The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 615 [616] The method of world shaping, dark tide research topic (asking for monthly votes)

"Your inspiration is a bit too high. You saw things you shouldn't have seen. Fortunately, the worst situation didn't happen."

The black wings spread out, forming a shield like a light shield, wrapping Wang Ya inside. The tone of the Black Feather Wizard was full of fear. The spiritual power continued to explore Wang Ya's situation. After confirming that there was no major impact, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"There is a dark tide space in the starry sky. It is dead and empty. The vast amount of dark tide energy will annihilate all vitality and fresh matter. Even spiritual and visual observations are easy to trigger dark tide energy, which will cause trouble."

The Black Feather Wizard spoke, and at the same time, he continued to use his own power to isolate some special contacts.

Tall body, healthy complexion, became gray, pale, skin and bones, sunken pupils, Wang Ya looked very old at this moment.

The wizard ring on the finger shone with luster.

Take out some nutritional potions to supplement the deficiency and pour them into your mouth.

The warm current permeates the limbs of the body.

Just like the dry earth, after being moistened by the rain, it began to give birth to new vitality and vigor, and the withered flowers grew fresh buds.


Wang Ya coughed and spit out some black dirty blood, which soon dried up and formed black powder.

"The dark tide energy has infected your body, and your spiritual sea is just a little bit, and it didn't affect you for too long. Just spit it out."

The voice was not from the Black Feather Wizard, but a tall figure who walked out from behind the gate.

The Nine Heavens Wizard was wearing a white wizard robe, his hands hanging naturally, and a veil on his face. He looked at Wang Ya with a bit of surprise.

"You are probably the first wizard who survived after coming into contact with the dark energy and seeing the dark and dead space at the life level of the starry stage."

"No, it should be said that you can see the dark space, the dark side of the dead universe in the starry sky, which is already incredible. I really want to study you."

The Black Feather Wizard frowned slightly. He was a man of few words, but he was also shocked by the changes that happened to Wang Ya. Concerned about the influence of the Zunhuang Wizard, he stood up and blocked Wang Ya, saying: "Okay, Jiutian, this is not a place to chat. The Gray Portal is empty. The center of the overlapping space, the entrance to the Jiutian Great World, is also the node that is most likely to touch the dark tide of the starry sky, as well as some other special worlds and regions. It is not a good place to chat. "

"I am just a little curious. After all, his inspiration is a little unusual. I am afraid it is not worse than you and me." The Great Wizard of Jiutian chuckled and looked at Wang Ya deeply again, "But if you don't have enough strength, the knowledge of the wizard's road, and too high inspiration, you will be more likely to suffer trouble and get misfortune than ordinary wizards."

Wang Ya did not speak, but remained silent, lowered his head slightly, and sensed the recovery of his body.

In the spiritual sea, a large number of fire core rune chains began to differentiate, forming a layer of diaphragm to suppress and calm the riot of the spiritual sea.

At the same time, the Eye of Truth was fully operational to see and collect and analyze the dark tide space information it came into contact with.

It must be said that the dark world, with its almost endless dead ash and cold energy, was shocking enough to make Wang Ya feel the fear of the unknown, as well as the wizard's curiosity and exploration instinct.

‘Dark Tide Space, Dark Death Universe, such names, even in the database of the Eye of Truth, there are not many records. Could it be some of the most core inheritance secrets in the Crimson Society Library? ’

Wang Ya pondered in his heart.

The creatures on the ground always yearn for the sky and the vast starry sky.

He is no exception.

After all, sooner or later, he will walk into the starry sky.

The secrets in the starry sky are no less than those in the wizard continent.

The equally vast endless sea is just a drop in the ocean compared to the entire starry sky.

Following the two great wizards, he subconsciously lowered his head and glanced at his palm.

The white palm, the palm lines are clearly visible, the blood vessels should be blue, but now they are strangely black and still wriggling.

It is the dark tide energy.

It did not bring him any malignant effects.

But the flesh was indeed affected again.

The benign effects cannot be guaranteed.

It may be malignant, but it will occur later.

It takes more time to study and understand.

