The Wizarding Age

Chapter 1088 Arcane Guard Tower

A huge arcane tower flying in the sky!

This is almost unimaginable in the wizard world.

A standard small wizard tower usually has 5-7 floors above ground and 2 floors underground. The height of each floor is about 8 meters. If there is a special need, it can even be expanded to 25 meters.

The whole body of the wizard tower is made of special stone materials, and it is reinforced with wizard runes. Many core positions also use wizard resources such as refined gold, silver, and magic gems. If the necessary wizard puppets and magic structures are added, the weight of a small wizard tower is almost more than 400 tons.

To lift such a heavy behemoth into the sky, and to be able to fly and adjust the posture freely, the difficulty is so great that it is staggering just to think about it.

However, at this moment, such a miracle is presented in front of Grimm and others, and they can't help but believe it.

The arcane tower flying in the sky at this time obviously has a completely different appearance from the previous one.

A wide and flat stone base, a disc-shaped silver-white tower that slowly rises, and a brilliant arcane halo lingering outside the tower... This is obviously a small guard tower specially used for aerial combat.

Unlike ordinary arcane towers, it abandons most of the living and research facilities, and adds a large number of thunder towers, flame towers, storm towers and tidal towers. These strange element towers, which are generally only one meter in diameter and more than five meters high, are almost everywhere in the guard tower.

Whenever the arcane halo is transmitted from the tower base to the upper layer, these element towers will overflow with dazzling and blinding elemental brilliance.

The guard tower was still hovering over a quiet and remote canyon, and was using the strange light wave to scan and sense everything inside, when a faint magic wave suddenly came from a dense forest ten miles away.

Just like a hound that suddenly smelled blood, the arcane brilliance of the guard tower shone, dragging a brilliant light band, and quickly flew to the location where the magic fluctuations came from.

On the second floor of the guard tower, the arcanist responsible for detection and scanning skillfully activated the arcane crystal and began to sense and explore the source of the strange fluctuations.

In his subconscious, he still thought that this sudden fluctuation must be the aftermath of some magical beasts fighting. But when the arcane crystal was activated, a huge blood-red light spot suddenly jumped out and occupied all his vision.

"Enemy attack..."

The arcanist's terrified roar instantly spread throughout the guard tower. The next second, the arcane barrier on the surface of the guard tower immediately thickened by more than three times.

The defense of the guard tower had just reached the highest level, and a tall humanoid wrapped in a strange metal structure crashed into the arcane barrier.

A dull thump.

The guard tower was shaking wildly and spinning backwards.

A human-shaped pit appeared on the five-meter-thick translucent arcane barrier, and the bottom of the pit was full of dense spider-web-like cracks. Pieces of broken arcane light peeled off the barrier, drifting away and slowly melting.

The astral construct where Holly was hiding was also falling rapidly, and Holly was also dizzy from the wild collision just now, with golden stars flashing in front of his eyes.

Just as the guard tower and the astral construct were thrown left and right, the small element towers on the surface of the guard tower instantly began to charge, filling it with the four elements of magic energy: earth, fire, water and wind.

The next second, even though it was still flying back, countless lightning bolts, flying energy fireballs, huge rocks, and groups of icy air instantly wrapped around the astral construct, turning into a violent and ferocious arcane torrent that repeatedly washed every part of the opponent's body.

The astral construct controlled by the Holly wizard was also melting rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye...

This is also a major feature of the arcane masters' attacks!

They don't like to chant spells like wizards, using powerful high-level witchcraft to defeat or kill the opponent, but prefer to use a large number of small arcane complexes to stack up and break the opponent's basic defense with overall damage.

Although this attack method is not gorgeous enough, it is terrifying enough!

After all, the guard tower is densely covered with hundreds of elemental towers, and the arcane torrent exerted by the power of all elemental towers is definitely not something that ordinary people can take on.

Seeing this, the wizard Holly was slightly startled. While desperately sending a distress signal to Grimm through mental messages, he quickly dodged in the air to avoid the opponent's intensive attacks from a distance.

As the wizard Holly raised his metal hand, bright starlight fell from the sky and quickly merged into the astral structure. The astral structure that had just been washed away became thick and dense again.

Just as the guard tower initially stabilized its body and was about to continue to chase the astral structure, there was a bang, and a series of blazing fireballs exploded on the guard tower.

The violent flame shock wave washed the guard tower to the left and right, and it was almost difficult to stabilize its body. Seven or eight arcane guards surrounding the guard tower were caught in the sea of ​​fire, and were blown to pieces and turned into countless broken parts that fell from the sky like raindrops.

