The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 75 [75] Aurora Wizard City Information Collection

The area of ​​the Dark Wizard's Upper Court is divided by a huge black bell tower, and the streets extending below are lines. The rotating pendulum is just opposite to the wizard's tower covered by dark particle energy waves in the core area of ​​the headquarters.

Wizard Lando was wearing a blue wizard robe, walking on the street with his hands folded, and said lazily: "I don't know what troublesome things will be discussed at this party. They are all on the ban list. They have to drag me in every time. This little shrimp, oh my, it’s such a hard life.”

Next to him was the popular wizard wearing a half-faced golden mask, with a look of helplessness in his eyes, "Lando, you'd better calm down. There are a lot of people attending this party, including several extreme wizard apprentices."

"So, just let them discuss it. I'm not good at fighting." Wizard Lando yawned, spread his hands, and stretched.

There are fewer wizards on the streets, but they are generally powerful, between the second-level wizard apprentices and the third-level wizard apprentices.

The two soon came to a gray square building in the commercial street. After confirming their identity information through the wizard's mark, they were enveloped by the teleportation witch formation.

Similar to the situation of a salon meeting, a dozen figures are sitting on the sofa. The cold wind blows in from the window and some flowers and plants are gently swaying. Although there is sufficient light, it is impossible to clearly see the details of the facial features of the figures present. Full of mystery.

The room is very spacious, and the first person sitting there are several figures headed by Wizard Yisi. The wizard's robe also bears the symbol of the Bone School.

As for the rest of the positions, they are all wizards from extraordinary schools.

Some were holding tea and sipping the drinks slowly.

Some closed their eyes and rested, leaning on the sofa.

If Wang Ya were here and observed with the Eye of Truth, at least one-third of the wizards would have energy fluctuations of breath particles reaching the level of Wizard Tuta.

Wizard Yisi frowned slightly. The scar-faced wizard sitting on the sofa to his right was actually Wizard Gusai. He nodded to Wizard Yisi, and then stood up.

"Everyone, all the candidates for this salon meeting have arrived. Senior Brother Yi Si will tell you the specific details."

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late!" Wizard Lando opened the door at this time, and was startled by the array present, and suddenly laughed awkwardly.

The figures present looked over subconsciously.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the forehead of Wizard Lando. This is really exaggerated. Three extreme wizard apprentices and six third-level wizard apprentices. Is this the appeal of the second-ranked one in the Bones lineage?

The popular wizard had a serious expression and bowed slightly, then patted Wizard Lando on the shoulder and sat down on the edge of the sofa.

Wizard Yisi's expression was as cold as ever, and he spoke about what he planned to discuss in the salon this time.

"With the Antun family as the leader, we will push some remaining wizards from the Bailin family to try to make a fuss about annihilating the two major wizard families. The Wizard Family Alliance will make efforts later, targeting not only me, but also the wizard family. The struggle with the school of thought"

"But the other party also understands that the matter cannot be too big. The people above will not care about this trivial matter. It is just a so-called dispute of temper. The wizard family wants to regain their position and face, but it is up to us to decide whether to give it or not. Have the final say.”

Wizard Yisi sneered with disapproval in his tone.

Wizard Lando was on the edge, muttering in a low voice, "Senior Brother Yisi is so domineering. It would be great if I could be the one to take care of him."

The popular wizard moved his butt silently, moving away from Wizard Lando's position.

The other wizards didn't react much. They obviously knew Wizard Lando's temperament. He was a born lazy guy and would only use his strength under specific circumstances.

Wizard Yi Si continued: "I will go to the battlefield. As for my opponents, they are two third-level wizard apprentices from the Bailin family. I have promised Kaze of the Antun family and signed a wizard contract."

"A bet, under notarization, I will fight two people alone."

Wizard Gusay had a strange look on his face, "Don't they know how big the gap is?"

Wizard Yisi said calmly: "Some people know that I have been promoted, but some people don't know yet."

"Natural whale falls will bring benefits to all things. The wizard family of Ancient Forest Mountain has sucked so much blood in the dark land. It's time to return it."

The wizard present immediately understood that this was a tacit agreement between the two parties, and the price paid was just the last trace of the Bailin family.

"This matter is secondary. The most important thing is the dark training plan."

What Wizard Yi Si said next made the wizards present look solemn.

The dark training plan does not mean that it is useless to them. On the contrary, it can be of great help, and can even help them advance to official wizards.

At this point, they all have to consider promotion.

"There are only so many places. How to get more places is the key."

After a while of discussion, everyone had an idea.

Dark wizards of different levels of strength have the opportunity to obtain quotas.

Their competitors are more wizards from the family alliance.

The salon meeting ended near the evening. Wizard Lando wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, stood up from the sofa, and said sleepily: "Is it over? Can you go back?"

The three figures who were still in the room suddenly twitched their mouths.

The popular wizard even raised his forehead.

Wizard Gusai suddenly said: "Brother Yisi, the little guy you mentioned seems to have encountered some troubles and was affected by someone in the target task."

After understanding, Wizard Yisi did not show any other expression, and said lightly: "If you can't even complete the target task, then you are still far from becoming my pawn."

"But this little guy is still interesting. He didn't come to me to claim the benefit of the free subject." Wizard Gusai seemed to remember something and smiled.

Wizard Yisi was obviously stunned for a moment, and his expression seemed a little inexplicable. His upper and lower lips moved, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Aurora Wizard City.

In the central position of the teleportation array, a figure wearing a black wizard robe stepped out of the range covered by white light.

Perhaps because he stayed in the dark place for a long time, the much thinner natural particle energy made Wang Ya frown slightly.

"Dear wizard of this department, please use the wizard mark to record the target task."

The teleportation array is also guarded and maintained by the wizards of the city lord's mansion.

Wang Ya nodded to the middle-aged wizard in front of him, and could clearly feel the old age of the other party.

This type of wizard is also a member of the Dark Land. Generally, they have spent more time in the lower house of wizards than required, but they cannot pass the assessment to the upper house, so they can only obey the arrangement and serve in this type of wizard city. The same is generally true for members of the law enforcement wizards.

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