The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1079 Item Exchange

The focusing crystal amplifies spiritual power.

Although this was a bit unexpected, it also made Greem ecstatic.

After advancing to level 4, the threshold that limits his mental power has been raised to 49 points. At least for the past thousand years, he didn't have to worry about the problem of not being able to improve his mental power.

However, corresponding to this, the speed of spiritual power improvement is extremely slow!

Even with the assistance of the chip, after several years of hard meditation, the mental power improved is not even 0 or 1 point. In the foreseeable future, if Greem wants to get rid of the primary stage of Level 4, I am afraid that it will be impossible without two to three hundred years of hard work.

Only then did he fully understand why so many of the fourth-level wizards in Sandi Tallin were still in the primary stage after so many years. Either the potential has been exhausted, or the meditation technique has lost its effect, otherwise, they will never let this situation exist for a long time!

Therefore, when the progress of mental power is slow, if we can use external objects to amplify the effect of every point of mental power. Isn't that also a disguised enhancement?

After realizing this, Greem immediately started studying this focusing crystal.

First of all, it is not a natural creation, but a biological crystal naturally bred by star people during millions of years of wandering evolution. This also means that Focusing Crystals can only be harvested from star citizens and cannot be found in the outside world.

Secondly, each focusing crystal has its own amplification frequency and spectral band.

In other words, the focusing crystal captured by Greem has its upper limit when it comes to amplifying mental power.

It was taken from the body of a third-level elementary star citizen, so the limit of the mental power it can amplify is that of a third-level elementary person. If you use this crystal with Greem's level 4 mental power, there is no problem in limiting the power to level 3 or below. Once the spiritual power injected exceeds the carrying limit of the crystal, it will instantly disintegrate and shatter.

Therefore, if Greem really wants the Focusing Crystal to help him, he may need to do everything possible to kill those fourth-level star citizens, and the higher the level of the star people he kills, the better.

And this is obviously difficult to do!

Ever since he discovered the function and limitations of focusing crystals, Greem's mood has been like riding a roller coaster, with ups and downs, ups and downs, ecstasy at first, disappointment, and then a little unwillingness.

Could it be that this focusing crystal can only be used on those level 3 wizards?

With full of unwillingness, Greem directly gave the order to Chip.

"Chip, search for ways and means to strengthen this crystal. Also, search for any other wizards who have discovered the special use of this focusing crystal?"

"Hey, the task has been created and the data is being retrieved."

"Hey, the magnifying effect of focusing crystal on mental power has long been recorded in wizard books. However, according to records, wizards cannot directly apply this ability."


"Because Focusing Crystal is a biological crystal. During the process of growth and gestation, the mental band and frequency of the host have been solidified. Even if other creatures obtain them, they cannot directly use them."

"You mean, the reason why I succeeded last time was because you changed my mental band and frequency to overlap with the natural frequency of the crystal?"


Greem couldn't help but ponder.

It's no wonder that when the wizards harvest the bodies of the stars, they pay more attention to protecting their anti-magic skin, but they don't care much about these focusing crystals. After all, not every wizard can adjust and change his or her mental frequency at will with the help of a chip like Greem.

In this way, if I put out the word to collect these crystals, I might actually have a chance to exchange one or two focus crystals for my own use from the hands of those powerful wizards.

Just because I can't kill those level 4 star citizens, it doesn't mean that those great wizards can't.

Anyway, the focusing crystals don't play any role in their hands. If they can exchange them for some useful resources, they will be very happy.

However, if such news is released, it can easily cause unnecessary trouble for oneself.

Those powerful wizards are not stupid. If they find themselves eager to collect energy-gathering crystals, they will naturally think that they have the means to use them. At that time, if some great wizards came to visit me, I'm afraid I would be in big trouble!

Thinking of this, Greem hesitated for a moment and then contacted the Martin wizard.

After a few moments, the witchcraft message was answered.

"Glim, your portion has been sorted out. I will send someone to deliver it to you right now."

"Don't worry yet, Martin. I'll give you my share, but I want you to post a purchasing task for me."

"What do you want to buy?"

"I want to buy a light blue crystal like that found in the bodies of Tier 4 star citizens. The higher the quality, the better!"

"Hey, have you noticed the strange effects of those crystals? Let me tell you, that kind of thing is only suitable for star citizens, and we wizards can't use it. It's a sheer waste of resources for you to collect them."

"Do me a favor! I always feel that there are some secrets in them, and I need a higher-level one for experimentation."

