The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1045 Source Fire

Grimm was so cautious, how could he not be aware of the enemy's sudden attack!

With the help of the Ash Boots on his feet, Grimm flew away without hesitation as soon as he was teleported out of the red flame column. As soon as his body left the original position, the violent sword light chased over and cut the red flame column that soared into scattered and overflowing sourceless flying fire.

Grimm's flaming body stepped on the rugged pile of corpses and bones, dodging and flying on it quickly. The two gorgeous red flames behind him were like a flaming cloak, and with the help of the jet and reverse thrust of the flames, they quickly moved in the narrow and rugged space, avoiding the pursuit of the terrifying sword lights of Broken Face Garo.

If Grimm was running on his feet at this moment, then with his 12-point agility speed, even if he used all his strength, he would not be able to escape the pursuit of the swift sword light.

However, with the help of the power of witchcraft and his own mind, Grimm became more and more proficient in controlling the power of flame, and also developed a new way of moving that matched his strength attribute.

After using the power of flame to condense the lava armor on the surface of the body, Grimm can drive the flame flow to allow the violent flame energy to eject from the small and rugged holes in the armor, thereby driving the entire body to glide rapidly in an almost explosive manner.

For this reason, Grimm even ordered the chip to spend a lot of time and energy to design a new set of lava armor for himself. The biggest feature of this lava armor is not its defense, but the hollow armor interlayer and the various small holes densely covering the surface of the armor.

Grimm can completely adjust his sliding direction and angle slightly by changing the path of the flame flow and the position of the ejection holes without moving his body.

Therefore, at this moment, Grimm was like a strange fire man, with his front body always facing Broken Face Garo, and his body was spraying dozens of red flames with completely different colors, thicknesses, and strengths forward, backward, left, right, up and down.

And he himself was moving rapidly in space in a strange way that completely violated the laws of human motion. Even though the black sword light crisscrossed around his body, seemingly blocking all possible escape routes, Grimm was still not moved at all, but used a fish-like movement to shake his tail and turn several times to get rid of the pursuit of the sword light.

The violent Broken Face Garo rarely got a chance to fight Grimm "fairly", and naturally he would not give up easily. He stomped hard on the mountain of corpses, and each kick made a huge blood hole, and his body, driven by the huge recoil force, was already tracking behind the fire man at an astonishingly fast speed.

The ultimate power is everything!

Although Broken Face Garro only has 17 points of agility, with the help of 39 points of violent force, his mobility is no less than that of Mary with 37 points of agility.

It's just that in the moment of rapid turning, Mary will appear to be familiar with it, smooth and peaceful, without any fireworks. Broken Face Garro, on the other hand, is a miracle with great force, and needs a more violent burst of force to barely stop his flying figure.

Therefore, under the violent and huge force of Broken Face Garro, this huge corpse mountain nearly 20 meters high was splashed with blood, meat scraps, and all kinds of strange limbs and broken bodies flying all over the sky.

And the two third-level wizards chased and fought in such a gloomy and terrifying scene, with violent sword lights and transparent flames intertwined and madly washed each other's bodies.

As for the elemental magic machine, it was far away from a thousand meters, and it madly bombarded Broken Face Garro's body at an extreme speed of one shot every 7 seconds. Even though the opponent's body was constantly moving and running, the landing point of the magic energy ray was always accurately locked on his vest.

Although the energy intensity of 350 degrees was not enough to break the opponent's body, it could leave a small burn mark the size of a fingertip on the chest of Broken Face Garo with each strike. More importantly, each strike of the elemental magic machine was chosen at the critical moment when Broken Face Garo was chasing Grimm, causing his body, which was rushing forward, to suddenly be hit and stagger, thus losing the best attack opportunity.

One shot was a small dot, and two shots were still a small dot... But if they were fired one after another, countless small dots gathered together and became a bowl-sized scar that Broken Face Garo dared not ignore.

After all, the heart position was not Garo's original heart, but the withered heart of a dead king. If it was attacked there, although it would not cause Garo's death, it would also deplete his constantly regenerating death breath.

As a last resort, Jialuo could only sink his feet and sink deeply into the pile of flesh and blood below him, plowing a terrifying path one meter deep and two meters wide on it, barely stopping his surging figure and taking the opportunity to avoid the attack of the next magic energy ray.

However, just when Jialuo paused for a moment, Grimm, who was fleeing quickly thirty meters away, suddenly brightened his eyes, and a layer of invisible and tangible transparent flames wrapped around his body.

