The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 70 [70] Witch array ritual Transformation is successful, terrifying creature

In the quiet forest, a faint smell of putridity permeates the air, reminding people of rotten meat covered with maggots. The light that penetrates between the forest leaves hits the messy yellow fallen leaves.

A low gasp broke the calm, and the boots left traces on the soil, leaving behind bright red liquid after walking.

That's blood!

A green-black python with strange spots emerged from the fallen leaves. It was obviously attracted by the blood. The forked snake snake captured the pheromones.

The heat vision also saw the two figures ready to move in front, carrying the aura of particle energy that it liked very much.

"Gray, be careful, that guy is about to attack." Mas whispered, holding a cross sword made of special materials in his hand, which can pierce the scales of ordinary extraordinary creatures, and he also looked at the one in front of him warily. The ferocious 'black-spotted anaconda'.

He has learned the Knight's Breathing Technique, and even though he has not fully mastered the witchcraft, he still has good combat effectiveness with the sword in his hand.

"I understand. Let's seduce him first and consume his physical strength. My Copic is already hiding in the dark, ready to deliver a fatal blow at any time."

Gray said with a solemn expression, the wizard's mission is not trivial, he is hunting extraordinary creatures, so he must be careful.

Time passes, a quarter of an hour passes

Mas stabbed Black Spot's body with the cross sword and roared, "Gray, run, he's going to attack you."

But Piccolo was also covered in blood, biting with teeth and claws, trying to suppress this vicious creature.

Finally, there was an accident. Gray faced the snake head that opened its bloody mouth and bit it. Its fangs glowed blue and were highly venomous.

His pupils shrank, but he did not dodge. Instead, he took the dagger in his hand and pierced the snake pupil.


The aqua blue ripples suddenly spread out, carrying strong particle energy fluctuations, forming a protective water wave similar to an energy shield.

This protective wave enveloped Gray, resisting the bite from the black-spotted anaconda.

Gray also used a dagger to stab the black-spotted anaconda in the vital part.

Mars looked at Gray's water wave protection in surprise.

Gray scratched his head and said with a smile: "It's just a wizarding formation. When I was in the Vast Sea Wizarding City, I spent ten magic stones and accidentally picked it up."

Mas said dumbfounded: "This thing saved your life. That's the most important thing. Good luck will favor you again."

After completing this wizard mission, he will almost have magic stones and resources to learn witchcraft, and then he will be on the right track. Mas began to look forward to the changes in the future.

Gray also smiled and nodded, and suddenly said: "I just don't know where this guy Wang Ya has gone. When we meet again, he will probably be shocked. My progress in breeding Copic has reached 100%."

"Based on his character, he probably won't pay attention to other freshmen. He definitely doesn't know that the top ten geniuses in the wizard family have become so popular recently that even some old students can't compare to the competition related to the secret realm and even some arrangements of the Dark Headquarters. ”

Wang Ya naturally didn't have the time or thought to pay attention to things that had nothing to do with his wizard plan.

In the laboratory, the blood vessel implantation operation has also reached the final stage.

He plucked out all the black feathers on Halak's chest. After a lot of effort, the feathers made a crisp sound when they fell on the experimental table.

When the bloodline was implanted, there were no accidents. The Eye of Truth detected Halak's condition, and his breathing and heart rate were all normal.

The only thing that has changed is probably that the blood flow rate is faster, and it is ridiculously fast, already more than three times the original flow rate, and this state is still rising.

[Tip: The body temperature has reached the threshold and the Shadow Crow blood is being absorbed. You can slow down the temperature by soaking in the sweet flower liquid to promote fusion and adaptation. 】

Wang Ya quickly moved the venue and placed Harak in the culture chamber, with the medicinal solution covering his whole body.

He has done everything he should do, and the rest is up to Halak's own destiny.

If it can fully absorb the Shadow Crow bloodline and overcome the rejection, then it will be a new life, from the original mortal bird to a transcendent creature with bloodline heritage.

Although the Eye of Truth judged that benign mutations could be carried out, the potential of life was unpredictable, and no one knew what the specific results would be.

Time passed from day to night, and the light in the laboratory was still sufficient. In addition to observing Harak's condition, Wang Ya was also analyzing the possibility of further changes in the bloodline.

He learned a lot about biological cultivation and had a preliminary understanding of the system of blood wizards.

It stands to reason that after a wizard is implanted with an extraordinary bloodline, through a series of adaptation methods, he will be able to perfectly adapt to the bloodline and unleash the original power of the extraordinary creature.

As a cultivator of extraordinary creatures, Harak is quite different from bloodline wizards. It is more malleable. It is not only based on one extraordinary bloodline as its source, but can it be integrated with more extraordinary bloodlines with similar habits.

Among the types of crows, there are not only shadow crows, but also rotten demon crows, nether fire crows, and some more powerful extraordinary creatures.

Inexplicably, Wang Ya felt that he seemed to have grasped something. If the research was clear, perhaps the extraordinary biological group cultivation plan based on Halak could be successfully implemented.

In the end, not only the magic stone resources are open sourced, but also the knowledge level of the wizards themselves is greatly improved.

[Tip: The extraordinary blood implantation surgery is completed. The body is in good condition. The shadow crow blood has been integrated and is in benign mutation. It is expected to lose 30%. The extraordinary fluid can be used to supplement the nutrients. ]

Wang Ya looked at the turbid liquid surface like Tremella soup in the culture chamber. Bubbles appeared on the surface. The temperature had reached an extremely high temperature. A smile appeared on his face. It was successful.

With a snap of his fingers, the wizard array center immediately controlled the pool carrying the extraordinary fluid and injected a large amount of extraordinary fluid into the culture chamber.

The sunlight of the first day penetrated the deep night curtain and made the wizard's residence castle more transparent.

Wang Ya looked at the terrible creature in the culture chamber, which had absorbed all the liquid and nutrients, and stretched its wings.

The seemingly hard reinforced metal glass had obvious cracks under the claws. This was a special glass that could defend against the attacks of most low-level extraordinary creatures.

"Little guy, you really didn't disappoint me!"

Wang Ya raised a smile, especially after feeling the powerful aura of Halak, this smile became even stronger.

[Target: Halak]

[Level: Low-level supernatural creature]

[Supernatural characteristics:]

[Evaluation: The most perfect existence among low-level supernatural creatures, and one of the strongest existences. There is almost no shortcoming in it. It is the most beautiful and the most dangerous killer. ]

ps: If I don't become a waste and don't explode once, you really don't believe that I can update 12,000 a day and have 30,000 or 40,000 manuscripts in stock. Before four o'clock, I will write to chapter 72, and there are still two chapters.

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