The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 65 【65】Dissection Project Launched Energy Course

Inside the wizard's residence.

Wang Ya took a look at Lu Sen's soul state. After being nourished by the red dogtail grass, it gradually became stable, but the state was still in a coma.

Then he came to the lounge and took out the Transcendental Potion worth 80 magic stones.

The swallowing of the Transcendental Potion is different from the ordinary extraordinary potion. It is held in the mouth and not swallowed, so that the effect of the medicine can be exerted from top to bottom.

And the process of transformation lasts at least two hours.

The taste of the liquid medicine is irritating, blooming on the tongue coating, like a smelly and spoiled clam, and then flowing down the throat into the esophagus and abdomen.

Gradually, it seemed to burn, and the liquid seemed to be highly corrosive.

Wang Ya felt the subtle changes in his body, as well as the twitching pain from the spirit, like a needle.

[Tip: The Transcendental Potion is taking effect, the body's functions are undergoing benign changes, and the mental power is being stimulated and improved. Estimated time: 3 hours. 】

The night was bright and the stars were sparse. The life in the forest began to move. Fierce beasts were hunting and enjoying the beauty of blood.

A black shadow came out from the shadows, and its sharp claws easily pierced into the fur and flesh, embedding the spine, leaving the wind wolf with food in its mouth without any resistance. Its pupils were rolling with pain and wailing.

Halak strictly abided by the master's agreement, capturing creatures with extraordinary properties and putting them in the breeding room. At the same time, he also enjoyed the feeling of hunting.

The entire forest area of ​​the wizard's residence is its territory and hunting ground.

[Tip: The transformation is over. This time, the physical fitness is increased by 0.6 and the spirit is increased by 0.3]

Wang Ya walked out of the room with a red face, sweat secretion, dripping from his forehead, and his eyes were full of vigor.

He exuded particle energy fluctuations that had never been calmed down, and even had activated mental power, which spread all over his body, causing some debris to tremble.

"If I advance to the first level of wizard apprentice, my mental power should be able to control some small objects when it is concentrated."

Wang Ya carefully experienced the changes in himself, and had a hunch that the eighth wizard rune of the Haohai Meditation Method might allow him to break through.

[Target: Wang Ya]

[Mental Power: 9.1]

[Constitution: 8]

[Particle Energy: 4.6 Units]

The improvement of mental power can further increase the physical body and particle energy units.

This time, Wang Ya's radiation effect was shorter. After the value was increased to 8, the Eye of Truth judged that further radiation would be harmful rather than beneficial.

Except for the senseless deprivation witchcraft, the remaining three witchcrafts that he mastered, each of them consumed about 0.8 to 1.5 units of particle energy to ensure the power of its original degree.

In terms of further research on the advanced inheritance of witchcraft knowledge or the analysis of the Haohai Meditation Method, Wang Ya fell into hesitation and finally chose the latter.

The ability of the Eye of Truth can be said to be related to Wang Ya's own strength. The stronger he is, the stronger the function will be.

After being promoted to the first-level wizard apprentice, the Eye of Truth may also be strengthened, and it is possible to increase the number of analyzed targets.

In this way, the inheritance of witchcraft knowledge and the Haohai Meditation Method can be done in two ways without delay.

[Hint: The sixth wizard rune of the Haohai Meditation Method is being analyzed. The estimated time: 22 days. ]

Half a month is within Wang Ya's expectations. After the analysis is completed, his understanding of basic extraordinary knowledge will probably reach a higher level and the foundation will be solid.

I went to the breeding room again. There are already sixteen creatures with extraordinary properties, most of which are small in size. The only one with a big head is probably the mountain bear, which has thick skin and flesh and is full of wildness. When Wang Ya walked into the breeding room, he was still in the living area surrounded by special metal glass and roared at him.

The creatures with extraordinary properties in other living areas trembled, obviously afraid of this mountain bear.

Wang Ya nodded, and took out a booklet and a pen from the sleeve of his wizard robe.

Most of the pages in the booklet were blank, and the words written on them were all Wang Ya's understanding and notes on the experimental plan.

[Supernormal Experimental Anatomy Plan]

[Implementation time: seven days later]

[Implementation target: mountain bear]

[Experimental purpose: complete the knowledge verification of supernormal anatomy, improve the ability of the technique, so as to achieve the ability to perform wizard surgery alone. Then extract the supernormal nature factors contained in the mountain bear, and study supernormal transmutation. ]

Wang Ya closed the booklet, smiled at the mountain bear, and turned to leave the breeding room.

In seven days, according to Wang Ya's own progress, he can almost complete the mastery of this part of the knowledge.

The mountain bear, looking at Wang Ya's back as he left, thought that his power scared away the dangerous two-legged beast, and let out a low roar.

Suddenly, the body shivered inexplicably, and it felt a strong malice wrapped around it.

Very cold!

It lay down as if there was something dirty, looked around, and shrank back to its makeshift bear den.

Wang Ya pushed open the door of the lounge, and Halak also rushed in, flapping his wings and landing on the clothes rack. Made of special metal, it was not scratched by him, only some scratches.

Recalling some of the extraordinary knowledge he had mastered, he nodded slightly. If he could complete the wizard surgery alone after seven days, the shadow crow bloodline could also be implanted into Halak's body.

Halak, who was originally a low-level creature, further evolved, and it was unknown what level he could reach.

The most important thing was to give birth to extraordinary bloodlines. With bloodlines, inheritance could be carried out, even if the probability of this inheritance was very slim.

After all, it was just a low-level extraordinary creature!

Wang Ya put down the brown book in his hand, placed it on the bedside table, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

With damp mist, it came in the face and wet Wang Ya's wizard robe, but he couldn't do anything. He grabbed Halak's feet with his right hand, spread his wings and took him to the entrance of the wizard's residential area quickly.

Below was a dense forest area, with a large number of birds and beasts flying around, making a lot of noise.

The particle energy breath he exuded was like the existence at the top of the food chain for these ordinary creatures, and they would instinctively fear it.

Unless they also become extraordinary creatures, they will no longer be afraid of Wang Ya, but greed and appetite.

Today's extraordinary course is energy science, in the seventh teaching building, in the middle of the ninth floor of the large classroom.

There are many wizard students walking on the road of the college in a hurry, all going to different teaching buildings to study extraordinary courses. Wang Ya is not conspicuous among them.

Entering the seventh teaching building, there is naturally no teleportation magic array for the management building, so you can only climb the stairs.

The dark particle energy field turned into floating ripples of light, flowing on the looming door in front of you. It should be said that it is not a door, but an entrance for the magic array to determine whether to pass.

The wizard mark on the palm of the hand exudes a warm touch, and a message is transmitted in the mind.

[Lower House Wizard Student-Wang Yahalak, you have purchased the basic course of energy science, please enter the classroom within five seconds, otherwise this course will be invalid. 】

If you do not have the authority and rashly break in, judging from the dangerous omen you feel, the end is estimated to be miserable.

Wang Ya held down his robe, holding the draft record book in his hand, and walked in without any hesitation.

: Thanks to Explorer 001 for the reward.

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