The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1063 The Mastermind

Time stood still for a moment!

The mechanical heart jumping in Vanessa's chest was pulsing crazily and pumping out excess energy. The violent and ferocious witchcraft energy accumulated crazily in the cold and stiff metal body, reaching the limit of self-destruction almost instantly.

Vanessa's eyes were filled with unconcealed hatred and unbridled madness.

Although the plan she had worked hard to plan for more than forty years was shattered, if this hateful woman in front of her could be taken away, maybe the demonic and powerful evil wizard would be able to feel a little regret for his rash invasion of the goblin plane.

It doesn’t need to be too much, and it can’t be too much. As long as it can make that evil man feel ‘a little bit’ of regret, Vanessa will be satisfied!

Unfortunately, when the crazy light was still shining in her eyes, outside of her mental consciousness, the whole world suddenly stopped for a moment.

In fact, the world does not stand still, nor does the heaven and earth stop moving.

But what really made a difference was the speed of 'that hateful woman'!

When a person's speed suddenly increases ten or a hundred times, then in her field of vision, everything around her may be slow and sluggish.

When the level 3 mechanical heart in Vanessa's chest suddenly became violent and was about to explode, Blood Queen Mary, who was standing ten steps away in front of her, also suddenly entered a hypersensitive state.

In the hypersensitive state, everything around him suddenly becomes quiet and stagnant, and everyone and everything within the field of vision are flowing in an extremely slow and distorted form and time dimension. In this state, the originally insensitive air suddenly becomes viscous and stagnant, causing people to consume more energy when walking in it.

And the only person who can move in the entire 'Static World' is probably Mary.

Like a beautiful woman strolling in the courtyard, she slowly walked up to Vanessa with elegant and calm steps, leaned over and looked at her face that was distorted with anger, and tapped her face with her fingers. It was red and hot, emitting a dazzling red light, and it seemed to contain a chest of a miniature sun that was about to explode. Only then did a faint smile appear on his face.

The next second, a small and delicate dagger suddenly appeared in Mary's hand, and with her swift movements that were difficult to discern with the naked eye, it quickly penetrated into the tiny gap in Vanessa's metal body.

Golden daggers were flying.

Like an elegant pianist playing a beautiful piece of music, in less than 2 seconds, Mary effortlessly cut and disassembled all the metal components and connecting joints below Vanessa's neck, and used The golden dagger gently picked out the mechanical heart that was still pulsing crazily.

At this moment, Mary had just voluntarily exited the hypersensitive state.

So, in the almost unconscious mental perception of everyone, Mary suddenly appeared in front of Vanessa like a god, grabbing her head with one hand, and holding a strange metal heart with a dagger in the other hand. But Vanessa's metal body was like a pile of sand that had lost its support, crackling and scattered on the ground.


Vanessa didn't seem to notice anything unusual around her, and she was still roaring wildly. But as the long sound of the last word 'ba' dragged on for so long, the wild self-destruction she was waiting for never happened. Vanessa couldn't help but close her mouth and looked around in horror.

It was only then that she was shocked to find that her body had been scattered into indistinguishable metal parts. At this moment, all she had left was a solitary head being held up in the air.

No, no, no, apart from the head, she still has a heart, a mechanical heart with level 3 energy, which is also being held in the opponent's hand and being played with gently.

As for self-destruction, losing the support of the body and the control of consciousness, this mechanical heart, which was just acquired but not more than a year old, cannot be remotely controlled based on the degree of integration between Vanessa and it. Therefore, the mechanical heart that had almost reached the threshold of self-destruction, under Mary's almost playful slapping and foot caress, the energy inside quickly leaked out, like a tire with the valve removed, obviously shriveled up and withered.

"Little guy, how many steps have you taken as a wizard? With your strength, what tricks do you want to play in front of a high-level wizard? Hum, remember, among wizards, strength is everything. I If I don’t want you to die, then you should never want to die!” After holding up Vanessa’s head in front of her eyes and taunting her fiercely, Mary threw it far away to the wind witch Desera.

"I'll leave this little girl to you. Remember to torture her to find out everything she knows."

The wind witch Dresela took over Vanessa's remaining mechanical head, with a ferocious smile on her face, and said repeatedly: "Don't worry, Lady Mary, I will definitely destroy everything in her mind." Squeezed out!”

This time the goblin rebellion caused too much damage to the Mechanical City, and it also completely wiped out the face of the resident wizard. Therefore, if the mastermind fell into his hands, how could he spare her lightly.

Seriously, this goblin rebellion is actually more like a farce.