"Okay, okay, but although they are not suitable for use by wizards, they are still Class 4 items. Therefore, the price you need to pay is not small. Moreover, Class 4 crystals are probably only in the hands of those great wizards. If you use When it comes to acquiring magic crystals, they won't even look at you. In the Exodar camp, most items of level 4 and above are available in exchange for items. It may be difficult to obtain level 4 crystals!”

Level 4 items are also things that even great wizards will be interested in!

Greem thought slowly and finally spoke.

"I also have a well-preserved skeleton of a fourth-level paladin from another world."

"Level 4 knight skeletons? That's not valuable, at least in the eyes of the great wizards. The great wizards have killed many level 4 creatures. If your paladin is alive, maybe the great wizards will feel something. Interested, if it’s just a wreck, hehe.”

"I've got some powerful magic spirits!"

"The powerful magic spirit is amazing and can only be regarded as a level 3 item."

"The materials they use are somewhat special. After taking a certain amount, ordinary people can also have elemental affinity abilities."

"What? How is this possible? Has the effect been verified?"



It seemed that the news was a bit shocking, and it took a long time for Wizard Martin to receive another message.

"Greem, I have already released the news about you, and now there is a great wizard who wants to talk to you. I" Before Martin could finish his words, his witchcraft message was cut off by another strange voice. .

Judging from the voice, it seemed to be the wizard Sainz.

"Little guy, why did I hear Martin say that you have some strange things in your hands? Can those powerful magic spirits really give ordinary people magical powers?"

"Yes, Master Sainz. The method I use to refine this batch of powerful magic essence is a little different from other wizards, so it also has a slightly different effect. If it is an ordinary person, take 10 Days, 50 grams per day can give it the ability to gain elemental affinity.”

"Okay, okay, great." On the other end of the witchcraft message, the Sainz wizard was obviously happy and a little incoherent: "Tell me, how do you trade your powerful magic essence? I will offer five million magic essence. , this price is okay, right?”

"Um, Lord Sainz, I actually want to use them to purchase a suitable Star Citizen crystal!"

"Why are you collecting those things? Many wizards have tried it. Those crystals have been completely solidified by the star people. Except for themselves, wizards cannot use them at all."

"I want to study the principle of its change and see if I can cultivate some focusing crystals artificially."

"Hmph, I don't care what you want to use them for? Prepare those powerful magic spirits for me, and I'll be there as soon as I go. Do you know who among the old guys in the Exodar camp has that kind of focusing crystal? Everything is clear. If after the exchange I find that those magic spirits do not have the effect you said, boy, you will be in big trouble."

After the great wizard Sainz cut off the witchcraft connection, Martin's voice reached Grim's ears again.

"Congratulations, Grim. You have found a good buyer for your goods this time!"

"Why is Lord Sainz so eager to get these powerful magic spirits? Is it possible?"

"Hey, that goes without saying. Lord Sainz has left the wizarding world for 1,300 years, and his bloodline that once stayed in Sandtallin has declined in disgrace. Although there is the Sandtallin Association to take care of him, his bloodline descendants It won’t break the inheritance, but in the past three hundred years, there has been no more wizard among his descendants.”

"According to this trend, if no wizard is born in another hundred years, the identity of this wizard family will be cancelled, and they will be reduced to ordinary secular dignitaries. Lord Sainz has resources and magic crystals in his hands, but there is no one in the family. He can't even find a wizard apprentice, do you think he is in a hurry?"

Grim couldn't help but take a breath of air.

This is actually the truth behind the ups and downs of many wizard families in the wizarding world!

Although there is a great wizard ancestor outside the territory who takes care of him, the family's development in all aspects will not be too bad. However, the continuation of the family bloodline will degrade from generation to generation as time goes by, until it becomes an ordinary family again.

This phenomenon of weakening and degenerating blood vessels is also an unsolvable problem!

After all, the fertility rate of wizards decreases rapidly as the level increases.

Regardless of whether they are wizards or wizards, too strong life energy is very detrimental to the birth of offspring.

If one party is too weak, the terrifying radiation brought by the life essence of the other party is enough to kill all unqualified fertilized eggs. If both parties are strong, the life essence itself will inherit the strength of their bodies, and it is easy to treat the other party's life matter as an enemy, and then start a desperate fight for control of life.

And these instincts are obviously not controlled by the wizard himself!

Therefore, wizards can only rely on extraordinary luck to give birth to offspring!

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