‘The effect of the original force wizard body, the dark tide energy seems to have produced unknown changes in characteristics with my body. ’

Wang Ya frowned slightly, closed his palms, clenched them into fists, and put them into his sleeves.

Is it good or bad?

It is unknown for now.

Let's wait and see.

Tell the two great wizards of Huiyue that Wang Ya had such an idea, but for some reason, he concealed it and looked at the back of the great wizard Jiutian with a dark look.

The latter seemed to have sensed something, turned his head, and saw the weak smile of the nightmare wizard, with gratitude on his face and eyes.

The Great Wizard of Nine Heavens smiled dumbly, "If the old man Zunhuang knew that something happened to you here, he would probably mess up my Great World of Nine Heavens."

"You don't have to think so complicatedly and so much."

"The grace of Master Nine Heavens Wizard's awakening is also a life-saving grace. Nightmare will remember it in his heart." Wang Ya looked at the Great Wizard of Black Feather again, "Master Black Feather Wizard, the same is true."

"You must undergo a full-body checkup later." The Black Feather Great Wizard had a serious face and a dull voice. "The Dark Tide Space is extraordinary. Not to mention you, even if the Great Wizard Huiyue went in, he couldn't even stir up a splash."

"The entrance to the Nine Heavens Great World is the safest place, but also the most dangerous place. I don't know your inspiration. It's a little scary. In the past experience, there is no wizard like you."

"There won't be a next time." The Black Feather Great Wizard added this sentence and stopped talking.

Although there was no major problem, Wang Ya was only slightly affected.

The accident came from the Nine Heavens Great World after all. Going back to the source was also because he wanted to take the Nightmare Wizard to test and meet the Nine Heavens Great Wizard.

The Black Feather Great Wizard had some grudges in his heart, which was for himself. And decided to give the Nightmare Wizard some compensation.

The conditions for the promotion of the Black Feather Wings are not rigid requirements for the user's strength to increase and the level of life to transform.

There are also some shortcuts!




Wang Ya could not be sure of the size of the Jiutian Great World before he got specific data information.

But compared with the Deep Blue Secret Realm, it is undoubtedly much larger, even hundreds or thousands of times larger.

It does not mean that the strength of the Jiutian Great Wizard is higher than that of the Deep Blue Great Wizard.

Wang Ya's keen perception and high sensitivity made him feel some disharmony in the Jiutian Great World.

It's like different spaces and different worlds are pieced together. Although it seems to be a whole, the details are clearly distinguished and cannot be changed.

Although there is a hidden special power that has made great achievements in changing this situation, compared with the hugeness of the Jiutian Great World, this process will take tens of thousands of years.

The blue sky, the endless grassland, the high and raised hillside; or the towering mountains are immersed in the clouds; compared with the grassland and hillside in the mortal world, each place is undoubtedly an enlarged version.

The cold river water flowing down from the Great Snow Mountain at the top of the extreme north continuously converges to form a glacier that nourishes the entire grassland.

The pure white Jiutian Tower was built here.

Chi Chi!

Inside the tower, in a very high-end laboratory, the wizard technology instrument corresponding to the chromatography of the Great Wizard Huiyue scanned Wang Ya's body in all directions.

Focus on checking the output impact of the dark tide energy.

In case of any accidents.


As the energy of the wizard instrument cooled, the complete inspection results came out.

The Great Wizard Black Feather breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm really lucky. I haven't been affected or contaminated by the dark tide space. I only need to recuperate for ten days and a half months, and I can come back alive and well."

"Jiutian, you use the world shaping method to gather so many external spaces in one place, which is still a bit too arrogant. Even the dark tide space is attracted here. Although it is only a corner of the projection, you should also know the danger of that ghost place. If you are not careful, it will be a disaster."

The black wings behind the Great Wizard Black Feather shrank to pocket size.

He couldn't help but say some of his own opinions, "Your wizard path is very powerful, studying space, planes, and dimensions, but the steps are too big and it's easy to get into trouble."

After all, he didn't say the word "suicidal".

The Great Wizard Jiutian did not stay in the headquarters of the Scarlet Society. He chose the outer space, where the nine worlds converge, which was also one of the reasons for the influence of the dark tide space.

She was silent, didn't speak, just stared at Wang Ya's body.