With the strength of the goblin clan, there is no way they can resist or get rid of the enslavement of the Crimson Family. Therefore, their breakaway plan is destined to fail and will only arouse the anger and suppression of the family's top brass.

The reason why the situation in front of us is so unbearable must be said that it also contains the responsibility of some hidden "black hands". As for who the secret 'black hand' is, everyone present knows it very well, but they just can't come up with solid evidence of the other party's involvement.

After losing Vanessa and running away those goblin dignitaries, the magical weapon war group organized by the rebels was almost instantly defeated by the Crimson Family's wizard army and was completely defeated.

At this moment, the battle situation has become so obvious that the "neutral faction" huddled in the Mechanical City finally couldn't hold it back and ran out to maintain order and attack the rebels.

For a time, flames of war were everywhere in the Mechanical City, and the combat magic weapons belonging to both sides were fighting to the death in various areas. The fight was earth-shaking.

Taking advantage of this time, Mary led the vampire troops to recapture the central witch tower.

A moment later, a huge female projection appeared in the sky above the Mechanical City. It was Mary with a sweet smile on her face.

"Citizens of Mechanical City, due to some well-known reasons, Mechanical City is about to implement a short curfew and military control. From now on, those who continue to stay on the streets will become our enemies and will be attacked by the wizard guards. Until the rebels are thoroughly cleared, all goblins must stay in their homes and expel any suspicious outsiders. If they refuse to carry out this order, they will be regarded as an accomplice of the rebels and will be attacked by the Wizard Guard. …”

With Mary's shouts and threats, the chaotic fighting on the streets quickly extinguished, and all the goblins mounted their chocobos and rushed desperately to their homes. And in this way, the outsiders mixed in will undoubtedly become extremely eye-catching.

More than thirty vampire wizards floating with bat wings flying above the Mechanical City saw this and didn't know that they were their targets. They pursed their lips and screamed before diving down.

A new battle soon breaks out!

In the central witch tower of the Mechanical City, Mary was also silently waiting for news about the wind witch Desera.

Soon, Desera and Goblin Kirby walked in with solemn expressions.

"How's it going? What kind of gains have you gotten?" Mary asked.

"Lady Mary, although there is no direct evidence, the memory fragments extracted from Vanessa's soul show that that guy did participate in this goblin rebellion. And the second-generation magical machines that appeared in large numbers in the rebels were sent by that guy Reinforcements are coming!" Desera said through gritted teeth.

"Moreover, we captured several more leaders of the goblin rebels and found that they all showed signs of being invaded by psychic powers..." Goblin Kirby also added next to him.

Mary tapped her slender fingers on the table, narrowed her scarlet eyes and thought seriously, and finally spoke.

"Purpose? Who can tell, its purpose? To overthrow the rule of the Crimson Family by relying on these ineffective goblin rebels? I think that guy shouldn't be so retarded! Then it is so troublesome to get together with these goblin rebels. What does it want to do? Isn’t it afraid of annoying Greem and settling the score with it?”

"Sir..." Desera hesitated, and finally told the truth: "I just checked the inventory. The other losses in the Central Witch Tower are not heavy, but...but the sixty tons of Quilas alloy in inventory... …But it’s gone!”

Mary's fingers suddenly froze in mid-air.

As a real high-ranking member of the Crimson Family, she knew very well that these Quiras alloys were the core resource for the family to build the magical furnace. And every magic furnace means a floating giant ship or a group of high-level magic machines.

And their significance to the Crimson Family is undoubtedly huge!

"Okay, very good... It seems that that guy is determined to tease the family's psychological bottom line. Okay, great, I want to see how far it wants to take things!"

Under the full suppression of the vampire wizard, the rebels in the Mechanical City were quickly eliminated.

At the same time, the wind witch Dresela also took the opportunity to clean up a group of die-hards and conservatives in the goblin camp, and once again firmly controlled the powerful magical weapons of the entire Mechanical City.

Mary, on the other hand, left Thoros and the vampire troops in Mechanical City, temporarily holding down the situation for Desera. As for herself, she turned around and returned to the wizarding world, and quickly found Grim at the Throne of Fire.

How the two parties interact and communicate is naturally unknown to outsiders.

However, after Mary, in a rage, revealed the news to Grim, there was no more news.

After leaving the Throne of Fire, Mary returned to the Crimson Family's new headquarters, the Witch Tower, and never mentioned the matter again. Greem, on the other hand, was still hiding deep inside the Flame Throne, unable to get out even an inch.

After the entire family cleaned up the rebellion, there was no follow-up action. It seemed that they had no intention of pursuing the mastermind behind the rebellion.

So, time passed like this day by day...

Fastest update ww.

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