battle in the primitive land, I also need you to participate in the Star Fighting Tournament at the right time."

"Why, this doesn't seem to conflict with our purpose. There is no need to create extraneous matters."

"I need you to do this, it will play a certain role." Andersen did not explain, but just emphasized the importance of this matter.

Gray couldn't refuse and silently agreed.

The so-called freedom, the so-called collaborator, but literally, it is Andersen who really makes the decision, and nothing can go against his will.

The consequences of disobedience will be the return of never-ending darkness, depriving both of them of everything.

"Okay, things are done, this body's duty is over, it's time to put it to use."

The Winter Wizard's expression was expressionless and lifeless, and her dark eye sockets indicated that she was already dead.

The dead man stood up step by step and walked out of this temporary space.

Gray looked at the legendary series potion suspended in front of him. The liquid in the glass bottle was shining with amazing luster, as if there was dense magic that made him unable to look away.

He licked his lips subconsciously, and every cell in his body was making a sound of desire.

The soul was even more looking forward to it.

The front line used by Tarsal Black Forest for defense was full of wizard corpses, but the environment was not too damaged, and everything was silent.

Enveloped by the breath of death, the Winter Wizard threw the wizard's head in his hand to the ground expressionlessly.

Flesh and blood of this quality could no longer satisfy him.

He looked back at the location of Gray Wizard, and a strange arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The conditions are almost met.

It's time to get the key.

Opening the sealed area, the remaining space sun rules, even if they are not the power of rules he cultivated, can make him return to the level of rule wizards.

Only then can he hope to plot more things.

This power is very important, very important!

Andersen will not allow any accidents to happen.

Any variables need to be taken into account.





The howl of an ancient wild beast, but extremely sharp, came from the secret realm where the Sky Crystal Wizard was, and even penetrated the interval of the space layer, affecting more space between heaven and earth.

Some creatures who heard it were pressed into blood mist and dissipated between heaven and earth before the nerve feedback acted on them.

Only the first and second order extraordinary creatures can survive, but they also suffered heavy damage. The strong physique cannot make up for the impact of the illusory spiritual level.

A lot of blood flowed out of the nostrils, ears, and eye sockets.

The blood-colored dragon rose and fell in the clouds, and endless resentful souls eroded the environment, forming a cloud of resentful souls, with evil spirits and resentful evil.

The roar came from the open mouth of the bloody evil dragon.

The Tianjing wizard was no longer sealed in the Crystal Mountains, but appeared in front of the Crystal Mountains. Looking at the approaching sound of the dragon, his face remained calm.

The little mouth opened slightly, and an invisible beast roar was also emitted, but it was similar to a long cry.

A huge crystal frog appeared behind him. The shape could not be seen clearly, but the open mouth was like a black hole abyss, absorbing all the matter in the world.

The powerful dream power constructed the shape of the crystal frog and the reality of the black hole.

Like a breeze blowing on the face, all the destructive power disappeared into thin air.

The Holy Evil Wizard did not stop the subsequent attacks because of this setback.

The blood-colored light on his body flowed more vigorously, and he directly used the most powerful power.

The power of the secondary ancient blood of the Great Wizard Zeyuan.

The blood light reflected, and endless resentful souls swept out, and the whole world seemed to turn into a ghost domain in an instant.

There was another deathly intention, and everything began to wither, losing its original stability.

"Although I don't know your identity or your information, I know your purpose."

The Sky Crystal Wizard had no expression on her face, her hands fell naturally, and she felt a lot of pressure in her heart.

The power of the ancient blood, if it was her before, she might be much more embarrassed, but now after fifty years of transformation, she also has new power.

And further add details to the original many vision petals, the power is more powerful, and even can be combined with each other, one plus one is greater than two.

"You can enter here, is it allowed by the teacher?"

"Forget it, killing you here, I won't violate the rules of the Scarlet Society."

The other party did not send out the fluctuations of the Scarlet Wizard's mark.

It belongs to an outsider wizard.

The Sky Crystal Wizard took a deep breath, and his cheeks swelled suddenly, and then the breath was transmitted to the throat, abdomen, and then merged into the limbs, and then to every part of the flesh and blood, and even to the depths of the soul.

The hair was flying and glowing, and the crystal frog behind him was more solid, and several other petals appeared beside it.