The latter was lying on an unfamiliar experimental table. In the past, he was the operator and the experimenter, but now it was the other way around, which gave him a unique feeling.

Wang Ya was still a little nervous, and he was most worried that the Great Wizard Jiutian would discover his abnormality. The changes caused by the black dark tide momentum and the original force wizard body.

[Target: Unknown influencing factors of dark tide energy]

[Computing power used: first level]

[Estimated time for scanning: five hours]

Scanning is not analysis, you can use computing power or not.

Scanning brings a general direction of speculation and preliminary results.

It is not the correct result information determined by the actual analysis direction, without any errors or omissions.

Wang Ya became curious about the dark tide energy.

It seems that in the eyes of the Great Wizard Huiyue, the dark tide is also a kind of taboo.

The relevant information in the algorithm database is only the existence of dark matter and dark energy in the universe.

Is there a connection or relationship between the difference of one word?

"There is nothing wrong with your body, your mental level is also normal, and your physique is a bit outrageous, even stronger than some great wizards at the level of Huiyue."

The Great Wizard Jiutian came over, and his slender fingers gently stroked Wang Ya's skin, along the neck, then to the arc of the arm, and all the way down. Wang Ya's body reacted subconsciously, and his fair skin turned slightly red.

The corners of the mouth of the Great Wizard Jiutian's face were slightly raised under the veil, "Nice body, you should be an elemental wizard and a dream wizard. Your particle energy and spiritual power should be stronger than your physical body. No wonder the Great Wizard Zunhuang asked you to become a participant in the Star Battle of the Scarlet Society."

"Compared with you, the little guy Tianjing is quite inferior. You representing the Scarlet Society should bring more possibilities."

"Master Wizard Jiutian."

"Shh! Don't talk, let me touch it. Such a good body, a body with potential, is rare. Of course, what I like more is your inspiration and your spiritual power." The Nine Heavens Great Wizard blocked it with his fingers. She touched Wang Ya's lips and gently touched his face. The breath she exhaled touched his cheek, making the fine hairs tremble slightly.

"Would you like to sign a wizard contract with me? You will do some related wizard experiments with me, and I will give you adequate compensation."

"Don't worry, the Star Battle is coming soon. I am also a member of the Crimson Society. My natural interests are on the same line. I will not do anything harmful to you. On the contrary, for you, my experiment still has some benefits. Once you succeed in something of great benefit, your strength will undergo an astonishing transformation.”

The Great Wizard of the Nine Heavens stroked Wang Ya's abdominal muscles, along the texture of the abdominal muscles, all the way down, bringing some unknown touches.

The latter can feel that a gentle particle energy has a benign influence, and the places it has touched begin to return to their original strong state.

All the influence of the undercurrent energy was removed at this moment.

"Such a transformation is unbelievable. It is even more powerful than the complete spiritualization of particle energy and the mastery of some super-standard witchcraft. It is enough to make you an absolute winner in the Star Fighting Tournament, and even become the Son of the Stars. The reputation that countless talented people in the Star Realm pursue is also profit, and it is also a reward that is difficult to measure in terms of value."

The Jiutian Great Wizard's tone became more and more excited, his beautiful eyes were full of desire, his skin was flushed, and his breath blew up the veil.

What Wang Ya saw was not the cold appearance of the Nine Heavens Great Wizard at the banquet in the Supreme Heaven Realm.

Because of the excitement, the skin was congested, and even the lips were extraordinarily red, like gorgeous red lips, also a burning flaming rose.

The Black Feather Grand Wizard did not hear the specific conversation between the two, and only regarded it as a subtle inspection and recovery of the malignant effects caused by the undercurrent energy.

Some of the methods of the Nine Heavens Great Wizard have been well tempered in the daily face of these harsh environments and unknown and strange places, and they can also produce excellent results.

Around the experimental platform, the Great Wizard of the Nine Heavens had already used his own means to arrange a sealed and isolated space, so that the Great Wizard Black Feather could not peek into words, lip movements, or even changes in eye expressions and emotions.

"How about you, are you coming? Something that can be of great benefit to you is also related to the core of my wizarding path. I will go all out and ensure your safety."

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