The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 9 [9] Benign transformation, a new form of crow


The dagger cut open the chest of the thorn sea beast, and took out the heart that was still beating weakly. It felt warm to the touch, and there was a unique smell.

It was like staying in a slaughterhouse for seven days and seven nights, and then going to the rose field for a walk. Under the faint fragrance of flowers, there was a deep and indelible stench.

Wang Ya held the black, bloody fleshy heart in both hands, and Harak next to him immediately came close and made a trembling sound.

He raised his eyebrows. The special substances contained in the heart were unknown for the time being. Judging from the desire shown by Harak, there should be considerable benefits.

[Iron Claw] Cultivating witchcraft is the core of Harak. If you take this black heart, you will also become an amphibious creature like the thorn sea beast.

Wang Ya thought about it and decided to give this heart to Harak for consumption.

A little improvement in strength is a little improvement. The crisis of the wizard ship is not over yet.

Compared with the more frequent human screams before, they are now sparse.

In addition to the small number of people, the new wizards who can survive the first round of attacks are naturally unique in some aspects, and the chance of being discovered and killed by the thorn sea beast is not high.

The eating process is a bit bloody. First cut it into strips with claws, and then swallow it.

It took about three minutes, and the whole heart was eaten.

Halak covered his head with his wings, squatted in place, and his body trembled.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but Halak’s wings actually have deep and shiny spots in color.

Wang Ya’s pupils are shining with blue fragments.

[Target: Black Feather Crow]

[Physique: 9]

[Spirit: 0.9]

[Status: Low-level extraordinary creature]

[Ability: Iron Claw, Steel Skin]

The physique has changed, but the spirit remains the same.

The imagined change did not happen, perhaps because not enough thorn hearts were eaten.

[Hint: Halak has successfully digested the thorn heart, and the current degree of alienation is 20%. The direction of alienation is: particle energy resistance, water pressure resistance, and speed. ]

Wang Ya's brows relaxed. As expected, he needed to take at least four more hearts to complete the benign alienation.

As for the direction of alienation, the first should be resistance to particle energy such as witchcraft, and even high-intensity resistance to radiation effects.

The second is that different depths of seawater have different pressures. After the alienation, Halak will adapt to the pressure in the seawater.

The third, as the name suggests, is to increase Halak's speed.

In general, it is indeed improving Halak's strength and improving his shortcomings.

However, Wang Ya still finds it hard to imagine the scene of a black-feathered crow with feather wings going deep into the seabed to fight.

If it grows gills like aquatic creatures and propels itself with unique soles, it is somewhat possible.

He looked at the sharp iron claws on Halak's feet. They were hard and shone like black iron. It was easy to crush the thorny spine of the thorn beast.

There should be a lot of thorn beasts entering the wizard's ship. There should be no problem to collect the remaining four hearts.

Of course, Wang Ya was not going to leave the room. There was another way to attract them continuously.

Use another non-toxic sharp dagger to gently cut a small hole in the palm of your hand.


The dazzling red blood splashed on the floor.

The bloody smell spread.

For humans, this blood can only be smelled a little in the room.

In the sea, the thorn beasts can smell a drop of blood from tens of thousands of meters away.

Especially the blood that contains extraordinary and fresh blood makes them fascinated and greedy.

Among the thorn beasts, there is also a very obvious feature. After determining the prey target, they will release unique pheromones to keep other thorn beasts away.

First, throw the body in the room out of the window.

About two minutes later, a noise came from the other end of the corridor.

Wang Ya was still hiding in the shadow corner behind the door. Harak, who had tasted the sweetness, stood on the other side of the door with a proud and arrogant attitude, quite like a golden rooster standing alone.

The fishy smell of the ocean was pungent, accompanied by the smell of human blood.

This thorny sea beast was extremely large, and its hideous bone spur spine kept scraping the walls in the corridor.

Some seaweed was wrapped around the bony spine, as well as the huge bony head, and there were gills on both sides of the chin. Except for the fragile eyes, the face was protected by a mask.

The three-dimensional way was presented in Wang Ya's consciousness, and shared with Harak, manipulating him to make the most accurate coordinated actions.


A very unique cry, this thorny sea beast obviously smelled the scent of its companion, but did not respond, so it thought its companion had left.

The bloody smell tempted it, and without much hesitation, it directly crashed into the already dilapidated door.


The sharp dagger pierced into the eye socket at the most appropriate angle.

Halak took advantage of the situation, flapped his wings, and clamped the bone spur spine with his iron claws.

With a "click", there was almost no struggle, and another thorn sea beast became a trophy.

Holding the dagger, he cut open the chest.

After Halak ate the heart, his body shape and black feathers changed significantly.

The black shiny spots on the feathers became more obvious, covering one-third of the area.

The size did not increase but decreased, at least it shrunk a circle, from a calf to a lamb.

Overall, it is full of streamlines, suitable for diving, gliding, and rapid takeoff.

The result of benign alienation will further reduce the size to the size of the black-feathered crow itself.

If you want to be fast, you have to be light. Birds like crows do not rely on their body size to hit melee.

If their own defense and claw attack power remain unchanged, this is a terrible assassin killer.

Wang Ya dealt with the corpse of the thorn sea beast, and then followed the same method.

This time, a thorn sea beast came in about two minutes.

There should not be many new wizards on the wizard ship, or they should find a way to make these thorn sea beasts unable to find their traces.

Wang Ya can start with the smell, so the others are not all fools.

Twelve minutes passed.

When the fifth thorn sea beast fell to the ground.

Wang Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and a bit of fatigue appeared on his face, but it was finally completed.

Harak ate heartily, while Wang Ya was looking forward to the final benign alienation, what would be the result.

The gate was completely gone, and he took Harak to a room next to it that had not been visited by the thorn sea beast.

The wizard newborn here should not have come back, or maybe he died outside.

Harak's transformation would take another ten minutes.

He washed himself in the bathroom, mainly changing the clothes soaked in the green blood of the thorn sea beast.

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