Jialuo, who had been bombarded by Grimm's violent fireballs for more than ten times but still had no skin or flesh damaged, suddenly shouted violently, and the violent force around his body shook, which shattered the transparent flame.

It took only two fingers from the appearance of the transparent flame to its shattering.

But when the broken-faced Jialuo staggered out of the flames, half of his body had become a little black and scorched, as if the outstanding magic resistance he was proud of just at that moment suddenly disappeared.

"This...isn't this holy light?"

In the secret room of the upper level of Keslin Castle far away in the wizard world, an old voice asked in surprise.

"It's not holy light! In my opinion, this should be the holy fire formed by him fusing a part of the power of holy light..." Another equally old voice sighed in a low voice: "This already has a hint of the taste of regular flame!"

"But his control over this regular flame is obviously not yet proficient. As long as he is not locked in position, this kind of transparent flame that relies on the guidance of the eyes and starts slowly may be difficult to hurt Jia Luo." Another crisp female voice suddenly interrupted.

"Yes, you may be right. But... Can Jia Luo still maintain the calm mentality before when he first comes into contact with the regular flame?"


Ignoring the various thoughts of these 4th-level wizards far away in the wizard world, Jia Luo, who was on the battlefield, couldn't help but panic and fear at this moment.

All along, he relied on his violent strength and amazing resistance of the undead body to be rampant. With them, even if the attack of the 3rd level elemental wizard falls on Jialuo, it can only cause insignificant damage.

But now, just like a warrior who has been hiding in thick and solid armor for a long time, the armor suddenly disappears. The heavy blow brought to him is not only physical damage, but more importantly, it breaks his psychological safety line.

Broken Face Jialuo wears an extremely rare witchcraft prop, the sun vine that can absorb light element damage.

But the transparent flame just now obviously does not belong to the category of light elements, but flame witchcraft.

And with the flame resistance of the undead body of Broken Face Jialuo, although it cannot reach the level of flame immunity, it is almost the same. How could it be possible to be burned directly through the skin by such a transparent flame with an ethereal and unpredictable power?

This... is beyond Jialuo's expectation!

It was because of his overconfidence in his magic resistance that Jialuo hesitated for half a second because of being too surprised at that moment, which allowed the transparent flame to be launched smoothly. The two seconds of burning also successfully burned away Garo's confidence, making him no longer dare to indulge the legendary fire wizard's wanton attack.

Garo, who was cautious and hesitant, no longer had the previous wild pursuit. While dodging and breaking the attacks of the fire wizard and elemental magic machinery, he strode after Grimm.

In this way, the probability of him catching up with Grimm's swift figure became increasingly lower!


Grimm was escaping quickly.

At that moment just now, he successfully triggered the new type of fire witchcraft simulated by the chip: source fire!

This is a kind of rule fire that combines the characteristics of holy light ignoring magic resistance and defense magic. Originally, he could only truly master it after he was promoted to the 4th level.

However, now with the assistance of the 4th-level Soden Holy Ring, after a complex and tedious energy characteristic conversion, there is a chance to successfully trigger it.

Unfortunately, the moment the source fire witchcraft succeeded, the heart of the fire demon in Grimm's chest instantly burned half!

After all, the Heart of the Flame Demon was a Level 2 demon heart that Grimm had transplanted when he was at a low level.

In the past years, this Heart of the Flame Demon gave Grimm endless flame energy, and also allowed him to defeat powerful enemies repeatedly. However, as Grimm improved step by step, now that he has reached the peak of Level 3, this Level 2 Heart of the Flame Demon is not only no longer his strong support, but has dragged down his strength progress in some aspects.

Just like the moment just now, the source fire witchcraft demanded violent flame energy. The instantaneous burst of flames obviously exceeded the endurance limit of the Heart of the Flame Demon, so Grimm's heart was backfired by his own power and half burned.

If Grimm's body is likened to a wooden barrel, the plank represented by the Heart of the Flame Demon has become the short board, which will drag down Grimm's powerful burst at any time. Once the flame energy surging in Grimm's body exceeds one level, while hurting the enemy, it is also damaging his substandard body.

At this moment, Grimm realized that his body really needed to be changed!

However, no matter how anxious and worried he was, that was a matter for after the war. Grimm still needed to deal with this difficult Broken Face Garo seriously.

After all, once the violent force of 39 points really hit him, no matter how many elemental shields he had, it would not be able to protect Grimm's personal safety.

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