The Wizarding Age

Chapter 0102 Threat

As the energy room of the wizard tower, the second underground floor is also a vast and boundless space.

The collapse of the superstructure also brought unimaginable damage to the bottom layer. Four of the five element pools have been directly destroyed by the most violent self-explosion. The only remaining element pool was obviously also affected. The magic elements that should have been balanced in it were offset, and most of them were plant particles.

Each element pool is a huge pool, and the edges of the pool walls are etched with various witchcraft runes and magic lines. The energy-gathering magic array at the bottom of the pool is constantly absorbing magic elements from the nearby void and injecting them into the pool.

The other four element pools have collapsed, and the rubble from the top wall has filled the pool. The remaining magic arrays can no longer see the fluorescence emitted by the magic energy when it is running. Although the remaining element pool is still barely running, a huge crack running through the pool wall can also be seen.

Elemental water was gushing out from it and constantly diffusing into the surrounding air.

These dissipated magical energies were obviously mostly plant energy, so the entire underground second floor was filled with an indescribable plant fragrance.

And in this remaining element pool, a huge ancient tree with thick and sturdy roots and a trunk as thick as five people was taking root in it, filling every inch of the space inside with its tangled, vigorous and twisted roots. At the top of the ancient tree was a huge flower house surrounded by a large cluster of pink petals. The soft and fragrant stamens inside built a warm and sweet little bed, and the sweet and greasy flower fragrance was intoxicating.

Of course, this thing that looks like a tall ancient tree is not a tree, but the body of the terrifying flower spirit, the originally petite and delicate human-faced flower. It was only because it swallowed a large number of plant magic elements in succession that it grew uncontrollably into its current appearance.

Seriously speaking, even the most knowledgeable wizards would find it difficult to identify its species based on its current appearance. After all, there are only a few monsters that can occupy an elemental pool by themselves!

Rushing in here, seeing that the huge main body that almost occupied 15 underground spaces did not encounter any accidents, the flower spirit breathed a sigh of relief. But when it communicated with the sleeping consciousness of the main body, it suddenly screamed and roared.

Its voice was sharp and piercing, just like the voices of a man and a woman superimposed together, noisy and unpleasant.

"You damn bastard, get out! What did you do to my main body?"

As the flower spirit waved her slender hands, a large group of green acid arrows shot out, aiming directly at an inconspicuous rock on the edge of the distant wall.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I'm out..." With a panicked and shrill cry, Kirby's short green figure rolled out from the rock shadow.

The powerful acid arrows penetrated the rock disguised by the gray cloak and hit the hard wall. After a burst of acid corrosion, a large area of ​​the wall softened like hot wax and flowed down, revealing the rune lines etched inside the wall.

Frightened by the power of the acid arrow, Kirby jumped and waved the short wooden stick in his hand, threatening loudly: "Don't do it again, otherwise I will immediately detonate the alchemical bomb in the element pool!"

"Alchemical bomb?!" Hua Ling stopped his movements and asked in confusion.

In its mind, everything that had happened in the past half day quickly flowed into its brain from the main body. After breaking into this place, this damn goblin in front of him had searched in various hidden places for a long time, and then climbed up the element pool and threw a lot of strange cylinders shaped like scrolls into it. And the various parts of the main body's torso were also stuffed with a lot of cylinders by this guy.

Hua Ling's delicate and white little hand spread out, and the roots of the main body rolled up a cylinder and sent it to its hand.

What is this?

Hua Ling looked at it over and over for a long time in confusion, but could not figure out the specific purpose of the cylinder. There was no identifiable magic pattern etched on it, nor was there any elemental crystal used as an energy source. What kind of harm could such a thing cause?

Just as Hua Ling was full of doubts and wanted to capture the goblin, Kirby raised the short wooden stick in his hand and shouted sharply: "Explode!"

The next moment, under Hua Ling's incredible gaze, the cylinder in his hand exploded instantly.

The huge fireball instantly engulfed Hua Ling's upper body, and the violent air wave ripples blew away the sand and gravel where it stood, raising a small mushroom-shaped dust column. When the smoke and fireball gradually dissipated, Hua Ling's blackened body was revealed.

However, as a green halo swept over, Hua Ling's face became soft and fair again, and there was no damage to her body.

Hua Ling gritted his teeth and crushed the half-broken iron pipe in his hand, intending to crush the bastard goblin to death. But just as he was about to move, the goblin Kirby's short wooden stick suddenly pointed to the element pool.

"Don't move! If you dare to move, I will immediately detonate the alchemical bomb there!"

Although Kirby's threat was simple, Hua Ling's face changed instantly.

