The wizard is chasing the truth

Chapter 95 [95] The Core of Death The Shameful Wizard of Is (6100)

Wang Ya was going to sell the two wizard rings in exchange for magic stones and working capital.

Useful things were also selected in advance.

Wang Ya's low-level witchcraft scrolls [Wind God Follows] and [Particle Shield] were replaced with the medium-level witchcraft scrolls [Ice Boundary] and [Fire Sun Star] in the wizard ring.

In terms of extraordinary potions, there is not much difference. Wizards generally carry blue potions and recovery potions for healing injuries and particle energy.

As for the medium-level spear wizard weapon, it has extraordinary characteristics, and even a value of 30 physical fitness can be easily pierced.

Sacrifice all other functions in exchange for the purest edge.

Wang Ya does not like this medium-level wizard weapon because it is too simple. There is nothing else except the edge, and even the infection radiation of particle energy is ineffective.

The particle energy gathers at the tip of the spear, compressing and extremely restrained, but the physical damage is not fatal to some wizards.

Even if the heart is damaged, you can use wizard surgery to replace it.

It is not very difficult to regenerate the heart by other wizard means.

Wang Ya thinks that selling his spear wizard weapon in exchange for capital operation is the right choice.

Harak flew onto Wang Ya's shoulder. When he was about to leave the wizard's residence and go to the free zone, he felt a touch of the wizard mark in his palm.

As the spiritual power flowed into it, a little surprise flashed in his eyes. This was a wizard named Denuo who wanted to complete the identity information exchange with him.

Wang Ya looked a little confused. He seemed to have no intersection with him. How did the other party know his wizard mark identity information.

The message explained: [Wang Ya Harak, a new wizard in the lower house, I am the wizard 'Deno Laofei' of the Bone School. The wizard Yisi asked me to see you. The Bone School is willing to support you to sign a wizard contract. The content of the support is. As long as you win the top three in the secret realm competition, the wizard Yisi will even recommend you to the formal wizard of the bone, and you will become the inheritance disciple of the bone wizard. 】

After understanding the message, Wang Ya frowned slightly.

For these extreme wizard apprentices and the wizards of the upper house, it was no secret that he brought back the news of the evil god incident.

He also saw clearly what Wizard Yi Si did.

For wizards, everything in the world has value.

A wizard also has value. The higher the value shown, the more it will attract investment from other wizards. The wizard contract is the best way.

Get something, and you will pay something in the future.

Wizard Yi Si noticed that he survived the evil god incident, so he thought of using him as the next chess piece to exert some influence on the wizard family alliance.

Wang Ya was silent for a while, and did not give a happy reply immediately like other wizard freshmen.

The support content has a large amount of extraordinary resources and magic stone supply. If he has these, he doesn't have to worry about the shortage of magic stones.

He can use more time and energy to improve his strength, not to mention that in the support conditions, there are also several witchcrafts from the White Bone School, and the level has reached the intermediate level.

It is really very tempting!

Winning the top three, getting a place in the Dark Land, becoming a formal wizard's inheritance disciple, will be eligible to learn more powerful and systematic inheritance of extraordinary knowledge, and also have various permissions and resource supplies.

The bone particle energy of the Bone Wizard is famous throughout the Dark Land, making other wizard forces also afraid of it.

One of the few who are also faintly strong in strength.

Almost no lower house wizard will refuse this, even the wizards in the upper house will be tempted.

But Wang Ya's heart has never been settled. Gulinshan and the matter of the wizard Yisi are only secondary, and more about his own wizard path.

The Bone Wizard is also an elemental wizard, and he is also an elemental wizard. It seems that he is really suitable.

So should I choose the Bone lineage? Wang Ya frowned. He didn't know the advantages and disadvantages of the extraordinary school. Gray had mentioned some information before, but he only had a preliminary concept.

Logically speaking, for a new wizard in the lower house, the emergence of a supernatural school to support and invest should be a great thing.

I shouldn't have chosen, but I couldn't settle down in my heart, as if choosing the white bone lineage would miss something more important.

At this time, Wang Ya's palm was touched again, and he was stunned. What was going on one after another?

However, this time it was not a message from a strange wizard, but a message from the headquarters of the wizard task management agency.

[Lower house wizard student-Wang Yaharak, your indicator task has been evaluated and determined, and is now as follows:]

[Indicator task level: A]

[Task content: The evil god incident occurred in the Mayan Kingdom, which was not known to the public. Wang Yaharak, a wizard in the lower house, collected a lot of information about the evil god incident under extremely dangerous circumstances, and left definite image evidence in the true vision ball, and returned safely to the dark land. ]

[Rewards: Fantasy Garden Secret Realm (free entry once), Dark Spot x2000, Land of Inheritance (free selection of one wizard knowledge)]

Wang Ya's eyes flashed with surprise. From the original D-level task, it was upgraded to an A-level task. He had never heard of such a leap.