The black steel torrent gathered to form a flower of ore iron, and then manifested the black iron diamond bird with ancient blood.

The red fire flower showed the beast in the flame.

The purple crystal flower showed a special plant.

A total of six visions emerged one by one, bringing extraordinary fluctuations and unprecedented pressure.

The space layer appeared layer by layer of waves,

The strong outflow of dream power made the dream world and the real world seem to overlap.

The Tianjing wizard nodded slightly, "Tianjing kills."

The six visions all gathered together and rushed towards the bloody evil dragon.





The bean-sized raindrops splashed on the sea, and the mirror-like ripples broke the stability and spread to a farther area.

The Silver Sea Wizard standing on the surface of the Silver Sea, the beautiful face and hair reflected in the mirror seemed to be distorted, and a hand broke the amplitude tension of the sea surface, so it was completely broken, and the Zeyuan Wizard in a black robe crawled out.

"You are in a bad mood, Silver Sea Wizard, why did you think of visiting me?"

The Silver Sea Wizard glanced at him and did not reply to the other party's words.

The latter slapped his head and almost forgot that he was in someone else's territory.

It's someone else's area, you can come whenever you want.

"I know you have a way to contact the Grand Wizard Zun Huang, and I want to meet with the Nightmare Wizard."

The great wizard of the Silver Sea naturally lowered his hands, his hair flying gently, his crystal boots tapping lightly on the sea surface, his expression indifferent, and his whole person was like a misty fairy, elusive.

The great wizard Zeyuan also couldn't understand the thoughts of the great wizard Yinhai, but he knew that a woman's heart was like a needle on the seabed. It was difficult to guess, and it was best not to guess.

'You can't do it on your own.'

Swallowing the words that came to mind, he turned around and said, "Okay, don't worry."

The Great Wizard of Silver Sea turned around, his expression becoming extremely complicated.

She lost!

Lost to the great wizard Ashe.

The Holy Evil Wizard died in the hands of the Sky Crystal Wizard.

Let alone fight the Nightmare Wizard now.

He even lost the qualification to compete with the Great Wizard Zun Huang.

The Great Wizard of Silver Sea is still a little depressed. He doesn't understand that he has calculated everything and arranged everything, but there will be different results.

Essentially, she underestimated the potential and strength of the Sky Crystal Wizard.

From this point of view, the Nightmare Wizard, who defeated the Wutu Wizard and made the Sky Crystal Wizard treat him with caution, is even more terrifying at the level of the stars.

The great wizard of the Silver Sea exhaled a filthy breath, saying that he had surpassed himself when he was young and was surpassed by future generations. This was nothing. After all, he had to reach the same level as her before she would take a second look at him.

Betting agreements made unilaterally by individuals also need to be observed.

As for the Tianjing Wizard, she directly sent a private treasure to the great wizard Ai Xi.

The nightmare wizard gave her that thing according to her original idea.




The emperor is the supreme heaven.

When the great wizard Zunhuang heard all the information from the great wizard Zeyuan, his brows twitched slightly and his expression looked a little strange.

"Then let her come to me and talk to me first."

The Grand Wizard Zun Huang said thoughtfully in his eyes, "I will bring the Nightmare Wizard here at the same time."

Great Wizard Zeyuan curled his lips and said, "Let me tell you, the Great Wizard of Silver Sea is afraid that you will trick him into hiding again, and he will bleed profusely for no reason."

Feeling a lot of pressure, the great wizard Zeyuan suddenly felt uncomfortable and cursed a lot in his heart when he glanced at him with eyes that were like two suns.

"You can do whatever you want. I won't interfere anyway. You'd better not provoke Yin Hai. She is more difficult to deal with than you think."

After the great wizard Zeyuan left, the great wizard Zunhuang walked back and forth by the lotus pond in the hall with his hands behind his back, with a smile on his face, as if he was confident.

"Of course I won't provoke him. What Yinhai is looking for is Nightmare. If he wants to provoke him, it's the Nightmare Wizard who wants to provoke Heng Heng!"

"If you want benefits, how can it be that I am the one who takes care of everything every time and makes you stay in the Qingtian Secret Realm for fifty years without coming out? I have to increase your intensity and find some pressure."

The great wizard Zunhuang seemed to have thought of something, and smiled strangely. (End of chapter)

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