The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 93 [93] If you don’t fight, you will lose everything, go all out

In order to separate the characteristics of the Gendass dog, we need to analyze its essence.

Start with supernatural anatomy experiments and supernatural property extraction.

Wang Ya has no confidence whether there is a supernatural blood factor like supernatural creatures. After all, this is something related to the evil god, which is extremely rare and few wizards have studied it.

It needs to be judged through multiple experiments.

The two analytical goals of the Eye of Truth can only be completed in at least 20 days, and the arrangement in Wang Ya's plan also includes this part.

After observing the state of the Gendass dog in the culture chamber, after the intake of nutrient solution, its own blood and flesh activity has been restored, and the granulation tentacles on the forehead are also wriggling, as if they have sensed Wang Ya's presence, and they swing along with Wang Ya's movement.

Some of the more active ones even drive their dog bodies to wander in the nutrient solution, close to the glass chamber wall, and the eyes formed by granulation stare at Wang Ya with the most primitive greed and appetite.

With a smile on his lips, Wang Ya looked at the Gendass dog tenderly, "What a lovely little dog full of energy, and the state of recovery is also the best."

The difference in the host body seems to have caused subtle differences in the Gendass dog.

For example, the Gendass dog in front of Wang Ya has a slender figure and a long neck. In addition to forming eyes, the granulation also highlights a strange female face.

Wang Ya identified that this is an ordinary girl named Lasi in the caravan.

"So that's it. Special emotions and wills will cause different Gendass dogs. This is the spirit and body corresponding to the virtual reality. No wonder there is a conversion between the two."

Wang Ya felt that he had grasped something vaguely. He felt something in his heart. This feeling is crucial and can play a decisive role in his wizard path.

It is not yet certain whether the characteristics and abilities of different Gendass dogs are the same, or whether there are some special abilities.

He took out a small notebook from the pocket of his wizard robe, and took out a feather pen from his sleeve, and began to write on the spot.

His eyes looked at the Gendass dog in front of him tenderly from time to time.

Compared with the ordinary and fragile girl, the special creature in front of him was full of alternative beauty, which was the relative perfection of biology.

It was not comparable to the meaningless human aesthetics.

The most essential kind of beauty.

[Research plan for the extraordinary nature of the ‘Gendass dog’]

[Plan 1: Conduct extraordinary anatomical experiments, explore the internal structure of the Gendass dog, and analyze the specific source of super recovery ability and unlimited swallowing and proliferation. ]

[Tentative plan 2: Based on plan 1, prepare new experimental test variables, and the number of experimental individuals that can be consumed is ‘5’! ]

[Tentative plan 3:.]

Wang Ya’s bottom line is five Gendass dogs. After all, the experimental materials are too rare, and can even be used as a long-term research project.

If there was only one experimental material, he might be more cautious and would conduct relevant experimental operations after fully learning and mastering more advanced supernatural anatomy and biological cultivation knowledge.

The feather pen continued to write below, confirming the experimental time.

[Supernatural anatomy experiment for the "Gendas Dog\

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