The difficulty of the evil god incident was well deserved for a first-level wizard apprentice, and the A-level wizard task was indeed worthy of its name.

If Wang Ya had not decisively used the golden pocket watch at the end, he might not have come back.

The inheritance land made Wang Ya's eyes light up. He had longed for the second floor of the Senate Library for a long time, and he was even more fascinated by the free selection.

2000 dark points, this is the amount that a new wizard needs to save for more than ten years to save.

It can be used in the inheritance land, or the resource management office, and even the secret realm management office. For wizards, it is of great value.

However, the magic stone reward that Wang Ya lacked the most did not exist, which made him a little confused. Could it be that the magic stone has depreciated to the point that it is not qualified to enter the reward content?

Among the many secret realms of the dark land, there seems to be no such dream secret realm.

Wang Ya showed doubts about the first reward.

There will never be any mistakes in this department.

The wizard technology center has been repaired several times by the official wizards of the divine blood since its creation, and there have been no abnormal changes in the rest of the time.

[Dear Mr. Wang Yahalak, I am Wade. Wizard Kolan has told me to give you something. Can we meet at the Tequila Tavern? ]

A new message came, and the face of an old wizard suddenly appeared in Wang Ya's mind. He was old and had age spots on his wrinkles.

It was the task management wizard who had received him before.

This made Wang Ya even more confused. Are the messages so strange?

Although he exchanged identity information with Wizard Kolan, there was no contact or communication between them on the wizard mark, so naturally there was no communication.

Wang Ya frowned and couldn't think of what the other party would have that he had to give to him.

But he had a special feeling in his heart. Perhaps he had to go and see it to understand.

Wang Ya did not reply to Wizard Denor, but chose to reply to Wizard Wade that he would arrive in an hour.

Withered yellow leaves fluttered in the wind. Under the gathering of some invisible force, a looming figure appeared in the sky above the commercial street, as if it could disappear from the world at any time.

Looking at the direction where the man and the bird left, the figure sighed faintly, "I actually gave a psychological hint to a little guy in person. Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise I would lose face."

Such a high-inspiration wizard is really rare. Perhaps there will not be one in another hundred years.

The dream wizard couldn't sit still after all, especially when there was still a possibility of being pried away by the white bone lineage.

Although Kelan's inspiration was not bad, it was still far behind.

The figure disappeared completely, and the fallen leaves gathered together, driven by the autumn wind, fell everywhere in the commercial street.

In the core of the dark land, in the huge and deep dark tower.

The ghost light wizard was on the balcony on the third floor, overlooking the panoramic view of the entire dark land.

The autumn wind also blew her hair. She was short, with small and delicate features, fair skin, and bright white teeth.

A pair of old god eyes looked towards the direction of the lower house commercial street, flashing a bit of thought.

The corners of his mouth raised a little arc, "I didn't expect that even the dream wizard who has always been hidden has now come out in person. It's getting more and more interesting."

The eyes of the ghost light wizard gradually became deep, and his brows began to frown slightly.

"The dark training plan has been implemented. What kind of results can be produced, no one knows, but it is too important to "deep blue". Maybe I should make a move to let these two factions restrain themselves."

The difference between the Tequila Tavern and the "Ye Ye Ye" Tavern is that it is more inclined to the atmosphere of afternoon tea during the day.

The tequila tea in the mortal world is mixed with wizard wine to form a novel and flavorful special drink.

Wade closed the curtains of the private room. Although the witch array covered it, it was impossible for information to leak out. This seemed to be a long-term habit. He looked serious and didn't even drink a sip of the drink on the table.

Wang Ya was not too anxious. He sat on the chair and took a sip of the green drink on the table in front of him.

"I don't know what you want to see me for, Wizard Wade." After Wang Ya entered the Tequila Tavern, the special feeling was dissipated a lot.

The indicator task has been settled, and the corresponding rewards can be collected at the Resource Management Office.

On the table, there was a hollow long tube. Wizard Wade pushed it to Wang Ya with a serious face.

The latter was surprised. This was the reason why the other party met him. There seemed to be special paper inside.

"Wizard Kelan asked me to hand this thing to you. My task is completed, so I will go back, Wizard Wang Ya." When Wade saw Wang Ya holding the hollow long tube, the serious expression on his face was relieved a lot.

He takes everything very seriously, no matter how big or small it is.

From the time he became a wizard manager until now, it was this habit that kept him working from young to old. Perhaps this situation will change after he dies.

Wizard Wade picked up the drink on the table and left the room quickly, leaving Wang Ya a little stunned.