The explosion just now was not very powerful. It was beyond the ability of an ant to kill a powerful wizard-level monster with it, but it was more than enough to use it to blow up the element pool.

This elemental pool has long been broken to the point where it will fall apart if it is touched slightly. Even if the flower spirit grows in it, it must be careful, for fear of breaking the pool wall and destroying the energy source that brings it the greatest hope.

There is no need for too many alchemical bombs, just one or two may cause irreversible and huge damage to the elemental pool, which is equivalent to cutting off the possibility of the flower spirit to continue to become stronger. So the flower spirit screamed in fear, but did not dare to move forward half a step.

"Please don't destroy my home?" The flower spirit pleaded in a low voice with tears in her eyes: "I am willing to pay any price for this."

At this moment, the flower spirit, the sweet voice of a delicate woman, coupled with its beautiful and ethereal face, can give all male creatures in the world a feeling of intoxication that they are pitiful.

Perhaps living with such a flower spirit is also a good choice. From then on, he will no longer be a green-skinned goblin that others look down on, but...

Before Kirby's fantasy of a beautiful life began, Grimm's cold and angry snort sounded in his mind. Kirby shuddered, and then he remembered the magic collar on his neck and the magic contract on his body.

"Ugly woman, don't try to seduce your uncle Kirby. If you don't listen to me, I will immediately detonate all the alchemical bombs!" After being warned by his master in disguise, Kirby jumped three feet high and waved his fist angrily at Hua Ling.

My goodness, in front of him is a wizard-level monster Hua Ling! If it were in normal times, such a terrible monster could kill him with just one finger. But now he can only swallow his anger and flatter himself. This indescribable comfort is even more pleasant than ten goblin sisters giving him a massage.

This tiny green-skinned goblin is usually used as food for Hua Ling, and Hua Ling dislikes its blood and flesh, which is sour and smelly, and it makes his teeth ache when he eats it. But now he has the power and he can make orders, and he actually shouts at it like this.

The face of the flower spirit first turned red, then blue, and finally black as the bottom of a pot.

But it was a monster, so it didn't have the moral integrity and dignity that humans care about. It immediately changed its face and smiled.

"Since you have ventured into this place, you must be here for the treasures buried in the ruins, right? Don't bother, I have cleaned it up before, and some good treasures are here!"

With the sweet laughter of the flower spirit, the tall and sturdy trunk of the human-faced flower that looked like an ancient tree trembled slightly, and the fragrant little bed in the flower petal boudoir slightly moved to the left and right, revealing the piles of magic gems and witchcraft materials inside.

Damn it, no wonder all the treasure houses and secret rooms were empty along the way, it turned out that they were all moved here by this flower spirit!

As soon as the eyes of the goblin Kirby fell on those glittering gems, gold coins, mithril, diamonds, and crystal marrow, they could no longer move away. Countless greedy Kirbys in its heart were screaming desperately.

Mine... mine... all mine!

The deafening howl of the soul shook Kirby's heart, making it intoxicated and intoxicated, and he didn't notice the gleam of brilliance in the flower spirit's eyes.

"Go to hell, damn goblin!" The flower spirit's voice suddenly changed from a delicate female voice to a rough and heroic male voice, roaring angrily.

At the moment when the flower spirit changed its face, countless thick and strong roots broke out of the broken sand and rubble in front of and behind Kirby, and stabbed him frantically from all angles.

With such a speed and suddenness, Kirby, who was caught off guard, didn't even have time to react. He could only watch countless root tentacles with metallic luster flashing at the tips piercing his body.


Countless sharp sounds of breaking through the air quickly passed by his side, and the sharp wind brought by the sharp root tentacles blew on his body and face, and he could feel the sharp pain like a knife cutting. Kirby, who was about to close his eyes and wait for death, suddenly felt like he was flying in the clouds. He actually rushed left and right in the crisscrossing tentacles, and avoided the opponent's thrusts by a hair's breadth every time.

Kirby looked back suddenly and found that the beautiful face of Mistress Mary was beside him, and she was grabbing its body and rushing left and right in the root jungle, dodging it with great difficulty!

"Stupid, why don't you threaten it to stop!" Seeing that the stupid goblin had not yet woken up, Mary wanted to throw it into the root jungle with a flick of her hand.

"Oh oh oh..." Kirby, the goblin who had just woken up, turned his face and pointed at the giant tree in the distance.

With a bang, a ball of fire exploded in the middle of the trunk of the huge human-faced flower, and a piece of epidermis the size of a washbasin was blown up, and gurgling sticky green liquid gushed out.

"You won't stop? If you don't stop, I will explode continuously!" Kirby, the goblin, screamed loudly.

Hua Ling finally stopped attacking in anger. chapter;

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