"Enemy attack...Enemy attack...Second target found!"

The tower spirits on guard quickly locked onto the newly emerged enemy and presented both of them to all the arcanists in the tower at the same time.

At some point, a huge flame giant suddenly stood up in the dense forest below.

It was it just now. While the guard tower and the astral construct were fighting each other, it threw a series of fireballs from the side, blasting the guard tower into a charred state, with flames shooting into the sky.

"Damn, that wizard team is really here... Hurry up and notify the 27th and 35th guard towers to come over!" Seeing the two terrible wizards appearing one after another, the 4th ring arcanist in charge of the 22nd guard tower couldn't help but roar loudly.

"The message has been sent, they are on the way. The estimated arrival time is 127 nacuo..."

Nacuo is also a time unit publicly disclosed by the Arcane Empire, which is approximately equal to 32 minutes!

Hearing the answer from his subordinates, the 4th ring arcanist finally showed a hint of joy on his face.

Although the enemy is powerful, they have the protection of a solid guard tower, and there should be no problem in sticking to 127 nacuo. Therefore, at this moment, the 4th-ring arcanist was not considering whether the guard tower could be defended, but whether he could entangle the enemy here and wait for his companions to arrive.

After quickly examining the two wizards who appeared, the 4th-ring arcanist chose the tall flame giant as the breakthrough point of this battle without hesitation.

The astral construct can summon starlight to replenish its own material losses. It is not easy to defeat such an enemy. Although the flame giant is more than ten meters tall and stands proudly in the dense forest, the crowns of tall ancient trees can only reach its waist.

But the 4th-ring arcanist has no fear of such a behemoth.

Elemental body, huge body, such means are not unique to wizards, and almost any high-level spellcaster can master them. But in a real battle of the same level, few people do this.

The only reason is that, although the giant body looks majestic and destructive, if there is no huge amount of elemental energy to fill it, it will be like a puffed cotton candy, which will burst with a poke and will not scare people at all.

Moreover, its own defense is diluted due to the sudden increase in size, so it becomes full of flaws and loopholes.

Using such means to oppress the natives of the plane may be effective, but it seems a bit arrogant to use it against the 4th-ring arcanist with the protection of the guard tower!

Instantly treating the opponent as a battlefield rookie, the 4th-ring arcanist controlled the guard tower with a grim smile and rushed towards the flame giant. The arcane guards outside the tower body rushed towards the astral construct frantically, intending to entangle the opponent in place.

Obviously, the 4th-ring arcanist came with the attitude of defeating each one and choosing the weak to devour!

Grimm was perched high in the forest.

His tall flaming body was surrounded by sky-high flames, and high-temperature flames were swirling all over his body. From the moment he rose from the ground, the forest within a thousand meters around him had been ignited and quickly turned into a burning sea of ​​fire.

Fire borrows fire, fire helps fire power!

All the materials within sight are burning rapidly...

And inside the broad and solid chest of the tall flame giant, a strange heart of law is pulsating strongly and regularly. Every time it contracts, it will spew out a golden flame with an astonishingly high temperature, and wherever the golden flame goes, it will leave golden flame vortices in various core parts of the flame giant's body.

These golden flame vortices are small element channels that are directly connected to the fire element plane, from which they can draw a steady stream of flame energy to replenish their own energy loss. In this way, nearly a hundred element channels all over the body replenish the flame energy at the same time, so that Grimm will no longer be short of fire elements!

Looking at the approaching guard tower in the distance, Grimm's huge flame face showed a human smile. He raised his left hand and condensed a huge lava shield. He raised his right hand and condensed the fire coral wizard staff.

The former is naturally a witchcraft creation, while the latter is a half-real and half-virtual energy wizard weapon.

This is also a way of using wizard weapons that Grimm has recently explored.

After all, most wizard weapons are mainly based on the human form of wizards when they are forged. Once they are elementalized and giantized, the original wizard weapon becomes a bean sprout, and it is difficult to pinch it with fingertips.

However, as long as these wizard weapons are placed in the giant elemental body and the continuous flame energy is poured into it, they can be condensed into an energy wizard weapon of equal size according to their witchcraft characteristics.

And as Grimm's Heart of Law is fully operational, equipment such as the flame suit and the Soden Holy Ring also began to appear one by one on his giant body.

Looking up at the approaching guard tower, Grimm smiled and raised the Fire Coral Wizard Staff in his hand. A huge meteorite fell from the sky and smashed into the opponent along a strange arc route...

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