He didn't know how to comment.

It really came and went in a hurry!

Wang Ya couldn't help his curiosity after all, opened the hollow long tube, and pulled out a rolled yellow sheepskin scroll.

The texture is excellent, and there is no problem in using it to make medium-level witchcraft scrolls.

There is a lot of information written on it, and it is also a voucher that can go to the Wizard Bank and receive three thousand magic stones.

The most important thing is that in the lower part of the parchment, the densely packed small characters are a writing application of wizard runes, recording a special witchcraft.

Named [Dream Eyes]

Wang Ya still sold the two wizard rings and other extraordinary scattered objects, harvesting a total of two hundred magic stones.

He went to the wizard bank again and used the voucher to transfer the balance of three thousand magic stones to his wizard card.

When Wang Ya stood at the door of the Wizard Bank, his expression was still a little dazed. He had just obtained a huge sum of three thousand magic stones.

It's true!

He didn't quite understand why the Kolan wizard did this. The parchment contained the words expressed by the Kolan wizard.

Generally speaking, they feel that Wang Ya has high potential and provide certain support and help. They hope that Wang Ya can get a good ranking in the secret realm competition.

It would be best to finish in the top three and get a spot among the Sons of Darkness.

If you don't master the witchcraft on the parchment well, you can communicate with her through the wizard's mark.

After learning the [Dream Eye] witchcraft, she will give you new related witchcraft.

If it was the same investment and support as Wizard Yisi, Wang Ya would certainly not have any doubts.

The key is that this parchment has no trace of a wizard's contract at all. It's like writing an IOU without any handwriting and ink, and then throwing a lot of money at yourself.

Wang Ya, who returned to the wizard's residence, was still thinking about this matter and subconsciously fumbled for his wizard card.

In the end I just didn’t want to think about it anymore.

The magic stone is real, and witchcraft is real. He is just a new wizard, and Wizard Kelan is an extreme wizard apprentice. What can he do for him?

Since the other party's goal is to win the top three in the secret realm competition and improve his own strength, then it will be as the other party wishes.

Wang Ya decided to give up the investment and support from Yisi Wizard and accept the investment from an Extreme Wizard Apprentice, which was enough.

Accepting both would be disrespectful to both sides and would not please both sides. Rejecting earlier would be better.

He also has his own plans and arrangements, and the follow-up study of advanced witchcraft has been arranged.

Accepting the support of Wizard Yisi and bound by the wizard's contract, he is destined to learn those bone witchcrafts.

The purpose is nothing more than to promote the White Bones lineage in the secret realm competition and suppress the arrogance of the Wizarding Family Alliance.

As for joining the White Bones lineage and becoming a formal wizard, the prerequisite for all this is to win the top three in the secret realm competition.

Wang Ya walked straight into the laboratory. Harak had already rushed into the forest, teasing those poor beasts.

After checking the condition of the Dog of Gendas, he nodded secretly. The recovery status was good. The fleshy buds on his forehead formed human facial features. His huge flesh-and-blood eyeballs were attached to the wall of the warehouse, staring at the king. Asia's figure.

That kind of greedy appetite, and the gradually released mental influence, if ordinary people were here, they would have gone crazy.

The canine body can also continuously swim in the nutrient solution of the culture chamber, and there are traces of hitting the top of the head and the chamber wall, but the high-strength chamber wall cannot be shaken by the dogs of Gendas.

The mental influence released by the loss of the host, even if the thirteen Gendas dogs acted together, would not be able to shake the current Wang Ya.

On the contrary, after Wang Ya used the 'senseless deprivation' witchcraft, the flesh and blood facial features and eyeballs that were originally formed in the skull exploded and collapsed.

A large number of bloodshot cells and granulations lost their activity and slowly fell to the bottom of the nutrient solution chamber wall.

When Wang Ya saw this situation, he frowned, took out a notebook from his pocket, shook his sleeves, grabbed the fallen quill with his palm, and started writing.

Suddenly, he stopped writing, and was surprised to see that the fallen granules in the culture medium began to gradually regain their activity and regain life.

"Incredible, maybe I have discovered some characteristics, the dog of Gendas, or even one of the secrets hidden in the heart of the evil god."

Wang Ya was lost in thought while looking at the training warehouse, muttering to himself. When he came back to his senses, he immediately burst out with inspiration and started writing.

[Essay on the Dog of Gendas experiment]

[Details: A bold guess, maybe the Dog of Gendas, or the Heart of the Evil God, the reason why they are full of activity is that every piece of flesh, every trace of flesh, and even a drop of blood has its own unique extraordinary core, which can It circulates itself and forms a main body that engulfs and regenerates. 】

[Status: Unable to determine]

[Presumed experimental direction: Harak’s flesh and blood tissue can be extracted and mixed with part of the flesh and blood tissue of the Dog of Gendas to observe the fusion state of both parties and the difference in the erosion process. 】

[Tentative name; ‘Death Core’ experiment to be determined]

Wang Ya closed the record book, with a flush of excitement on his face. If it weren't for his own relevant level, it wouldn't be enough. He would like to directly try related experiments.

The unknown contained in this made him simply too curious.

With fanatical eyes, he stared at the Gendas dogs in the training warehouses. The corners of his mouth were raised in an extremely upward arc, revealing his white and neat teeth, but it was a bit sinister. ,

This gaze is so hot that people can't touch it. They can only avoid looking at it, and even their whole bodies will become hairy.

Although the Gendas dogs in the training warehouse lost their eyes again, their hidden instincts made them tremble, and they sank one after another, landing on the bottom of the training warehouse.

"It's coming, it's coming. The Eye of Truth is also constantly transforming. Maybe it won't take the four months planned, but only three months, no, two and a half months, and I will be able to dig out your hidden secrets."

Wang Ya's chest rose and fell, he took another deep breath and put the notebook back in his pocket.

He reluctantly glanced at the many Gendas dogs huddled at the bottom of the warehouse wall.

After walking out of the laboratory, Wang Ya put on a new gray wizard robe and walked towards the Dark Wizard Academy.

One of his extraordinary subjects this afternoon is energetics.

Three days later.

Bone Wizard Tower.

Wizard Deno's face was not good-looking, but he did not dare to say anything because the wizard Yisi in front of him had an even worse complexion and was staring at him with an expressionless face.

This is the second floor of the tower. There are a large number of room buildings. It is usually a place where the disciples of the White Bone lineage rest and conduct daily wizard experiments.

After the space is folded, there are even ecological environments such as wizard gardens, forest trails, running rivers, and natural biological cycles.

The Wizard Tower can be said to be the master of wizard technology. It also has a teleportation function and can be switched between different levels at any time.

The wizard tower spirit is always loyal to the master of the wizard tower, always ready for the orders and command of those with authority, and was born to serve the wizard master.

"Perhaps, the new wizard refused." Wizard Deno couldn't help but say.

After saying this, he himself couldn't believe it. When would a new wizard in the House of Commons be able to refuse an invitation from the Bone School?

It's so crazy!

It's like a destitute man who is indifferent to a house full of gold and jewelry.

Abnormal, extremely abnormal.

Wizard Yisi didn't speak, but his expression became even worse, and he frowned slightly. This leisure afternoon tea place in the garden no longer had the relaxation, only an extremely depressing atmosphere.

De Nuo's old face had accumulated wrinkles, and he said tangledly: "You can't let me read minds, so I know what that little guy is thinking."

"Perhaps he didn't sleep well last night and his mind was not clear, so he refused coldly, or he forgot."

Wizard Deno said nonsense that he didn't even believe. Looking at Wizard Yisi's frowning forehead, the corners of his eyes were twitching and he was really speechless. The first and second seats were both difficult to serve.

No wonder being the first and second rank is so weird.

"Are you playing some mute game here?" The Shoggoth wizard came over from the side of the road, holding a glass of wizard's drink in his hand. He pulled out the seat with a smile on his face, pressed it on, and drank it happily. .

"It seems that you are troubled by something, little Yisi."

The obviously younger face of Wizard Shoggoth winked at Wizard Yisi, "I think it is necessary to talk to me, the chief, to help you solve your problems."

"If it's the fighting stage after you're worried, I can help you get on top of it. It just so happens that I haven't had a fight in a long time."

The Shoggoth wizard rolled up his sleeves, clenched his fists and said loudly.

Wizard Yisi glanced at Wizard Shoggoth, moved his lips, and uttered two words, "Idiot!"

After saying that, he turned around and left without leaving a trace of cloud behind.

The Shoggoth wizard twitched his eyebrows and looked at the Deno wizard again.

Deno Wizard: "."

"Hahahaha. It made me laugh to death. It turns out that this is the case. Little Yisi is so stupid and embarrassing. It made me laugh to death. Hahaha!" The Shoggoth wizard lay on the chair and covered his stomach with laughter. .

"What, a dignified extreme wizard apprentice can fail to invite a new student from the House of Commons. This second position is such a failure and stupid, haha!"

"However, this little guy named Wang Yahalak is quite interesting." The Shoggoth wizard's smile gradually faded, and he held his chin with one hand, seeming to be thinking about something, with thoughtful eyes.

I have written it today, 14675+326 minutes. I am handicapped and can write 2,000 words an hour, so I write relatively slowly. It depends on the situation, so I can write another 6,000 words at night.

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